Provides you incremental diffs with the help of an extra server
// ==UserScript== // @name Github PR Incremental Diffs // @version 1.2 // @namespace // @homepage // @supportURL // @description Provides you incremental diffs with the help of an extra server // @author Mathias L. Baumann // @copyright Copyright (c) 2017-2018 dunnhumby Germany GmbH. All rights reserved. // @license Boost Software License 1.0 ( // @match *://* // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @require // @require // @resource CSSDIFF // ==/UserScript== class FileTree { /* Params: sha = sha of the file tree url = api url of the file tree */ constructor ( sha, url, root_path ) { this.root_path = root_path; this.sha = sha; this.url = url; this.list = []; } // Fetches the tree from using the API and calls callback with the result fetch ( cbthis, callback ) { if (this.list && this.list.length > 0) { callback(this); return; } var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); var receiveTree = function ( ) { var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText); for (var i=0; i < response.tree.length; i++) { var obj = { "path" : this.outside.root_path + response.tree[i].path, "sha" : response.tree[i].sha, "url" : response.tree[i].url, "type" : response.tree[i].type }; // Don't get the blob for tree's, get it as another tree if (response.tree[i].type == "tree") obj.url = obj.url.replace(/blobs/, "trees"); this.outside.list.push(obj); //console.log("entry info " + obj.path + ", " + obj.sha); }, this.outside); }; request.outside = this; request.onload = receiveTree; request.userCb = callback; request.cbthis = cbthis; // Initialize a request'get', this.url); var usertoken = GM_getValue("username") + ":" + GM_getValue("token"); request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(usertoken)); // Send it request.send(); } } class FileDiffer { constructor ( base, head, original ) { // List of files that have changed this.changed = []; this.base = base; this.head = head; this.original = original; } fetch ( cbthis, callback ) { this.cbthis = cbthis; this.callback = callback; if (this.base === null) this.base = { "list" : [] }; else { var tmp_base = this.base; this.base = null; tmp_base.fetch(this, this.assignBase); } if (this.head === null) this.head = { "list" : [] }; else { var tmp_head = this.head; this.head = null; tmp_head.fetch(this, this.assignHead); } if (this.original === null) this.original = { "list" : [] }; else { var tmp_orig = this.original; this.original = null; tmp_orig.fetch(this, this.assignOriginal); } } assignBase ( base ) { this.base = base; this.checkComplete(); } assignHead ( head ) { this.head = head; this.checkComplete(); } assignOriginal ( original ) { this.original = original; this.checkComplete(); } checkComplete ( ) { if (!this.base || !this.head || !this.original) return; console.log("Received all trees, extracting required files"); var diff = null; var i = 0; var head_el = null; var matchPath = function (el) { return el.path==head_el.path; }; // Find all paths differing from base for (i=0; i < this.head.list.length; i++) { head_el = this.head.list[i]; var orig_path = this.original.list.find(matchPath); // If this path exists in original with the same sha, it was added through a rebase if (orig_path !== undefined && orig_path.sha == head_el.sha) continue; // so ignore it var base_path = this.base.list.find(matchPath); if (orig_path === undefined) orig_path = null; // base doesn't have that file? if (base_path === undefined) { // completely new file diff = { "base" : null, "head" : head_el, "orig" : null }; console.log("File differs (no base): " + head_el.path); this.changed.push(diff); continue; } // file exists in base and differs if (base_path.sha != head_el.sha) { // changes have been made diff = { "base" : base_path, "head" : head_el, "orig" : orig_path }; console.log("File differs: " + head_el.path); this.changed.push(diff); continue; } } // Find any files not existing in head, but existing in base for (i=0; i < this.base.list.length; i++) { var base_el = this.base.list[i]; head_el = this.head.list.find(matchPath); if (head_el !