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Bumble Unblur with Names JS - Unblur Bumble beeline profiles and show names
IC Auto Crafter JS - Automatically craft by inputting a lineage.
Survev-KrityHack JS - Aimbot, xray, tracer, better zoom, smoke/obstacle opacity, autoloot, player names...
[TORN] OC 2.0 Helper JS - Gives an overview of OC 2.0, showing members not in crimes, members in each crime, and if there are issues with any crimes. Visible when flying.
GeoFS AI (GPT) ATC JS - AI ATC for GeoFS using free PuterJS GPT API
Enhanced Video Speed Controller JS - Hold right arrow key for speed playback, release to restore. Press +/- to adjust speed, press ]/[ for quick speed adjustment, press P to restore 1.0x speed. Up/Down arrows control volume, Enter toggles fullscreen. Left/Right arrows for 5s rewind/forward. Supports YouTube, Bilibili and most video websites (extendable by modifying the @match rule).
Duo_KeepStreak JS - Automatically maintains the daily streak on Duolingo.
OC Role Display JS - Shows role positions with mobile scaling support
ATM client v2.7.1 JS - Private mod
百度网盘不限速解析-速链解析站 JS - 复活?可用?不限制?不限速? 一款百度网盘不限速解析脚本,支持Motrix、idm、Aria下载器下载,速度快就完事啦!
1Fichier Redirect to FastDebrid JS - Save 1fichier link, redirect to FastDebrid and autofill the link.
PNGExtraEmbed JS - uhh
Auto Left and Join with kick (beta version) JS - Auto Left and Join with kick (Anti Kick)
X-Translator JS - Automatically translates tweets on X (formerly Twitter).
FREEDOM from Anti-Filter (no censorship) JS - Enjoy it without the filter. The disadvantage is that the number of letters has been reduced from 100 to 50.
Blooket Cheats GUI JS -
YouTube More Videos on Homepage JS - This script allows you to increase the number of videos displayed in a single row on the YouTube homepage.
Grok3对话Markdown导出 JS - 导出Grok网站上的对话为Markdown格式.
Show Password onMouseOver JS - Show password when mouseover on password field
Manga Loader (unmaintained) JS - Support for over 70 sites! Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet
AQW Wiki Link Preview JS - Adds image previews for links on the official AQW Wiki
The Pirate Bay Cleaner JS - Release 2024 Build 1
YouTube RSS Feed JS - Adds an RSS feed button to YouTube channels next to the subscribe button
WME Color Highlights JS - Adds colours to road segments to show their status
Enable Right Click | Reek JS - Enable right click on websites having disabled
ao3 download buttons JS - Adds download buttons to each work blurb on AO3's works index pages.
Ikariam Enhanced UI JS - Enhancements for the user interface of Ikariam.
ABPVN AdsBlock JS - Script block ads, remove wating of ABPVN
RapidLeech Ads & Timer bypass!! JS - With this incredible script you can bypass all ads and limits on ALL servers that uses RapidLeech as script!!
Maximize Video JS - Maximize all video players.Support Piture-in-picture.
Steam Extra Profile Links JS - Adds extra links to Steam Profile pages.
Amazon Camel Graph JS - Add CamelCamelCamel graph + link to Amazon product pages.
AO3: Kudosed and seen history JS - Highlight or hide works you kudosed/marked as seen.
Download YouTube JS - Adds a button that lets you download and convert to mp3 YouTube videos .
WME Color Speeds JS - Adds colors to road segments to show their speed
- Reborn 2019 JS - Rewritten in 2019. Previous name is auto respawn (evergreen)
MoreMovieRatings JS - Show IMDb ratings on Douban, and vice versa
Youtube MP3 Downloader JS - Youtube mp3 download
Youtube MP3 Download Button ( JS - Adds a button [MP3 Download], to download music from YouTube through service
Google Search Extra Buttons JS - Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page
IMDB info + .torrent from magnet JS - Show info of movies/series's (rating, poster, actors, ...) from IMDB on almost any torrent domain (thepiratebay, *torrent* , ...) as well as showing .torrent download links from any magnet:?url
Ads DOM Remover JS - Removes Ad Containers from DOM (doesn't replace adblocker extension, but blocks dynamic content which the adblocker fails to block by removing whole sections from the HTML DOM.)
SLITio by szymy JS - MOD
Wanikani Self-Study Quiz JS - Quiz yourself on Wanikani items
ffn work block JS - permanently hide selected works
- video controls on hover JS - Show video controls on mouse hover
Cookie Master JS - Loads the CookieMaster helper tool for CookieClicker Idle game
Youtube HD JS - Select a youtube resolution and resize the player.
Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy JS - Force Enable Right Click & Copy & Highlight
- Feed Macro + Split Hotkeys|By: Dabbles - Agario JS - D - Double Split -|- S - Triple Split -|- A - 16 Split -|- Q - Feed
Kill Baidu AD JS - Just Kill Baidu AD
Pop-Up Blocker JS - Simple but effective popup window blocker. Also tries to deny unsolicited redirections.
"TwitchPleb" JS - "Free subscriber emotes"
AliExpress Ultra Efficient JS - Sort Price from Low to High, Put Items in View list All Automatically
The West - Cloth Calc [ro] JS - The West Script: Cloth Calculation.
