Disables the hunting screen to prevent you from using your energy while in SA.
// ==UserScript== // @name Don't Hunt // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/402084-don-t-hunt // @version 1.0 // @description Disables the hunting screen to prevent you from using your energy while in SA. // @author cryosis7 [926640] // @match https://www.torn.com/index.php?page=hunting // ==/UserScript== 'use strict' let blocker = elementCreator('div', { 'class': 'm-top10' }); blocker.appendChild(elementCreator('div', { 'class': 'title-black top-round', 'aria-level': '5' }, 'STOP')); let body = (elementCreator('div', { 'class': 'bottom-round cont-gray p10' })) body.appendChild(elementCreator('p', null, "You are <span style='color: red; font-weight:bold'>NOT</span> allowed to use your energy to hunt!")); body.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); blocker.appendChild(body) document.querySelector('.hunt').replaceWith(blocker); /** * Creates an HTML element according to the given parameters * * @param {String} type The HTML type to create ('div') * @param {Object} attributes Attributes to set {'class': 'wrapper'} * @param {String} text 'Inner text/html to set' */ function elementCreator(type = 'div', attributes, text) { let el = document.createElement(type); for (let attribute in attributes) el.setAttribute(attribute, attributes[attribute]) if (text) el.innerHTML = text; return el }