Compiles a string containing Javascript to an ESTree object and/or executes an ESTree object in Javascript
This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require
This library is intended to be used by userscripts that need to execute arbitrary JS code in string form, but are restricted by CSP unsafe-eval limitations.
This library uses esprima-next (ES2022) behind the scenes to compile ESTree objects.
var tree = ESTreeProcessor.compile('function test(b) { return b + a; } test(2);');
// tree contains an ESTree object
// Access to environment variables in the execute function is limited to what you pass in the second argument.
// This makes it safer to execute arbitrary strings, but the strings MUST be controlled at their source
// and/or processed and verified in code to be truly safe.
var result = ESTreeProcessor.execute(tree, { a: 3 });
// logs '5' to the console