NetFlix Auto Account selection JS - Automatically select your Netflix account (enter your netflix account name below)
Roblox Dominus Spoof buyer JS - trick someone into thinking you bought a dominus
CookieClickerHack JS - Press Alt+G
Video Speed Buttons JS - Add speed buttons to any HTML5 <video> element. Comes with a loader for YouTube and Vimeo
WaniKani Pitch Info JS - Displays pitch accent diagrams on WaniKani vocab and session pages.
Next page script JS - Automatically loads next page once you reach bottom of the page
Mp3Tube - Youtube Mp3 Download JS - Youtube Mp3 Download
WME Open Other Maps JS - Links for opening external resources at the WME location and WME from external resources
Fastest Youtube Downloader! (Video or MP3) JS - The fastest and best quality video and music (mp3) YouTube download plug-in from Onur YASAR!
InstaMagnify: Instagram Media Downloader JS - Best! Greatly enhance your Instagram navigation experience! And magically view or download the highest-quality, largest versions of Instagram stories, albums, images/photos, videos and profile avatars. If you have ever wanted to save a story, album, image/photo, video or avatar, then this is for you!
Set Arrival Time alternative JS - Set the desired arrival time in Tribal Wars and the script will automatically send the attack
Bypass paywalls for scientific documents JS - Bypass paywalls for scientific documents by downloading them from sci-hub instead of paying something like 50 bucks for each paper. This script adds download buttons on Google Scholar, Scopus and Web Of Science, which lead to In this way you can get free access to scientific papers even if you (or your university) can't afford their prices.
HIT Forker JS - Monitors for HITs
豆瓣电影助手|douban movie helper JS - 【重新定义豆瓣脚本,东半球最好的豆瓣电影增强脚本】10秒搞定豆瓣电影资源下载|新增豆列搜索功能|电影黑名单:屏蔽你不想看的烂片|PT资源搜索链接|更多评分|字幕搜索|支持影人作品集批量搜索|增加查看原图链接|增加IMDB top 250标签|一键生成简介|在changhw版本基础上修改,增加pt站搜索,去除垃圾视频站。|感谢R酱、白鸽男孩| 自用脚本,代码粗糙,欢迎捉虫。
remove page limit JS - Remove various page limit, check the code for website list, or add other websites
Iridium JS - YouTube with more freedom
Wanikani Open Framework JS - Framework for writing scripts for Wanikani
- Trident Extension JS - Change white background color to gray, show current time, countdown sound in Battle Royale mode, mouse controls
Wanikani: Level Duration 2 JS - Displays the number of days you have spent on the current level.
Greasy Fork tweaks JS - various tweaks for site for enhanced usability and additional features
Fix src of Flash content JS - Internet Archive
WME ClickSaver JS - Various UI changes to make editing faster and easier.
Change the scope to,,, and JS - Сhange the scope in the game,,, and
- Quick upgrade v2 JS - Bounds keys to builds and themes
City Finds JS - description
1337X - Magnet/Torrent links everywhere JS - Adds magnet and torrent links everywere, e.g. directly to the torrent search results
EME Logger JS - Inject EME interface and log its function calls.
Vimeo Embed Download JS - Adds a download button to the embed Vimeo video player. This is a fork of "Vimeo Download" originally created by schwarztee (
FrankerFaceZ JS - FrankerFaceZ gives Twitch users custom chat emotes and introduces new features to improve the viewing experience.
Old Reddit Redirect JS - Automatically redirects you to the old reddit
Nitro Type Infection Hack Bypass JS - Copy the code and paste it into tampermonkey for the hack bypass
Wanikani Heatmap JS - Adds review and lesson heatmaps to the dashboard.
Kill ADs and Watch VIP Videos JS - maybe it's the most similar VIP videos script to origin website
Blogger Content Warning Bypass JS - A user script to bypass Blogspot's Content Warning
RedGifs AutoHD JS - Automatically sets Gfycat/RedGifs video to HD mode and other improvements
HTML5 Video Player Enhance JS - To enhance the functionality of HTML5 Video Player (h5player) supporting all websites using shortcut keys similar to PotPlayer.
remove spotify web ad JS - try to take over the world!
Nitrotype Prankmod JS - A script that you can prank your friends with. This is my Friends account. BuZzKiLl Is me SH/\DOW is him
Bilibili_Anime4K JS - Bring Anime4K to Bilibili and ACFun's HTML5 player to clearify 2D anime.
ig-shutup JS - block instagram login popup and re-enable scroll
KPin Checker JS - Check the pin of a kahoot game.
GreasyFork Helper JS - This script will add several shortcut buttons under each script item on the script list page and script author's home page of GreasyFork website. Including features such as direct installation, Temporarily hidden, blacklisting, and more exciting needs you to find out. And an input box was added at the top of the script list items, So you can filter out your own scripts by keywords.Author:浴火凤凰(QQ Number:307053741,QQ Group Number:194885662)
[timerd][The Eight Hundred] VIP Video tencent, iqiyi, mgtv, youku, Blibili, sohu, tudou (2021.03.24) JS - tencent, iqiyi, mgtv, youku, letv, Bilibili, sohu, tudou, 1905(Containing google ads)