Add filters for GitHub homepage news feed items
// ==UserScript== // @name Github News Feed Filter // @namespace // @description Add filters for GitHub homepage news feed items // @author jerone // @contributor darkred // @copyright 2014+, jerone ( // @license CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0; // @license GPL-3.0-or-later; // @homepage // @homepageURL // @contributionURL // @icon // @include // @include* // @include*/dashboard // @include*/dashboard?* // @version 8.2.8 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // cSpell:ignore transform, osvg, opath, gollum, hovercards, profilecols /* eslint security/detect-object-injection: "off" */ (function () { var ICONS = {}; ICONS["octicon-book"] = "M3 5h4v1H3V5zm0 3h4V7H3v1zm0 2h4V9H3v1zm11-5h-4v1h4V5zm0 2h-4v1h4V7zm0 2h-4v1h4V9zm2-6v9c0 .55-.45 1-1 1H9.5l-1 1-1-1H2c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1V3c0-.55.45-1 1-1h5.5l1 1 1-1H15c.55 0 1 .45 1 1zm-8 .5L7.5 3H2v9h6V3.5zm7-.5H9.5l-.5.5V12h6V3z"; ICONS["octicon-comment-discussion"] = "M15 1H6c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1v2H1c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1v6c0 .55.45 1 1 1h1v3l3-3h4c.55 0 1-.45 1-1V9h1l3 3V9h1c.55 0 1-.45 1-1V2c0-.55-.45-1-1-1zM9 11H4.5L3 12.5V11H1V5h4v3c0 .55.45 1 1 1h3v2zm6-3h-2v1.5L11.5 8H6V2h9v6z"; ICONS["octicon-git-branch"] = "M10 5c0-1.11-.89-2-2-2a1.993 1.993 0 0 0-1 3.72v.3c-.02.52-.23.98-.63 1.38-.4.4-.86.61-1.38.63-.83.02-1.48.16-2 .45V4.72a1.993 1.993 0 0 0-1-3.72C.88 1 0 1.89 0 3a2 2 0 0 0 1 1.72v6.56c-.59.35-1 .99-1 1.72 0 1.11.89 2 2 2 1.11 0 2-.89 2-2 0-.53-.2-1-.53-1.36.09-.06.48-.41.59-.47.25-.11.56-.17.94-.17 1.05-.05 1.95-.45 2.75-1.25S8.95 7.77 9 6.73h-.02C9.59 6.37 10 5.73 10 5zM2 1.8c.66 0 1.2.55 1.2 1.2 0 .65-.55 1.2-1.2 1.2C1.35 4.2.8 3.65.8 3c0-.65.55-1.2 1.2-1.2zm0 12.41c-.66 0-1.2-.55-1.2-1.2 0-.65.55-1.2 1.2-1.2.65 0 1.2.55 1.2 1.2 0 .65-.55 1.2-1.2 1.2zm6-8c-.66 0-1.2-.55-1.2-1.2 0-.65.55-1.2 1.2-1.2.65 0 1.2.55 1.2 1.2 0 .65-.55 1.2-1.2 1.2z"; ICONS["octicon-git-branch-create"] = ICONS["octicon-git-branch"]; ICONS["octicon-git-branch-delete"] = ICONS["octicon-git-branch"]; ICONS["octicon-git-commit"] = "M10.86 7c-.45-1.72-2-3-3.86-3-1.86 0-3.41 1.28-3.86 3H0v2h3.14c.45 1.72 2 3 3.86 3 1.86 0 3.41-1.28 3.86-3H14V7h-3.14zM7 10.2c-1.22 0-2.2-.98-2.2-2.2 0-1.22.98-2.2 2.2-2.2 1.22 0 2.2.98 2.2 2.2 0 1.22-.98 2.2-2.2 2.2z"; ICONS["octicon-home"] = "M16 9l-3-3V2h-2v2L8 1 0 9h2l1 5c0 .55.45 1 1 1h8c.55 0 1-.45 1-1l1-5h2zm-4 5H9v-4H7v4H4L2.81 7.69 8 2.5l5.19 5.19L12 14z"; ICONS["octicon-issue-opened"] = "M7 2.3c3.14 0 5.7 2.56 5.7 5.7S10.14 13.7 7 13.7 1.3 11.14 1.3 8s2.56-5.7 5.7-5.7m0-1.3C3.14 1 0 4.14 0 8s3.14 7 7 7 7-3.14 7-7S10.86 1 7 1z m1 3H6v5h2V4z m0 6H6v2h2V10z"; ICONS["octicon-person"] = "M12 14.002a.998.998 0 0 1-.998.998H1.001A1 1 0 0 1 0 13.999V13c0-2.633 4-4 4-4s.229-.409 0-1c-.841-.62-.944-1.59-1-4 .173-2.413 1.867-3 3-3s2.827.586 3 3c-.056 2.41-.159 3.38-1 4-.229.59 0 1 0 1s4 1.367 4 4v1.002z"; ICONS["octicon-organization"] = "M16 12.999c0 .439-.45 1-1 1H7.995c-.539 0-.994-.447-.995-.999H1c-.54 0-1-.561-1-1 0-2.634 3-4 3-4s.229-.409 0-1c-.841-.621-1.058-.59-1-3 .058-2.419 1.367-3 2.5-3s2.442.58 2.5 3c.058 2.41-.159 2.379-1 3-.229.59 0 1 0 1s1.549.711 2.42 2.088C9.196 9.369 10 