Enhanced keywords highlight for Airflow pages
This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/460362/1151949/Airflow%20log%20hightlight%20lib.js
console.log('Airflow log hightlight lib start') try { function l(message) {if (typeof console == 'object') {console.log(message)} else {GM_log(message)}} (function word_hightlight(loaded){ //if (window.top != window.self) return; //don't run on frames or iframes // check browser if (!loaded && window.opera && document.readyState == 'interactive') { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){ loaded = true; word_hightlight(true); }, false); window.addEventListener('load', function(){ if (!loaded) word_hightlight(true); }, false); return; } if (document.contentType && !/html/i.test(document.contentType)) return; // check api if (typeof GM_getValue == "function") { var getv = GM_getValue; var setv = GM_setValue; } else { // workaround functions, creadit to ww_start_t var setv = function(cookieName, cookieValue, lifeTime){ if (!cookieName) {return;} if (lifeTime == "delete") {lifeTime = -10;} else {lifeTime = 31536000;} document.cookie = escape(cookieName)+ "=" + escape(getRecoverableString(cookieValue))+ ";expires=" + (new Date((new Date()).getTime() + (1000 * lifeTime))).toGMTString() + ";path=/"; }; var getv = function(cookieName, oDefault){ var cookieJar = document.cookie.split("; "); for (var x = 0; x < cookieJar.length; x++ ) { var oneCookie = cookieJar[x].split("="); if (oneCookie[0] == escape(cookieName)) { try { eval('var footm = '+unescape(oneCookie[1])); } catch (e) {return oDefault;} return footm; } } return oDefault; }; } //{ values > var isOpera = !!this.opera, isFirefox = !!this.Components, isChromium = !!this.chromium, isSafari = this.getMatchedCSSRules && !isChromium; var STYLE_COLOR = ['#FFFF80','#99ccff','#ff99cc','#66cc66','#cc99ff','#ffcc66','#66aaaa','#dd9966','#aaaaaa','#dd6699']; var BORDER_COLOR = ['#aaaa20','#4477aa','#aa4477','#117711','#7744aa','#aa7711','#115555','#884411','#555555','#881144']; var STYLE_COLOR_2 = ['#FFFFa0','#bbeeff','#ffbbcc','#88ee88','#ccbbff','#ffee88','#88cccc','#ffbb88','#cccccc','#ffaabb']; var BORDER_COLOR_2 = ['#aaaa40','#6699aa','#aa6699','#339933','#9966aa','#aa9933','#337777','#aa6633','#777777','#aa3366']; var but_c = '#99cc99', but_ca = '#FFD000', but_cd = '#999999', but_cb = '#669966'; // button normal/active/disable background color/border color. // Initialize value var PRE = 'wordhighlight', ID_PRE = PRE + '_id', ST_PRE = PRE + '_store', PO_PRE = PRE + '_position', CO_PRE = PRE + '_config'; var STYLE_CLASS = '0123456789'.split('').map(function(a,i){return PRE + '_word'+i;}); var setuped = false; var highlight_off = false; var addKeyword = true; var keyword = "AnalysisException|ValueError|TypeError|ProgrammingError|JSONDecodeError|AnalysisException|NameError|IndentationError|KeyError|IndexError|AttributeError|FileNotFoundError|\ ConnectionError|HTTPError|Received SIGTERM|SyntaxError|OutOfMemory|Container killed by YARN for exceeding memory limits|Failed to get minimum memory|\ Permission denied|Memory limit exceeded|Could not resolve table reference|Could not resolve column/field reference|File does not exist|RemoteException|\ TExecuteStatementResp|object has no attribute|InternalError|NullPointerException|ConnectionError|Failed to close HDFS|cannot be null|IntegrityError|\ ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException|has more columns|Unknown column|No such file or directory|Out Of Memory|RuntimeError|Traceback|AirflowTaskTimeout|\ Check 'stl_load_errors' system table for details|OperationalError|Lost connection to MySQL server during query|AirflowTaskTimeout|files cols number not match target file cols number, check it|\ Data too long for column|DataError|Initial job has not accepted any resources|/tmp/oneflow_|http://oneflow.yimian.com.cn/dag|num_dumped_rows|com.yimian.etl" var words = [], word_lists = [], word_inputs_list=[], layers, positions = []; var words_off = []; var xp_all = new $XE('descendant::span[starts-with(@name,"' + PRE + '_word")]', document.body); var keyCodeStr = { 8: 'BAC', 9: 'TAB', 10: 'RET', 13: 'RET', 27: 'ESC', 33: 'PageUp', 34: 'PageDown', 35: 'End', 36: 'Home', 37: 'Left', 38: 'Up', 39: 'Right', 40: 'Down', 45: 'Insert', 46: 'Delete', 112: 'F1', 113: 'F2', 114: 'F3', 115: 'F4', 116: 'F5', 117: 'F6', 118: 'F7', 119: 'F8', 120: 'F9', 121: 'F10', 122: 'F11', 123: 'F12' }; var whichStr = { 32: 'SPC' }; var htmlDoc = isChromium ? document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('hogehoge') : document; var highlight_reset = function(){}; var canvas, cw, c2context, nav; var root = /BackCompat/i.test(document.compatMode) ? document.body : document.documentElement; var CanvasWidth = 150; var ratio = 1; var aside, section, td0, lock, edit, off, text_input, posi_tip, posi_tip_timer, inputBOX; // panel elements var sheet, main_sheet, move_sheet, inst_sheet; // style sheets //language detection var _L = 1; //var _L = (!!(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('zh-') == -1))? 0:1; //if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') != -1) //{_L = (!!(navigator.language.indexOf('zh-') == -1))? 0:1;} // Thanks to SoIN(http://userscripts.org/users/302257) var _ti = { // en/zh locale string for tooltip. edit: ['Edit current keywords','编辑现有关键词'], edit_a: ['Confirm editing keywords','确认编辑关键词'], off: ['Toggle all keywords\' highlight','切换全部关键词的高亮'], td0: ['Double-click to minimize the panel','双击最小化面板'], td0_a: ['Double-click to restore EWH panel','双击恢复 EWH 面板'], lock: ['Lock current set of keywords','锁定当前的关键词组'], lock_a: ['Current locked keyword(s):','当前锁定的关键词组:'], lock_u: ['Function not supported by this browser','此浏览器不支持该功能'], close: ['Close Enhanced word highlight','关闭关键词高亮'], kwL: ['Left click to the next; Right click to the previous','左击跳到下一个;右击跳到上一个'], check: [['Toggle highlight of "','"'],['切换“','”的高亮']], mapl:['Toggle highlight map locking status','切换高亮分布图的锁定状态'], ad_nw: ['Toggle add/new keywords for highlight','切换添加/取代关键词的高亮'], subm: ['Submit keywords','提交关键词'], clos: ['Close input box','关闭输入框'] }; var _di = { // en/zh locale string for dialog. update: [['There is an update available for the Greasemonkey script "','."