support tool for UserConfig.(library)
This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require
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script name | GM_option | |
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about | This script is the library to make a setting screen. I made this support tool in order to make more easily. | |
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[How to use] | Sample code is end of this Script. If savedata is none....? first start-up or delete savedata This script make GM_option window and save default. next time This script never make GM_option window without running open-function. @grant---------------------------------------------- you need to add @grant. // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand GM_setValue and GM_getValue and GM_deleteValue is required. GM_registerMenuCommand is optional. start function----------------------------------------------,String,HashArray); first String is HTML Tag(header ex:style or script or etc...) second String is HTML Tag(document.body). third HashArray is optional,it's messages for dialog. Message List 'save' - when click save button. 'reset' - when click reset button.(discard changes) 'clear' - when click clear button.(delete savedata) 'delete' - when click del button.(delete multiple) user function-------------------------------------- At first,get user's settings. GM_option.get(); return hashArray(Associative array). HTML tag------------------------------------------- use form inputs. 'name' is save-key. 'value' is save-data. ex) HTML tag is... < input type="text" name="this_is_Key" value="this_is_Data" /> Save Data is... {"this_is_Key":"this_is_Data"} multiple text-------------------------------------- 'name' is ****_multiple9999.(required) 9999 is number of array.(required) 'value' is default.(optional) 'defArray' is default array.(optional) < button id="this_is_required"> is addButton.(required) ex) HTML tag is... < input type="text" name="freeName_multiple2" value="data1" /> < input type="text" name="freeName_multiple2" value="data2" /> < button id="addButton">add< /button> Save Data is... {"freeName_multiple2":[["data1","data2"],["data3","data4"], and more ]} "data3" and "data4" are input by user. ex2) HTML tag is... < input type="text" name="freeName_multiple2" defArray="data1-2,data1-3,data1-4" value="data1-1" /> < input type="text" name="freeName_multiple2" defArray="data2-2,data2-3,data2-4" value="data2-1" /> < button id="addButton">add< /button> Save Data is... {"freeName_multiple2":[["data1-1","data2-1"],["data1-2","data2-2"],["data1-3","data2-3"],["data1-4","data2-4"],["data1-5","data2-5"], and more ]} "data1-5" and "data2-5" are input by user. ## caution ## If elements's 'name' are same, defArray are same array.length. select-multiple(HTML5)---------------------------- selected is checked.(optional) ex) HTML tag is... < select name="selectName" multiple size=5> < option name="optionName1" value="data1" >item1< /option> < option name="optionName2" value="data2" selected>item2< /option> < option name="optionName3" value="data3" >item3< /option> < option name="optionName4" value="data4" selected>item4< /option> < option name="optionName5" value="data5" >item5< /option> Save Data is... {"selectName":"{\"data2\":true,\"data4\":true}"} To use... var userSettings = GM_option.get(); var selectArray = JSON.parse(userSettings['selectName']); addEventListener---------------------------------- 'GM_option_loaded' this event is dispatched... when made GM_option frame (@first start-up) when loaded User's Settings from GM_getValue (@next time) ex) window.addEventListener('GM_option_loaded',userFunction,false); access GM_option document---------------------------------- GM_option.frame GM_option.doc ex) var frame = GM_option.frame; var doc = GM_option.doc.head; var head = GM_option.doc.body; var form = GM_option.doc.opForm; other function---------------------------------- after GM_option opened; - show GM_option GM_option.close(); - hide GM_option; - save settings & reload GM_option.reset(); - discard changes GM_option.clear(); - delete SaveData & reload | |
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history | 10/07/2016 - v1.04 add:multiple設定でreadonly属性の引き継ぎ 04/30/2015 - v1.03 add:sandbox 04/29/2015 - v1.01 add:第二引数(body)に変更があった場合は変更箇所の初期値を保存する。初期値配列の指定方法追加。 04/29/2015 - v1.01 fix:入力欄でENTERキーを押すとaddボタンを押した時と同じ動作をするバグ。第一引数(head)にスクリプトタグを指定しても動作しないバグ修正。resetボタン修正 04/26/2015 - v1.0 release | |
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