Showing results for all languages. Show English results only.
Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites) JS - Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo,, Bing and Yahoo search results. v2.3.3 2024-12-08
Search Engine Assistant JS - "Elegant search engine assistant" allows switching between engines; supports custom engines, keyword highlighting; offers redirect removal, ad blocking, keyword filtering, and auto-updates; compatible with Baidu, Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, Yandex, Sogou, Qwant, Ecosia, You, Startpage, Brave, Yahoo, Yep, Swisscows, searXNG and more.
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
Github access enhancement - high-speed browsing and downloading tool JS - GitHub extremely fast access browsing assistant, solution to GitHub inaccessibility and acceleration tools, solution to GitHub not being able to open it, high-speed download of Git Clone/SSH, Release, Raw, Code/Zip and other files, project list list files quick download, add git clone/commit command
URL Modifier for Search Engines JS - This Tampermonkey script enhances your search engine usage by modifying (redirecting) URLs in the search result of search engines, redirecting to alternative sites, allowing for a more customized and efficient browsing experience. You can also add you custom URL modification rule to the script and are welcomed to commit your rules to this script to make it much more useful.
Remove Yandex Redirect JS - Remove Yandex redirect in search, news and mail
搜索引擎切换 - Search Engine Switcher JS - A userscript to switch search engine with current keywords.
搜索引擎切换|搜索跳转(支持PC端+移动端) JS - 快速切换搜索引擎,支持PC端、移动端,自动提取搜索关键词,一键跳转,自动隐藏、自动显示。目前支持谷歌、百度、Yandex、Bilibili、知乎等等
Alternative search engines 2 JS - Adds search on other sites for google, bing, yandex, duckduckgo
NoYandexAds+Numeration JS - Удаление рекламы в поиске yandexa + Нумерация
Remove Yandex Mail Results Redirect JS - Удаляет редиректы из писем Yandex Mail.
YandexNumeration JS - Нумерация поиска в yandex без удаления рекламы
Yandex Extra Buttons JS - Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Yandex search page
Open in the current tab for Yandex JS - Force to open Yandex search result linx in the same tab. Default behaviour is to open in the new tab.
Alternative search engines 2.1 JS - Adds search on other sites for google, bing, yandex, duckduckgo. It is a version with a changed google input selector in the code of "Alternative search engines 2".
Avoid Yandex Turbo JS - Redirect directly to target page avoiding Yandex Turbo
Better Yandex Image Search JS - Add fullscreen image scaling and hit down button to start quick slideshow.
Yandex to DuckDuckGo JS - Places a button to search with DuckDuckGo on Yandex search page
Tuna browser script JS - Get song information from web players, based on NowSniper by Kıraç Armağan Önal
Yandex Translate Dark CSS - Yandex Dark Theme
Tuna browser script JS - Get song information from web players, based on NowSniper by Kıraç Armağan Önal
Anti-ads - JS - Remove the porn and hot dates ads from Yandex Disk
搜索结果已点击效果,区别已点击链接 JS - 百度、必应、谷歌、搜狗、360搜索、F搜、无追搜索、国搜、Ecosia、Naver、Goobe、DuckDuckGo、Yahoo、Qwant、SearchEncrypt、Startpage、Disroot SearX、Lukol、MetaGer、mojeek 搜索结果页面,【增强已点击链接的对比度】 高亮区别分开,强调强化已点击。
Yandex 页面汉化 JS - Yandex 网站 页面汉化
Site Quick Open网页快开 JS - Click on the lower left button in the search engine, quickly open all websites.(Please allow the browser to redirect many times). 点击左下角按钮帮您快速打开搜索引擎的所有链接(请先允许浏览器多次重定向)
Yandex Images Autoscroll JS - Search for a theme that you might like, click on the image to start preview, refresh page to enable autoscroll.
语言切换快捷键|适配大部分在线翻译网站 JS - 语言切换快捷键 Ctrl + Shift + S
Yandex Image Search Direct Link Patch JS - Make Yandex Image search result entry's image bottom panel as bottom-right image size information and link it to the direct image resource.