\nWould you like to go to the install page now?','No update is available for "','."','An error occurred while checking for updates:\n',' - Manual Update Check'], ['发现 GM 脚本“','”有更新,\n是否现在打开脚本发布页?','没找到“','”脚本的更新。','检查更新时出现了一个错误:\n',' - 手动检查更新']], confT: ['Enhanced word highlight Advanced Config','Enhanced word highlight 高级设置'], conf: [['What auto-pager tool do you mostly use?', 'Turn off highlight of short keywords by default?', 'Disable auto-highlight (auto-capture keywords for highlight) ?', 'Sort keyword for more accurate highlight (Recommended, except for regular expression users)', 'Save panel position', 'Show indicator bar when navigating'], ['你主要用那种自动翻页工具?', '是否默认停用短关键词的高亮?', '是否禁用自动高亮(自动抓取关键词来高亮)?', '排列关键词以更准确高亮(推荐;需要高亮正则表达式的用户除外)', '保存面板位置', '查找关键词时显示指示条']], confR: [[['Autopagerize GM script','Autopager extension','Other (can handle all auto-pager tools but works slow)'], ['Don\'t turn off','One-letter/digit word','One- and two-letter/digit word'], ['Enable','Completely disable','Disable on pages opened from supported search results','Disable on supported search result pages']], [['Autopagerize GM 脚本','Autopager 扩展','其他(能应付任何自动翻页工具但运作较慢)'], ['否','是;针对单个字母/数字','是,针对单/两个字母/数字'], ['不禁用','完全禁用','仅在从支持的搜索结果中打开的页面上禁用','仅在支持的搜索结果页面上禁用']]] }; //} var urlArr = [], queryArr = []; //{ Config I > // #### Config I #### --------------------------{{ // keybinds var KEY_NEXT = 'n'; // "n" Next occurrence var KEY_PREV = 'b'; // "Shift-n" Previous occurrence var KEY_SEARCH = 'M-/'; // "Alt-/" Add keywords var KEY_OFF = 'M-,'; // "Alt-," Suspend highlight var KEY_CLOSE = 'C-M-/'; // "Ctrl-Alt-/" Disable highlight var KEY_EDIT = 'M-.'; // "Alt-." Edit highlight var KEY_REFRESH = 'r'; // "r" Refresh highlight // delay of highlighting (ms) var delay = 500; // instant highlight selected keywords var instant = true; // restore focus and scroll position after closing keyword input box with shortcut key? // mainly useful for keyboard navigation, not recommend for mouse navigation. var refocus = false; // minimize the panel initially? var panel_hide = true; // #### Config I #### --------------------------}} //} if (window.top != window.self) panel_hide = true; //hide panel in iframes //{ Config II > // #### Config II #### --------------------------{{ // What's your main auto-pager tool? // 0 - Autopagerize (GM script) // 1 - AuroPager (Firefox Extension) // 2 - Other (Other auto-pager scripts, site-specific scripts, bookmarklets, etc.) //<!> From top option to botom one, the compatibility of the script // will be strengthened while the performance of highlight will be lower. var ap_option = 2; // turn off short keywords (one or two letters or number) by default? // 0-no, 1-one letter, 2-one or two letters var off_short_words = 1; // Stop auto-highlight on supported pages? // 0-no, 1-yes, 2-only those from search results, 3-only search results var no_auto_hili = 0; // sort keywords? 0-no, 1-yes //<!> Setting this to "yes" will produce better highlight result, // while "no" will perform faster and support ReExp input better. var sort_keywords = 0; // save panel position? var save_panel_pos = false; // show indicator bar when navigating? var show_indc_bar = false; // GM APIs available? if (typeof GM_getValue == "function") var gm_ok = true; // Configs if (!gm_ok) { // var Ewh_configs = [ap_option, off_short_words, no_auto_hili, sort_keywords, save_panel_pos, show_indc_bar]; } else { var Ewh_configs = GM_getValue(CO_PRE, '2|1|0|1|0|0').split('|'); } for (i in Ewh_configs) {Ewh_configs[i] = Number(Ewh_configs[i]);} // Locked keywords if (gm_ok) var keyword_store = GM_getValue(ST_PRE); // Saved position var panel_pos_arr = ['right:-1px;','bottom:-1px;']; if (Ewh_configs[4] && gm_ok) panel_pos_arr = GM_getValue(PO_PRE, panel_pos_arr.join('|')).split('|'); // Configs menuConnectionError if (gm_ok) window.addEventListener('load', function(){GM_registerMenuCommand(_di.confT[_L], config_box);}, false); if (gm_ok) { unsafeWindow.EWH_iSearch = function() {instant_search(false, null);}; unsafeWindow.EWH_cClose = function() {command_close();}; } // main process init_keyboard(); if (load_keyword() !== false || init_keyword() !== false) { //window.addEventListener('load', go, false); setTimeout(go, delay); } // var oldurl = window.location.href; // window.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', function(e){ l(window.location.href); // if (window.location.href !== oldurl) { // if (load_keyword() !== false || init_keyword() !== false) { // setTimeout(go, delay*2); // } // } // }, false); function go(){ setup(); } // Functions function highlight(doc, ext_word) { var _words = words.filter(function(w,i){return !words_off[i];}); if (_words.length <= 0) return; var _index; if (ext_word && ext_word.words) { _words = ext_word.words; _index = ext_word.index; } var exd_words, xw; if (_words.length === 1 && _words[0].exp) { exd_words = _words.map(function(e){return e.exp;}); xw = ''; } else { exd_words = _words.map(function(w){return w.test ? w : new RegExp('(' + w.replace(/\W/g,'\\$&') + ')(?!##)', 'ig');}); xw = ' and (' + _words.map(function(w){return ' contains(translate(self::text(),"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"),'+escapeXPathExpr(w.toUpperCase())+') ';}).join(' or ') + ') '; } $X('descendant::text()[string-length(normalize-space(self::text())) > 0 ' + xw +' and not(ancestor::textarea or ancestor::script or ancestor::style or ancestor::aside)]', doc).forEach(function(text_node) { var df, text = text_node.nodeValue, id_index = 0, parent = text_node.parentNode, range = document.createRange(), replace_strings = [], new_text = reduce(exd_words, function(text,ew,i) { var _i = _index || i; return text.replace(ew,function($0,$1) { replace_strings[id_index] = '<span id="' + ID_PRE + id_index + '" class="' + STYLE_CLASS[_i%10] + '" name="'+PRE+'_word'+_i+'">' + $1 + '</span>'; return '##'+(id_index++)+'##'; }); }, text). replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>'). replace(/##(\d+)##/g, function($0,$1) { return replace_strings[$1] || ''; }); if (replace_strings.length) { try { if (isChromium) { range.selectNodeContents(htmlDoc.documentElement); } else { range.selectNode(text_node); } df = range.createContextualFragment(new_text); if (df.firstChild) parent.replaceChild(df, text_node); range.detach(); } catch (e) { error(e); } } }); } function addsheet() { if (!main_sheet) { var hilistyles = STYLE_COLOR.map(function(rgb,i){ return 'span.' + PRE + '_word'+i+',.' + PRE + '_item'+i+'{background:'+rgb+'!important;}'; }); var borderstyles = BORDER_COLOR.map(function(rgb,i){ return 'li.' + PRE + '_item'+i+'{outline:1px solid '+rgb+'!important;}'; }); sheet = addCSS([ //Additional Style 'span[class^="' + PRE + '_word"]{color:black!important;font:inherit!important;display:inline!important;margin:0!important;padding:0!important;text-align:inherit!important;float:none!important;position:static!important;}', //vertical-align:inherit !important; '#' + PRE + '_words, #' + PRE + '_words *{font-family: Arial ;}', '#' + PRE + '_words{line-height:1;position:fixed;z-index:60000;opacity:0.8;list-style-type:none;margin:0;padding:0;width:auto;max-width:100%;' + panel_pos_arr[0] + panel_pos_arr[1] +'}', '#' + PRE + '_words > section{clear:right;line-height:1;border:1px solid #666;/*border-left-width:10px;*/background:#fff;display:block;position:relative;}', '#' + PRE + '_words * {margin:0;padding:0;width:auto;height:auto;}', '#' + PRE + '_words:hover{opacity:1;}', '#' + PRE + '_words:hover > section{opacity:1;border-color:#333;}', '#' + PRE + '_words #_ewh_handle{background:#666;width:10px;cursor:move;}', '#' + PRE + '_words:hover #_ewh_handle{background:#333;}', '#' + PRE + '_words.ewh_hide #_ewh_handle{cursor:pointer;}', // '#' + PRE + '_words.ewh_hide:hover #_ewh_handle{width:10px;}', // '#' + PRE + '_words.ewh_hide > section form.' + PRE + '_ctrl > input.c_b{display:none;}', '#' + PRE + '_words > nav{display:none;width:100%;padding:3px;position:relative;}', '#' + PRE + '_words > nav > canvas.backport{background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);cursor:pointer;position:absolute;right:6px;z-index:3;}', '#' + PRE + '_words > nav > canvas.viewport{background:rgba(79,168,255,0.7);cursor:default;position:absolute;bottom:0px;right:6px;}',//outline:6px solid rgba(79,168,255,0.7); // '#' + PRE + '_words > nav:hover > canvas.backport{background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);}', '#' + PRE + '_words:hover > nav{display:block;}', '#' + PRE + '_words > nav._locked{display:block;}', '#' + PRE + '_words:hover > nav > canvas.backport{bottom:0px;}', '#' + PRE + '_words > nav._locked > canvas.backport{bottom:0px;}', '#' + PRE + '_words.ewh_edit{opacity:1;}', '#' + PRE + '_words.ewh_edit #' + PRE + '_word_inputs_list{display:none;}', '#' + PRE + '_words form.' + PRE + '_editor{display:none;}', '#' + PRE + '_words.ewh_edit form.' + PRE + '_editor{display:inline-block;}', '#' + PRE + '_words.ewh_edit form.' + PRE + '_editor input{min-width:80px;}', '#' + PRE + '_words li{display:inline-block;margin:0.1em 0.2em;line-height:1.3em;font-size:medium;}', '#' + PRE + '_words > section > * {vertical-align:middle;}', '#' + PRE + '_words > section td {border:none;}', '#' + PRE + '_words > section > h3.' + PRE + '_title{display:inline-block;background:#333;color:#fff;padding:0.1em 0.3em;border:none;margin:0 0.2em;}', '#' + PRE + '_words > section form.' + PRE + '_ctrl{display:inline-block;}', '#' + PRE + '_words > section form.' + PRE + '_ctrl > input{display:inline;width:1.3em;margin:0.1em 0.1em;background:'+ but_c +';border:1px solid '+ but_cb +';cursor:pointer;font-size:10pt;color:black;}', '#' + PRE + '_words > section form.' + PRE + '_ctrl > input._active{background:'+ but_ca +';}', '#' + PRE + '_words > section form.' + PRE + '_ctrl > input._disable{background:'+ but_cd +' !important;cursor:default;}', '#' + PRE + '_words > section form.' + PRE + '_ctrl > input:hover{outline:1px solid '+ but_cb +'!important;}', '#' + PRE + '_word_inputs_list {padding:0!important;margin:0.2em!important;display:inline-block;border:none!important;}', '#' + PRE + '_word_inputs_list > li{position:relative;padding:0 4px;}', '#' + PRE + '_word_inputs_list > li.ewh_disable{background:white!important;outline:1px solid #999!important;}', '#' + PRE + '_word_inputs_list > li > label{cursor:pointer;color:black!important;}', '#' + PRE + '_word_inputs_list > li > input{cursor:pointer;}', // '#' + PRE + '_word_inputs_list > li > label > input[type=image]{vertical-align:top;padding:0;height:12px;}', '#' + PRE + '_word_inputs_list > li > input[type=checkbox]{display:none;position:absolute;right:0px;top:0px;opacity:0.7;}', '#' + PRE + '_word_inputs_list > li:hover{outline-width:2px!important;}', '#' + PRE + '_word_inputs_list > li:hover > input[type=checkbox]{display:block;}', '#' + PRE + '_word_inputs_list > li > input[type=checkbox]:hover{opacity:1;}', '#' + PRE + '_words > section td+td+td > input {display:inline;width:1.3em;margin:0.1em 0.1em;background:#FAFAFA;border:1px solid #aaaaaa;cursor:pointer;font-size:10pt;color:black;}', ].concat(hilistyles, borderstyles).join('\n')); main_sheet = true; } if (!move_sheet) addmovesheet() } function addmovesheet() { addCSS('.wordhighlight_em{outline:4px solid #FF7B00;-webkit-outline:4px solid #FF7B00;text-decoration:blink;}'); move_sheet = true; } function setup(init) { setuped = true; addsheet(); // build ui aside = creaElemIn('aside', document.body); aside.id = PRE + '_words'; section = creaElemIn('section', aside); var table_COL = creaElemIn('table', section); table_COL.setAttribute('style', 'border:0;margin:0;padding:0;border-spacing:2px;border-collapse:separate!important;'); table_COL.setAttribute('cellspacing', '0'); table_COL.setAttribute('cellpadding', '0'); var tbdy_COL = creaElemIn('tbody', table_COL); var tr_COL = creaElemIn('tr', tbdy_COL); td0 = creaElemIn('td', tr_COL); td0.id = '_ewh_handle'; td0.title = _ti.td0[_L]; var td1 = creaElemIn('td', tr_COL); td1.setAttribute('style', 'border-right: 1px solid black; padding:0.2em 0.3em 0 0;vertical-align:top;');//width:7.2em; var td2 = creaElemIn('td', tr_COL); var td3 = creaElemIn('td', tr_COL); var editor = creaElemIn('form', td2); editor.className = PRE + '_editor'; text_input = creaElemIn('input', editor); text_input.type = 'text'; var ctrl = creaElemIn('form', td1); ctrl.className = PRE + '_ctrl'; var close_button = creaElemIn('input', ctrl); close_button.type = 'button'; close_button.className = 'c_b'; close_button.value = 'X'; close_button.title = _ti.close[_L]; off = creaElemIn('input', ctrl); off.type = 'button'; off.value = 'O'; off.title = _ti.off[_L]; lock = creaElemIn('input', ctrl); lock.type = 'button'; lock.value = 'L'; edit = creaElemIn('input', ctrl); edit.type = 'button'; edit.value = 'E'; edit.title = _ti.edit[_L]; word_inputs_list = creaElemIn('ul', td2); word_inputs_list.id = PRE + '_word_inputs_list'; word_inputs_list.className = PRE + '_inputs'; var maplock = creaElemIn('input', td3); maplock.type = 'button'; maplock.value = '<'; maplock.title = _ti.mapl[_L]; // add interactivity