It reduces the high CPU usage on Super Chats with nothing to lose.
English | 日本語 | 中文
How to install UserScripts:
The effect of the script:
The Super Chat of YouTube LIVE is listed above the chats as history tickers, and its background color gradually changes by actually 60 times per second of updates.
This script reduces the frequency to 1 time per second then CPU usage is also much reduced.
Optionally, you can click "remove tickers" button for further CPU usage reduction. (for restoring, you should reload the page)
I wish YouTube revises such a fool design.
for test
Donate for this script:
- PayPal.Me/kantankikaku ←You can send me $1 🤗
- Amazon Wish List ←Snacks while coding 😋
- Amazon CPU Tamer ←Enjoy shopping as well 🥳
- Any kind of referral links are also appreciated 🎉
List of my scripts:
- YouTube scripts
- * CPU Tamer scripts
- All scripts
Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey, UserScript, Extension, Add-on
live streaming, superchat, super chat, live chat, PC, Mac, CPU, slow, busy, load, high usage, consumption, 100%, browser