Yandex Images Autoscroll JS - Autoplay images from Yandex search results page
🚀🚀搜索助手🚀🚀 JS - ✅快速切换搜索引擎,无需重复输入
Google Hit Hider by Domain 汉化版 JS - 从Google、DuckDuckGo、、Bing和Yahoo搜索结果中屏蔽不需要的站点。 v2.3.1 2024-05-11
ChatGPT助手【豪华版】 JS - ChatGPT助手,无须繁琐的注册流程,无须key,直接与AI对话!
chatGPT tools Cutoff(精简版) JS - Google、必应、百度、Yandex、360搜索、谷歌镜像、Fsou、duckduckgo侧边栏Chat搜索,即刻体验AI,无需翻墙,无需注册,无需等待!
搜索引擎新标签打开链接 JS - 谷歌、百度、搜狗、必应、F搜、头条、无追搜索、360、DuckDuckGo、Ecosia 搜索结果新标签打开
Bye Bye Pinterest JS - Hides Pinterest from search and Image results
🚀🚀搜索助手🚀🚀 JS - ✅快速切换搜索引擎,无需重复输入
自定义网页背景色-深黑色 JS - 自定义网页背景色,优酷,555视频等,配合谷歌浏览器设置-自定义网页背景色使用。
ChatGPT访问助手大师版tools/Keep ChatGPT无需魔法Magic梯子科学上网工具Plus修改功能增强免费可体验使用不限时间地点Pro高级版赠送精品ChatGPT帐号一枚个人独享可改密 JS - ChatGPT访问助手大师解决无法打开ChatGPT或者OpenAI问题/KeepChatGPT访问通畅GPT3.5/GPT4-mobile/文生视频Sora,东方ip被OpenAI屏蔽或电信运营商屏蔽无法注册或无法访问Access denied/chatgpt,解决报错不再刷新,保持活跃取消审计克隆对话净化首页展示大屏全屏言无不尽拦截跟踪等多个高级功能,使AI体验无比丝滑顺畅简洁高效,侧栏联动显示Chat搜索&ChatGPT回答自定义搜索代码区高亮逐字显示,即刻体验OpenAI/Claude/Bard/文心一言/通义千问/天工/360智脑/星火/曹植/MOSS/ChatGLM/盘古/悟道/CPM/山海/紫东太初/封神榜MindBot,无需翻墙,无需注册,无需下载,无需等待!无须繁琐注册流程,无须cookie&key,直接与AI对话!轻松导出ChatGPT聊天记录,以便进一步自行保存、分析及分享永页机,解锁ChatGPT Plus会员功能:主动关闭数据监管会话导入导出高负载限制解锁!使用ChatGPT过程更高效顺畅,完美解决ChatGPT网络错误无需频繁刷新网页取消后台监管审计解决报错
Content Filter JS - Hide not interested content
YandexAntiAdvertisement JS - Hides avertisement sites results from search results in yandexserch machine
Fuck Baidu JS - 屏蔽搜索引擎中所有来自百度的搜索结果. 支持的搜索引擎: Google / Bing / Yahoo / Yandex / DuckDuckGo
SearchTimeMachine 搜索时光机 JS - Display time filtering function in the right sidebar. 在右侧栏中显示时间过滤功能
Simple Search Engines JS - 简洁的适配国内地区的搜索切换脚本.
Yandex Image Search Readd Image Size Information JS - Readd image size information to Yandex Image search result entries if they're not already added.
- Search JS - Search user's annotations across multiple search engines
Linkwarden Search JS - Search user's Linkwarden bookmarks across multiple search engines
Instant Search Switcher JS - Changes search engine from one site to another without deleting search query.
Yandex Music Explicit Mark Replacement JS - Replaces the exclamation explicit mark with a classic one on Yandex Music
Convert Email Address to Duckduckgo Anonymous email format JS - Converts an email to duckgo anonymous email format, now with minimize functionality
Hide Annoying Ads 1.38 JS - t6i6frr56ff6rtru5u5u5rtfr56ftjtf!