Greasy Fork is available in English.
Add purple bold font style for all names of beatmap nominators in osu! website
work for osu! website, highlight bn names at somewhere
please follow these steps:
1. go to bn list, and wait the page fully loaded by browser
2. go to setting page, and wait the page fully loaded by browser
3. go to some rest pages and you'll see the effect after page fully loaded
pay attention:
1. this tool works based on cookies, please make sure your browser support to add cookies manually
2. these cookies is enable for 7 days. if you find this tool doesn't work, please try the step 1 and 2 again
3. this tool works for user profile page, account setting page, queue list page and all thread page (pink names in bn list page are your friends)
if you have any advices, suggestions or questions, please contact wcx19911123
1. 首先进入bn列表,并等待页面加载完毕
2. 之后进入自己的setting界面,并等待页面加载完毕
3. 之后去一些其他页面,加载完毕后就会看到效果(bn列表页面的粉红色名字是你好友)
1. 基于cookies制作,请保证浏览器支持保存自制cookies
2. cookies存留时间是7天,如果发现bn名字没有变色请再执行一次上面的步骤1和2
3. 目前作用范围是profile页面、自己账号的setting页面、queue列表页、所有thread内