View Search Results by list automatically & Sorts search results by item price properly with shipping costs included, Lets you search your wishlish, Shows related wishlist items in search and item pages, Adds search default options.
// ==UserScript== // @name Aliexpress Plus Fixed and more... // @namespace Mikhoul // @description View Search Results by list automatically & Sorts search results by item price properly with shipping costs included, Lets you search your wishlish, Shows related wishlist items in search and item pages, Adds search default options. // @include http*://** // @include http*://** // @include http*://** // @require // @require // @require // @version 1.7.2 // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_log // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== /*- The @grant directive is needed to work around a design change introduced in GM 1.0. It restores the sandbox. */ waitForKeyElements ("#view-list", triggerMostButtons); /* Choose List View */ function triggerMostButtons (jNode) { triggerMouseEvent (jNode[0], "mouseover"); triggerMouseEvent (jNode[0], "mousedown"); triggerMouseEvent (jNode[0], "mouseup"); triggerMouseEvent (jNode[0], "click"); } function triggerMouseEvent (node, eventType) { var clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); clickEvent.initEvent (eventType, true, true); node.dispatchEvent (clickEvent); } if ( != window.self) return; var orders = new Array(); var cstoken = ''; var doneLoading = 0; var currentPage = 1; var ListingRanks = new Array(); var ListingsRows = []; var price = /\$([\d\,]*.\d\d)/; var searchel = document.getElementById('form-search') || document.getElementById('form-searchbar'); var uls; var args = { SortType : ["price_asc", "price_dsc"], groupsort : ["0", "1"], CatId : ["0"], ltype : ["wholesale"], isUnitPrice : ["y", "n"], minQuantity : ["", "0", "1", "2", "5", "10", "20", "50", "100", "200"], maxQuantity : ["", "0", "1", "2", "5", "10", "20", "50", "100", "200"], isFreeShip : ["", "y", "n"] }; var frame = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(frame); var fields = { 'Mode' : { 'label' : 'Wishlist Search Mode', 'type' : 'select', 'options' : ['Relative', 'Contains Text', 'Exact'], 'default' : 'Contains Text' } }; if (searchel) { getsrcvars(); } GM_config.init({ 'id' : 'GM_config', 'fields' : fields, 'frame' : frame }); if (searchel) { for (key in args) { //if(document.getElementsByName(key)[0] != undefined){ // document.getElementsByName(key)[0].value = GM_config.get(key); //} //else{ var extras = document.createElement('input'); extras.type = 'hidden'; = key; extras.value = GM_config.get(key); searchel.appendChild(extras); //} } try { uls = document.getElementById('list-items') || document.getElementById('hs-below-list-items') || document.getElementById('hs-list-items'); } catch (e) {} FindAllRows(); } GM_registerMenuCommand('Aliexpress Plus Options', opengmcf); function getsrcvars() { for (key in args) { fields[key] = { 'label' : key, 'type' : 'select', 'options' : args[key], 'default' : args[key][0] }; } } function opengmcf() {; } function grabOrders(doc) { var tags = doc.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0].getElementsByTagName('tr'); for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { var oblink; var obprice; var ob; try { ob = tags[i].getElementsByClassName('main-info-hd')[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; oblink = ob.href; obprice = tags[i].getElementsByClassName('price price-m')[0].getElementsByClassName('value')[0].textContent.replace(/\s+/g, "").replace("$", ""); //obprice = obprice.substring(obprice.indexOf('$') + 1); //obprice = obprice.substring(0, obprice.indexOf('/') - 1); obtitle = ob.innerHTML; } catch (e) {} if (oblink) { orders.push({ title : obtitle, price : obprice, href : oblink, el : escape(tags[i].innerHTML.toString().replace("img-src", "src").replace("image-src", "src").replace(/<null[^>]/g, "<img ")) }); } } tags = doc.