edit.addEventListener('click',command_edit,false); off.addEventListener('click',command_off,false); close_button.addEventListener('click',command_close,false); editor.addEventListener('submit',function(e){ command_edit(); e.preventDefault(); },false); if (gm_ok) { lock.title = _ti.lock[_L]; lock.className = (keyword_store)? '_active' : ''; lock.addEventListener('click',function(){ if (aside.className == 'ewh_edit') return; if (keyword_store) { lock.className = ''; lock.title = _ti.lock[_L]; GM_setValue(ST_PRE, ''); keyword_store = ''; // lock.value = 'Lock: Off'; } else { lock.className = '_active'; lock.title = _ti.lock_a[_L] + ' ' + keyword; GM_setValue(ST_PRE, keyword); keyword_store = keyword; // lock.value = 'Lock: On'; } },false); } else { lock.title = _ti.lock_u[_L]; lock.className = '_disable'; } /* 展开右下角的画布 td0.addEventListener('dblclick',function(evt){//l(panel_hide,window.innerWidth - aside.offsetLeft,1); if (panel_hide) {//l('O'); aside.style.right = '0px'; aside.className = ''; panel_hide = false; //默认隐藏 this.title = _ti.td0[_L]; }else{//l(panel_hide); aside.style.right = (14 - aside.offsetWidth) +'px'; aside.className = 'ewh_hide'; panel_hide = true;//l(panel_hide,3); this.title = _ti.td0_a[_L]; } }, false);*/ maplock.addEventListener('click',function(){ if(!nav.className) {nav.className = '_locked'; this.value = '>';} else {nav.className = ''; this.value = '<';} },false); // build map nav = document.createElement('nav'); aside.insertBefore(nav,aside.firstChild); canvas = creaElemIn('canvas', nav); canvas.className='backport'; cw = creaElemIn('canvas', nav); cw.className='viewport'; var c2 = c2context = canvas.getContext('2d'); // /+drag codes by grea // scrolling per events this.perf = 2, this.perfic = 0; this.moveTo = function(evt){ if (perfic++ % perf || !window.drgg) return; var x = (evt.offsetX || evt.layerX)/ratio - root.clientWidth/2; var y = (evt.offsetY || evt.layerY)/ratio - root.clientHeight/2; window.scrollTo(x, y); } with(canvas){ addEventListener('mousedown', function(e){ window.drgg = true; moveTo(e); },false); addEventListener('mousemove', function(e){ moveTo(e); },false); addEventListener('mouseup', function(e){ window.drgg = false; moveTo(e); },false); addEventListener('mouseout', function(e){ window.drgg = false; moveTo(e); },false); } // +/codes end // add AutoPager page change detector if (Ewh_configs[0]) { this.pagef = 5, this.pagefic = 0; var docHeight = document.body.scrollHeight, pageChanged; this.checkpage = function(){ if ((pagefic++ % pagef == 0) && (document.body.scrollHeight > docHeight)) { switch (Ewh_configs[0]) { case 1: after_load(); break; case 2: resetup(); break; } docHeight = document.body.scrollHeight; } } } // sync with map & check page window.addEventListener('scroll',function(){ var x = window.pageXOffset * ratio; var y = window.pageYOffset * ratio; cw.style.bottom = (canvas.height - cw.height - y) + 'px'; cw.style.right = (-x + 6) + 'px'; if (Ewh_configs[0]) checkpage(); },false); // go to highlight highlight(document.body); word_lists = create_inputlist(words); layers = xp_all.get(); draw_wordmap(); if (!Ewh_configs[0]) init_autopager(); if (panel_hide && !init){ aside.style.right = (14 - aside.offsetWidth) +'px'; aside.className = 'ewh_hide'; td0.title = _ti.td0_a[_L]; } } function restore_words(words) { (words||xp_all.get()).forEach(function(layer,i){ var parent = layer.parentNode; while (layer.firstChild){ parent.insertBefore(layer.firstChild, layer); } parent.removeChild(layer); }); } function draw_wordmap() { var c2 = c2context; var _height = root.clientHeight * 0.7; if (_height > CanvasWidth * (root.scrollHeight/root.scrollWidth)) { canvas.width = CanvasWidth; canvas.height = CanvasWidth * (root.scrollHeight/root.scrollWidth); ratio = CanvasWidth / root.scrollWidth; } else { canvas.height = _height; canvas.width = _height * (root.scrollWidth/root.scrollHeight); ratio = _height / root.scrollHeight; } cw.width = root.clientWidth * ratio; cw.height = root.clientHeight * ratio; cw.style.bottom = (canvas.height - cw.height - window.pageYOffset * ratio)+'px'; c2.clearRect(0,0,window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight); c2.beginPath(); word_lists.forEach(function(item,i){ if(!words_off[i]) { c2.fillStyle = STYLE_COLOR[i%10]; item.get_w().forEach(function(ly,j){ var recs = ly.getClientRects(); for (var i = 0, l = recs.length;i < l;++i){ var rec = recs[i]; var x = Math.max(ratio*(root.scrollLeft + rec.left), 2); var y = Math.max(ratio*(root.scrollTop + rec.top), 2); 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var _id = check.id = ID_PRE + '_check' + _i; var list = {item:li,word:w,label:label,check:check,get_count:xp_count.get,get_w:xp.get}; check.addEventListener('change', function(){ if (check.checked) { words_off[_i] = false; highlight(document.body,{words:[w],index:_i}); after_load(null, _i); this.parentNode.className = this.parentNode.className.replace(' ewh_disable', ''); } else { words_off[_i] = true; restore_words(xp.get()); draw_wordmap(); this.parentNode.className += ' ewh_disable'; } },false); return list; }); } function endrag(element,opt) { var p_x, p_y, isDragging; endrag = function(element,opt){ return new endrag.proto(element,opt||{}); } endrag.proto = function(elem,opt){ var self = this; this.element = elem; this.style = elem.style; var _x = opt.x !== 'right'; var _y = opt.y !== 'bottom'; this.x = _x ? 'left' : 'right'; this.y = _y ? 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this.position = { _x:parseFloat(_c[this.x]), _y:parseFloat(_c[this.y]), x:e.pageX, y:e.pageY }; e.preventDefault(); } }, __dragging:function(e){ if (!this.isDragging) return; var x = Math.floor(e.pageX), y = Math.floor(e.pageY), p = this.position; // prevent moving out of window var x_border = window.innerWidth - 40, y_border = window.innerHeight - 20; if (x - window.pageXOffset > x_border) x = window.pageXOffset + x_border; if (y - window.pageYOffset > y_border) y = window.pageYOffset + y_border; p._x = p._x + (p.x - x) * this.xd; p._y = p._y + (p.y - y) * this.yd; this.style[this.x] = p._x + 'px'; this.style[this.y] = p._y + 'px'; p.x = x; p.y = y; }, __drag_end:function(e){ if (e.button == 0) { if (this.isDragging) this.isDragging = isDragging = false; } }, hook:function(method,func){ if (typeof this[method] === 'function') { var o = this[method]; this[method] = function(){ if (func.apply(this,arguments) === false) return; o.apply(this,arguments); }; } } }; return endrag(element,opt); } function load_keyword() { if (keyword_store) { keyword = keyword_store; prep_keyword(); return true; }else { return false; } } function init_keyword() { if (Ewh_configs[2] == 1) return false; var name = window.name; var host = location.host, q = document.location.search.slice(1), e = -1; if (Ewh_configs[2] == 2 || name == (PRE + '::CLOSED::')) var _no_refer = true; if (Ewh_configs[2] != 3) init_KW_SR(); //l(101,keyword); if (!keyword) init_KW_IH(); //l(102,keyword); if (!