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Discord | Fullscreen Inbox CSS - Fullscreen Inbox for Discord
Dark Tiktok | CSS CSS - Dark css for tiktok desktop version.
readmanganato (former manganelo) - continous reading CSS - Style for readmanganato (former manganelo) that removes margins between pages, makes reading continous.
SSC Cardboard Gray CSS - SkyscraperCity Cardboard theme light gray update
VirtualCast Header Improvement CSS - Reduces the page header height and unfixed.
OHCM-colorizer CSS - Colorizes Oracle HCM Cloud environments ( dev1, dev2, dev3, test and prod all get different colors so you know in a heartbeat where you are and don't mess up.
Twitter for Mastodon CSS - Makes Mastodon look like Twitter.
Hacker News - Antisocial CSS - Remove social features such as upvotes and comment links from the main page of Hacker News
Google - Hide user reviews CSS - Hide user reviews on search results
NewsBlur - Stop yelling CSS - Change ALLCAPS text on NewsBlur into something more reasonable
Don't Be A Hu CSS - Improve Zhihu UI
AniList Darker CSS - Dark theme with red accent for AniList.
Dark TriBot CSS - Dark theme for
YouTube Music acrylic CSS - Acrylic styling for YouTube Music using backdrop-filter blur.
- - remove suggested videos from endscreen CSS - Style for that removes suggested videos section appearing after video has ended.
Google - Multi-Columns Dark and Gray v.48.90 (final) CSS - Google Search Less scrolling with a multi columns interface
Userstyles / Greasy Fork Enhancer Dark-Grey v.248 CSS - Custom Widescreen CSS theme for and
YouTube Dark Search Suggestions Box CSS - Makes YouTubes search suggestions box also dark when in dark mode
- Dark CSS - Dark mode for
Mastodon full-width columns CSS - Makes the columns in Mastodon instances take up all the space.
YouTube Simple Cinema Mode CSS - While video is playing the page will turn dark automatically, giving focus to the video.
Global Font: Adobe-branded CSS - An user stylesheet to replace all fonts on web pages with Adobe-branded fonts, brings you a more unified and beautiful visual style.
Global Font: Microsoft-branded CSS - An user stylesheet to replace all fonts on web pages with Microsoft-branded fonts, brings you a more unified and beautiful visual style.
💡 TURN OFF THE LIGHT, YYeTs! CSS - A dark theme stylesheet for the website of YYeTs subtitle group.
- hydar's dark theme CSS - A simple theme to give a dark look to sqwok while keeping the original design language. Currently still work in progress.
baelish_pro_theme CSS - 泛采系统专业版主题
Return WATCHED badge on Youtube (with custom text) CSS - Bring back the WATCHED overlay to the videos you have already watched on youtube.
Wide new reddit | Userstyle CSS - Wide view for new reddit. Now with card view!
Geekhack Nord Dark CSS - Nord dark theme for
Tiktok right-click CSS - Enables right click on tiktok videos
Frogtube - Player Size like Cosmic Panda CSS - `Changes the maximzed state of the Frogtube player to 720p like in Cosmic Panda.`
FrogTube - hide dotted border on player CSS - `Remove dotted outline around player controls.`
Uniwa eClass Dark-blue CSS - Dark-blue for Uniwa eClass
Idlescape CCS CSS - Various CSS fixes for Idlescape
Glassy Youtube CSS - make Youtube panes and pop-ups glassy
Dark Habitica Linguists Commonwealth Theme (Weblate) CSS - A userstyle that turns the Translate Habitica site on Weblate dark.
[Bilibili] Delete Fucking Scores! CSS - Remove scores from Bilibili website.
Google Slides - Hide left panel slide preview CSS - This hides the left slide panel window on google slides
Nintendo Life Theme CSS - `A simple custom theme for Nintendo Life`
Tumblr - Old / Custom Colors CSS - Change the colors of your Tumblr dashboard.
Youtube chapter panel on top of video CSS - moves the chapter panel (invisible) on top of the video (designed for theater mode). Shows up when hovering over it.
Youtube font type, color and brightness in dark mode CSS - reduce font brightness, or change the color and type of font, for primary and secondary text in dark mode
Youtube Theater mode 21:9 widescreen (and others) fix CSS - For whatever reason, youtube fixes the frame to 16:9 in theater mode, but this should fix it removing top and bottom black bar
Silent Facebook CSS - This makes Facebook a peaceful place to live by removing distractions. In particular, it disables the feed on the main page and links to marketplace, videos and gaming. Easy to adjust (e.g. to reenable some of the features).
Google Translate Dark CSS - Translate Google Dark Theme
Youtube Material Compact CSS - An attempt to restore compactness to a new Material Youtube
Google SEX PISTOLS CSS - `Google SEX PISTOLSaktualizacja 2021 milimetr`
Yandex Translate Dark CSS - Yandex Dark Theme
Decluttered Outlook CSS - Removes all advertisement banners, favorites, groups und the header of folders.
Widen Kitsu Feed CSS - Widen Kitsu Feed on Desktop
DH3 Compact - Magic Fix CSS - The compact look for DH3 - Magic Fix
YouTube - Remove clickable labels on "Watch Later" and "Add to Queue" buttons CSS - Removes those annoying, clickable labels on the "Watch Later" and "Add to Queue" buttons so you won't accidentally click on them.