8.999 10 8.999s.229-.409 0-1c-.841-.62-1.058-.59-1-3 .058-2.419 1.367-3 2.5-3s2.437.581 2.495 3c.059 2.41-.158 2.38-1 3-.229.59 0 1 0 1s3.005 1.366 3.005 4"; ICONS["octicon-plus"] = "M12 9H7v5H5V9H0V7h5V2h2v5h5z"; ICONS["octicon-radio-tower"] = "M4.79 6.11c.25-.25.25-.67 0-.92-.32-.33-.48-.76-.48-1.19 0-.43.16-.86.48-1.19.25-.26.25-.67 0-.92a.613.613 0 0 0-.45-.19c-.16 0-.33.06-.45.19-.57.58-.85 1.35-.85 2.11 0 .76.29 1.53.85 0zM2.33.52a.651.651 0 0 0-.92 0C.48 1.48.01 2.74.01 3.99c0 1.26.47 2.52 1.4 0s.25-.68 0-.94c-.68-.7-1.02-1.62-1.02-2.54 0-.92.34-1.84 1.02-2.54a.66.66 0 0 0 .01-.93zm5.69 5.1A1.62 1.62 0 1 0 6.4 4c-.01.89.72 1.62 1.62 1.62zM14.59.53a.628.628 0 0 0-.91 0c-.25.26-.25.68 0 .94.68.7 1.02 1.62 1.02 2.54 0 .92-.34 1.83-1.02 2.54-.25.26-.25.68 0 .94a.651.651 0 0 0 .92 0c.93-.96 1.4-2.22 1.4-3.48A5.048 5.048 0 0 0 14.59.53zM8.02 6.92c-.41 0-.83-.1-1.2-.3l-3.15 8.37h1.49l.86-1h4l.84 1h1.49L9.21 6.62c-.38.2-.78.3-1.19.3zm-.01.48L9.02 11h-2l.99-3.6zm-1.99 5.59l1-1h2l1 1h-4zm5.19-11.1c-.25.25-.25.67 0 . 1.19 0 .43-.16.86-.48 1.19-.25.26-.25.67 0 .92a.63.63 0 0 0 .9 0c.57-.58.85-1.35.85-2.11 0-.76-.28-1.53-.85-2.11a.634.634 0 0 0-.9 0z"; ICONS["octicon-repo"] = "M4 9H3V8h1v1zm0-3H3v1h1V6zm0-2H3v1h1V4zm0-2H3v1h1V2zm8-1v12c0 .55-.45 1-1 1H6v2l-1.5-1.5L3 16v-2H1c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1V1c0-.55.45-1 1-1h10c.55 0 1 .45 1 1zm-1 10H1v2h2v-1h3v1h5v-2zm0-10H2v9h9V1z"; ICONS["octicon-repo-clone"] = "M15 0H9v7c0 .55.45 1 1 1h1v1h1V8h3c.55 0 1-.45 1-1V1c0-.55-.45-1-1-1zm-4 7h-1V6h1v1zm4 0h-3V6h3v1zm0-2h-4V1h4v4zM4 5H3V4h1v1zm0-2H3V2h1v1zM2 1h6V0H1C.45 0 0 .45 0 1v12c0 .55.45 1 1 1h2v2l1.5-1.5L6 16v-2h5c.55 0 1-.45 1-1v-3H2V1zm9 10v2H6v-1H3v1H1v-2h10zM3 8h1v1H3V8zm1-1H3V6h1v1z"; ICONS["octicon-repo-create"] = ICONS["octicon-plus"]; ICONS["octicon-repo-push"] = "M4 3H3V2h1v1zM3 5h1V4H3v1zm4 0L4 9h2v7h2V9h2L7 5zm4-5H1C.45 0 0 .45 0 1v12c0 .55.45 1 1 1h4v-1H1v-2h4v-1H2V1h9.02L11 10H9v1h2v2H9v1h2c.55 0 1-.45 1-1V1c0-.55-.45-1-1-1z"; ICONS["octicon-repo-forked"] = "M8 1a1.993 1.993 0 0 0-1 3.72V6L5 8 3 6V4.72A1.993 1.993 0 0 0 2 1a1.993 1.993 0 0 0-1 3.72V6.5l3 3v1.78A1.993 1.993 0 0 0 5 15a1.993 1.993 0 0 0 1-3.72V9.5l3-3V4.72A1.993 1.993 0 0 0 8 1zM2 4.2C1.34 4.2.8 3.65.8 3c0-.65.55-1.2 1.2-1.2.65 0 1.2.55 1.2 1.2 0 .65-.55 1.2-1.2 1.2zm3 10c-.66 0-1.2-.55-1.2-1.2 0-.65.55-1.2 1.2-1.2.65 0 1.2.55 1.2 1.2 0 .65-.55 1.2-1.2 1.2zm3-10c-.66 0-1.2-.55-1.2-1.2 0-.65.55-1.2 1.2-1.2.65 0 1.2.55 1.2 1.2 0 .65-.55 1.2-1.2 1.2z"; ICONS["octicon-repo-delete"] = ICONS["octicon-repo"]; ICONS["octicon-repo-pull"] = "M13 8V6H7V4h6V2l3 3-3 3zM4 2H3v1h1V2zm7 5h1v6c0 .55-.45 1-1 1H6v2l-1.5-1.5L3 16v-2H1c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1V1c0-.55.45-1 1-1h10c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v2h-1V1H2v9h9V7zm0 4H1v2h2v-1h3v1h5v-2zM4 6H3v1h1V6zm0-2H3v1h1V4zM3 9h1V8H3v1z"; ICONS["octicon-star"] = "M14 6l-4.9-.64L7 1 4.9 5.36 0 6l3.6 3.26L2.67 14 7 11.67 11.33 14l-.93-4.74z"; ICONS["octicon-tag"] = "M7.73 1.73C7.26 1.26 6.62 1 5.96 1H3.5C2.13 1 1 2.13 1 3.5v2.47c0 .66.27 1.3.73 1.77l6.06 6.06c.39.39 1.02.39 1.41 0l4.59-4.59a.996.996 0 0 0 0-1.41L7.73 1.73zM2.38 7.09c-.31-.3-.47-.7-.47-1.13V3.5c0-.88.72-1.59 1.59-1.59h2.47c.42 0 .83.16 1.13.47l6.14 6.13-4.73 4.73-6.13-6.15zM3.01 