Shows timestamp and whisper-link on mouseover of message sender
Original Author: Ventero
Original Host:
Created: "06/04/09"
Updated: 06/04/13
Total installs on original host as of 06/03/16: 4,043
Working Status: Unknown/Partially Obsolete
Dev notes:
Shows timestamp and a whisper-link when you mouseover the sender of a message
Version: 1.2.2
Please install the latest version of my framework-script in order to make this script work!
The script also adds a /timeformat-command. Usage: /timeformat 12 or /timeformat 24.
Changes the displayed time to the according format (hh:mm:ss AM/PM or hh:mm:ss)
Check the screenshots to see how it looks like.
Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Ventero, licensed under MIT/X11 license.
Version 1.2.2: Fix for async JS loading
Version 1.2.1: Work around bug in Tampermonkey
Version 1.2.0: Fix for FF4rc1
Version 1.1.2: Minor code cleanup
Version 1.1.1: Style fix (broke due to Kong update)
Version 1.1.0: Fixed a small issue caused by Kong's new chat messaging features.
Version 1.0.2: Last update broke the "Private Message"-link
Version 1.0.1: Implemented the functionality of my new framework script and fixed a very small bug which only showed up when you switched rooms a lot.
Version 1.0: Added auto-updater and fixed some minor bugs.
Version 0.7: Added Chrome 4-support, requires the new version of my framework-script
Version 0.6: Added Chrome 3-support