Fix hidden video's publishing date
Update (Sep 26, 2019) : Youtube fixed this by simply showing the video's publishing date directly without "Published On" to fit in the place, no need for the script now.
Show Youtube Videos' Publishing Date
Youtube changed the place where the video's publishing date is shown and placed it next to the video's views..
Making it disappear if you are zoomed in and the number of views is big (due to no space being left, and that's why you may see the date in some videos and not in the others)
So, a simple workaround this script does is reduce the font size of the Publishing Date's text making it fit in the space left so it's visible again.
Note: The font size I'm using is 1.1rem, it makes the Publishing Date appear on videos less than 1 billion views, to make it appear on videos more than that change it to 1rem.
(Also: There might be a better way to fix this problem, but I'm sure Youtube will fix it asap, thus a simple fix as this should be enough for now.)