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Read and write OpenType fonts using JavaScript.
此脚本不应直接安装,它是一个供其他脚本使用的外部库。如果您需要使用该库,请在脚本元属性加入:// @require
(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.opentype = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){ var TINF_OK = 0; var TINF_DATA_ERROR = -3; function Tree() { this.table = new Uint16Array(16); /* table of code length counts */ this.trans = new Uint16Array(288); /* code -> symbol translation table */ } function Data(source, dest) { this.source = source; this.sourceIndex = 0; this.tag = 0; this.bitcount = 0; this.dest = dest; this.destLen = 0; this.ltree = new Tree(); /* dynamic length/symbol tree */ this.dtree = new Tree(); /* dynamic distance tree */ } /* --------------------------------------------------- * * -- uninitialized global data (static structures) -- * * --------------------------------------------------- */ var sltree = new Tree(); var sdtree = new Tree(); /* extra bits and base tables for length codes */ var length_bits = new Uint8Array(30); var length_base = new Uint16Array(30); /* extra bits and base tables for distance codes */ var dist_bits = new Uint8Array(30); var dist_base = new Uint16Array(30); /* special ordering of code length codes */ var clcidx = new Uint8Array([ 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 ]); /* used by tinf_decode_trees, avoids allocations every call */ var code_tree = new Tree(); var lengths = new Uint8Array(288 + 32); /* ----------------------- * * -- utility functions -- * * ----------------------- */ /* build extra bits and base tables */ function tinf_build_bits_base(bits, base, delta, first) { var i, sum; /* build bits table */ for (i = 0; i < delta; ++i) bits[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 30 - delta; ++i) bits[i + delta] = i / delta | 0; /* build base table */ for (sum = first, i = 0; i < 30; ++i) { base[i] = sum; sum += 1 << bits[i]; } } /* build the fixed huffman trees */ function tinf_build_fixed_trees(lt, dt) { var i; /* build fixed length tree */ for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) lt.table[i] = 0; lt.table[7] = 24; lt.table[8] = 152; lt.table[9] = 112; for (i = 0; i < 24; ++i) lt.trans[i] = 256 + i; for (i = 0; i < 144; ++i) lt.trans[24 + i] = i; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) lt.trans[24 + 144 + i] = 280 + i; for (i = 0; i < 112; ++i) lt.trans[24 + 144 + 8 + i] = 144 + i; /* build fixed distance tree */ for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) dt.table[i] = 0; dt.table[5] = 32; for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) dt.trans[i] = i; } /* given an array of code lengths, build a tree */ var offs = new Uint16Array(16); function tinf_build_tree(t, lengths, off, num) { var i, sum; /* clear code length count table */ for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) t.table[i] = 0; /* scan symbol lengths, and sum code length counts */ for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) t.table[lengths[off + i]]++; t.table[0] = 0; /* compute offset table for distribution sort */ for (sum = 0, i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { offs[i] = sum; sum += t.table[i]; } /* create code->symbol translation table (symbols sorted by code) */ for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { if (lengths[off + i]) t.trans[offs[lengths[off + i]]++] = i; } } /* ---------------------- * * -- decode functions -- * * ---------------------- */ /* get one bit from source stream */ function tinf_getbit(d) { /* check if tag is empty */ if (!d.bitcount--) { /* load next tag */ d.tag = d.source[d.sourceIndex++]; d.bitcount = 7; } /* shift bit out of tag */ var bit = d.tag & 1; d.tag >>>= 1; return bit; } /* read a num bit value from a stream and add base */ function tinf_read_bits(d, num, base) { if (!num) return base; while (d.bitcount < 24) { d.tag |= d.source[d.sourceIndex++] << d.bitcount; d.bitcount += 8; } var val = d.tag & (0xffff >>> (16 - num)); d.tag >>>= num; d.bitcount -= num; return val + base; } /* given a data stream and a tree, decode a symbol */ function tinf_decode_symbol(d, t) { while (d.bitcount < 24) { d.tag |= d.source[d.sourceIndex++] << d.bitcount; d.bitcount += 8; } var sum = 0, cur = 0, len = 0; var tag = d.tag; /* get more bits while code value is above sum */ do { cur = 2 * cur + (tag & 1); tag >>>= 1; ++len; sum += t.table[len]; cur -= t.table[len]; } while (cur >= 0); d.tag = tag; d.bitcount -= len; return t.trans[sum + cur]; } /* given a data stream, decode dynamic trees from it */ function tinf_decode_trees(d, lt, dt) { var hlit, hdist, hclen; var i, num, length; /* get 5 bits HLIT (257-286) */ hlit = tinf_read_bits(d, 5, 257); /* get 5 bits HDIST (1-32) */ hdist = tinf_read_bits(d, 5, 1); /* get 4 bits HCLEN (4-19) */ hclen = tinf_read_bits(d, 4, 4); for (i = 0; i < 19; ++i) lengths[i] = 0; /* read code lengths for code length alphabet */ for (i = 0; i < hclen; ++i) { /* get 3 bits code length (0-7) */ var clen = tinf_read_bits(d, 3, 0); lengths[clcidx[i]] = clen; } /* build code length tree */ tinf_build_tree(code_tree, lengths, 0, 19); /* decode code lengths for the dynamic trees */ for (num = 0; num < hlit + hdist;) { var sym = tinf_decode_symbol(d, code_tree); switch (sym) { case 16: /* copy previous code length 3-6 times (read 2 bits) */ var prev = lengths[num - 1]; for (length = tinf_read_bits(d, 2, 3); length; --length) { lengths[num++] = prev; } break; case 17: /* repeat code length 0 for 3-10 times (read 3 bits) */ for (length = tinf_read_bits(d, 3, 3); length; --length) { lengths[num++] = 0; } break; case 18: /* repeat code length 0 for 11-138 times (read 7 bits) */ for (length = tinf_read_bits(d, 7, 11); length; --length) { lengths[num++] = 0; } break; default: /* values 0-15 represent the actual code lengths */ lengths[num++] = sym; break; } } /* build dynamic trees */ tinf_build_tree(lt, lengths, 0, hlit); tinf_build_tree(dt, lengths, hlit, hdist); } /* ----------------------------- * * -- block inflate functions -- * * ----------------------------- */ /* given a stream and two trees, inflate a block of data */ function tinf_inflate_block_data(d, lt, dt) { while (1) { var sym = tinf_decode_symbol(d, lt); /* check for end of block */ if (sym === 256) { return TINF_OK; } if (sym < 256) { d.dest[d.destLen++] = sym; } else { var length, dist, offs; var i; sym -= 257; /* possibly get more bits from length code */ length = tinf_read_bits(d, length_bits[sym], length_base[sym]); dist = tinf_decode_symbol(d, dt); /* possibly get more bits from distance code */ offs = d.destLen - tinf_read_bits(d, dist_bits[dist], dist_base[dist]); /* copy match */ for (i = offs; i < offs + length; ++i) { d.dest[d.destLen++] = d.dest[i]; } } } } /* inflate an uncompressed block of data */ function tinf_inflate_uncompressed_block(d) { var length, invlength; var i; /* unread from bitbuffer */ while (d.bitcount > 8) { d.sourceIndex--; d.bitcount -= 8; } /* get length */ length = d.source[d.sourceIndex + 1]; length = 256 * length + d.source[d.sourceIndex]; /* get one's complement of length */ invlength = d.source[d.sourceIndex + 3]; invlength = 256 * invlength + d.source[d.sourceIndex + 2]; /* check length */ if (length !