

Filter search page spam, And resolve redirect URL into direct

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// ==UserScript==
// @name                 SearchEngine-Filter
// @name:zh-CN           搜索引擎过滤器
// @namespace            https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/users/42351
// @version              1.8
// @description          Filter search page spam, And resolve redirect URL into direct
// @description:zh-CN    过滤搜索页垃圾信息,并将重定向网址解析为直接网址
// @icon64               https://antecer.gitlab.io/amusingdevice/icon/antecer.ico
// @icon                 https://antecer.gitlab.io/amusingdevice/icon/antecer.ico
// @author               Antecer
// @include              http*://*.baidu.com*
// @include              http*://*.bing.com/search?*
// @grant                GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant                GM_getValue
// @grant                GM_setValue
// @connect              *
// @run-at               document-body
// @compatible           chrome 测试通过
// @compatible           firefox 未测试
// @compatible           opera 未测试
// @compatible           safari 未测试
// ==/UserScript==
(async () => {
// 识别百度网页
if (!location.host.endsWith('baidu.com')) return;
// 识别百度搜索页 与 搜图页
if (!(location.href.includes('baidu.com/s?') || location.href.includes('baidu.com/pcpage/similar?'))) return;
// 读取脚本配置
let scriptCfgs = {
unRedirect: GM_getValue('unRedirect', true), // 反重定向(默认启用)
unExperience: GM_getValue('unExperience', true), // 屏蔽百度经验(默认启用)
unOtherQuery: GM_getValue('unOtherQuery', true), // 屏蔽其他人还在搜(默认启用)
unExpert: GM_getValue('unExpert', true), // 屏蔽百度健康(默认启用)
unHotQuery: GM_getValue('unHotQuery', false), // 屏蔽百度热搜榜(默认禁用)
unSimilar: GM_getValue('unSimilar', false), // 屏蔽相关搜索(默认禁用)
unGame: GM_getValue('unGame', false), // 屏蔽百度游戏(默认禁用)
unTuiguang: GM_getValue('unTuiguang', true), // 屏蔽百度推广(默认启用)
adBlock: GM_getValue('adBlock', true), // 屏蔽广告(默认启用)
unRogue: GM_getValue('unRogue', 'hao123.com|2345.com') // 屏蔽流氓网站(默认启用,清空参数表示禁用)
// 创建sleep方法(用于async/await的延时处理)
const Sleep = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
// 创建超时变量,防止长时间循环遍历document
const timeoutValue = 10;
// 创建选择器,用于判断element是否已加载
const isBodyLoading = async (css) => {
let timeout = timeoutValue;
while (!document.querySelector(css) && timeout) {
await Sleep(1000);
// 功能模块
const Steps = {
unRedirect: async () => {
await isBodyLoading(`[href*="baidu.com/link?"],[href*="baidu.com/api/proxy?"]`);
let allowUpgrade = document.createElement(`meta`);
allowUpgrade.setAttribute('http-equiv', 'Content-Security-Policy');
allowUpgrade.setAttribute('content', 'upgrade-insecure-requests');
document.querySelectorAll(`[href*="baidu.com/link?"],[href*="baidu.com/api/proxy?"]`).forEach((element) => {
(async (item) => {
let reTry = false;
let thisXhr = GM_xmlhttpRequest({
url: item.href,
method: 'GET',
onreadystatechange: (result) => {
if (result.readyState > 2) {
item.href = result.finalUrl;
onerror: (err) => {
reTry = true;
console.error(`[Baidu-Filter] Call HEAD Failed!`, err);
unExperience: async () => {
await isBodyLoading(`[href*="jingyan.baidu.com"]`);
document.querySelectorAll(`#content_left>div`).forEach((item) => {
if (item.querySelector(`[href*="jingyan.baidu.com"]`)) item.remove();
unOtherQuery: async () => {
await isBodyLoading(`.result-op`);
document.querySelectorAll(`#content_left>div`).forEach((item) => {