_no_refer && !keyword) init_KW_RF(); //l(103,keyword); if (Ewh_configs[2] != 3 && !keyword) init_KW_SRo(); //l(104,keyword); keyword = trim(keyword); if (keyword) { window.name = PRE + '::' + encodeURIComponent(keyword); prep_keyword();//l(104,keyword); return true; } else { return false; } } function init_KW_SR() { //for Search Results var host = location.host, q = document.location.search.slice(1), e = -1; for (i = 0; i < urlArr.length; i++) { if (host.indexOf(urlArr[i][2]) != -1 && q.indexOf(urlArr[i][1]) != -1) e = i;//l(e); } if (e >= 0) { keyword = get_KW_from_URL(q, e);//l(keyword); } } function init_KW_SRo() { //for other search result pages var locationhref = escape(document.location.href); for (var z = 0; z < queryArr.length; z++) { var input_query = document.getElementById(queryArr[z][0]); if (!input_query || locationhref.indexOf(queryArr[z][1]) == -1) continue; if (input_query.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input") keyword = clean(input_query.value); if (keyword) break; } } function init_KW_RF() { //for Pages from Results var host = location.host, ref = document.referrer, e = -1; for (i = 0; i < urlArr.length; i++) { if (Ewh_configs[2] == 3 && host.indexOf(urlArr[i][2]) != -1) return; if (ref.indexOf(urlArr[i][2]) != -1 && ref.indexOf(urlArr[i][1]) != -1) e = i;//l(e); } if (e >= 0) { var _a = document.createElement('a'); _a.href = ref; var q = _a.search.slice(1); keyword = get_KW_from_URL(q, e);//l(keyword); } } function init_KW_IH() { //look for keywords in name if (name.indexOf(PRE) == 0 && name != (PRE + '::CLOSED::')) { keyword = (new RegExp(PRE + '\\d*::(.+)').exec(decodeURIComponent(window.name))[1]) || ''; } } function get_KW_from_URL(urlsearch, _e) { if (urlArr[_e][0] =='Google' && urlsearch.indexOf('&url=') != -1) urlsearch = urlsearch.replace(/%25/g,'%'); // if it is from Google's redirect link var qspairs = urlsearch.split('&'), kwtmp; for (k = 0; k < qspairs.length; k++) { if (qspairs[k].indexOf(urlArr[_e][1]) == 0) {KW = qspairs[k].substring(urlArr[_e][1].length).replace(/\+/g,' '); break;} }//l(KW); /*else*/ kwtmp = decodeURIComponent(KW); return clean(kwtmp); } function prep_keyword() { words = init_words(keyword); } function trim(str) { return str.replace(/[\n\r]+/g,' ').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'').replace(/\.+\s|\.+$/g,''); } function clean(str) { return str.replace(/(?:(?:\s?(?:site|(?:all)?in(?:url|title|anchor|text)):|(?:\s|^)-)\S*|(\s)(?:OR|AND)\s|[()])/g,'$1'); } function uniq(arr) { var a = [], o = {}, i, v, len = arr.length; if (len < 2) {return arr;} for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { v = arr[i]; if (o[v] !== 1) { a.push(v); o[v] = 1; } } return a; }; function word_length_Comp(a,b) { return (b.length - a.length); }; function init_words(word) { var erg = word.match(new RegExp("^ ?/(.+)/([gim]+)?$")); if (erg) { var ew = erg[1], flag = erg[2] || ''; var word_s = [{exp:new RegExp('(' + ew + ')(?!##)', flag), text:ew, toString:function(){return ew;}}]; } else if (word) { var ret=[], eword = word.replace(/"([^"]+)"/g,function($0,$1){$1 && ret.push($1);return '';}); var word_s = eword.split(/[\+\|#]/).filter(function(w){return !!w;}).concat(ret); word_s = (Ewh_configs[3])? uniq(word_s).sort(word_length_Comp) : uniq(word_s); if (Ewh_configs[1]) { for (var i in word_s) { if (/^[a-z0-9]$/i.test(word_s[i]) || (Ewh_configs[1] == 2 && /^[a-z0-9]{2}$/i.test(word_s[i]))) words_off[i] = true; else words_off[i] = false; } } }//l(word_s[0].exp); return word_s; } function init_minibuffer() { if (window.Minibuffer) document.removeEventListener('keypress', keyhandler, false); var mini = window.Minibuffer; mini.addCommand({ name: 'keyword-search', command: function(stdin){ keyword += ' ' + this.args.join(' '); keyword = trim(keyword); prep_keyword(); if (setuped) resetup(); else setup(); return stdin; } }); mini.addShortcutkey({ key:KEY_NEXT, command:next, description: 'emphasis next keyword' }); mini.addShortcutkey({ key:KEY_PREV, command:prev, description: 'emphasis prev keyword' }); mini.addShortcutkey({ key:KEY_SEARCH, command:function(e){ instant_search(); }, description: 'emphasis prev keyword' }); } function next(index,_layers) { _layers || (_layers = (layers || (layers = xp_all.get()) )); index || (index = 0); move(_layers[++positions[index]] || (positions[index] = 0, _layers[positions[index]])); position_box(index); } function prev(index,_layers) { _layers || (_layers = (layers || (layers = xp_all.get()) )); index || (index = 0); move(_layers[--positions[index]] || (positions[index] = _layers.length - 1, _layers[positions[index]])); position_box(index); } function position_box(index) { if (!posi_tip) { posi_tip = creaElemIn('div', section); posi_tip.setAttribute('style', 'background:white;color:black;border:1px solid black;text-align:center;position:absolute;left:30px;z-index:1025;font-size:16px;height:20px;top:-20px;width:40px;-moz-box-shadow:0 2px 4px #444444;-Webkit-box-shadow:0 2px 4px #444444;'); } clearTimeout(posi_tip_timer); posi_tip.style.display = 'block'; posi_tip.innerHTML = positions[index]+1; if (index == 0) posi_tip.style.left = '30px'; else posi_tip.style.left = (word_lists[index-1].item.offsetLeft + (word_lists[index-1].item.clientWidth - 40)/2) + 'px'; posi_tip_timer = setTimeout(function(){posi_tip.style.display = 'none';},3000); } function init_keyboard() { if (isOpera) { } else if (window.Minibuffer) { init_minibuffer(); return; } else { window.addEventListener('GM_MinibufferLoaded', init_minibuffer, false); } if (!window.chromium) { document.addEventListener('keypress', keyhandler, false); } else { document.addEventListener('keydown', keyhandler, false); } } function get_key(evt) { var key = String.fromCharCode(evt.which), ctrl = evt.ctrlKey ? 'C-' : '', meta = (evt.metaKey || evt.altKey) ? 'M-' : ''; if (!evt.shiftKey){ key = key.toLowerCase(); } if (evt.ctrlKey && evt.which >= 186 && evt.which < 192) { key = String.fromCharCode(evt.which - 144); } if (evt.keyIdentifier && evt.keyIdentifier !== 'Enter' && !