3h2v2H3V3h.01z"; ICONS["octicon-tag-add"] = ICONS["octicon-tag"]; ICONS["octicon-tag-remove"] = ICONS["octicon-tag"]; ICONS["octicon-triangle-left"] = "M6 2L0 8l6 6z"; var ACTIONS = [ { id: "*-action", text: "All news feed", icon: "octicon-radio-tower", classNames: ["*-action"], }, { id: "issues", text: "Issues", icon: "octicon-issue-opened", classNames: ["issues_labeled"], subFilters: [ { id: "issues labeled", text: "Labeled", icon: "octicon-tag", classNames: ["issues_labeled"], }, ], }, { id: "commits", text: "Commits", icon: "octicon-git-commit", classNames: ["push", "commit_comment"], subFilters: [ { id: "commits pushed", text: "Pushed", icon: "octicon-git-commit", classNames: ["push"], }, { id: "commits comments", text: "Comments", icon: "octicon-comment-discussion", classNames: ["commit_comment"], }, ], }, { id: "repo", text: "Repo", icon: "octicon-repo", classNames: [ "repo", "create", "public", "fork", "branch_create", "branch_delete", "tag_add", "tag_remove", "release", "delete", ], subFilters: [ { id: "repo created", text: "Created", icon: "octicon-repo-create", classNames: ["repo", "create"], }, { id: "repo public", text: "Public", icon: "octicon-repo-push", classNames: ["public"], }, { id: "repo forked", text: "Forked", icon: "octicon-repo-forked", classNames: ["fork"], }, { id: "repo deleted", text: "Deleted", icon: "octicon-repo-delete", classNames: ["delete"], }, { id: "repo released", text: "Release", icon: "octicon-repo-pull", classNames: ["release"], }, { id: "repo branched", text: "Branch", icon: "octicon-git-branch", classNames: ["branch_create", "branch_delete"], subFilters: [ { id: "repo branch created", text: "Created", icon: "octicon-git-branch-create", classNames: ["branch_create"], }, { id: "repo branch deleted", text: "Deleted", icon: "octicon-git-branch-delete", classNames: ["branch_delete"], }, ], }, { id: "repo tagged", text: "Tag", icon: "octicon-tag", classNames: ["tag_add", "tag_remove"], subFilters: [ { id: "repo tag added", text: "Added", icon: "octicon-tag-add", classNames: ["tag_add"], }, { id: "repo tag removed", text: "Removed", icon: "octicon-tag-remove", classNames: ["tag_remove"], }, ], }, ], }, { id: "user", text: "User", icon: "octicon-person", classNames: ["follow"], }, { id: "starred", text: "Starred", icon: "octicon-star", classNames: ["watch_started"], }, { id: "wiki", text: "Wiki", icon: "octicon-book", classNames: ["wiki_created", "wiki_edited"], subFilters: [ { id: "wiki created", text: "Created", icon: "octicon-plus", classNames: ["wiki_created"], }, { id: "wiki edited", text: "Edited", icon: "octicon-book", classNames: ["wiki_edited"], }, ], }, ]; var REPOS = []; var USERS = []; var datasetId = "githubNewsFeedFilter"; var datasetIdLong = "data-github-news-feed-filter"; var filterElement = "github-news-feed-filter"; var filterListElement = "github-news-feed-filter-list"; function proxy(fn) { return function () { var that = this; return function (e) { var args = that.slice(0); // Clone. args.unshift(e); // Prepend event. fn.apply(this, args); }; }.call([], 1)); } function addStyle(css) { var node = document.createElement("style"); node.type = "text/css"; node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); document.head.appendChild(node); } addStyle(` github-news-feed-filter { display: block; } github-news-feed-filter .filter-bar { padding: 0; } github-news-feed-filter .count { margin-right: 15px; } github-news-feed-filter .filter-list .mini-repo-list-item { padding-right: 64px; } github-news-feed-filter .filter-list .filter-list .mini-repo-list-item { padding-left: 40px; border-top: 1px dashed #E5E5E5; } github-news-feed-filter .filter-list .filter-list .filter-list .mini-repo-list-item { padding-left: 50px; } github-news-feed-filter .filter-list { display: none; } github-news-feed-filter .open > .filter-list { display: block; } github-news-feed-filter { display: block; } github-news-feed-filter .private { font-weight: bold; } github-news-feed-filter .stars .octicon { position: absolute; right: -4px; } github-news-feed-filter > a > .stars > .octicon { transform: rotate(-90deg); } .no-alerts { font-style: italic; } `); // Add filter menu list. function addFilterMenu( type, filters, parent, newsContainer, filterContainer, main, ) { var ul = document.createElement("ul"); ul.classList.add("filter-list"); if (main) { ul.classList.add("mini-repo-list"); } parent.appendChild(ul); filters.forEach(function (subFilter) { var li = addFilterMenuItem( type, subFilter, ul, newsContainer, filterContainer, ); if (subFilter.subFilters) { addFilterMenu( type, subFilter.subFilters, li, newsContainer, filterContainer, false, ); } }); } // Add filter menu item. function addFilterMenuItem( type, filter, parent, newsContainer, filterContainer, ) { // Filter item. var li = document.createElement("li"); li.classList.add("filter-list-item"); li.filterClassNames = filter.classNames; parent.appendChild(li); // Filter link. var a = document.createElement("a"); a.classList.add("mini-repo-list-item", "css-truncate"); a.setAttribute("href", || "/"); a.setAttribute("title", filter.classNames.join(" & ")); a.dataset[datasetId] =; a.addEventListener( "click", proxy(onFilterItemClick, type, newsContainer, filterContainer), ); li.appendChild(a); // Filter icon. var svg = document.createElementNS("", "svg"); svg.classList.add("repo-icon", "octicon", filter.icon); svg.setAttribute("height", "16"); svg.setAttribute("width", "16"); a.appendChild(svg); var path = document.createElementNS( "", "path", ); path.setAttribute("d", ICONS[filter.icon]); svg.appendChild(path); // Filter text. var text = filter.text.split("/"); var t = document.createElement("span"); t.classList.add("repo-and-owner", "css-truncate-target"); a.appendChild(t); var to = document.createElement("span"); to.classList.add("owner"); to.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text[0])); t.appendChild(to); if (text.length > 1) { text.shift(); t.appendChild(document.createTextNode("/")); var tr = document.createElement("span"); tr.classList.add("repo"); tr.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text.join("/"))); t.appendChild(tr); } // Filter count & sub list arrow. var s = document.createElement("span"); s.classList.add("stars"); var c = document.createElement("span"); c.classList.add("count"); c.appendChild(document.createTextNode("0")); s.appendChild(c); if (filter.subFilters) { s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); var osvg = document.createElementNS( "", "svg", ); osvg.classList.add("octicon", "octicon-triangle-left"); osvg.setAttribute("height", "16"); osvg.setAttribute("width", "6"); s.appendChild(osvg); var opath = document.createElementNS( "", "path", ); opath.setAttribute("d", ICONS["octicon-triangle-left"]); osvg.appendChild(opath); } a.appendChild(s); return li; } // Filter item click event. function onFilterItemClick(e, type, newsContainer, filterContainer) { e.preventDefault(); // Store current filter. setCurrentFilter(type, this.dataset[datasetId]); // Open/close sub list. Array.forEach( filterContainer.querySelectorAll(":scope .open"), function (item) { item.classList.remove("open"); }, ); showParentMenu(this); this.parentNode.classList.add("open"); // Give it a colored background. Array.forEach( filterContainer.querySelectorAll(":scope .private"), function (m) { m.classList.remove("private"); }, ); this.parentNode.classList.add("private"); // Toggle alert visibility. toggleAlertsVisibility(newsContainer); } // Toggle alert visibility. function toggleAlertsVisibility(newsContainer) { // Get selected filters. var anyVisibleAlert = false; var classNames = []; var selected = document.querySelectorAll( ":scope " + filterElement + " .private", ); if (selected.length > 0) {, function (item) { classNames.push(item.filterClassNames); }); } // Show/hide alerts. if ( classNames.length === 0 || classNames.every(function (cl) { return cl.every(function (c) { return ~c.indexOf("*"); }); }) ) { anyVisibleAlert = true; getAllAlerts(newsContainer).forEach(function (alert) { = "block"; }); } else { getAllAlerts(newsContainer).forEach(function (alert) { var show = classNames.every(function (cl) { return cl.some(function (c) { return ~c.indexOf("*") || alert.classList.contains(c); }); }); anyVisibleAlert = show || anyVisibleAlert; = show ? "block" : "none"; // DEBUG: uncomment following line and comment previous line to debug all alerts. //if(show) = 'none'; }); } // Show/hide message about no alerts. var none = newsContainer.querySelector(":scope .no-alerts"); if (anyVisibleAlert && none) { none.parentNode.removeChild(none); } else if (!anyVisibleAlert && !none) { none = document.createElement("div"); none.classList.add("no-alerts"); none.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "No feed items for this filter. Please select another filter.", ), ); var firstAlert = getAllAlerts(newsContainer)[0]; firstAlert.parentNode.insertBefore(none, firstAlert); } } // Traverse back up the tree to open sub lists. function showParentMenu(menuItem) { var parentMenuItem = menuItem.parentNode; if (parentMenuItem.classList.contains("filter-list-item")) { parentMenuItem.classList.add("open"); showParentMenu(parentMenuItem.parentNode); } } // Fix filter action identification. function fixActionAlerts(newsContainer) { getAllAlerts(newsContainer).forEach(function (alert) { if (~alert.textContent.indexOf("created branch")) { alert.classList.remove("create"); alert.classList.add("branch_create"); } else if (~alert.textContent.indexOf("deleted branch")) { alert.classList.remove("delete"); alert.classList.add("branch_delete"); } else if ( alert.getElementsByClassName("octicon-tag").length > 0 && !alert.classList.contains("release") ) { alert.classList.remove("create"); alert.classList.add("tag_add"); } else if ( alert.getElementsByClassName("octicon-tag-remove").length > 0 ) { alert.classList.remove("delete"); alert.classList.add("tag_remove"); } else if (~alert.textContent.indexOf("labeled an issue")) { alert.classList.add("issues_labeled"); } else if (alert.classList.contains("gollum")) { alert.classList.remove("gollum"); if (~alert.innerText.indexOf(" created a wiki page in ")) { alert.classList.add("wiki_created"); } else if ( ~alert.innerText.indexOf(" edited a wiki page in ") ) { alert.classList.add("wiki_edited"); } } }); } // Fix filter repo identification. function fixRepoAlerts(newsContainer) { REPOS = [ { id: "*-repo", text: "All repositories", icon: "octicon-repo", classNames: ["*-repo"], }, ]; // Get unique list of repos. var userRepos = new Set(); getAllAlerts(newsContainer).forEach(function (alert) { var alertRepo = alert.querySelector( ':scope [data-ga-click*="target:repo"]:not([data-ga-click*="target:repositories"])', ); if (alertRepo) { // Follow doesn't contain a repo link. var userRepo = alertRepo.textContent; userRepos.add(userRepo); var repo = userRepo.split("/")[1]; alert.classList.add(repo, userRepo); } }); // Get list of user repos (forks) per repo names. var repos = {}; userRepos.forEach(function (userRepo) { var repo = userRepo.split("/")[1]; if (!repos[repo]) { repos[repo] = []; } repos[repo].push(userRepo); }); // Populate global property. Object.keys(repos).forEach(function (repo) { if (repos[repo].length === 1) { var userRepo = repos[repo][0]; REPOS.push({ id: userRepo, text: userRepo, link: userRepo, icon: "octicon-repo", classNames: [userRepo], }); } else { var repoForks = { id: repo, text: repo, icon: "octicon-repo-clone", classNames: [repo], subFilters: [], }; repos[repo].forEach(function (userRepo) { repoForks.classNames.push(userRepo); repoForks.subFilters.push({ id: userRepo, text: userRepo, link: userRepo, icon: "octicon-repo", classNames: [userRepo], }); }); REPOS.push(repoForks); } }); } // Fix filter user identification. function fixUserAlerts(newsContainer) { USERS = [ { id: "*-user", text: "All users", icon: "octicon-organization", classNames: ["*-user"], }, ]; var users = new Set(); getAllAlerts(newsContainer).forEach(function (alert) { var usernameElms = alert.querySelectorAll( ':scope [data-ga-click*="target:actor"]', );, function (usernameElm) { var username = usernameElm.textContent; if (username) { alert.classList.add(username); users.add(username); return true; } return false; }); }); [...users] .sort(function (a, b) { return a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase()); }) .forEach(function (username) { var user = { id: username, text: username, icon: "octicon-person", classNames: [username], }; USERS.push(user); }); } // Update filter counts. function updateFilterCounts(filterContainer, newsContainer) { Array.forEach( filterContainer.querySelectorAll(":scope li.filter-list-item"), function (li) { // Count alerts based on other filters. var countFiltered = 0; var classNames = [li.filterClassNames]; var selected = document.querySelectorAll( ":scope " + filterElement + " li.filter-list-item.private", ); if (selected.length > 0) {, function (item) { if (item.parentNode.parentNode !