if (item.innerHTML.includes(`>其他人还在搜<`)) item.remove();
unExpert: async () => {
while (!document.querySelector(`[href*="expert.baidu.com"]`)) await Sleep(1000);
document.querySelectorAll(`#content_left>div`).forEach((item) => {
if (item.querySelector(`[href*="expert.baidu.com"]`)) item.remove();
unTuiguang: async () => {
while (!document.querySelector(`[data-tuiguang]`)) await Sleep(1000);
document.querySelectorAll(`#content_left>div`).forEach((item) => {
if (item.querySelector(`span[data-tuiguang]`)) item.remove();
unGame: async()=> {
await isBodyLoading(`a[href*="lewan.baidu.com"]`);
document.querySelectorAll(`#content_left>div`).forEach((item) => {
if (item.querySelector(`a[href*="lewan.baidu.com"]`)) item.remove();
unHotQuery: async () => {
await isBodyLoading(`[title="百度热榜"]`);
document.querySelectorAll(`#content_right`).forEach((item) => {
if (item.querySelector(`[title="百度热榜"]`)) item.remove();
unSimilar: async () => {
while (!document.querySelector(`#rs`)) await Sleep(1000);
document.querySelectorAll(`[id="rs"]`).forEach((item) => {
if (item.querySelector(`table a[href^="/s?wd="]`)) item.remove();
adBlock: async () => {
while (!document.querySelector(`.ec_tuiguang_pplink`)) await Sleep(1000);
document.querySelectorAll(`#content_left>div`).forEach((item) => {
if (item.innerHTML.includes(`>广告</span>`)) item.remove();
unRogue: async () => {
let timeout = timeoutValue;
let rogueList = scriptCfgs.unRogue;
let rogueRegExp = new RegExp(rogueList);
while (rogueList && timeout) {
let nodes = document.querySelectorAll('a');
for (let i = nodes.length; i > 0; ) {
if (nodes[--i].href.match(rogueRegExp)) {
i = timeout = 0;
await Sleep(1000);
let rList = document.querySelectorAll(`#content_left>div`);
for (let i = rList.length; i > 0; ) {
let cList = rList[i].querySelectorAll('a');
for (let n = cList.length; n > 0; ) {
if (cList[n].href.match(rogueRegExp)) {
// 检查并执行已启用的功能
const runScript = async () => {
let loopNum = 3; // 执行次数
let timeout = 5; // 间隔时间
while (loopNum--) {
Object.keys(scriptCfgs).forEach((key) => {
GM_setValue(key, scriptCfgs[key]); // 保存脚本配置
if (scriptCfgs[key]) Steps[key](); // 执行脚本功能
for (let i = timeout; i-- > 0; ) await Sleep(1000);
// 监听页面变化
document.querySelector('title').addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', () => runScript(), false);
// 运行脚本
// 识别必应网页
if (!location.host.endsWith('bing.com')) return;
// 读取脚本配置
let scriptCfgs = {
unRogue: GM_getValue('unRogue', 'hao123.com|2345.com') // 屏蔽流氓网站(默认启用,清空参数表示禁用)
// 创建sleep方法(用于async/await的延时处理)
const Sleep = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
// 功能模块
const Steps = {
unRogue: async()=>{
let rogueList = scriptCfgs.unRogue;
let rogueRegExp = new RegExp(rogueList);
let rList = document.querySelectorAll(`main>ol>li`);
for (let i = rList.length; i > 0; ) {
let cList = rList[i].querySelectorAll('a');
for (let n = cList.length; n > 0; ) {
if (cList[n].href.match(rogueRegExp)) {
// 检查并执行已启用的功能
const runScript = async () => {
let loopNum = 3; // 执行次数
let timeout = 5; // 间隔时间
while (loopNum--) {
Object.keys(scriptCfgs).forEach((key) => {
GM_setValue(key, scriptCfgs[key]); // 保存脚本配置
if (scriptCfgs[key]) Steps[key](); // 执行脚本功能
for (let i = timeout; i-- > 0; ) await Sleep(1000);
// 监听页面变化
document.querySelector('title').addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', () => runScript(), false);
// 运行脚本