A small script to download the new png animated image in pixiv
just a small script to download the new png animated image in pixiv
Options are in the menu of greasemonkey icon or next to the expand button on the image.
due to use of xmlhttprequest,
it may look like a fake crash while downloading.
Please just wait it for finishing.
change log --1.0.3 rename to Pixiv animated image downloader (and gif convert) --1.0.2 fix script not load due to pixiv now using https --1.0.1 workaround for firefox issue --1.0.0 reconstruct all code with coffee script add a new menu add a new download button 用coffee script重寫大部分code 增加了自訂的選單 增加了一個下載按鈕 --0.3.2 change cdn site due to the great wall 因應防火長城,更改cdn站來源 --0.3 add basic gif support 大致上完成生成gif的功能 --0.2.1 bug fix for cannot select some file randomly 錯誤修正,因不明原因隨機無法預覽檔案 --0.2 add ability to see each frame in browser. 增加了直接在瀏覽器中看圖的能力
tested environment
(use http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=44298467)
win7 firefox 30 stable greasymonkey 1.15 -ok
win7 firefox 33 stable greasymonkey 2.3 -fail in gif generator, downloader part works
win7 chrome 35 stable Tampermonkey 3.7.48 -ok
beta branch : https://greasyfork.org/zh-TW/scripts/3040-pixiv-helper