== filterContainer) { // Exclude list item from current filter container. classNames.push(item.filterClassNames); } }); } getAllAlerts(newsContainer).forEach(function (alert) { var show = classNames.every(function (cl) { return cl.some(function (c) { return ( ~c.indexOf("*") || alert.classList.contains(c) ); }); }); if (show) { countFiltered++; } }); // Count alerts based on current filter. var countAll = 0; if (~li.filterClassNames[0].indexOf("*")) { countAll = getAllAlerts(newsContainer).length; } else { getAllAlerts(newsContainer).forEach(function (alert) { if ( li.filterClassNames.some(function (cl) { return alert.classList.contains(cl); }) ) { countAll++; } }); } li.querySelector(":scope .count").textContent = countAll + " (" + countFiltered + ")"; }, ); } // Get all alerts. function getAllAlerts(newsContainer) { return newsContainer.querySelectorAll( ":scope div[data-repository-hovercards-enabled] > div > .body", ), function (alert) { return alert.parentNode; }, ); } var CURRENT = {}; // Set current filter. function setCurrentFilter(type, filter) { CURRENT[type] = filter; } // Get current filter. function getCurrentFilter(type, filterContainer) { var filter = CURRENT[type] || "*-" + type; filterContainer .querySelector(":scope [" + datasetIdLong + '="' + filter + '"]') .dispatchEvent(new Event("click")); } // Add filter tab. function addFilterTab(type, text, inner, filterer, onCreate, onSelect) { var filterTabInner = document.createElement("a"); filterTabInner.setAttribute("href", "#"); filterTabInner.classList.add("UnderlineNav-item"); filterTabInner.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); filterer.appendChild(filterTabInner); var filterContainer = document.createElement(filterListElement); inner.appendChild(filterContainer); filterTabInner.addEventListener( "click", proxy(filterTabInnerClick, type, inner, filterContainer, onSelect), ); onCreate && onCreate(type, filterContainer); } // Filter tab click event. function filterTabInnerClick(e, type, inner, filterContainer, onSelect) { e.preventDefault(); var selected = inner.querySelector(":scope .selected"); selected && selected.classList.remove("selected"); this.classList.add("selected"); Array.forEach( inner.querySelectorAll(filterListElement), function (menu) { menu && menu.classList.remove("open"); }, ); filterContainer.classList.add("open"); onSelect && onSelect(type, filterContainer); } // Init. (function init() { var newsContainer = document.querySelector(".news"); if (!newsContainer) { return; } // GitHub homepage or profile activity tab. var sidebar = document.querySelector(".dashboard-sidebar:not(.is-placeholder)") || document.querySelector(".profilecols > .column:first-child"); var wrapper = document.createElement(filterElement); wrapper.classList.add("boxed-group", "flush", "user-repos"); sidebar.insertBefore( wrapper, sidebar.querySelector(":scope > *:not(details)"), ); var headerAction = document.createElement("div"); headerAction.classList.add("boxed-group-action"); wrapper.appendChild(headerAction); var headerLink = document.createElement("a"); headerLink.setAttribute( "href", "", ); headerLink.classList.add("btn", "btn-sm"); headerAction.appendChild(headerLink); var headerLinkSvg = document.createElementNS( "", "svg", ); headerLinkSvg.classList.add("octicon", "octicon-home"); headerLinkSvg.setAttribute("height", "16"); headerLinkSvg.setAttribute("width", "16"); headerLinkSvg.setAttribute( "title", "Open