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { if (tags[i].name.startsWith('_csrf_token')) { cstoken = tags[i].value; break; } } } function loadAPage() { var parameters = "_csrf_token=" + cstoken + "&page=" + currentPage;'POST', 'wish_list_product_list.htm?rand=' + Math.random(), true); page_request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); page_request.send(parameters); } (function () { var default_floor = 0.5; function pairs(str) { var pairs = [], length = str.length - 1, pair; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { pair = str.substr(i, 2); if (!/\s/.test(pair)) { pairs.push(pair); } } return pairs; } function similarity(pairs1, pairs2) { var union = pairs1.length + pairs2.length, hits = 0; for (var i = 0; i < pairs1.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < pairs1.length; j++) { if (pairs1[i] == pairs2[j]) { pairs2.splice(j--, 1); hits++; break; } } } return 2 * hits / union || 0; } String.prototype.fuzzy = function (strings, floor) { var str1 = this, pairs1 = pairs(this); floor = typeof floor == 'number' ? floor : default_floor; if (typeof(strings) == 'string') { return str1.length > 1 && strings.length > 1 && similarity(pairs1, pairs(strings)) >= floor || str1 == strings; } else if (strings instanceof Array) { var scores = {}; (str2) { scores[str2] = str1.length > 1 ? similarity(pairs1, pairs(str2)) : 1 * (str1 == str2); }); return strings.filter(function (str) { return scores[str] >= floor; }).sort(function (a, b) { return scores[b] - scores[a]; }); } }; })(); function lookup(arr) { var newarr = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { newarr.push(arr[i].title); } return newarr; } function searchfunc(q, similarity) { var qval = q.fuzzy(ulist, similarity); if (qval.length > 0) { return qval; } else { return false; } } function searchin(q) { var qval = []; for (var i = 0; i < ulist.length; i++) { if (ulist[i].indexOf(q) != -1) { qval.push(i); } } if (qval.length > 0) { return qval; } else { return false; } } function search(mode = '', rel = 0.7) { var q = document.getElementById('q').value.toLowerCase(); if (mode == '') { mode = GM_config.get('Mode'); } if (!window.orders) { //window.orders = wishdata; window.orders = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('qh').value); document.getElementById('qh').value = ""; } if (!window.ulist) { //window.ulist = lookup(orders); window.ulist = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('qh2').value); document.getElementById('qh2').value = ""; } if (mode == 'Exact') { var sq = window.ulist[q]; if (window.ulist.indexOf(sq) != -1) { document.getElementById('wishlist-tbody').innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById('wishlist-tbody').innerHTML = document.getElementById('wishlist-tbody').innerHTML + unescape(window.orders[sq].el); } else { document.getElementById('wishlist-tbody').innerHTML = "No results found."; } } else if (mode == 'Contains Text') { var sq = searchin(q); if (sq) { document.getElementById('wishlist-tbody').innerHTML = ""; for (var i = 0; i < window.ulist.length; i++) { if (window.ulist[i].indexOf(q) != -1) { document.getElementById('wishlist-tbody').innerHTML = document.getElementById('wishlist-tbody').innerHTML + unescape(window.orders[i].el); } } } else { document.getElementById('wishlist-tbody').innerHTML = "No results found."; } } else if (mode == 'Relative') { var sq = searchfunc(q, rel); if (sq) { document.getElementById('wishlist-tbody').innerHTML = ""; for (var i = 0; i < sq.length; i++) { document.getElementById('wishlist-tbody').innerHTML = document.getElementById('wishlist-tbody').innerHTML + unescape(window.orders[window.ulist.indexOf(sq[i])].el); } } else { document.getElementById('wishlist-tbody').innerHTML = "No results found."; } } } function loadsearch() { document.getElementById('qt').innerHTML = 'Loading search data.. please wait...'; document.getElementById('qh').value = GM_getValue('wishdata'); document.getElementById('qh2').value = GM_getValue('titledata'); document.getElementById('qb').removeAttribute("disabled"); document.getElementById('q').removeAttribute("disabled"); document.getElementById('qb').addEventListener("click", function () { search() }, false); document.getElementById('qt').innerHTML = 'Search Wishlist: '; } function finalProcessing() { document.getElementById('qt').innerHTML = 'Saving wishlist data.. please wait.'; for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; ++i) { orders.sort(function (a, b) { return a.price - b.price; }); } GM_setValue('wishdata', JSON.stringify(orders)); document.getElementById('qt').innerHTML = 'Saved wishlist data.'; GM_setValue('titledata', JSON.stringify(lookup(orders)).toLowerCase()); document.getElementById('qt').innerHTML = 'Saved wishlist title data.'; loadsearch(); } function FindAllRows() { var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName('li'); for (var i = 0; i < allElements.length; ++i) { if (allElements[i].className.indexOf('list-item') != -1) { ListingsRows.push(allElements[i]); } } total = ListingsRows.length; if (ListingsRows.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < ListingsRows.length; ++i) { WorkOnRow(ListingsRows[i]); } SortRows(0); SortRows(1); var sortdiv = document.createElement('div'); sortdiv.className = 'narrow-down-bg'; var sortspan = document.createElement('div'); sortspan.className = 'narrow-down-bg'; var sortspan2 = document.createElement('div'); sortspan2.className = 'narrow-down-bg'; var sortspan3 = document.createElement('div'); sortspan3.className = 'narrow-down-bg'; var sortspan4 = document.createElement('div'); sortspan4.className = 'narrow-down-bg'; var sortchange = document.createElement('a'); = 'sortchange'; sortchange.innerHTML = "Unit Price"; sortchange.addEventListener("click", function () {SortRows(1, this)}, false); var sortchange2 = document.createElement('a'); = 'sortchange2'; sortchange2.innerHTML = "Price"; sortchange2.addEventListener("click", function () {SortRows(0, this)}, false); var sortchange3 = document.createElement('a'); = 'sortchange3'; sortchange3.innerHTML = "Total Price"; sortchange3.addEventListener("click", function () {SortRows(2, this)}, false); var sortchange4l = document.createElement('label'); sortchange4l.innerHTML = 'Max Price: '; var sortchange4t = document.createElement('input'); = 'sortchange4t'; sortspan2.appendChild(sortchange2); sortspan.appendChild(sortchange); sortspan3.appendChild(sortchange3); sortspan4.appendChild(sortchange4l); sortspan4.appendChild(sortchange4t); sortdiv.appendChild(sortspan2); sortdiv.appendChild(sortspan); sortdiv.appendChild(sortspan3); sortdiv.appendChild(sortspan4); uls.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); uls.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); document.getElementById('view-filter').appendChild(sortdiv); document.getElementById('sortchange').setAttribute('style', 'font-weight: bold'); } } function SortRows(SortMode, elem = null) { if(arguments.length > 1){ var butar = ['sortchange','sortchange2','sortchange3']; for (var i = 0; i < butar.length; i++) { document.getElementById(butar[i]).setAttribute('style', 'font-weight: none'); } elem.setAttribute('style', 'font-weight: bold'); } uls.innerHTML = ""; setTimeout(function(){insertItems(SortMode)}, 100); } function updatecheapest(elchange){ var uns = ListingRanks[0].units; if(uns == 0){ uns = 1; } var prcs = (ListingRanks[0].price * uns).toFixed(2); elchange.innerHTML = 'Cheapest Unit Price ($' + prcs + ' for ' + uns + ')'; } function insertItems(SortMode) { if(SortMode == 0){ ListingRanks.sort(function (a, b) { return a.price - b.price; }); updatecheapest(document.getElementById('sortchange')); ListingRanks.sort(function (a, b) { return a.units - b.units; }); updatecheapest(document.getElementById('sortchange2')); } else if(SortMode == 1){ ListingRanks.sort(function (a, b) { return a.units - b.units; }); ListingRanks.sort(function (a, b) { return