Showing English results only. Show results for all languages.
BaiduNetDisk for generating links and saving files. JS - BaiduPan for generating links and saving files.
HTML5 Video Playing Tools JS - Enable hotkeys for HTML5 playback: video screenshot; enable/disable picture-in-picture; copy cached video; send any video to full screen or browser window size; fast forward, rewind, pause/play, volume, skip to next video, skip to previous or next frame, set playback speed. Video sites supported: YouTube, TED, Youku,, bilibili, ixigua, iQiyi, support mainstream video sites in mainland China; Live broadcasts: Twitch,,, Custom sites can be added
Lift Web Restrictions: .io Game Mods (, Ad Link Bypasser, Adblock, & MORE! JS - A huge userscript that modifies hundreds of websites, adding mods, hacks, new features, and quality-of-life to the web! (in beta) Notable features: auto-redirects, a fully-featured hack, Google Classroom dark mode, mass delete discord messages, remove ads on baidu, disable Google Analytics, Facebook ad blocker!
chatGPT tools Plus(修改版) JS - Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, 360 Search, Google Mirror, Sogou, B Station, F Search, DuckDuckgo, CSDN sidebar CHAT search, integrate domestic words, star fire, sky work, righteous AI, Chatglm, 360 wisdom, 360 wisdom brain. Experience AI immediately, no need to turn over the wall, no registration, no need to wait!
Search Engine Assistant JS - "Elegant search engine assistant" allows switching between engines; supports custom engines, keyword highlighting; offers redirect removal, ad blocking, keyword filtering, and auto-updates; compatible with Baidu, Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, Yandex, Sogou, Qwant, Ecosia, You, Startpage, Brave, Yahoo, Yep, Swisscows, searXNG and more.
Baidu™ WebDisk Helper (dupan-helper) JS - Enhancements for Baidu™ WebDisk.
百度Baidu网盘HTTP转HTTPS JS - 将百度网盘的链接(转换为HTTPS协议(,可以直接下载大文件。
Zotero GPT Connector JS - Zotero GPT Pro, support ChatGPT Gemini Poe Kimi Coze Chatglm Yiyan Tongyi Claude Mytan ChanlderAi DeepSeek Doubao AIStudio MicrosoftCopilot
[Film Tools] VIP movie analysis, short video analysis, search engine, Douban/Time Quick Search JS - VIP movie analysis: Youku, Tencent, iQiqi, LeEco, PPTV, 1905, Mango, Fengxing, Bilibili, Sohu; Short video analysis: youtube, station B, watermelon, Tiktok, Kwai, Xiaohongshu, microblog, acfun;
Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites) JS - Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo,, Bing and Yahoo search results. v2.3.3 2024-12-08
百度网盘不限速解析-速链解析站 JS - 复活?可用?不限制?不限速? 一款百度网盘不限速解析脚本,支持Motrix、idm、Aria下载器下载,速度快就完事啦!
Kill Baidu AD JS - Just Kill Baidu AD
Resize Image On "Open image in new tab" JS - Support: Google(blogspot YouTube)\Tumblr\Twitter\Steam(Only user content)\ArtStation\Pinimg\Weibo\Reddit (And more...
Batch srcImage downloader for tieba JS - Batch Download Src Image From Baidu Tieba
Baidu Google Bing URL Shorten JS - Mark Baidu、Google、Bing URL Shortest.
Global Font: Apple-branded CSS - An user stylesheet to replace all fonts on web pages with Apple-branded fonts, brings you a more unified and beautiful visual style.
ChatGPT Search JS - ChatGPT answers displayed in sidebar after search (Google, Bing, Baidu, DuckDuckGo and DeepL)
ChatGPT Shortcut Anywhere JS - Toggle AiShort sidebar on the page
URL Modifier for Search Engines JS - This Tampermonkey script enhances your search engine usage by modifying (redirecting) URLs in the search result of search engines, redirecting to alternative sites, allowing for a more customized and efficient browsing experience. You can also add you custom URL modification rule to the script and are welcomed to commit your rules to this script to make it much more useful.
Block Extremist Websites JS - Blocks specified websites
soTab - Search Engine Switcher JS - Add links to each other in search engines. Including multiple search modes.
Tieba Bypass Login JS - 解除百度贴吧强制登录
tiebapaging JS - 解决百度贴吧翻页强制登陆问题
AC-百度去广告 JS - 去掉百度的推广链接
- JS - 百度一键大文件下载,更新于2018.01.26
remove page limit JS - Remove various page limit, check the code for website list, or add other websites
Wikitube - YouTube on Wikipedia & 百度百科 JS - Adds relevant YouTube videos to Wikipedia & 百度百科
Save baidu wenku doc, press Ctrl-S after page load done. Disable Ads blockers if save failed. JS - Save baidu wenku doc as html. Need to Scroll down the web page to load all pages before press Ctrl-S to save, don't scroll too fast to ensure page of doc load complete, prefer use key <Page Down> on your keyboard. Chrome can not load saved html since it blocked some offline js script, Save to PDF in Yandex Browser is a better choice.
say goodbye to CSDN JS - 清除搜索结果中指向 CSDN 网站的条目
Baidu™ WebDisk Helper (dupan-helper) (Legacy) JS - Enhancements for Baidu™ WebDisk.
Search Switcher JS - Add links to each other in search engines. Including multiple search modes.
Pretty Baidu Search Page JS - Prettify Baidu search page. Removed some ads, relative keywords. Offers custom image or color backgroud. Uses round corner card to display result. Densitive layout ensures no more blank in result cards.
DOI to Sci-Hub JS - Highlight DOI link on the current webpage and redirect it to Sci-Hub.
