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// ==UserScript==
// @name              腾讯视频、爱奇艺、优酷、芒果TV、乐视、PPTV、Bilibili解锁大会员、A站B站视频下载等几乎全网VIP会员视频解析脚本,持续完善更新
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type: 0,
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type: 0,
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type: 0,
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type: 0,
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type: 1,
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type: 1,
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type: 1,
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type: 1,
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type: 1,
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type: 1,
name: "CCTV-7军事",
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type: 1,
name: "CCTV-8电视剧",
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type: 1,
name: "CCTV-9纪录",
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type: 1,
name: "CCTV-10科教",
url: "http://ivi.bupt.edu.cn/player.html?channel=cctv10",
type: 1,
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url: "http://ivi.bupt.edu.cn/player.html?channel=cctv11",
type: 1,
name: "CCTV-12社会",
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type: 1,
name: "CCTV-13新闻",
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type: 1,
name: "CCTV-14少儿",
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type: 1,
name: "CCTV-15音乐",
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type: 1,
name: "CGTN",
url: "http://ivi.bupt.edu.cn/player.html?channel=cctv16",
type: 1,
name: "CCTV-17农业",
url: "http://ivi.bupt.edu.cn/player.html?channel=cctv17",
type: 1,
name: "北京卫视",
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type: 1,
name: "北京文艺",
url: "http://ivi.bupt.edu.cn/player.html?channel=btv2",
type: 1,
name: "北京科教",
url: "http://ivi.bupt.edu.cn/player.html?channel=btv3",
type: 1,
name: "北京影视",
url: "http://ivi.bupt.edu.cn/player.html?channel=btv4",
type: 1,
name: "北京财经",
url: "http://ivi.bupt.edu.cn/player.html?channel=btv5",
type: 1,
name: "北京生活",
url: "http://ivi.bupt.edu.cn/player.html?channel=btv7",
type: 1,
name: "北京青年",
url: "http://ivi.bupt.edu.cn/player.html?channel=btv8",
type: 1,
name: "北京新闻",
url: "http://ivi.bupt.edu.cn/player.html?channel=btv9",
type: 1,
name: "北京卡酷少儿",
url: "http://ivi.bupt.edu.cn/player.html?channel=btv10",
type: 1,
name: "北京冬奥纪实",
url: "http://ivi.bupt.edu.cn/player.html?channel=btv11",
type: 1,
name: "浙江卫视",
url: "http://ivi.bupt.edu.cn/player.html?channel=zjtv",
type: 1,
name: "湖南卫视",
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type: 1,
name: "江苏卫视",
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type: 1,
name: "东方卫视",
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type: 1,
name: "深圳卫视",
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type: 1,
name: "安徽卫视",
url: "http://ivi.bupt.edu.cn/player.html?channel=ahtv",
type: 1,
name: "河南卫视",
url: "http://ivi.bupt.edu.cn/player.html?channel=hntv",
type: 1,
name: "陕西卫视",
url: "http://ivi.bupt.edu.cn/player.html?channel=sxtv",
type: 1,
name: "吉林卫视",
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type: 1,
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type: 1,
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type: 1,
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type: 1,
name: "CETV-4",
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{ name: "豪华啦", url: "https://api.lhh.la/vip/?url=" },
{ name: "黑米", url: "https://www.myxin.top/jx/api/?url=" },
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{ name: "九八看", url: "https://jx.youyitv.com/?url=" },
{ name: "凉城", url: "https://jx.mw0.cc/?url=" },
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{ name: "Mao", url: "https://titan.mgtv.com.kunlanys.com/m3u8.php?url=" },
{ name: "磨菇", url: "https://jx.wzslw.cn/?url=" },
{ name: "诺诺", url: "https://www.ckmov.com/?url=" },
{ name: "诺讯", url: "https://www.nxflv.com/?url=" },
{ name: "OK", url: "https://okjx.cc/?url=" },
{ name: "千忆", url: "https://v.qianyicp.com/v.php?url=" },
{ name: "千叶", url: "https://yi29f.cn/vip.php?url=" },
{ name: "思云", url: "https://jx.ap2p.cn/?url=" },
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{ name: "思古3", url: "https://api.bbbbbb.me/jx/?url=" },
{ name: "思古4", url: "https://jsap.attakids.com/?url=" },
{ name: "tv920", url: "https://api.tv920.com/vip/?url=" },
{ name: "通用", url: "https://jx.598110.com/index.php?url=" },
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{ name: "新线路", url: "https://vip.kurumit3.top/?v=" },
{ name: "星驰", url: "https://vip.cjys.top/?url=" },
{ name: "星空", url: "https://jx.fo97.cn/?url=" },
{ name: "云端", url: "https://jx.ergan.top/?url=" },
{ name: "17云", url: "https://www.1717yun.com/jx/ty.php?url=" },
{ name: "33t", url: "https://www.33tn.cn/?url=" },
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{ name: "8090", url: "https://www.8090g.cn/?url=" },
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