
Adjust Layout of Translate Website

This script is for adjusting the layout of the Baidu, Youdao, and/or Sogou Translate websites. Only it would be effective when the height of browser is greater than the width of browser.

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Adjust Layout of Translate Website
// @name:en      Adjust Layout of Translate Website
// @name:zh-cn   调整翻译页面布局
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.0.3
// @description        This script is for adjusting the layout of the Baidu, Youdao, and/or Sogou Translate websites. Only it would be effective when the height of browser is greater than the width of browser.
// @description:en     This script is for adjusting the layout of the Baidu, Youdao, and/or Sogou Translate websites. Only it would be effective when the height of browser is greater than the width of browser.
// @description:zh-cn  根据浏览器的窗体情况调整百度|有道|搜狗翻译“待翻译文字”和“翻译后文字”的布局。只有浏览器高度大于宽度时生效。
// @author       [email protected]
// @match        http*://fanyi.baidu.com/*
// @match        http*://fanyi.youdao.com/*
// @match        http*://fanyi.sogou.com/*
// @icon         https://images2.imgbox.com/41/a0/oUqOCDlB_o.png
// @license      MIT
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-end
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Just a delicate difference.
// You should guarantee the browser's height is greater than its width.
// Otherwise, it would not be effective.
// By the way, Google Translate is more humane. It would adjust the layout automatically.
function adjustBaiduTranslateLayout()
// console.log('function adjustBaiduTranslateLayout()');
let divContainer = document.getElementsByClassName("EUENIlUT")[0];
let divLeft = document.getElementsByClassName("AZLVLJHb")[0];
let divRight = document.getElementsByClassName("wB5ViVGi")[0];
// console.log(divContainer, divLeft, divRight);
if (window.outerWidth < window.outerHeight)
divContainer.style["flex-direction"] = "column";
divRight.style.flex = "1 1";
divRight.style.width = "80%";
divLeft.style.width = "80%";
} else {
divContainer.style["flex-direction"] = "row";
divRight.style.flex = "1 1";
divRight.style.width = "50%";
divLeft.style.width = "50%";
function adjustYoudaoTranslateLayout()
let div = document.getElementById("TextTranslate");
// console.log(div);
if (window.outerWidth < window.outerHeight)
div.style['flex-direction'] = "column";
} else {
div.style['flex-direction'] = "row";
function adjustSogouTranslateLayout()
let div = document.getElementsByClassName("trans-box")[0];
// console.log(div);
if (window.outerWidth < window.outerHeight)
div.style['flex-direction'] = "column";
} else {
div.style['flex-direction'] = "row";
function adjustLayout()
let url = window.location.href;
// console.log(url);
if (url.indexOf('baidu.com') !== -1) {
} else if (url.indexOf('youdao.com') !== -1) {
} else if (url.indexOf('sogou.com') !== -1) {
// console.log("window onload");
// console.log("event listerner");