Rich text console logging
This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require
// ==UserScript== // @name console-message-v2 // @description Rich text console logging // @version 2.0.0 // ==/UserScript== (() => { // Properties whose values have a CSS type // of either <integer> or <number> const CSS_NUMERIC_PROPERTIES = new Set([ 'animation-iteration-count', 'border-image-slice', 'border-image-outset', 'border-image-width', 'column-count', 'counter-increment', 'fill-opacity', 'flex-grow', 'flex-shrink', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-weight', 'grid-column', 'grid-row', 'initial-letters', 'line-clamp', 'line-height', 'max-lines', 'opacity', 'order', 'orphans', 'stop-opacity', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke-width', 'tab-size', 'widows', 'z-index', 'zoom' ]) const _SIMPLE_METHODS = new Set(['groupEnd', 'trace']) const _TEXT_METHODS = new Set(['log', 'info', 'warn', 'error']) // ---------------------------------------------------------- // const toCamelCase = s => s.replace(/-\w/g, match => match.charAt(1).toUpperCase()) const toKebabCase = s => s.replace(/[A-Z]/g, match => '-' + match.toLowerCase()) function getStyleForCssProps(cssProps) { return Object.entries(cssProps) .map(([ key, value ]) => { const cssProp = toKebabCase(key) if (typeof value === 'number' && !CSS_NUMERIC_PROPERTIES.has(cssProp)) { value = value + 'px' } return cssProp + ': ' + value }) .join('; ') } // ---------------------------------------------------------- var support = (function () { // Taken from function uaMatch(ua) { ua = ua.toLowerCase() var match = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(ua) || [] return { browser: match[1] || "", version: match[2] || "0" } } var browserData = uaMatch(navigator.userAgent) return { isIE: browserData.browser == 'msie' || (browserData.browser == 'mozilla' && parseInt(browserData.version, 10) == 11) } })() // ---------------------------------------------------------- class ConsoleMessage { /** @type ConsoleMessage | null */ static _currentMessage = null static debug = false // ---------------------------------------- constructor () { this._rootNode = { type: 'root', parentNode: null, styles: {}, children: [] } this._currentParent = this._rootNode this._calls = new MethodCalls() this._waiting = 0 this._readyCallback = null } // ---------------------------------------- extend(obj = {}) { const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(this) Object.assign(proto, obj) return this } // ---------------------------------------- /** * Begins a group. By default the group is expanded. Provide false if you want the group to be collapsed. * @param {boolean} [expanded = true] - * @returns {ConsoleMessage} - Returns the message object itself to allow chaining. */ group (collapsed = false) { return this._appendNode(collapsed ? 'groupCollapsed' : 'group') } // ---------------------------------------- /** * Ends the group and returns to writing to the parent message. * @returns {ConsoleMessage} - Returns the message object itself to allow chaining. */ groupEnd () { return this._appendNode('groupEnd') } // ---------------------------------------- /** * Starts a span with particular style and all appended text after it will use the style. * @param {Object} styles - The CSS styles to be applied to all text until endSpan() is called * @returns {ConsoleMessage} - Returns the message object itself to allow chaining. */ span (styles = {}) { const parentNode = this._currentParent const span = { type: 'span', parentNode, previousStyles: { ...parentNode.styles }, styles: { ...parentNode.styles, ...styles }, children: [] } parentNode.children.push(span) this._currentParent = span return this } // ---------------------------------------- /** * Ends the current span styles and backs to the previous styles or the root if there are no other parents. * @returns {ConsoleMessage} - Returns the message object itself to allow chaining. */ spanEnd () { if (this._currentParent.type === 'root') { throw new Error(`Cannot call spanEnd() without a span`) } this._currentParent = this._currentParent.parentNode return this } // ---------------------------------------- /** * Appends a text to the current message. All styles in the current span are applied. * @param {string} text - The text to be appended * @returns {ConsoleMessage} - Returns the message object itself to allow chaining. */ text (message, styles) { if (typeof styles !== 'object') { return this._appendNode('text', { message }) } this.span(styles) this._appendNode('text', { message }) this.spanEnd() return this } // ---------------------------------------- /** * Adds a new line to the output. * @returns {ConsoleMessage} - Returns the message object itself to allow chaining. */ line (method = 'log') { return this._appendNode('line', { method }) } // ---------------------------------------- /** * Adds an interactive DOM element to the output. * @param {HTMLElement} element - The DOM element to be added. * @returns {ConsoleMessage} - Returns the message object itself to allow chaining. */ element (element) { return this._appendNode('element', { element }) } // ---------------------------------------- /** * Adds an interactive object tree to the output. * @param {*} object - A value to be added to the output. * @returns {ConsoleMessage} - Returns the message object itself to allow chaining. */ object (object) { return this._appendNode('object', { object }) } // ---------------------------------------- /** * Adds