Filmweb Hide & Seek CSS - Allows to hide chosen sections on movie, person, character and world subpages.
Lichess 1 Kbyte Gambit piece set & board CSS - The pink board and the piece set for Lichess
Just Dance 2021aw Style CSS - Miwdamicks the ui of JwdD2021 for JDN
Biang CSS - Persnal Style For
Habitica All-Yellow Tasks (UserCSS conversion) CSS - Conversion from edition to UserCSS. A style that makes all tasks yellow, unless they're complete/not-due (grey) or rewards. Cobbled together quickly, so there might be an error somewhere, but I've tested it and haven't found any in the latest version!
DuckDuckGo - Multi-Columns (ORGANIC) (USw) v.59 CSS - DuckDuckGo Less scrolling with a multi columns interface
Misc Tweaks for Todoist CSS - Assorted tweaks for Todoist
palemoon disable fullscreen toolbar CSS - works with stylem addon
- Faded CSS - Custom theme
Plex Custom Background CSS - Custom background image for Plex Web
Instagram - Allow right click on images CSS - Allow right-clicking on images on Instagram
Minecraft Style for JDN CSS - Adds the Minecraft ui for JDN!
Subtitle Optimization for bilibili CSS - Optimize the subtitles in
Facebook (Blackout) by JZersche CSS - Converts Facebook CSS Style to a black and white color scheme.
Facebook (Mobile Blackout) by JZersche CSS - Converts Mobile Facebook CSS Style to a black and white color scheme.
Rainbow Waterfall.Social CSS - Create a custom theme for Also features some minor changes such as sticky navigation.
Old Google 2014 CSS - Adds back the 2014 google design. Changes google search, maps, translate, login, news, drive, shopping, photos, classroom and lens. ## DO NOT EXPECT MANY MORE UPDATES, GOOGLE HAS GONE TOO FAR SOUTH!! Also install "google 2014 row" for better search filter experience
Patreon - Hide Comments CSS - Hides the comments on Patreon creator posts. Designed to alleviate stress.
Crunchyroll + VRV - Hide Comments CSS - Hides the comments on Crunchyroll and VRV shows. Avoid the temptation to look and inevitably stress out!
Pinboard Dark CSS - Dark theme for Pinboard with some other QOL tweaks
Boreal - Discord theme CSS - Enjoy Discord over a calm peaceful lake under the northern lights.
Reddit - Big Card View CSS - Makes the card view on Reddit bigger
Plex Dark Small Static Control Bar CSS - Keeps a small control bar always on screen during playback, dark color
Google Translate: Dark Theme CSS - Dark theme for google translate.
Just Dance Now Redrawn CSS - A redrawn from the original just dance now
Streaming - Tolbek + Clones Widescreen (USw) v.90 CSS - Pour les variantes du site TOBLEK-like (Streaming): Utilisez toute la taille des fenêtres pour moins de défilement
Melvor Wiki Dark Theme CSS - A quick and dirty dark theme for the Melvor Idle wiki
Just Dance Now Custom Avatar CSS - Add custom avatars for just dance now!
Reddit Preview Button Fix CSS - Some custom CSS on causes the expand button to glitch out (where there's supposed to be a button, there's a gibberish image instead). This style fixes this by replacing the buttons with new button images from the Silk icon set. (
- image alt presence revealer CSS - Gives slight visual clue on elements that (don't) lack accessible descriptions.
Streamline Newsroom NZ CSS - Removes repeated sections and vertical whitespace from website.
Fandom Remove Background Colour CSS - Fixes background to make it compatible with Dark Background and Light Text browser extension.
MAL-Character Renders in the Side + Custom Scrollbar CSS - Easily Customizable Character Renders and Custom Scrollbar for MyAnimeList
AlloCine - ByPass v.1.1 - UserCSS (userstyle) CSS - AlloCiné sans Nag Screen
Scryfall Darkmode CSS - Black background for Scryfall.
UserStyles.World (USw) - WideScreen v.61 CSS - Compact userstyle for a widescreen
Youtube MiniView CSS - Resize the window to a minimum view to listen the music
- Subtitle Caption Stylish CSS - This is to replace the subtitle / caption style using in
Google 2009 layout CSS - Adds back 2009 Google search and results.
- lag fix CSS - Fixes lag by hiding old messages. Can be customized.
Instagram widescreen CSS - Makes Instagram use its space better by filling the screen on home and profile pages using a grid layout.
- compacter post layout CSS - Post information is to the left, "unused" features invisible by default
- --- Cleaner Wikis CSS - Removes all of the non-wiki parts of wikis, reduces the footprint of the search overlay, and forces the search overlay to use wiki-theme colors. Based on "Fandom - Remove Garbage" by jurassicplayer.
Discord 2009 youtube player CSS - 2009 youtube player but its on discords built in video player (not youtube embed).
YouTube classic Seek UI CSS - Replicates the Seek UI from 2016-2021.
Discord 2009 youtube player alt CSS - Yeah I made another one
YouTube - Bring back colored thumbs up and down buttons and like bar CSS - White/grayscale and stroke-only transparent buttons suck.