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Show modding activity score on user's profile page
work for osu! website, show modding activity score on profile page
please follow these steps:
1. go to user profile page and wait the page fully loaded
2. you can see the score under the avatar
pay attention:
1. do anything else(such as click some bottom) before profile page fully loaded, this script might not work well
2. the score is based on the user's kd history, the number shows the average days from the date of receiving kd to now. it means that the smaller the number, the more he active
1. 去任何profile页面然后等页面加载完毕
2. 你就能在头像下面看到modding勤奋度
1. 在页面加载完之前做任何其他操作(比如点击一个按钮),这个脚本可能无法正常工作
2. 计算方式是基于kd记录,取每个收到kd的记录距离现在的天数的平均值。意思就是这个数字越小说明这人越勤奋