This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/489184/1338830/Lib_MyAPI.js
// ==UserScript== // @name Lib_MyAPI // @namespace AC-API // @include * // @run-at document-start // @version 2024.03.07 // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @description 封装了一些常用的API,用于方便调用 // ==/UserScript== // 避免函数污染 const ACMO = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver; // 不能用unsafeWindow来暴露MyApi,否则会有http的安全问题 const MyApi = (() => { /** * @param css CSS的正文内容 * @param className 被添加的css节点的class,用于onlyOne检测 * @param isReload 是否自动更新:移除后重新添加 */ function addStyle(css, className = '', isReload = false){ // 添加CSS代码,不考虑文本载入时间,带有className const tout = setInterval(function() { if (document.body != null) { clearInterval(tout); if (className) { // 节点不存在,或者是准备覆盖的时候 if (isReload === false && document.querySelector("." + className) != null) { return; } // 节点已经存在,并且不准备覆盖 try { document.querySelector("." + className).remove(); } catch (e) { } } const cssNode = document.createElement("style"); if (className) { cssNode.className = className; } cssNode.innerHTML = css; try { document.body.appendChild(cssNode); } catch (e) { console.log(e.message); } } }, 200); } function addScript(scriptInner) { const scriptNode = document.createElement('script') scriptNode.innerText = scriptInner document.head.appendChild(scriptNode) } const safeWaitFunc = function waitForElm(selector, callbackFunc = node => {}, findTick = 200, clearAfterFind = true, timeout = 20000 * 1000) { const handle = () => { if ((typeof (selector) === "string")) { let res = document.querySelectorAll(selector); if(res && res.length) { callbackFunc(res); } } else if (typeof (selector) === "function") { const res = selector() if(res && res.length) { callbackFunc(res); } } } let lastRunAt = 0 // 最近一次运行的时间 let onlyTimer; const firstRunAt = Date.now() // 其他时间增加监听即可 const watcher = new ACMO(() => { // 超过节流时间间隔,立即执行事件处理函数 if(Date.now() - lastRunAt > findTick) { handle() if(clearAfterFind) { watcher.disconnect(); } lastRunAt = Date.now() } else { // 未超过节流时间间隔,设置定时器延迟执行事件处理函数 clearTimeout(timer); onlyTimer = setTimeout(() => { handle(); lastRunAt = Date.now() }, findTick); } // 超过最大时限,那么停止监听 if(Date.now() - firstRunAt > timeout) { watcher.disconnect(); } }); watcher.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } function getUrlAttribute(attribute, needDecode = true){ var searchValue = (window.location.search.substr(1) + "").split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < searchValue.length; i++) { var key_value = searchValue[i].split("="); var reg = new RegExp("^"+attribute+"$"); if (reg.test(key_value[0])) { var searchWords = key_value[1]; return needDecode?decodeURIComponent(searchWords):searchWords; } } } const http = { async get(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url, method: 'GET', timeout: 10000, onload: resp => resolve([null, resp.responseText]), onerror: resp => reject([resp, {}]) }) }) }, async post(url, data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url, data, method: 'POST', timeout: 10000, onload: resp => resolve([null, resp.responseText]), onerror: resp => reject([resp, {}]) }) }) } } return { addStyle, addScript, safeWaitFunc, getUrlAttribute, http } })()