jquery caret plugin
This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/6707/26377/jquerycaret.js
// ==UserScript== // @name jquery.caret // @namespace acdvorak // @description jquery caret plugin // @source https://github.com/acdvorak/jquery.caret // @copyright 2012-2014 Andrew C. Dvorak // @version 1.5.2 // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== /*! jQuery Caret Plugin - v1.5.2 - 2014-03-25 * https://github.com/acdvorak/jquery.caret * Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Andrew C. Dvorak; Licensed MIT */ function loadjQueryCaret(){ (function($, undefined) { var _input = document.createElement('input'); var _support = { setSelectionRange: ('setSelectionRange' in _input) || ('selectionStart' in _input), createTextRange: ('createTextRange' in _input) || ('selection' in document) }; var _rNewlineIE = /\r\n/g, _rCarriageReturn = /\r/g; var _getValue = function(input) { if (typeof(input.value) !== 'undefined') { return input.value; } return $(input).text(); }; var _setValue = function(input, value) { if (typeof(input.value) !== 'undefined') { input.value = value; } else { $(input).text(value); } }; var _getIndex = function(input, pos) { var norm = _getValue(input).replace(_rCarriageReturn, ''); var len = norm.length; if (typeof(pos) === 'undefined') { pos = len; } pos = Math.floor(pos); // Negative index counts backward from the end of the input/textarea's value if (pos < 0) { pos = len + pos; } // Enforce boundaries if (pos < 0) { pos = 0; } if (pos > len) { pos = len; } return pos; }; var _hasAttr = function(input, attrName) { return input.hasAttribute ? input.hasAttribute(attrName) : (typeof(input[attrName]) !== 'undefined'); }; /** * @class * @constructor */ var Range = function(start, end, length, text) { this.start = start || 0; this.end = end || 0; this.length = length || 0; this.text = text || ''; }; Range.prototype.toString = function() { return JSON.stringify(this, null, ' '); }; var _getCaretW3 = function(input) { return input.selectionStart; }; /** * @see http://stackoverflow.com/q/6943000/467582 */ var _getCaretIE = function(input) { var caret, range, textInputRange, rawValue, len, endRange; // Yeah, you have to focus twice for IE 7 and 8. *cries* input.focus(); input.focus(); range = document.selection.createRange(); if (range && range.parentElement() === input) { rawValue = _getValue(input); len = rawValue.length; // Create a working TextRange that lives only in the input textInputRange = input.createTextRange(); textInputRange.moveToBookmark(range.getBookmark()); // Check if the start and end of the selection are at the very end // of the input, since moveStart/moveEnd doesn't return what we want // in those cases endRange = input.createTextRange(); endRange.collapse(false); if (textInputRange.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", endRange) > -1) { caret = rawValue.replace(_rNewlineIE, '\n').length; } else { caret = -textInputRange.moveStart("character", -len); } return caret; } // NOTE: This occurs when you highlight part of a textarea and then click in the middle of the highlighted portion in IE 6-10. // There doesn't appear to be anything we can do about it. // alert("Your browser is incredibly stupid. I don't know what else to say."); // alert(range + '\n\n' + range.parentElement().tagName + '#' + range.parentElement().id); return 0; }; /** * Gets the position of the caret in the given input. * @param {HTMLInputElement|HTMLTextAreaElement} input input or textarea element * @returns {Number} * @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/263743/how-to-get-cursor-position-in-textarea/263796#263796 */ var _getCaret = function(input) { if (!input) { return undefined; } // Mozilla, et al. if (_support.setSelectionRange) { return _getCaretW3(input); } // IE else if (_support.createTextRange) { return _getCaretIE(input); } return undefined; }; var _setCaretW3 = function(input, pos) { input.setSelectionRange(pos, pos); }; var _setCaretIE = function(input, pos) { var range = input.createTextRange(); range.move('character', pos); range.select(); }; /** * Sets the position of the caret in the given input. * @param {HTMLInputElement|HTMLTextAreaElement} input input or textarea element * @param {Number} pos * @see http://parentnode.org/javascript/working-with-the-cursor-position/ */ var _setCaret = function(input, pos) { input.focus(); pos = _getIndex(input, pos); // Mozilla, et al. if (_support.setSelectionRange) { _setCaretW3(input, pos); } // IE else if (_support.createTextRange) { _setCaretIE(input, pos); } }; /** * Inserts the specified text at the current caret position in the given input. * @param {HTMLInputElement|HTMLTextAreaElement} input input or