== undefined) continue; diff = { "base" : base_el, "head" : null, "orig" : null }; console.log("File differs (no head): " + base_el.path); this.changed.push(diff); } this.recurseTree(); } // recurses into tree objects in our "changed" paths list and looks for diffs recurseTree ( ) { var i = 0; var el = {}; var base_tree = {}; var head_tree = {}; var orig_tree = {}; var did_recurse = false; var path = ""; console.log("Recursing..."); // Prepare to recurse for (i=0; i < this.changed.length; i++) { el = this.changed[i]; // No need to recurse if one is null if (el.head === null || el.base === null) continue; // we can only recurse into trees if (el.head.type != "tree" && el.base.type != "tree") continue; if (el.base.type == "tree") base_tree = new FileTree(el.base.sha, el.base.url, el.base.path + "/"); else base_tree = null; if (el.head.type == "tree") head_tree = new FileTree(el.head.sha, el.head.url, el.head.path + "/"); else head_tree = null; if (el.orig !== null && el.orig.type == "tree") orig_tree = new FileTree(el.orig.sha, el.orig.url, el.orig.path + "/"); else orig_tree = null; console.log("Recurse task " + el.head.path); el.pending = new FileDiffer(base_tree, head_tree, orig_tree); } // Actually do the recursion for (i=0; i < this.changed.length; i++) { el = this.changed[i]; if ("pending" in el) { console.log("Starting task.. " + el.base.path); el.pending.fetch(this, this.recurseCallback); did_recurse = true; } } if (did_recurse === false) this.fetchAllFiles(); } // called once for every recursion // * merges the recursed tree with ours // * if no more callbacks pending, calls user cb recurseCallback ( file_differ ) { var still_waiting = false; for (var i=0; i < this.changed.length; i++) { var el = this.changed[i]; if ("pending" in el && el.pending == file_differ) { console.log("recurseCb for " + el.base.path + " updated"); this.changed = this.changed.concat(file_differ.changed); el.pending = null; continue; } if ("pending" in el && el.pending !== null) { console.log("Still waiting for " + el.base.path); still_waiting = true; } } if (still_waiting) { return; } this.fetchAllFiles(); } fetchAllFiles ( ) { console.log("Fetching files..."); for (var i=0; i < this.changed.length; i++) { var el = this.changed[i]; if (el.base && el.base.url && !("content" in el.base)) this.fetchFile(el.base.url); if (el.head && el.head.url && !("content" in el.head)) this.fetchFile(el.head.url); } if (this.changed.length === 0) this.checkReceivedFiles(); } fetchFile ( url ) { console.log("Fetching " + url); var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); var receiveBlob = function ( ) { var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText); function findMatch (elem) { if (elem.base && elem.base.sha == response.sha) return true; else if (elem.head && elem.head.sha == response.sha) return true; return false; } var el = this.outside.changed.find(findMatch); if (el === undefined) { console.log("received unexpected sha " + response.sha); return; } console.log("Received content for " + el.head.path); var content = "content" in response && response.content.length > 0 ? atob(response.content) : ""; if (el.base !== null && el.base.sha == response.sha) el.base.content = content; else if (el.head !== null && el.head.sha == response.sha) el.head.content = content; else console.log("Unmatched sha?!"); this.outside.checkReceivedFiles(); }; request.outside = this; request.onload = receiveBlob; // Initialize a request'get', url); var usertoken = GM_getValue("username") + ":" + GM_getValue("token"); request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(usertoken)); // Send it request.send(); } checkReceivedFiles ( ) { var all_content_received = true; for (var i=0; i < this.changed.length; i++) { var el = this.changed[i]; if (el.base && !("content" in el.base) || el.head && !("content" in el.head)) { all_content_received = false; break; } } if (all_content_received) { console.log("Received all content, calling cb");, this); } } } class Fetcher { constructor ( ) { this.files = []; } start ( owner, repo, pr, commit1, commit2, element ) { this.sha_base = commit1; this.sha_head = commit2; this.owner = owner; this.repo = repo; this.element = element; this.base_tree = null; this.head_tree = null; this.orig_tree = null; this.usertoken = GM_getValue("username") + ":" + GM_getValue("token"); //this.fetchCommit(this.sha_update, "update"); this.fetchPrBase(pr); } // Fetches the base branch for the PR and extracts the latest commits sha fetchPrBase ( pr ) { console.log("Fetching