Sort Illustration by likes and display only those above the threshold on followed artist illustrations, artist illustrations, and tag illustrations pages.
You may also like Keyboard and Mouse Wheel Page Turner.
Sort Illustration by likes and display only those above the threshold on followed artist illustrations, artist illustrations, and tag illustrations pages.
Use strategy pattern to adapt to different page settings and layouts.
Fetch thumb without using api?
Fetching thumb will hit the API access limit and require an interval.
Several methods have been tried so far, but none of them are as stable or fast as using Pixiv’s built-in mechanism.
The only advantage is that the window does not need to stay on the active page.
No sort button appears?
It is possible that the program did not capture the correct elements during the loading process. Try restructuring the webpage;
This program only supports three types of pages: author works, tracked works, and tagged works, and does not support browsing of all pages (even if the program should jump automatically).