/^U\+/.test(evt.keyIdentifier) ) { key = evt.keyIdentifier; } else if ( evt.which !== evt.keyCode ) { key = keyCodeStr[evt.keyCode] || whichStr[evt.which] || key; } else if (evt.which <= 32) { key = keyCodeStr[evt.keyCode] || whichStr[evt.which]; } return ctrl+meta+key; } function keyhandler(evt) { if (evt.target.id == PRE + '_textinput') var _r = true; else if (/^(?:input|textarea)$/i.test(evt.target.localName)) return; var fullkey = get_key(evt); if (setuped){ switch (fullkey) { case KEY_NEXT: next(); break; case KEY_PREV: prev(); break; case KEY_OFF: command_off(); break; case KEY_CLOSE: command_close(); break; case KEY_EDIT: command_edit(); break; case KEY_REFRESH: resetup(); break; } } switch (fullkey) { case KEY_SEARCH: evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); instant_search(_r, evt.target); break; } } function command_close() { document.body.removeChild(aside); if (document.getElementById(PRE + '_textinputbox')) document.body.removeChild(inputBOX); instant_search.input = null; restore_words(); // sheet.disable = true; if (addCSS.__style.parentNode) addCSS.__root.removeChild(addCSS.__style); window.name = PRE + '::CLOSED::'; word_lists = []; // _words = []; setuped = false; highlight_reset(); } function command_off() { if (aside.className == 'ewh_edit') return; if (!highlight_off) { restore_words(); for (i in word_lists) { word_lists[i].check.checked = false; word_lists[i].item.className += ' ewh_disable' } off.className = '_active' highlight_off = true; } else { word_lists = []; word_inputs_list.innerHTML = ''; resetup(); for (i in word_lists) { word_lists[i].check.checked = true; word_lists[i].item.className = word_lists[i].item.className.replace(' ewh_disable', ''); } off.className = ''; highlight_off = false; } draw_wordmap(); } function command_edit() { if (aside.className == 'ewh_edit') { // aside.style.width = 'auto'; // edit.value = 'Edit'; edit.className = ''; edit.title = _ti.edit[_L]; if (gm_ok) lock.className = lock.className.replace(' _disable',''); off.className = ''; highlight_off = false; aside.className = ''; keyword = trim(text_input.value); prep_keyword(); window.name = PRE + '::' + encodeURIComponent(keyword); resetup(); } else { var _aside_w = aside.offsetWidth; // edit.value = 'Set'; edit.className = '_active'; edit.title = _ti.edit_a[_L]; if (gm_ok) lock.className += ' _disable'; off.className += ' _disable'; aside.className = 'ewh_edit'; text_input.value = keyword; text_input.focus(); var t_width = (Math.max(320,_aside_w) - 135) +'px'; text_input.style = 'width:'+t_width+';height:22px;margin:2px 0;font-size:15px;'; // aside.style.width = Math.max(320,_aside_w) +'px'; } } function instant_search(_r, e_target) { var input_cancel = function(){ if (refocus) { var top = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop; var left = document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } document.body.removeChild(inputBOX); instant_search.input = null; if (refocus && e_target) { e_target.focus(); document.body.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop = top; document.body.scrollLeft = document.documentElement.scrollLeft = left; } }; var input_position = function(){ inputBOX.style.bottom = '30px' ;//window.innerHeight - aside.offsetTop + 4 + 'px'; } var input_comfirm = function(text, bAdd){ if (!text && setuped) return; if (bAdd) { keyword = trim(((setuped)?keyword:'') + ' ' + text); prep_keyword(); if (setuped) { if (Ewh_configs[3]) resetup(); else add_word(text); } else setup(true); } else { keyword = trim(text); prep_keyword(); if (setuped) { resetup(); } else setup(true); } window.name = PRE + '::' + encodeURIComponent(keyword); if (instant_search.input) {input_position(); instant_search.input.select();} }; if (_r) {input_cancel(); return;} var selectedText = getSelection(); if (instant && selectedText.toString()) { input_comfirm(selectedText.toString(), true); return; } if (instant_search.input) { (instant_search.input.value = selectedText) && instant_search.input.select(); // instant_search.input.focus(); return; } if (!inst_sheet) { addCSS([ '#' + PRE + '_textinputbox input[type=button]{padding:0;display:inline;margin:0.1em 0.2em;background:'+ but_c +';border:1px solid #996666;cursor:pointer;font-size:12pt;color:black;}', '#' + PRE + '_textinputbox label{padding:0;display:inline;}', '#' + PRE + '_textinputbox{border:1px solid #333;margin:0px;padding:0px;position:fixed;bottom:34px;left:5%;z-index:1023;background:#fff;-moz-box-shadow: #333 3px 3px 2px;color:#000;-Webkit-box-shadow: #333 3px 3px 2px;color:#000;font-weight:bold;max-width:70%;font-size:16pt;height:auto;opacity:0.95;}', '#' + PRE + '_textinputbox,#' + PRE + '_textinputbox *{font-family: Arial;}', '#' + PRE + '_textinput{border:none;margin:0 0 0 5px;padding:0px;max-width:80%;height:100%;background:#fff;color:#000;font-weight:bold;font-size:inherit;}' ].join('\n')); inst_sheet = true; } if (!move_sheet) addmovesheet(); inputBOX = creaElemIn('div', document.body); inputBOX.id = PRE + '_textinputbox'; inputBOX.setAttribute('class', PRE + '_inbox'); if (setuped) { input_position(); } var inputCHECK = creaElemIn('input', inputBOX); inputCHECK.type = 'checkbox'; inputCHECK.checked = addKeyword; inputCHECK.title = _ti.ad_nw[_L]; var inputCHECKlabel = creaElemIn('label', inputBOX); inputCHECKlabel.textContent = (addKeyword) ? 'Add':'New'; inputCHECKlabel.title = inputCHECK.title; var i_C_id = inputCHECK.id = 'Add_Check'; inputCHECKlabel.htmlFor = i_C_id; var input = instant_search.input = creaElemIn('input', inputBOX); input.id = PRE + '_textinput'; var go_button = creaElemIn('input', inputBOX); go_button.type = 'button'; go_button.value = '\u2192'; go_button.title = _ti.subm[_L]; var close_button = creaElemIn('input', inputBOX); close_button.type = 'button'; close_button.value = 'X'; close_button.title = _ti.clos[_L]; inputCHECK.addEventListener('change', function(){ inputCHECKlabel.textContent = (this.checked) ? 'Add':'New'; addKeyword = this.checked; input.focus(); },false); go_button.addEventListener('click', function(){input_comfirm(input.value, addKeyword);}, false); close_button.addEventListener('click', input_cancel, false); input.addEventListener('keypress',function(evt){ var fullkey = get_key(evt); switch (fullkey) { case 'RET': evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); input_comfirm(this.value, addKeyword); break; case 'ESC': input_cancel(); } },false); input.addEventListener('input',function(e) { var text = input.value.toUpperCase(); if (!