Github News Feed Filter homepage", ); headerLink.appendChild(headerLinkSvg); var headerLinkPath = document.createElementNS( "", "path", ); headerLinkPath.setAttribute("d", ICONS["octicon-home"]); headerLinkSvg.appendChild(headerLinkPath); var headerText = document.createElement("h3"); headerText.appendChild(document.createTextNode("News feed filter")); wrapper.appendChild(headerText); var inner = document.createElement("div"); inner.classList.add("boxed-group-inner"); wrapper.appendChild(inner); var bar = document.createElement("div"); bar.classList.add("filter-bar"); inner.appendChild(bar); var filterer = document.createElement("nav"); filterer.classList.add("UnderlineNav-body"); bar.appendChild(filterer); // Create filter tabs. addFilterTab( "action", "Actions", inner, filterer, function onCreateActions(type, filterContainer) { // Create filter menu. addFilterMenu( type, ACTIONS, filterContainer, newsContainer, filterContainer, true, ); }, function onSelectActions(type, filterContainer) { // Fix alert identification. fixActionAlerts(newsContainer); // Update filter counts. updateFilterCounts(filterContainer, newsContainer); // Restore current filter. getCurrentFilter(type, filterContainer); }, ); addFilterTab( "repo", "Repositories", inner, filterer, function onCreateRepos(type, filterContainer) { // Fix filter identification and create repos list. fixRepoAlerts(newsContainer); // Create filter menu. addFilterMenu( type, REPOS, filterContainer, newsContainer, filterContainer, true, ); }, function onSelectRepos(type, filterContainer) { // Fix alert identification and create repos list. fixRepoAlerts(newsContainer); // Empty list, so it can be filled again. while (filterContainer.hasChildNodes()) { filterContainer.removeChild(filterContainer.lastChild); } // Create filter menu. addFilterMenu( type, REPOS, filterContainer, newsContainer, filterContainer, true, ); // Update filter counts. updateFilterCounts(filterContainer, newsContainer); // Restore current filter. getCurrentFilter(type, filterContainer); }, ); addFilterTab( "user", "Users", inner, filterer, function onCreateUsers(type, filterContainer) { // Fix filter identification and create users list. fixUserAlerts(newsContainer); // Create filter menu. addFilterMenu( type, USERS, filterContainer, newsContainer, filterContainer, true, ); }, function onSelectUsers(type, filterContainer) { // Fix filter identification and create users list. fixUserAlerts(newsContainer); // Empty list, so it can be filled again. while (filterContainer.hasChildNodes()) { filterContainer.removeChild(filterContainer.lastChild); } // Create filter menu. addFilterMenu( type, USERS, filterContainer, newsContainer, filterContainer, true, ); // Update filter counts. updateFilterCounts(filterContainer, newsContainer); // Restore current filter. getCurrentFilter(type, filterContainer); }, ); // Open first filter tab. filterer.querySelector("a").dispatchEvent(new Event("click")); // Update on clicking "More"-button. new MutationObserver(function () { // Re-click the current selected filter on open filter tab. filterer .querySelector("a.selected") .dispatchEvent(new Event("click")); }).observe(newsContainer, { childList: true, subtree: true }); })(); })();