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SCI RIS Helper - EndNote+Scihub JS - Download the Refman(*.ris) with pdf URL queried from Sci-hub. Supported 80+ sites include Web of science, Researchgate, Springer, ScienceDirect, IEEE, MDPI, Scopus, etc. Just see:
Smart Dark Mode JS - It is a smart dark theme that automatically switches to a dark screen when the background color of the homepage is bright. Provides a filter function that allows users to add or exclude URLs to apply directly.
Pixeldrain video viewer JS - Sometimes Pixeldrain does not shows online player for video files and asks to download them. This script forces video player to appear.
Literature mutual helper JS - ①Show ssid/dxid from Library Reference Alliance (ucdrs) or Duxiu (duxiu) ②Show ssno from CADAL ③Provide links from ucdrs, duxiu, cadal to Douban Books
MuseScore Download Bypass JS - Bypass the Pro-only download restrictions on musescore
ROBLOX 2012 JS - wow roblox 2012 thats crazy bro
- AutoGuesser JS - Goes into's console to guess possible outputs, and puts them in chat.
Text Copy Universal JS - Text copy general version, suitable for most websites.
Refresh Halt JS - Stops QuillBot from loading the page almost immediately after opening the page.
BeanHacks JS - Epic ep hack
EdPuzzle+ JS - You can skip forward or skip directly to the questions
Neko's Scripts JS - Script for OWOP
Geoguessr GeoStats Script JS - Keeps track of various stats and displays it on an interactive map on your profile (Duels and Classic)
Autokey helper script - nitro type bot JS - This script is used for copying the text on to the clipboard. It works in co-operation with the Autokey app. Autokey will then type the text which this script copied. It will do so for each race that you set it to do. Autokey will be found on my site This script is NOT an auto typer by itself. It just copies the text for Autokey to type.
Xbox Cloud Gaming Localization JS - Set Xbox Cloud Gaming' game language to your browser's preferred language.
[Pokeclicker] Synthetic Shiny Synapse JS - Allows you to adjust and modify the shiny rates of everything specifically, as well as set a global shiny rate.
- Katana musket (All items unlocked) JS - Unlocks all possible weapons and items in the upgrade bar
Prime Video Ad Blocker [ESP] JS - Skip Ads and self Promotionals in Prime Video.
- Remove Adblocker messages & respawn timer JS - Remove the Adblock popup, as well as the respawn timer to avoid the extra wait in shell shockers
Rainbow UI 🌈 | Ad Block 🛑 | Better Map 🗺 | Show Ping 🏓 | And More … | MooMoo.IO JS - Rainbow UI, ad block, better map, always show ping, start with extra resources, and more for
EP Overhaul JS - Education Perfect Information Skipper
Auto Slow Download Nexus Mods JS - Auto click download button (slow) and close page.
AdBlock Script for WebView JS - Parse ABP Cosmetic rules to CSS and apply it.
Country Streak Counter JS - Adds a country streak counter to the GeoGuessr website
Blooket.Mod4(Fishing Frenzy) JS - Set how many lbs of fish you want in Fishing frenzy!
- bypass JS - bypasses annoying time taking rekonise links.
Xbox Cloud Gaming Region Unlocker JS - Unlock Xbox Cloud Gaming region restrictions.
Freeship JS - Unlock all Fireship PRO courses/lessons.
Unhold YouTube Resource Locks JS - Release YouTube's used IndexDBs & Disable WebLock to make background tabs able to sleep
Disable YouTube AutoPause JS - "Video paused. Continue watching?" and "Still watching? Video will pause soon" will not appear anymore.
- Auto-heal JS - Simple just Auto-heal
YTBetter JS - Patches YouTube to bypass some limitations
🏷️ UTags - Add usertags to links JS - Add custom tags or notes to links such as users, posts and videos. For example, tags can be added to users or posts on a forum, making it easy to identify them or block their posts and replies. It works on X (Twitter), Reddit, Facebook, Threads, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, GitHub, Greasy Fork, Hacker News, pixiv and numerous other websites.
Scribd bypass JS - Script disables blur on text & add full document
bunkr video downloader JS - Download video automatically
Auto Typer for JS - Bot: AutoType Up to 300 WPM
XiaoHongShu No Watermark JS - XiaoHongShu No Watermark, and Show Some Useful Options.
- Immortality Script JS - Makes you immortal in
Xiaohongshu enhancement JS - This shit has non-chinese users Huh?
MonkeyType AutoTyper Bot JS - A Bot that automatically types for you in MokeyType.
Spotify ad skipper JS - Detects and skips ads on spotify
ChatGPT Model Switcher (Supports GPT-4 Mobile and All Available Models) JS - Use the GPT-4 Mobile model on the ChatGPT web interface. It also provides the ability to switch to other models for added flexibility. Generally, this script does not conflict with other popular ChatGPT scripts.
Translation between Chinese and English JS - Web pages translated into Chinese, English and foreign languages
Songsterr Premium - JS - Unlock all premium features on Songsterr
Don't Get My IP JS - Blocks the capture of the IP address done by an external API request.
Auto Text Skipper Education Perfect JS - This scirpt will automaticly complete the text secrtion on Education Perfect
Dogeminer2 Cheats Infinite(NO ADDS)[Diamonds,DogeCoins,CustomBackground,SkipLevels] JS - Simple (MOD MENU) Dogeminer 2 Cheats Infinite Diamonds && DogeCoins Working 2022
Human-Typer (Automatic) - Google Docs & Slides JS - Types your text in a human-like manner so the edit history shows the progress.
AgarSkin JS - Get all skins for free!
