Clean / minimize large URLs by stripping tracking info
Cleans and minimizes urls for prettier sharing in text chats and some tracker stripping (when shared)
The script was initially made by a user in #reprap on freenode IRC for AliExpress, but I sadly have forgotten by who :(
After almost loosing this userscript >10 times, to find it on weird nas drives or old computers, I decided to rewrite it entirely from scratch and share it on my github / greasyfork
The script now supports multiple sites, likely to have more added in the future.
The script will take a url like,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_
and clean it to
While it'd be nice to also clean up localization like country specific sub-domains, this can't be done in javascript as it represents a CORS attack risk. It coud be done with redirects, and I'll happily look at a PR if anyone is up for that :)