Set up filters for stream chats
// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube Chat Filter // @version 1.23 // @description Set up filters for stream chats // @author Callum Latham // @namespace // @license MIT // @match *://* // @match *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @require // @require$Boolean.js?version=1081058 // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.deleteValue // ==/UserScript== /* global $Config */ /* global $Boolean */ (() => { // Don't run outside the chat frame if (!window.frameElement || !== 'chatframe') { // noinspection JSAnnotator return; } window.addEventListener('load', async () => { // STATIC CONSTS const LONG_PRESS_TIME = 400; const ACTIVE_COLOUR = 'var(--yt-spec-call-to-action)'; const CHAT_LIST_SELECTOR = ''; const FILTER_CLASS = 'cf'; const TAGS_FILTERABLE = [ 'YT-LIVE-CHAT-TEXT-MESSAGE-RENDERER', 'YT-LIVE-CHAT-PAID-MESSAGE-RENDERER', 'YT-LIVE-CHAT-MEMBERSHIP-ITEM-RENDERER', 'YTD-SPONSORSHIPS-LIVE-CHAT-GIFT-PURCHASE-ANNOUNCEMENT-RENDERER', 'YTD-SPONSORSHIPS-LIVE-CHAT-GIFT-REDEMPTION-ANNOUNCEMENT-RENDERER', 'YT-LIVE-CHAT-PAID-STICKER-RENDERER', ]; const PRIORITIES = { VERIFIED: 'Verification Badge', MODERATOR: 'Moderator Badge', MEMBER: 'Membership Badge', LONG: 'Long', RECENT: 'Recent', SUPERCHAT: 'Superchat', STICKER: 'Sticker', MEMBERSHIP_RENEWAL: 'Membership Purchase', MEMBERSHIP_GIFT_OUT: 'Membership Gift (Given)', MEMBERSHIP_GIFT_IN: 'Membership Gift (Received)', EMOJI: 'Emojis', }; // ELEMENT CONSTS const STREAMER = window.parent.document.querySelector('#upload-info > #channel-name').innerText; const ROOT_ELEMENT = document.body.querySelector('#chat'); const [BUTTON, SVG, COUNTER] = await (async () => { const SVG_NAMESPACE = ''; const [button, svgContainer, svg] = await new Promise((resolve) => { const template = document.body.querySelector('#live-chat-header-context-menu'); const button = template.querySelector('button').cloneNode(true); const svgContainer = button.querySelector('yt-icon'); = 'hidden'; button.querySelector('yt-touch-feedback-shape').remove(); template.parentElement.insertBefore(button, template); window.setTimeout(() => { const path = document.createElementNS(SVG_NAMESPACE, 'path'); path.setAttribute('d', 'M128.25,175.6c1.7,1.8,2.7,4.1,2.7,6.6v139.7l60-51.3v-88.4c0-2.5,1-4.8,2.7-6.6L295.15,65H26.75L128.25,175.6z'); const rectangle = document.createElementNS(SVG_NAMESPACE, 'rect'); rectangle.setAttribute('x', '13.95'); rectangle.setAttribute('y', '0'); rectangle.setAttribute('width', '294'); rectangle.setAttribute('height', '45'); const svg = document.createElementNS(SVG_NAMESPACE, 'svg'); svg.setAttribute('viewBox', '-50 -50 400 400'); svg.setAttribute('x', '0'); svg.setAttribute('y', '0'); svg.setAttribute('focusable', 'false'); svg.append(path, rectangle); svgContainer.innerHTML = trustedTypes?.emptyHTML ?? ''; svgContainer.append(svg);'visibility');'display', 'contents'); resolve([button, svgContainer, svg]); }, 0); }); const counter = (() => { const container = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = '9px'; = '9px'; = '1.1em'; = 'normal'; = '1.6em'; = 'flex'; = 'center'; const svg = (() => { const circle = document.createElementNS(SVG_NAMESPACE, 'circle'); circle.setAttribute('r', '50'); = 'var(--yt-live-chat-header-background-color)'; = '0.65'; const svg = document.createElementNS(SVG_NAMESPACE, 'svg'); svg.setAttribute('viewBox', '-70 -70 140 140'); svg.append(circle); return svg; })(); const text = document.createElement('span'); = 'absolute'; = '100%'; text.innerText = '?'; container.append(text, svg); svgContainer.append(container); return text; })(); return [button, svg, counter]; })(); // STATE INTERFACES const $active = new $Boolean('YTCF_IS_ACTIVE'); const $config = new $Config( 'YTCF_TREE', { get: ({children: [{children}, {children: [{value: caseSensitive}]}]}, configs) => { const filters = []; const getRegex = caseSensitive ? ({value}) => new RegExp(value) : ({value}) => new RegExp(value, 'i'); const matchesStreamer = (node) => getRegex(node).test(STREAMER); for (const filter of children) { const [{'children': streamers}, {'children': authors}, {'children': messages}] = filter.children; if (streamers.length === 0 || streamers.some(matchesStreamer)) { filters.push({ authors:, messages:, }); } } return Object.assign({filters}, ...configs); }, children: [ { label: 'Filters', children: [], seed: { label: 'Description', value: '', children: ['Streamer', 'Author', 'Message'].map((target) => ({ label: `${target} Regex`, children: [], seed: { value: '^', predicate: (value) => { try { RegExp(value); } catch { return 'Value must be a valid regular expression.'; } return true; }, }, })), }, }, { label: 'Options', children: [ { label: 'Case-Sensitive Regex?', value: false, }, { label: 'Pause on Mouse Over?', value: false, get: ({value: pauseOnHover}) => ({pauseOnHover}), }, { label: 'Queue Time (ms)', value: 0, predicate: (value) => value >= 0 ? true : 'Queue time must be positive', get: ({value: queueTime}) => ({queueTime}), }, ], }, { label: 'Preferences', children: (() => { const EVALUATORS = (() => { const getEvaluator = (evaluator, isDesired) => isDesired ? evaluator : (_) => 1 - evaluator(_); return { // Special tests [PRIORITIES.RECENT]: getEvaluator.bind(null, () => 1), [PRIORITIES.LONG]: getEvaluator.bind(null, (_) => _.querySelector('#message').textContent.length), // Tests for message type [PRIORITIES.SUPERCHAT]: getEvaluator.bind(null, (_) => _.matches('yt-live-chat-paid-message-renderer')), [PRIORITIES.STICKER]: getEvaluator.bind(null, (_) => _.matches('yt-live-chat-paid-sticker-renderer')), [PRIORITIES.MEMBERSHIP_RENEWAL]: getEvaluator.bind(null, (_) => _.matches('yt-live-chat-membership-item-renderer')), [PRIORITIES.MEMBERSHIP_GIFT_OUT]: getEvaluator.bind(null, (_) => _.matches('ytd-sponsorships-live-chat-gift-purchase-announcement-renderer')), [PRIORITIES.MEMBERSHIP_GIFT_IN]: getEvaluator.bind(null, (_) => _.matches('ytd-sponsorships-live-chat-gift-redemption-announcement-renderer')), // Tests for descendant element presence [PRIORITIES.EMOJI]: getEvaluator.bind(null, (_) => Boolean(_.querySelector('.emoji'))), [PRIORITIES.MEMBER]: getEvaluator.bind(null, (_) => Boolean(_.querySelector('#chat-badges > [type=member]'))), [PRIORITIES.MODERATOR]: getEvaluator.bind(null, (_) => Boolean(_.querySelector('#chip-badges > [type=verified]'))), [PRIORITIES.VERIFIED]: getEvaluator.bind(null, (_) => Boolean(_.querySelector('#chat-badges > [type=moderator]'))), }; })(); const poolId = 0; return [ { label: 'Requirements', get: (_, configs) => ({requirements: Object.assign(...configs)}), children: [ ['OR', 'soft'], ['AND', 'hard'], ].map(([label, key]) => ({ label, children: [], poolId, get: ({children}) => ({[key]:{label, 'value': isDesired}) => EVALUATORS[label](isDesired))}), })), }, { label: 'Priorities (High to Low)', poolId, get: ({children}) => { const getComparitor = (getValue, low, high) => { low = getValue(low); high = getValue(high); return low < high ? -1 : low === high ? 0 : 1; }; return {comparitors:{label, 'value': isDesired}) => getComparitor.bind(null, EVALUATORS[label](isDesired)))}; }, children: Object.values(PRIORITIES).map((label) => ({ label, value: label !== PRIORITIES.EMOJI && label !== PRIORITIES.MEMBERSHIP_GIFT_IN, })), }, ]; })(), }, ], }, { headBase: '#c80000', headButtonExit: '#000000', borderHead: '#ffffff', borderTooltip: '#c80000', }, { zIndex: 10000, scrollbarColor: 'initial', }, ); // CSS (function style() { function addStyle(sheet, selector, rules) { const ruleString = ([selector, rule]) => `${selector}:${typeof rule === 'function' ? rule() : rule} !important;`, ); sheet.insertRule(`${selector}{${ruleString.join('')}}`); } const styleElement = document.createElement('style'); const {sheet} = document.head.appendChild(styleElement); const styles = [ [`${CHAT_LIST_SELECTOR}`, [['bottom', 'inherit']]], [`${CHAT_LIST_SELECTOR} > :not(.${FILTER_CLASS})`, [['display', 'none']]], ]; for (const style of styles) { addStyle(sheet, style[0], style[1]); } })(); // STATE let queuedPost; // FILTERING function doFilter(isInitial = true) { const chatListElement = ROOT_ELEMENT.querySelector(CHAT_LIST_SELECTOR); let doQueue = false; let paused = false; function showPost(post, queueNext) { const config = $config.get(); post.classList.add(FILTER_CLASS); queuedPost = undefined; if (queueNext && config && config.queueTime > 0) { // Start queueing doQueue = true; window.setTimeout(() => { doQueue = false; // Unqueue if (!paused) { acceptPost(); } }, config.queueTime); } } function acceptPost(post = queuedPost, allowQueue = true) { if (!post) { return; } if (allowQueue && (doQueue || paused)) { queuedPost = post; } else { showPost(post, allowQueue); } } window.document.body.