PR base"); var receivePr = function ( ) { var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText); this.outside.fetchTreeShas(this.outside.sha_base, this.outside.sha_head, response.base.sha); }; var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.outside = this; request.onload = receivePr; // Initialize a request'get', ""+this.owner+"/"+this.repo+"/pulls/" + pr); request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(this.usertoken)); // Send it request.send(); } // Extracts the tree shas from base/head/orig commit fetchTreeShas ( base, head, orig ) { console.log("Fetching trees"); this.fetchTreeFromCommit(base, "base_tree", this.checkTreesDone); this.fetchTreeFromCommit(head, "head_tree", this.checkTreesDone); this.fetchTreeFromCommit(orig, "orig_tree", this.checkTreesDone); } checkTreesDone ( ) { console.log("checkTreesDone()"); if (!this.base_tree || !this.head_tree || !this.orig_tree) { console.log("Not all done: " + this.base_tree + " " + this.head_tree + " " + this.orig_tree); return; } console.log("Received all trees-shas, fetching content.."); var differ = new FileDiffer(this.base_tree, this.head_tree, this.orig_tree); differ.fetch(this, this.render); } printMe ( ) { for (var key in this) console.log("key: " + key); } fetchTreeFromCommit ( commit, name, usercb ) { console.log("Fetching " + name + " " + commit); var receiveCommit = function ( ) { var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText); console.log("Received " + this.commit_name); this.outside[this.commit_name] = new FileTree(response.tree.sha, response.tree.url, "");; }; var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.outside = this; request.onload = receiveCommit; request.commit_name = name; request.usercb = usercb; // Initialize a request'get', ""+this.owner+"/"+this.repo+"/git/commits/" + commit); request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(this.usertoken)); // Send it request.send(); } // Generate the diff, append the elements to this.element render ( differ ) { "use strict"; var contents = this.element.getElementsByClassName("file"); var content = contents[0]; content.innerHTML = ""; = "white"; = "center"; for (var i = 0; i < differ.changed.length; i++) { var el = differ.changed[i]; if ((el.head === null || el.head.type != "blob") && (el.base === null || el.base.type != "blob")) continue; var base_content = el.base ? el.base.content : ""; var head_content = el.head ? el.head.content : ""; var fname = el.head ? el.head.path : el.base.path; var base = difflib.stringAsLines(base_content), newtxt = difflib.stringAsLines(head_content), sm = new difflib.SequenceMatcher(base, newtxt), opcodes = sm.get_opcodes(), contextSize = 5; //byId("contextSize").value; var filename = document.createElement("DIV"); filename.className = "file-header"; filename.innerText = fname; content.appendChild(filename); contextSize = contextSize || null; var diff = diffview.buildView({ baseTextLines: base, newTextLines: newtxt, opcodes: opcodes, baseTextName: "Old", newTextName: "New", contextSize: contextSize, viewType: 0 // 0 for side-by-side }); diff.className = diff.className + " blob-wrapper"; = "auto"; = "left"; content.appendChild(diff); } var pos = content.getBoundingClientRect(); = "" + (-pos.left + 15) + "px"; = "" + (document.documentElement.clientWidth - 30) + "px"; var close_link = document.createElement("A"); close_link.href = "#" +; close_link.onclick = function () { this.parentElement.parentElement.getElementsByClassName("btn")[0].onclick(); }; close_link.innerText = "Close"; content.appendChild(close_link); } } var fetcher = new Fetcher(); var DefaultURLHelper = "Optional default hash data URL"; function deleteYourself ( ) { this.outerHTML = ""; } // Renders a box with user/token fields and button to ask for credentials function askCredentials ( ) { if(document.getElementById("github-credentials-box")) return; console.log("Asking credentials"); var box = document.createElement("DIV"); = "white"; = "fixed"; = "solid black 2px"; = 999999; = "40%"; = "40%"; = "20px"; = "github-credentials-box"; var textfield_user = document.createElement("INPUT"); var textfield_token = document.createElement("INPUT"); var textfield_hash_data_url = document.createElement("INPUT"); textfield_user.type = "text"; var user = GM_getValue("username"); if (!user) user = "Username"; textfield_user.value = user; = "github-user"; var token = GM_getValue("token"); if (!token) token = "Github Token"; textfield_token.type = "text"; textfield_token.value = token; = "github-token"; var url = GM_getValue("hash_data_url"); if (!url) url = DefaultURLHelper; textfield_hash_data_url.type = "text"; textfield_hash_data_url.value = url; = "hash-data-url"; var note = document.createElement("P"); note.href = ""; note.innerHTML = "The token required here can be created at <a href=\"\">your settings page</a>.