/\S/.test(text) || text.length <2) return; var x = 'descendant::text()[contains(translate(self::text(),"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"),'+escapeXPathExpr(text)+') and not(ancestor::textarea) and not(ancestor::script) and not(ancestor::style)]/parent::*'; var node = document.evaluate(x, document.body, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; if (node) move(node); },false); if (selectedText.toString()) { input.value = selectedText.toString(); input.select(); } else if (keyword && !setuped) { input.value = keyword; input.select(); } else input.focus(); } function config_box() { var confBOXBack = creaElemIn('div', document.body); confBOXBack.setAttribute('style', 'background:white;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;text-align:center;z-index:30000;'); var confBOX = creaElemIn('div', confBOXBack); confBOX.setAttribute('style', 'line-height:1;border:1px solid #333;border-left-width:10px;width:600px;margin:130px auto auto auto;padding:5px;'); var confTitle = creaElemIn('h3', confBOX); confTitle.setAttribute('style', 'font-weight:800;border-bottom:1px solid black;width:80%;margin:15px auto 10px auto;'); confTitle.innerHTML = _di.confT[_L]; var confP = creaElemIn('p', confBOX); confP.setAttribute('style', 'text-align:left;'); var conf = [], confR = [], confL = [], opt; for (n=0;n<3;n++) { conf[n] = document.createTextNode(_di.conf[_L][n]); confP.appendChild(conf[n]); creaElemIn('br', confP); confR[n] = [], confL[n] = []; opt = 3; if (n == 2) opt = 4; for (r=0;r<opt;r++) { confR[n][r] = creaElemIn('input', confP); confR[n][r].type = 'radio'; confR[n][r].name = 'confR' + n; // confR[n][r].value = r; confR[n][r].id = PRE + 'confR' + n + '' + r; if (r == Ewh_configs[n]) confR[n][r].checked = true; confL[n][r] = creaElemIn('label', confP); confL[n][r].textContent = _di.confR[_L][n][r]; confL[n][r].htmlFor = confR[n][r].id; confL[n][r].setAttribute('style', 'display: inline;'); creaElemIn('br', confP); } creaElemIn('br', confP); } var confC = [], confCL = []; for (n=3;n<6;n++) { r = n-3; confC[r] = creaElemIn('input', confP); confC[r].type = 'checkbox'; confC[r].id = PRE + 'confC' + r; confC[r].checked = !!(Ewh_configs[n] == 1); confCL[r] = creaElemIn('label',confP ); confCL[r].textContent = _di.conf[_L][n]; confCL[r].htmlFor = confC[r].id; confCL[r].setAttribute('style', 'display: inline;'); creaElemIn('br', confP); creaElemIn('br', confP); } var cancconfig = function(){document.body.removeChild(confBOXBack);}; 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} layers = xp_all.get(); draw_wordmap(); if (panel_hide){aside.style.right = (14 - aside.offsetWidth) +'px';} } setTimeout(cmd, delay+100, _ind); } function init_autopager(e) { var page = 0, disabled = false; var inserted_highlight = function(e){ setTimeout(highlight, delay, e.target); }; window.addEventListener('AutoPatchWork.DOMNodeInserted', inserted_highlight,false); window.addEventListener('AutoPatchWork.pageloaded', after_load,false); window.addEventListener('AutoPagerize_DOMNodeInserted', inserted_highlight,false); window.addEventListener('GM_AutoPagerizeNextPageLoaded', after_load,false); window.addEventListener('Super_preloaderPageLoaded', resetup ,false); highlight_reset = function(){ window.removeEventListener('AutoPatchWork.DOMNodeInserted', inserted_highlight,false); window.removeEventListener('AutoPatchWork.pageloaded', after_load,false); window.removeEventListener('AutoPagerize_DOMNodeInserted', inserted_highlight,false); window.removeEventListener('GM_AutoPagerizeNextPageLoaded', after_load,false); window.removeEventListener('Super_preloaderPageLoaded', resetup ,false); } } function $XE(exp, context) { var xe = new XPathEvaluator(); var resolver = xe.createNSResolver(document.documentElement); //var defaultNS = document.lookupNamespaceURI(window.opera ? '' : null); var defaultNS = (document.documentElement.nodeName !== 'HTML') ? context.namespaceURI : null; if (defaultNS) { var defaultPrefix = '__default__'; if (!isChromium) exp = addDefaultPrefix(exp, defaultPrefix); var defaultResolver = resolver; resolver = function (prefix) { return (prefix == defaultPrefix) ? defaultNS : defaultResolver.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix); }; } var ex = xe.createExpression(exp, resolver); this.get = function(param) { param || (param={}); var result = this.result = ex.evaluate(param.context||context, param.result_type||XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,this.result); if (param.result_type) return result; for (var i = 0, len = result.snapshotLength, res = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { res[i] = result.snapshotItem(i); } return res; }; } // via AutoPagerize Thx! nanto_vi function addDefaultPrefix(xpath, prefix) { var tokenPattern = /([A-Za-z_\u00c0-\ufffd][\w\-.\u00b7-\ufffd]*|\*)\s*(::?|\()?|(".*?"|'.*?'|\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.(?:\.|\d+)?|[\)\]])|(\/\/?|!=|[<>]=?|[\(\[|,=+-])|([@$])/g; var TERM = 1, OPERATOR = 2, MODIFIER = 3; var tokenType = OPERATOR; prefix += ':'; function replacer(token, identifier, suffix, term, operator, modifier) { if (suffix) { tokenType = (suffix == ':' || (suffix == '::' && (identifier == 'attribute' || identifier == 'namespace'))) ? MODIFIER : OPERATOR; } else if (identifier) { if (tokenType == OPERATOR && identifier != '*') { token = prefix + token; } tokenType = (tokenType == TERM) ? OPERATOR : TERM; } else { tokenType = term ? TERM : operator ? OPERATOR : MODIFIER; } return token; } return xpath.replace(tokenPattern, replacer); } // http://d.hatena.ne.jp/amachang/20090917/1253179486 function escapeXPathExpr(text) { var matches = text.match(/[^"]+|"/g); function esc(t) { return t == '"' ? ('\'' + t + '\'') : ('"' + t + '"'); } if (matches) { if (matches.length == 1) { return esc(matches[0]); } else { var results = []; for (var i = 0, len = matches.length; i < len; i ++) { results.push(esc(matches[i])); } return 'concat(' + results.join(', ') + ')'; } } else { return '""'; } } function $X(exp, context, resolver, result_type) { context || (context = document); var Doc = context.ownerDocument || context; var result = Doc.evaluate(exp, context, resolver, result_type || XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); if (result_type) return result; for (var i = 0, len = result.snapshotLength, res = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { res[i] = result.snapshotItem(i); } return res; } // reduce https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Objects/Array/reduce#Compatibility function reduce(arr, fun) { var len = arr.length, i = 0, rv; if (arguments.length >= 3) rv = arguments[2]; else {do { if (i in arr) { rv = arr[i++];break; } if (++i >= len) throw new TypeError(); } while (true)}; for (; i < len; i++) if (i in arr) rv = fun.call(null, rv, arr[i], i, arr); return rv; } function error(e) { if (isOpera) { opera.postError(e); } else if (window.console) { console.error(e); } } function addCSS(css) { var sheet, self = arguments.callee; if (document.createStyleSheet) { // for IE sheet = document.createStyleSheet(); sheet.cssText = css; return sheet; } else if (!self.