an error message and stack trace to the output. * @param {Error} error - An error to be added to the output. * @returns {ConsoleMessage} - Returns the message object itself to allow chaining. */ error (error) { return this._appendNode('error', { error }) } // ---------------------------------------- /** * Write a stack trace to the console. * @returns {ConsoleMessage} - Returns the message object itself to allow chaining. */ trace() { return this._appendNode('trace') } // ---------------------------------------- _appendNode (type, props = {}) { const child = { type, parentNode: this._currentParent, ...props } this._currentParent.children.push(child) return this } // ---------------------------------------- /** * Prints the message to the console. * Until print() is called there will be no result to the console. */ print () { if (ConsoleMessage.debug) {`this._rootNode`) console.dir(this._rootNode) } try { this._generateMethodCalls(this._rootNode) if (ConsoleMessage.debug) { console.dir(this._calls) console.groupEnd() } this._calls.executeAll() } catch (ex) { console.warn(ex) if (ConsoleMessage.debug) { console.groupEnd() } } ConsoleMessage._currentMessage = null } // ---------------------------------------- _generateMethodCalls (node) { const calls = this._calls switch (node.type) { case 'root': case 'span': calls.appendStyle(node.styles) for (const child of node.children) { this._generateMethodCalls(child) } if (node.previousStyles != null) { calls.appendStyle(node.previousStyles) } break case 'line': calls .addCall(node.method) break case 'group': case 'groupCollapsed': case 'groupEnd': case 'trace': calls .addCall(node.type) .addCall() break case 'text': calls .appendText(node.message) break case 'element': calls .appendText('%o') .addArg(node.element) break case 'object': calls .appendText('%O') .addArg(node.object) break case 'error': calls .addCall('error') .addArg(node.error) .addCall() break } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------- class MethodCalls { constructor () { this.methodCalls = [ new MethodCall('log') ] } // ---------------------------------------- get currentCall () { return this.methodCalls[ this.methodCalls.length - 1 ] } // ---------------------------------------- addCall (methodName = 'log') { if (_TEXT_METHODS.has(methodName) && this.currentCall.canChangeMethod) { this.currentCall.changeMethod(methodName) } else { this.methodCalls.push(new MethodCall(methodName)) } return this } // ---------------------------------------- appendText (text) { this.currentCall.appendText(text) return this } // ---------------------------------------- appendStyle (cssProps) { this.currentCall.appendStyle(cssProps) return this } // ---------------------------------------- addArg (arg) { this.currentCall.addArg(arg) return this } // ---------------------------------------- executeAll () { this.methodCalls .filter(c => c.canExecute) .forEach(c => { c.execute() }) } } // ---------------------------------------------------------- class MethodCall { constructor (methodName = 'log') { this.methodName = methodName this.isSimple = _SIMPLE_METHODS.has(methodName) this.canChangeMethod = _TEXT_METHODS.has(methodName) this.text = '' this.args = [] } // ---------------------------------------- get lastArg () { return this.args[ this.args.length - 1 ] } // ---------------------------------------- changeMethod (newMethodName) { if (!this.canChangeMethod) { throw new Error(`Cannot change method call`) } if (!_TEXT_METHODS.has(newMethodName)) { throw new Error(`Cannot change method call to "${newMethodName}"`) } this.methodName = newMethodName this.canChangeMethod = false } // ---------------------------------------- _throwIfSimple () { if (this.isSimple) { throw new Error(`Calls to console.${this.methodName} cannot have arguments`) } } // ---------------------------------------- appendText (text, styles) { this._throwIfSimple() this.text += text this.canChangeMethod = false return this } // ---------------------------------------- appendStyle (cssProps) { this._throwIfSimple() const css = getStyleForCssProps(cssProps) if (this.text.endsWith('%c')) { this.args[ this.args.length - 1 ] = css } else { this.text += '%c' this.args.push(css) } this.canChangeMethod = false return this } // ---------------------------------------- // updateLastArg (newValue) { // if (this.args.length) { // this.args[ this.args.length ] = newValue // } // return this // } // ---------------------------------------- addArg (newArg) { this._throwIfSimple() this.args.push(newArg) this.canChangeMethod = false return this } // ---------------------------------------- get canExecute () { return this.isSimple ? true : this.text.length > 0 && this.text !== '%c' } // ---------------------------------------- execute () { const method = console[this.methodName].bind(console) method(this.text, ...this.args) return this } } // ---------------------------------------------------------- // console.message().text('woo').text('blue',{color:'#05f'}).line('info').element(document.body).print() /** * Returns or creates the current message object. * * @returns {ConsoleMessage} - The message object */ function message() { if (ConsoleMessage._currentMessage === null) { ConsoleMessage._currentMessage = new ConsoleMessage() } return ConsoleMessage._currentMessage } if (window) { if (window.console) { window.console.message = message } window.ConsoleMessage = ConsoleMessage window.ConsoleMessage.message = message } })()