百度文库VIP破解 JS - 破解百度文库VIP专享下载,基于,会新窗口打开。
dismiss cookies warning JS - Agrees to the cookies dialog to make it disappear forever
搜索引擎切换器 / Search Engine Switcher JS - 在搜索引擎左侧显示一个快速切换列表,节省「另开搜索引擎」和「输入关键词」的动作和时间,提高搜索效率。在原作者基础上修改了部分内容,原链接:。另外还撸了一款:[在线辞典切换器 / Online Dictionary Switcher](
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪 JS - First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on
Search Engine Switcher JS - Add a select to switch between search engines
『净网卫士』在线翻译 JS - Block ads on Baidu's translation interface, streamline pages, and optimize layout.
AC-从谷歌 百度 必应搜索结果中屏蔽自定义关键字 JS - 从谷歌 百度 必应搜索结果中屏蔽自定义关键字,关键字自己确定吧
隐身访问贴吧主页 JS - 隐身访问其他人的贴吧主页不留下访问记录
Remove Baidu Map Login JS - Let user remove Baidu map login
Kill TieBa AD JS - Just Kill TieBa AD
baidu search result handler JS - 脚本的目的是使百度搜索结果页更人性化,更方便
百度网盘md5显示 JS - 在只有一个文件的百度网盘分享页显示文件的md5
Tieba Keyword Filter JS - 依關鍵字摺疊樓層廣告
baidunet downloader JS - 分享页面也可以下载哦,反正我就是不用度娘云管家!
BingBgForBaidu JS - Just change the background image of to
fuckjb51 JS - filter something you don't like
Block sites JS - Block sites (such as Baidu, etc.) You can edit the block list in the script.
链接附加提取码 JS - 生成分享链接时自动附加提取码
search-engine-filter JS - filter something you don't like on search engine baidu or google
Baidu JS - Optimizing Baidu Home Page
tieba_filter_someone JS - 贴吧循环封
Tieba Quick Post JS - Press Ctrl + Enter to post a thread / comment on Tieba.
Tieba Template JS - 贴吧模板
BaiDu_ZhiDao_Helper JS - Press Ctrl+Enter to submit answers in BaiDu ZhiDao.
BDDynamic JS - fuck baidu
清理百度搜索的广告或推广 JS - 清除百度搜索的推广和广告
Baidu Pan WAP Hack JS - Prevent redirect
DsModDownloader JS - DS/DST mods directly downloader for tieba & steam
test JS - test desc
百度 JS - test 百度
bilibilibar JS - 为吧主管理提供便捷功能
Anti BD Redirect JS - 反重定向
百度网盘批量重命名 JS - 批量重命名百度网盘中的文件,支持正则和选中重命名
播片源 JS - 自动播放片源网资源
Valentine's Day JS - A script to make a surprise for Valentine's Day
贴吧去登录提示 JS - 免登录贴吧查看楼中楼.翻页
LogoChanger v1.0.5 JS - replaces the any logo with one of your wish
jc_FitImg JS - 將圖放大. 保護眼睛.
BlockTiebaAvatar JS - 我暂时不想在贴吧看到任何头像
zhongce JS - 众测按键en
Tieba_Insert_MusicLink JS - 贴吧自定义插入mp3链接
Cache Manager for Tieba Ueditor JS - 基於貼吧內建之文字備份系統的管理器
baidu waimai get infomation JS - 获取饿了么菜单页指定格式
baidu waimai get infomation JS - 获取baiduwaimai菜单页指定格式
移除百度广告 JS - 移除百度搜索结果中的广告
百度联盟 JS - 百度联盟样式修正
Remove Baidu Search Side AD JS - Remove Baidu search advertising
tiebaCustomFace JS - 贴吧自定义表情
Tieba Preload (仅改了匹配https JS - 贴吧预加载,自动加载下一页内容,同时附带消灭贴吧自带 Lazy Load 功能
Fuck Baidu Cursor JS - cursor image design by [@mariotaku]( [get cursor](
P2P分享by SeLang JS - 目标是网页右键收藏,一键打包种子,一键分享,浏览器直接查看,在线编辑发布网站。 QQ群号:455809302,点击链接加入群【油猴脚本私人定制】:。
close baidu Pry JS - 自动关闭百度隐私追踪
BingSY JS - 百度首页变成bing
辅助下载若蓝格)杂志 JS - 打开一本杂志页面,点击“下载地址”,本脚本会自动获取百度网盘提取码,并自动输入,打开下载页面。
AutoUnlock JS - 自动跳转并解锁百度网盘、Mega分享
Block Baidu Hot List JS - Just Block Baidu Hot List
屏蔽百度贴吧笔记本吧关于游戏本的帖子 JS - 屏蔽贴吧笔记本吧关于游戏本的帖子
百度翻译 竖屏 JS - Mac屏较小,开多个窗口时可节省空间.
从谷歌 百度 必应搜索结果中屏蔽自定义关键字 增强版(基于AC的脚本优化) JS - 基于AC脚本制作,新增大量关键词,欢迎结合本人其他脚本使用,如有意见请反馈至[email protected](也可向原作者反馈)
hellogit JS - hello golang
BaiduPanDownloadHelper modify by ted423 reup by Tungtata JS - 批量导出百度盘的下载链接
wwl-tools JS - try to take over the world!
huiji-tieba-script JS - Automatic URL conversion, fix sticker link
干掉百度新闻蛋疼版块 JS - try to take over the world!
Baidu Mask JS - hide areas which made distraction in some baidu and other sites
Sci-hub button JS - Add sci-hub button on article page. Add sci-hub button after article link. Support Google scholar, bing academic and baidu xueshu. Jump CNKI English article to Chinese article.