<br>Required scope is 'repo'."; var button = document.createElement("BUTTON"); button.className = "btn"; button.innerText = "Save"; = "5px"; button.onclick = saveCredentials; box.appendChild(textfield_user); box.appendChild(textfield_token); box.appendChild(document.createElement("BR")); box.appendChild(textfield_hash_data_url); box.appendChild(button); box.appendChild(note); document.body.appendChild(box); } // saves the credentials and removes the box and the button function saveCredentials ( ) { var user = document.getElementById("github-user"); var token = document.getElementById("github-token"); var hash_data_url = document.getElementById("hash-data-url"); if (hash_data_url.value != DefaultURLHelper) { hash_data_url = hash_data_url.value.trim(); if (hash_data_url.length > 0 && hash_data_url.substr(-1, 1) != "/") hash_data_url = hash_data_url + "/"; GM_setValue("hash_data_url", hash_data_url); } GM_setValue("username", user.value.trim()); GM_setValue("token", token.value.trim()); var box = document.getElementById("github-credentials-box"); box.outerHTML = ""; fetchUpdates(); } function getTimeline ( ) { var timeline; var timeline_content; for (var i=0; i<discussion_bucket.children.length; i++) if (discussion_bucket.children[i].classname == "discussion-sidebar") continue; else timeline = discussion_bucket.children[i]; for (i=0; i < timeline.children.length; i++) if (timeline.children[i].className == "discussion-timeline-actions") continue; else timeline_content = timeline.children[0]; return timeline_content; } function getTimelineItems ( times_only, type ) { var timeline_content = getTimeline(); // Walks up the parent chain until the direct parent is timeline_content var findTopMostChild = function ( child ) { var my_child = child; while (my_child.parentElement != timeline_content) my_child = my_child.parentElement; return my_child; }; var times = timeline_content.getElementsByTagName("relative-time"); var return_array = []; var last; var last_was_review = false; for (var o=0; o < times.length; o++) { var topmost = findTopMostChild(times[o]); if (topmost == last) continue; if (type == "review") { // Only review tags have this class var is_review = /discussion-item-review/g.test(topmost.className); if (!is_review) { last_was_review = false; continue; } } else if (type == "comment") { // Only comments have this class if (!/timeline-comment-wrapper/g.test(topmost.className)) continue; } if (times_only) { var date = times[o].getAttribute("datetime"); var parsed_date = Date.parse(date); // Collaps reviews that directly follow each other into one if (last_was_review) return_array[return_array.length-1] = parsed_date; else return_array.push(parsed_date); } else { // Collaps reviews that directly follow each other into one if (last_was_review) return_array[return_array.length-1] = topmost; else return_array.push(topmost); } last = topmost; last_was_review = true; } return return_array; } function makeTimelineEntry ( time, text, action, id ) { console.log("Creating entry " + text + " " + id); var timeline_content = getTimeline(); // Walks up the parent chain until the direct parent is timeline_content var findTopMostChild = function ( child ) { var my_child = child; while (my_child.parentElement != timeline_content) my_child = my_child.parentElement; return my_child; }; var times = timeline_content.getElementsByTagName("relative-time"); var insert_before; // Find the right place in the timeline to insert for (var o=0; o < times.length; o++) { var date = times[o].getAttribute("datetime"); // Ignore review discussion timestamps if (/discussion/.test(times[o].parentElement.getAttribute("href"))) continue; if (Date.parse(date) > time) { insert_before = findTopMostChild(times[o]); break; } } // Construct item to insert var timeline_item = document.createElement("DIV"); timeline_item.className = "discussion-item-header discussion-item"; // Copied from github src code for push icon timeline_item.innerHTML = '<span class="discussion-item-icon"><svg aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-repo-push" height="16" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 12 16" width="12"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M4 3H3V2h1v1zM3 5h1V4H3v1zm4 0L4 9h2v7h2V9h2L7 5zm4-5H1C.45 0 0 .45 0 1v12c0 .55.45 1 1 1h4v-1H1v-2h4v-1H2V1h9.02L11 10H9v1h2v2H9v1h2c.55 0 1-.45 1-1V1c0-.55-.45-1-1-1z"></path></svg></span>'; = id; timeline_item.