textarea element * @param {String} text * @see http://parentnode.org/javascript/working-with-the-cursor-position/ */ var _insertAtCaret = function(input, text) { var curPos = _getCaret(input); var oldValueNorm = _getValue(input).replace(_rCarriageReturn, ''); var newLength = +(curPos + text.length + (oldValueNorm.length - curPos)); var maxLength = +input.getAttribute('maxlength'); if(_hasAttr(input, 'maxlength') && newLength > maxLength) { var delta = text.length - (newLength - maxLength); text = text.substr(0, delta); } _setValue(input, oldValueNorm.substr(0, curPos) + text + oldValueNorm.substr(curPos)); _setCaret(input, curPos + text.length); }; var _getInputRangeW3 = function(input) { var range = new Range(); range.start = input.selectionStart; range.end = input.selectionEnd; var min = Math.min(range.start, range.end); var max = Math.max(range.start, range.end); range.length = max - min; range.text = _getValue(input).substring(min, max); return range; }; /** @see http://stackoverflow.com/a/3648244/467582 */ var _getInputRangeIE = function(input) { var range = new Range(); input.focus(); var selection = document.selection.createRange(); if (selection && selection.parentElement() === input) { var len, normalizedValue, textInputRange, endRange, start = 0, end = 0; var rawValue = _getValue(input); len = rawValue.length; normalizedValue = rawValue.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); // Create a working TextRange that lives only in the input textInputRange = input.createTextRange(); textInputRange.moveToBookmark(selection.getBookmark()); // Check if the start and end of the selection are at the very end // of the input, since moveStart/moveEnd doesn't return what we want // in those cases endRange = input.createTextRange(); endRange.collapse(false); if (textInputRange.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", endRange) > -1) { start = end = len; } else { start = -textInputRange.moveStart("character", -len); start += normalizedValue.slice(0, start).split("\n").length - 1; if (textInputRange.compareEndPoints("EndToEnd", endRange) > -1) { end = len; } else { end = -textInputRange.moveEnd("character", -len); end += normalizedValue.slice(0, end).split("\n").length - 1; } } /// normalize newlines start -= (rawValue.substring(0, start).split('\r\n').length - 1); end -= (rawValue.substring(0, end).split('\r\n').length - 1); /// normalize newlines range.start = start; range.end = end; range.length = range.end - range.start; range.text = normalizedValue.substr(range.start, range.length); } return range; }; /** * Gets the selected text range of the given input. * @param {HTMLInputElement|HTMLTextAreaElement} input input or textarea element * @returns {Range} * @see http://stackoverflow.com/a/263796/467582 * @see http://stackoverflow.com/a/2966703/467582 */ var _getInputRange = function(input) { if (!input) { return undefined; } // Mozilla, et al. if (_support.setSelectionRange) { return _getInputRangeW3(input); } // IE else if (_support.createTextRange) { return _getInputRangeIE(input); } return undefined; }; var _setInputRangeW3 = function(input, startPos, endPos) { input.setSelectionRange(startPos, endPos); }; var _setInputRangeIE = function(input, startPos, endPos) { var tr = input.createTextRange(); tr.moveEnd('textedit', -1); tr.moveStart('character', startPos); tr.moveEnd('character', endPos - startPos); tr.select(); }; /** * Sets the selected text range of (i.e., highlights text in) the given input. * @param {HTMLInputElement|HTMLTextAreaElement} input input or textarea element * @param {Number} startPos Zero-based index * @param {Number} endPos Zero-based index * @see http://parentnode.org/javascript/working-with-the-cursor-position/ * @see http://stackoverflow.com/a/2966703/467582 */ var _setInputRange = function(input, startPos, endPos) { startPos = _getIndex(input, startPos); endPos = _getIndex(input, endPos); // Mozilla, et al. if (_support.setSelectionRange) { _setInputRangeW3(input, startPos, endPos); } // IE else if (_support.createTextRange) { _setInputRangeIE(input, startPos, endPos); } }; /** * Replaces the currently selected text with the given string. * @param {HTMLInputElement|HTMLTextAreaElement} input input or textarea element * @param {String} text New text that will replace the currently selected text. * @see http://parentnode.org/javascript/working-with-the-cursor-position/ */ var _replaceInputRange = function(input, text) { var $input = $(input); var oldValue = $input.val(); var selection = _getInputRange(input); var newLength = +(selection.start + text.length + (oldValue.length - selection.end)); var maxLength = +$input.attr('maxlength'); if($input.is('[maxlength]') && newLength > maxLength) { var delta = text.length - (newLength - maxLength); text = text.substr(0, delta); } // Now that we know what the user selected, we can replace it var startText = oldValue.substr(0, selection.start); var endText = oldValue.substr(selection.end); $input.val(startText + text + endText); // Reset the selection var startPos = selection.start; var endPos = startPos + text.length; _setInputRange(input, selection.length ? startPos : endPos, endPos); }; var _selectAllW3 = function(elem) { var selection = window.getSelection(); var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(elem); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); }; var _selectAllIE = function(elem) { var range = document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(elem); range.select(); }; /** * Select all text in the given element. * @param {HTMLElement} elem Any block or inline element other than a form element. */ var _selectAll = function(elem) { var $elem = $(elem); if ($elem.is('input, textarea') || elem.select) { $elem.select(); return; } // Mozilla, et al. if (_support.setSelectionRange) { _selectAllW3(elem); } // IE else if (_support.createTextRange) { _selectAllIE(elem); } }; var _deselectAll = function() { if (document.selection) { document.selection.empty(); } else if (window.getSelection) { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } }; $.extend($.fn, { /** * Gets or sets the position of the caret or inserts text at the current caret position in an input or textarea element. * @returns {Number|jQuery} The current caret position if invoked as a getter (with no arguments) * or this jQuery object if invoked as a setter or inserter. * @see http://web.archive.org/web/20080704185920/http://parentnode.org/javascript/working-with-the-cursor-position/ * @since 1.0.0 * @example * <pre> * // Get position * var pos = $('input:first').caret(); * </pre> * @example * <pre> * // Set position * $('input:first').caret(15); * $('input:first').caret(-3); * </pre> * @example * <pre> * // Insert text at current position * $('input:first').caret('Some text'); * </pre> */ caret: function() { var $inputs = this.filter('input, textarea'); // getCaret() if (arguments.length === 0) { var input = $inputs.get(0); return _getCaret(input); } // setCaret(position) else if (typeof arguments[0] === 'number') { var pos = arguments[0]; $inputs.each(function(_i, input) { _setCaret(input, pos); }); } // insertAtCaret(text) else { var text = arguments[0]; $inputs.each(function(_i, input) { _insertAtCaret(input, text); }); } return this; }, /** * Gets or sets the selection range or replaces the currently selected text in an input or textarea element. * @returns {Range|jQuery} The current selection range if invoked as a getter (with no arguments) * or this jQuery object if invoked as a setter or replacer. * @see http://stackoverflow.com/a/2966703/467582 * @since 1.0.0 * @example * <pre> * // Get selection range * var range = $('input:first').range(); * </pre> * @example * <pre> * // Set selection range * $('input:first').range(15); * $('input:first').range(15, 20); * $('input:first').range(-3); * $('input:first').range(-8, -3); * </pre> * @example * <pre> * // Replace the currently selected text * $('input:first').range('Replacement text'); * </pre> */ range: function() { var $inputs = this.filter('input, textarea'); // getRange() = { start: pos, end: pos } if (arguments.length === 0) { var input = $inputs.get(0); return _getInputRange(input); } // setRange(startPos, endPos) else if (typeof arguments[0] === 'number') { var startPos = arguments[0]; var endPos = arguments[1]; $inputs.each(function(_i, input) { _setInputRange(input, startPos, endPos); }); } // replaceRange(text) else { var text = arguments[0]; $inputs.each(function(_i, input) { _replaceInputRange(input, text); }); } return this; }, /** * Selects all text in each element of this jQuery object. * @returns {jQuery} This jQuery object * @see http://stackoverflow.com/a/11128179/467582 * @since 1.5.0 * @example * <pre> * // Select the contents of span elements when clicked * $('span').on('click', function() { $(this).highlight(); }); * </pre> */ selectAll: function() { return this.each(function(_i, elem) { _selectAll(elem); }); } }); $.extend($, { /** * Deselects all text on the page. * @returns {jQuery} The jQuery function * @since 1.5.0 * @example * <pre> * // Select some text * $('span').selectAll(); * * // Deselect the text * $.deselectAll(); * </pre> */ deselectAll: function() { _deselectAll(); return this; } }); }(window.jQuery || window.Zepto || window.$)); } if (window.document.readyState === 'complete') { loadjQueryCaret(); } else { window.addEventListener('load',loadjQueryCaret, false); }