NavigationPoint class necessary for creating an entryExitPoint in code. Instantiate the class and pass the OL.Geometry.Point in the constructor then add the NavigationPoint object to the entryExitPoints array.
This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require
// ==UserScript== // @name WME Utils - NavigationPoint // @namespace WazeDev // @version 2023.12.05.01 // @description NavigationPoint class necessary for creating an entryExitPoint in code. Instantiate the class and pass the OL.Geometry.Point in the constructor then add the NavigationPoint object to the entryExitPoints array. // @author JustinS83 // @license GNU GPLv3 // ==/UserScript== class NavigationPoint { constructor(point){ this._point = structuredClone(point); this._entry = true; this._exit = true; this._isPrimary = true; this._name = ""; } with(){ var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; if(e.point == null) e.point = this.toJSON().point; return new this.constructor((this.toJSON().point, e.point)); } getPoint(){ return structuredClone(this._point); } getEntry(){ return this._entry; } getExit(){ return this._exit; } getName(){ return this._name; } isPrimary(){ return this._isPrimary; } toJSON(){ return { point: this._point, entry: this._entry, exit: this._exit, primary: this._isPrimary, name: this._name }; } clone(){ return this.with(); } }