Youtube AdBlock ban bypass JS - Fix the "Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service" Error
Torn Pickpocketing Colors JS - Color codes crimes based on difficulty
YouTube Anti-AdBlock Bypass via YouTube Enhancer JS - A simple method of bypassing YouTube's AdBlock Detection using Enhancer for YouTube's "Remove Ads" button, featuring a GUI for easy configuration! Does not require the use of any external website like similar tools do.
- no hit cool down + instant break + hide gui + auto deny telport and auto respawn JS - this is a fun experince for people no copying it u can get banned using this if u do it around players so do it someweres away from players
YouTube H.264 + FPS JS - Clone of h264ify with optional limit up to 30 FPS.
YouTube Theater Plus JS - Enhances YouTube Theater with features like Fullpage Theater, Auto Open Theater, and more, including support for the new UI.
Passei Direto Bypass JS - Changes a few things to remove the paywall card and unblur the answers.
medium-bypass JS - Bypass Medium paywall
YouTube Direct Downloader JS - Video/short download button next to subscribe button. Downloads MP4, WEBM, MP3 or subtitles from youtube + option to redirect shorts to normal videos. Choose your preferred quality from 8k to audio only, codec (h264, vp9 or av1) or service provider (cobalt, y2mate, yt1s, yt5s) in settings.
Youtube Tools JS - Youtube Tools All in one
SnapEnhance Web JS - A userscript to Enhance the User experience on Snapchat Web
myMod 2 JS - V - spike, F - trap, - H - 2 turrets, SPACE - spikeHit, R - insta, C - 4 spikes, RightMouse - tankspam, O - qadro boost/trap, ESC - menu beta, T - reverse insta, G - beta one tick boost.
Times Tables Rock Stars Hack JS - An overpowered ttrs cheat.
InfiniteHaxx JS - Infinite Craft hacks, lets you add custom elements.
Lunar client JS - A custom client.
TikTok Magic (download dinâmico) JS - Baixe vídeos sem logo/marca d'água com apenas um clique, diretamente do tiktok. Mais recursos em breve.
Autodarts Legs+Sets larger JS - Legs+Sets larger
2k09__ Bot Mode V-0.1 JS - -
Sigmally Modder By ShadowSoftware JS - Clans Menu
🌟JS_Mod🌟 JS - Insta And MacroHat || OP MOD ! || Insta = R || MacroHat = TankGear: Z - BoosterHat: B!
Autopass Cloudflare CAPTCHA in iFrame JS - 自动点击“验证您是真人”
Fortnite Aimbot JS - Automatically aim at enemies in Fortnite.
GeoGuessr is User Banned JS - Show whether a player is banned or not on their profile page
Geotastic Helper JS - Helps you in the game Geotastic
Set Slope Speed and Set Points JS - Sets the speed and set points for a slope game
Paste Essays (Acellus) JS - Pastes essays for you
New Jacks Agario Mod JS - Enhances with custom controls, advanced features, and skin-maker drag-and-drop
Auto Click "I'm not a robot" JS - Automatically clicks the "I'm not a robot" checkbox on reCaptcha V2, reCaptcha V2 callback, reCaptcha V2 Enterprise, and hCaptcha captchas
NT Gold For Free JS - Gives you NT Gold look on Nitro Type garage page!
CloudFlare Challenge Optimized JS - Automates solving Cloudflare Challenges with optimal performance and maintainability
proxies moddified khan hack JS - Here Is A Moddifed Version Of Khan Hack
Kour KP Script JS - Unlimited 1500 KP Daily Rewards
Picviewer CE+ PDF addon JS - Batch Download as PDF instead of ZIP
Remove Round Limit JS - You need Excigma code injector.
Agartool Fix for Delta JS - Redirects a specific CSS to make it work again.
AppleWare Key Bypasser JS - by yours truly, an appleware bypasser :)
YouTube Bỏ qua quảng cáo video tự động JS - Tự động bỏ qua quảng cáo trên YouTube
Ventionware JS - Adds a custom crosshair to with UI to enable/disable and change colors, plus smooth rainbow text. THIS IS OUTDATED. THE LATEST IS
Advanced Cheat GUI JS - Enhanced Cheat GUI for
Small Window Preview JS - Drag a link to open it in a popup window with a preview before opening, using Edge's prerendering technology. Also, add an acrylic effect behind the window when it's open.
Pluto TV .m3u8 Grabber JS - Captures m3u8 URLs via XHR and retrieves the last intercepted URL
1v1.LOL Aimbot, ESP & Wireframe View JS - Lets you see players behind walls. Comes with a wireframe view mode and an aimbot too. Press M, N, and T to toggle them.
Twitch Turbo + Updated JS - Block all Twitch ads, auto-claim bonus points, auto-join raids, add clip download link, and promote Discord server
Download ChatGPT Voice Audio JS - Adds a download button for voice audio files
Times Tables Rock Stars Hack JS - An overpowered ttrs cheat.
Bazaar Item Search powered by IronNerd JS - View items you are searching for in bazaars!
Blooket Token Adder JS - Adds tokens and XP to your Blooket account (up to 1,000,000 tokens daily)
AI Chat Window Enhancer Pro JS - Enhanced chat window for various AI platforms: ChatGPT, Claude, Kimi, Tongyi, ChatGLM, Tiangong, Deepseek, Gemini
Fanqie Novel Free Reading JS - 番茄小说免费网页阅读 不用客户端 可下载小说
DuoSolver JS - It solves practice lessons automatically or manually, to increase xp at different speed use DuoSolverGrinder tool (