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => { const config = $config.get(); if (config && config.pauseOnHover) { paused = true; } }); window.document.body.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => { const config = $config.get(); paused = false; if (config && config.pauseOnHover) { acceptPost(); } }); function processPost(post, allowQueue = true) { const config = $config.get(); const isFilterable = config && $active.get() && TAGS_FILTERABLE.includes(post.tagName); if (isFilterable) { if ( config.filters.some((filter) => // Test author filter filter.authors.length > 0 && filter.authors.some((_) => _.test(post.querySelector('#author-name')?.textContent)) // Test message filter || filter.messages.length > 0 && filter.messages.some((_) => _.test(post.querySelector('#message')?.textContent)), ) // Test requirements || config.requirements.soft.length > 0 && !config.requirements.soft.some((passes) => passes(post)) || config.requirements.hard.some((passes) => !passes(post)) ) { return; } // Test inferior to queued post if (queuedPost) { for (const comparitor of config.comparitors) { const rating = comparitor(post, queuedPost); if (rating < 0) { return; } if (rating > 0) { break; } } } } acceptPost(post, isFilterable && allowQueue); } if (isInitial) { // Process initial messages for (const post of chatListElement.children) { processPost(post, false); } // Re-sizes the chat after removing initial messages = `${chatListElement.clientHeight}px`; // Restart if the chat element gets replaced // This happens when switching between 'Top Chat Replay' and 'Live Chat Replay' new MutationObserver((mutations) => { for (const {addedNodes} of mutations) { for (const node of addedNodes) { if (node.matches('yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer')) { doFilter(false); } } } }).observe( ROOT_ELEMENT.querySelector('#item-list'), {childList: true}, ); } // Handle new posts new MutationObserver((mutations) => { for (const {addedNodes} of mutations) { for (const addedNode of addedNodes) { processPost(addedNode); } } }).observe( chatListElement, {childList: true}, ); } // MAIN (() => { let timeout; const updateSvg = () => {[`${$active.get() ? 'set' : 'remove'}Property`]('color', ACTIVE_COLOUR); }; const updateCounter = () => { const config = $config.get(); const count = config ? config.filters.length : 0; queuedPost = undefined;[`${count > 0 ? 'set' : 'remove'}Property`]('color', ACTIVE_COLOUR); COUNTER.innerText = `${count}`; }; const onShortClick = (event) => { if (timeout && event.button === 0) { timeout = window.clearTimeout(timeout); $active.toggle(); updateSvg(); } }; const onLongClick = () => { timeout = undefined; $config.edit() .then(updateCounter) .catch(({message}) => { if (window.confirm(`${message}\n\nWould you like to erase your data?`)) { $config.reset(); updateCounter(); } }); }; Promise.all([ $active.init() .then(updateSvg), $config.ready .catch(async (e) => { const tree = await GM.getValue('YTCF_TREE'); const {children} = tree.children[2].children[1]; if (children.some(({label}) => label === PRIORITIES.STICKER)) { throw e; } // Copy superchat info onto new sticker entry const refIndex = children.findIndex(({label}) => label === PRIORITIES.SUPERCHAT); // Try fixing error by adding the new 'Sticker' entry to the 'priorities' subtree children.splice(refIndex, 0, { label: PRIORITIES.STICKER, value: children[refIndex].value, }); await GM.setValue('YTCF_TREE', tree); await $config.ready; }) .finally(updateCounter), ]) .then(() => { // Start filtering doFilter(); // Add short click listener BUTTON.addEventListener('mouseup', onShortClick); // Add long click listener BUTTON.addEventListener('mousedown', (event) => { if (event.button === 0) { timeout = window.setTimeout(onLongClick, LONG_PRESS_TIME); } }); }); })(); }); })();