a.price - b.price; }); } else if(SortMode == 2){ ListingRanks.sort(function (a, b) { return a.units - b.units; }); ListingRanks.sort(function (a, b) { return a.totalprice - b.totalprice; }); } var maxprice = document.getElementById('sortchange4t').value; if(maxprice != ""){ for (var nj = 0; nj < ListingRanks.length; nj++) { if(ListingRanks[nj].totalprice < parseFloat(maxprice)){ uls.appendChild(ListingRanks[nj].el); } } } else{ for (var nj = 0; nj < ListingRanks.length; nj++) { uls.appendChild(ListingRanks[nj].el); } } } function WorkOnRow(RowElement) { var buyItNowPrice = -1; var buyItNowPriceB = -1; var shippingPrice = -1; var buyItNow; var buyItNowB; var shipping; var unitPrice = 0; var shiptext; var shipsep; var allElements = RowElement.getElementsByTagName('div'); for (var i = 0; i < allElements.length; ++i) { if (allElements[i].className.indexOf("infoprice") != -1) { if (allElements[i].innerHTML.indexOf('class="original-price') != -1) { allElements[i].removeChild(allElements[i].getElementsByClassName('original-price')[0]); } var spans = allElements[i].getElementsByTagName('span'); if (spans.length > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < spans.length; ++j) { if (spans[j].className.indexOf('lot-price') != -1) { buyItNowB = spans[j].getElementsByClassName('value')[0]; if (spans[j].getElementsByClassName('unit').length > 0) { unitPrice = spans[j].getElementsByClassName('unit')[0].textContent; unitPrice = unitPrice.substring(unitPrice.indexOf('(') + 1); unitPrice = unitPrice.substring(0, unitPrice.indexOf(' ')); unitPrice = parseFloat(unitPrice); var tc = buyItNowB.textContent; buyItNowPriceB = tc.match(price)[1].replace(',', ''); } } else if (spans[j].className.indexOf('price-m') != -1) { buyItNow = spans[j].getElementsByClassName('value')[0]; var tc = buyItNow.textContent; buyItNowPrice = tc.match(price)[1].replace(',', ''); } } } if (allElements[i].innerHTML.indexOf('strong class="free-s') == -1) { var dl = allElements[i].getElementsByTagName('dl'); for (var k = 0; k < dl.length; ++k) { if (dl[k].className.indexOf("pnl-shipping") != -1) { var tc = dl[k].getElementsByClassName('value')[0].textContent; shiptext = dl[k].getElementsByTagName('dt')[0]; shipsep = dl[k].getElementsByClassName('separator')[0]; shipping = dl[k].getElementsByClassName('value')[0]; if (price.test(tc)) { shippingPrice = tc.match(price)[1].replace(',', ''); if (unitPrice != 0) { shippingPrice = shippingPrice * unitPrice; } } } } } else { shipping = allElements[i].getElementsByTagName('strong')[0]; shippingPrice = 0; } var buyItNowTotal; if (buyItNowPrice != -1 && shippingPrice != -1) { buyItNowTotal = (parseFloat(buyItNowPrice) + parseFloat(shippingPrice)); if (unitPrice != 0 && buyItNowPriceB != -1) { buyItNowTotal = (buyItNowTotal + parseFloat(buyItNowPriceB)) - buyItNowPrice; } buyItNowTotal = buyItNowTotal.toFixed(2); if (buyItNowB) { buyItNow.innerHTML = buyItNowB.innerHTML.substring(0, buyItNowB.innerHTML.indexOf('$') + 1) + buyItNowTotal; buyItNow.parentNode.getElementsByClassName('unit')[0].innerHTML = buyItNowB.parentNode.getElementsByClassName('unit')[0].innerHTML; buyItNowB.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(buyItNowB.parentNode); } else { buyItNow.innerHTML = buyItNow.innerHTML.substring(0, buyItNow.innerHTML.indexOf('$') + 1) + buyItNowTotal; } if (shipsep) { shipsep.innerHTML = 'shipping / '; } var indivTotal; if (shippingPrice == 0) { if(unitPrice > 1){ indivTotal = (parseFloat(parseFloat(buyItNowPriceB) / unitPrice) + parseFloat(shippingPrice)).toFixed(2); } else{ indivTotal = buyItNowTotal; } shipping.innerHTML = '$' + indivTotal + ' each + FREE SHIPPING'; } else { if(unitPrice > 1){ indivTotal = (parseFloat(parseFloat(buyItNowPrice) / unitPrice) + parseFloat(shippingPrice)).toFixed(2); var indt2 = parseFloat(parseFloat(buyItNowTotal) / parseFloat(unitPrice)); if(indivTotal > indt2){ indivTotal = indt2.toFixed(2); } } else{ indivTotal = buyItNowTotal; } shipping.innerHTML = '$' + indivTotal + ' each, including ' + shipping.innerHTML.substring(shipping.innerHTML.indexOf('$')); } if (shiptext) { shiptext.parentNode.removeChild(shiptext); } } ListingRanks.push({ totalprice : buyItNowTotal, price : indivTotal, units : unitPrice, el : RowElement }); } } } var page_request = new XMLHttpRequest(); page_request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (page_request.readyState == 4 && page_request.status == 200) { var div = window.content.document.createElement('div'); try { var prt = page_request.responseText; var rt = prt; rt = rt.substring(rt.indexOf('<tbody id="wishlist-tbody">') - 1); rt = rt.substring(0, rt.indexOf('</tbody>') + 9); rt = rt.replace(/<img[^>]/g, "<null "); div.innerHTML = '<html><head></head><body><table><thead><tr><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr></thead>' + rt + '</table></body></html>'; var pnumel = prt; pnumel = pnumel.substring(pnumel.indexOf('<div class="page-number">') + 25); pnumel = pnumel.substring(0, pnumel.indexOf('</div>')); var cnum = pnumel.substring(pnumel.indexOf('Page') + 5); cnum = cnum.substring(0, cnum.indexOf(' ')); var nnum = pnumel.substring(pnumel.indexOf('of ') + 3); if (cnum == nnum) { doneLoading = 1; finalProcessing(); return; } grabOrders(div); div = null; currentPage++; loadAPage(); } catch (e) {} } }; if (location.href.indexOf('/item') != -1 || location.href.indexOf('/store/product') != -1 || location.href.indexOf('SearchText=') != -1) { var titledata = GM_getValue('titledata'); if (titledata) { var wishb = document.createElement('div'); var q = document.createElement('input'); var qh = document.createElement('input'); var qh2 = document.createElement('input'); var qf = document.createElement('form'); var title = document.createElement('h2'); title.class = 'ui-box-title'; title.innerHTML = 'Similar Wishlist Items'; = 'wishlist-tbody'; wishb.setAttribute('style', 'align:top;position:absolute;width:18%'); = 'q'; = 'qh'; = 'qh2'; q.type = 'hidden'; qh.type = 'hidden'; qh2.type = 'hidden'; qh.value = GM_getValue('wishdata'); qh2.value = titledata; document.getElementById('header').appendChild(title); document.getElementById('header').appendChild(wishb); qf.appendChild(q); qf.appendChild(qh); qf.appendChild(qh2); document.getElementById('header').appendChild(qf); if (location.href.indexOf('SearchText=') != -1) { q.value = document.getElementById('search-key').value; search('Contains Text'); } else { q.value = document.getElementsByClassName('product-name')[0].innerHTML; search('Relative', 0.4); } } } else if (location.href.indexOf('/wishlist') != -1) { var cp = document.getElementsByClassName('page-number')[0].innerHTML; cp = cp.substring(cp.indexOf('Page') + 5); cp = cp.substring(0, cp.indexOf(' ')); if (cp == 1) { currentPage = 2; grabOrders(document); //} var srchel = document.createElement('li'); var qt = document.createElement('label'); var qf = document.createElement('form'); var qh = document.createElement('input'); var qh2 = document.createElement('input'); var q = document.createElement('input'); var qb = document.createElement('input'); = 'qb'; qb.type = 'button'; qb.value = 'Search'; qb.disabled = true; = 'qt'; qt.innerHTML = 'Loading search.. please wait.'; q.disabled = true; qh.type = 'hidden'; = 'qh'; qh2.type = 'hidden'; = 'qh2'; = 'q'; q.size = 20; qf.appendChild(qt); qf.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); qf.appendChild(qh); qf.appendChild(qh2); qf.appendChild(q); qf.appendChild(qb); srchel.appendChild(qf); document.getElementsByClassName('tabs')[0].appendChild(srchel); var titledata = GM_getValue('titledata'); if (titledata) { var firsttitle = document.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0].getElementsByTagName('tr')[0].getElementsByClassName('main-info-hd')[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].innerHTML; if (firsttitle && titledata.indexOf(firsttitle) != -1) { loadsearch(); } else { loadAPage(); } } else { loadAPage(); } } }