A lightweight, reusable, cross-browser graphical settings framework for inclusion in user scripts.
This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/480183/1282331/GM_config_sync.js
Developer sizzlemctwizzle has changed the initialization of the GM_config script to asynchronous mode(Initialization is now done asynchronously).
The new version no longer supports the old syntax gmc.get. Here is a backup of the old GM_config UserLibrary from the GitHub history.
開發者sizzlemctwizzle已將GM_config腳本的初始化改為非同步模式(Initialization is now done asynchronously)
新的版本已不再支援舊的gmc.get語法,此處從github歷史版本中備份了未改版的舊GM_config UserLibrary