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); var link = document.createElement("A"); link.className = "btn btn-sm btn-outline"; link.innerText = "View changes"; link.onclick = function () { action(this); return false; }; link.href = "#"; timeline_item.appendChild(link); timeline_content.insertBefore(timeline_item, insert_before); } // Creates a button in the github sidebar in PRs function makeButton ( text, action, id ) { var sidebar = document.getElementById("github-incremental-diffs-sidebar-item"); var buttondiv = document.createElement("DIV"); = id; var button = document.createElement("A"); button.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); button.onclick = function () { action(); return false; }; button.href = "#"; buttondiv.appendChild(button); sidebar.appendChild(buttondiv); } // Fetches the sha heads from hash_data_url function fetchUpdates ( base_url ) { var urlsplit = document.URL.split("/"); var owner = urlsplit[3]; var repo = urlsplit[4]; var prid_and_anker = urlsplit[6].split("#"); var prid = prid_and_anker[0]; var url = base_url+owner+'/'+repo+'/' + prid + "?cachebust=" + new Date().getTime(); console.log("Fetching updates from " + url); // Create a new request object GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: url, onload: function (response) { if (response.status == 200) injectTimeline(response.responseText); else console.log("No pushes found at "+url+": " + response.status); }}); } /* Injects "Author pushed" events into the PR timeline * * Params: * shas = list of sha's and unix timestamp pairs. Sha and timestamp are separated by ";". * Each pair is separated by "\n" */ function injectTimeline ( shas ) { var sidebar = document.getElementsByClassName("discussion-sidebar")[0]; if (sidebar.removeEventListener) { sidebar.removeEventListener ('DOMSubtreeModified', fetchDelayed); } var sha_list = shas.split("\n"); var base, head, update; update = 1; function makeShowDiffFunc ( inner_base, inner_head ) { var func = function ( item ) { if (item.innerText == "Hide changes") { var elem = item.parentElement.getElementsByClassName("file")[0]; elem.outerHTML = ""; item.innerText = "View changes"; return; } var cont = document.createElement("DIV"); cont.className = "file"; cont.innerHTML = "Loading..."; = "yellow"; item.parentElement.appendChild(cont); var urlsplit = document.URL.split("/"); var owner = urlsplit[3]; var repo = urlsplit[4]; item.innerText = "Hide changes"; console.log("pressed.. " + inner_base + " " + inner_head); var prid_and_anker = document.URL.split("/")[6].split("#"); var prid = prid_and_anker[0]; fetcher.start(owner, repo, prid, inner_base, inner_head, item.parentElement); }; return func; } var pairs = []; // Build pairs of commits to create diff from for (var i = 0; i < sha_list.length; i++) { if (sha_list[i].length === 0) continue; var sha_data = sha_list[i].split(";"); var sha = sha_data[0]; var time; if (sha_data[1] !== undefined) time = new Date(parseInt(sha_data[1]) * 1000); if (base === undefined) { base = sha; continue; } head = sha; var pair = {}; pair.base = base; pair.head = head; pair.time = time; pairs.push(pair); base = head; } console.log("Pairs: " + pairs.length + " last: " + head); // Next, merge the pairs between reviews/comments var timeline_items = getTimelineItems(true, "review"); console.log("Found " + timeline_items.length + " items"); var base_pair = null; var merged_pairs = []; var merged_pair = {}; var timeline_it = 0; // Only try to merge pairs if more than one exists if (pairs.length > 1) { for (i=0; i < pairs.length; i++) { // Find the first review that is right before newer than our current while (pairs[i].time.getTime() > timeline_items[timeline_it] && timeline_it+1 < timeline_items.length && pairs[i].time.getTime() > timeline_items[timeline_it+1]) timeline_it++; //console.log("Comparing " + pairs[i].time + " > " + new Date(timeline_items[timeline_it]) + " " + i + " > " + timeline_it); if (pairs[i].time.getTime() > timeline_items[timeline_it]) { if (base_pair === null) { console.log("Set base at " + i); base_pair = pairs[i]; timeline_it++; continue; } console.log("Merging a pair"); // And use the pair one before that as head var head_pair = pairs[i-1]; merged_pair = {}; merged_pair.base = base_pair.base; merged_pair.head = head_pair.head; merged_pair.time = head_pair.time; merged_pairs.push(merged_pair); base_pair = pairs[i]; timeline_it++; if (timeline_it >= timeline_items.length) break; continue; } } // Merge any remaining pairs if (merged_pairs.length === 0 || merged_pairs[merged_pairs.length-1].head != pairs[pairs.length-1].head) { merged_pair = {}; merged_pair.base = base_pair.base; merged_pair.head = pairs[pairs.length-1].head; merged_pair.time = pairs[pairs.length-1].time; merged_pairs.push(merged_pair); } } else { merged_pairs = pairs; } console.log("Merged pairs: " + merged_pairs.length); for (i=0; i < merged_pairs.length; i++) { var it = merged_pairs[i]; // Don't remake a button that already exists if (!document.getElementById("diffbutton-" + update)) { var formatted_time = update; var addZero = function ( num ) { if (num < 10) num = "0" + num; return num; }; if (it.time !== undefined) formatted_time = it.time.getDate() + "." + addZero((it.time.getMonth()+1)) + "." + it.time.getFullYear() + " " + addZero(it.time.getHours()) + ":" + addZero(it.time.getMinutes()); makeTimelineEntry(it.time.getTime(), "Author pushed code changes at " + formatted_time, makeShowDiffFunc(it.base, it.head), "diffbutton-" + update); } update++; } if (sidebar.addEventListener) { sidebar.addEventListener ('DOMSubtreeModified', fetchDelayed, false); } } function fetchDelayed ( ) { // Don't fetch again if there are still diff buttons if (document.getElementById("diffbutton-1")) { return; } var sidebar = document.getElementsByClassName("discussion-sidebar")[0]; sidebar.removeEventListener ('DOMSubtreeModified', fetchDelayed); setTimeout(fetchUpdates, 1000); } function render ( ) { 'use strict'; var need_setup = !GM_getValue("username") || !GM_getValue("token"); var css_style = GM_getResourceText ("CSSDIFF"); GM_addStyle (css_style); var sidebar = document.getElementById("partial-discussion-sidebar"); if (sidebar !== null) { var item = document.createElement("DIV"); item.className = "discussion-sidebar-item"; = "github-incremental-diffs-sidebar-item"; var button = document.createElement("BUTTON"); button.className = "btn btn-sm"; button.type = "submit"; button.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Incremental Diffs Setup")); button.onclick = askCredentials; item.appendChild(button); sidebar.appendChild(item); fetchBaseUrl(); } } function fetchBaseUrl ( ) { var baseUrlCb = function ( ) { if (this.status == 404) { console.log("No project specific base URL, using global one: " + GM_getValue("hash_data_url")); fetchUpdates(GM_getValue("hash_data_url")); return; } var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText); var blobCb = function ( ) { var resp = JSON.parse(this.responseText); var base_url = atob(resp.content); console.log("Found project specific base url " + base_url); fetchUpdates(base_url); }; var request2 = new XMLHttpRequest(); request2.onload = blobCb;'get', response.object.url); var usertoken = GM_getValue("username") + ":" + GM_getValue("token"); request2.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(usertoken)); request2.send(); }; var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = baseUrlCb; var urlsplit = document.URL.split("/"); var owner = urlsplit[3]; var repo = urlsplit[4]; // Initialize a request'get', "" + owner + "/" + repo + "/git/refs/meta/incremental-diff-url"); var usertoken = GM_getValue("username") + ":" + GM_getValue("token"); request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(usertoken)); // Send it request.send(); } (function() { var parts = document.URL.split("/"); if (parts[5] == "pull") render(); // This is required for this script to be run upon ajax load.. not sure why window.onbeforeunload = function() { console.log("window changed!"); }; })();