__style || !self.__root) { sheet = document.createElement('style'); sheet.type = 'text/css'; self.__style = sheet; self.__root = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.documentElement; } sheet = self.__style.cloneNode(false); sheet.textContent = css; return self.__root.appendChild(sheet).sheet; } function getY(oElement) { var iReturnValue = 0; while (oElement != null) { iReturnValue += oElement.offsetTop; oElement = oElement.offsetParent; } return iReturnValue; } function creaElemIn(tagname, destin) { var theElem = destin.appendChild(document.createElement(tagname)); return theElem; } /** Get elements by className * @function getElementsByClassName * @param string className * @param optional string tag restrict to specified tag * @param optional node restrict to childNodes of specified node * @return Array of nodes * @author Jonathan Snook, http://www.snook.ca/jonathan * @author Robert Nyman, http://www.robertnyman.com */ function getElementsByClassName(className, tag, elm) { var testClass = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)"); var tag = tag || "*"; var elm = elm || document; var elements = (tag == "*" && elm.all)? elm.all : elm.getElementsByTagName(tag); var returnElements = []; var current; var length = elements.length; for(var i=0; i<length; i++){ current = elements[i]; if(testClass.test(current.className)){ returnElements.push(current); } } return returnElements; } // GM api to cookie function function getRecoverableString(oVar,notFirst){ var oType = typeof(oVar); if((oType == 'null' )|| (oType == 'object' && !oVar )){ return 'null'; } if(oType == 'undefined' ){ return 'window.uDfXZ0_d'; } if(oType == 'object' ){ //Safari throws errors when comparing non-objects with window/document/etc if(oVar == window ){ return 'window'; } if(oVar == document ){ return 'document'; } if(oVar == document.body ){ return 'document.body'; } if(oVar == document.documentElement ){ return 'document.documentElement'; } } if(oVar.nodeType && (oVar.childNodes || oVar.ownerElement )){ return '{error:\'DOM node\'}'; } if(!notFirst ){ Object.prototype.toRecoverableString = function (oBn){ if(this.tempLockIgnoreMe ){ return '{\'LoopBack\'}'; } this.tempLockIgnoreMe = true; var retVal = '{', sepChar = '', j; for(var i in this ){ if(i == 'toRecoverableString' || i == 'tempLockIgnoreMe' || i == 'prototype' || i == 'constructor' ){ continue; } if(oBn && (i == 'index' || i == 'input' || i == 'length' || i == 'toRecoverableObString' )){ continue; } j = this[i]; if(!i.match(basicObPropNameValStr)){ //for some reason, you cannot use unescape when defining peoperty names inline for(var x = 0; x < cleanStrFromAr.length; x++ ){ i = i.replace(cleanStrFromAr[x],cleanStrToAr[x]); } i = '\''+i+'\''; } else if(window.ActiveXObject && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac')+ 1 && !navigator.__ice_version && window.ScriptEngine && ScriptEngine()== 'JScript' && i.match(/^\d+$/)){ //IE mac does not allow numerical property names to be used unless they are quoted i = '\''+i+'\''; } retVal += sepChar+i+':'+getRecoverableString(j,true); sepChar = ','; } retVal += '}'; this.tempLockIgnoreMe = false; return retVal; }; Array.prototype.toRecoverableObString = Object.prototype.toRecoverableString; Array.prototype.toRecoverableString = function (){ if(this.tempLock ){ return '[\'LoopBack\']'; } if(!this.length ){ var oCountProp = 0; for(var i in this ){ if(i != 'toRecoverableString' && i != 'toRecoverableObString' && i != 'tempLockIgnoreMe' && i != 'prototype' && i != 'constructor' && i != 'index' && i != 'input' && i != 'length' ){ oCountProp++; } } if(oCountProp ){ return this.toRecoverableObString(true); } } this.tempLock = true; var retVal = '['; for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ){ retVal += (i?',':'')+getRecoverableString(this[i],true); } retVal += ']'; delete this.tempLock; return retVal; }; Boolean.prototype.toRecoverableString = function (){ return ''+this+''; }; Date.prototype.toRecoverableString = function (){ return 'new Date('+this.getTime()+')'; }; Function.prototype.toRecoverableString = function (){ return this.toString().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'').replace(/^function\s*\w*\([^\)]*\)\s*\{\s*\[native\s+code\]\s*\}$/i,'function (){[\'native code\'];}'); }; Number.prototype.toRecoverableString = function (){ if(isNaN(this)){ return 'Number.NaN'; } if(this == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ){ return 'Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY'; } if(this == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ){ return 'Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY'; } return ''+this+''; }; RegExp.prototype.toRecoverableString = function (){ return '\/'+this.source+'\/'+(this.global?'g':'')+(this.ignoreCase?'i':''); }; String.prototype.toRecoverableString = function (){ var oTmp = escape(this); if(oTmp == this ){ return '\''+this+'\''; } return 'unescape(\''+oTmp+'\')'; }; } if(!oVar.toRecoverableString ){ return '{error:\'internal object\'}'; } var oTmp = oVar.toRecoverableString(); if(!notFirst ){ //prevent it from changing for...in loops that the page may be using delete Object.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete Array.prototype.toRecoverableObString; delete Array.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete Boolean.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete Date.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete Function.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete Number.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete RegExp.prototype.toRecoverableString; delete String.prototype.toRecoverableString; } return oTmp; } })(); } catch (e) { console.error('Airflow log hightlight error', e) } console.log('Airflow log hightlight lib end')