== (~invlength & 0x0000ffff)) return TINF_DATA_ERROR; d.sourceIndex += 4; /* copy block */ for (i = length; i; --i) d.dest[d.destLen++] = d.source[d.sourceIndex++]; /* make sure we start next block on a byte boundary */ d.bitcount = 0; return TINF_OK; } /* inflate stream from source to dest */ function tinf_uncompress(source, dest) { var d = new Data(source, dest); var bfinal, res; do { /* read final block flag */ bfinal = tinf_getbit(d); /* read block type (2 bits) */ btype = tinf_read_bits(d, 2, 0); /* decompress block */ switch (btype) { case 0: /* decompress uncompressed block */ res = tinf_inflate_uncompressed_block(d); break; case 1: /* decompress block with fixed huffman trees */ res = tinf_inflate_block_data(d, sltree, sdtree); break; case 2: /* decompress block with dynamic huffman trees */ tinf_decode_trees(d, d.ltree, d.dtree); res = tinf_inflate_block_data(d, d.ltree, d.dtree); break; default: res = TINF_DATA_ERROR; } if (res !== TINF_OK) throw new Error('Data error'); } while (!bfinal); if (d.destLen < d.dest.length) { if (typeof d.dest.slice === 'function') return d.dest.slice(0, d.destLen); else return d.dest.subarray(0, d.destLen); } return d.dest; } /* -------------------- * * -- initialization -- * * -------------------- */ /* build fixed huffman trees */ tinf_build_fixed_trees(sltree, sdtree); /* build extra bits and base tables */ tinf_build_bits_base(length_bits, length_base, 4, 3); tinf_build_bits_base(dist_bits, dist_base, 2, 1); /* fix a special case */ length_bits[28] = 0; length_base[28] = 258; module.exports = tinf_uncompress; },{}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ // Run-time checking of preconditions. 'use strict'; // Precondition function that checks if the given predicate is true. // If not, it will throw an error. exports.argument = function(predicate, message) { if (!predicate) { throw new Error(message); } }; // Precondition function that checks if the given assertion is true. // If not, it will throw an error. exports.assert = exports.argument; },{}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ // Drawing utility functions. 'use strict'; // Draw a line on the given context from point `x1,y1` to point `x2,y2`. function line(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); ctx.stroke(); } exports.line = line; },{}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ // Glyph encoding 'use strict'; var cffStandardStrings = [ '.notdef', 'space', 'exclam', 'quotedbl', 'numbersign', 'dollar', 'percent', 'ampersand', 'quoteright', 'parenleft', 'parenright', 'asterisk', 'plus', 'comma', 'hyphen', 'period', 'slash', 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'colon', 'semicolon', 'less', 'equal', 'greater', 'question', 'at', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'bracketleft', 'backslash', 'bracketright', 'asciicircum', 'underscore', 'quoteleft', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'braceleft', 'bar', 'braceright', 'asciitilde', 'exclamdown', 'cent', 'sterling', 'fraction', 'yen', 'florin', 'section', 'currency', 'quotesingle', 'quotedblleft', 'guillemotleft', 'guilsinglleft', 'guilsinglright', 'fi', 'fl', 'endash', 'dagger', 'daggerdbl', 'periodcentered', 'paragraph', 'bullet', 'quotesinglbase', 'quotedblbase', 'quotedblright', 'guillemotright', 'ellipsis', 'perthousand', 'questiondown', 'grave', 'acute', 'circumflex', 'tilde', 'macron', 'breve', 'dotaccent', 'dieresis', 'ring', 'cedilla', 'hungarumlaut', 'ogonek', 'caron', 'emdash', 'AE', 'ordfeminine', 'Lslash', 'Oslash', 'OE', 'ordmasculine', 'ae', 'dotlessi', 'lslash', 'oslash', 'oe', 'germandbls', 'onesuperior', 'logicalnot', 'mu', 'trademark', 'Eth', 'onehalf', 'plusminus', 'Thorn', 'onequarter', 'divide', 'brokenbar', 'degree', 'thorn', 'threequarters', 'twosuperior', 'registered', 'minus', 'eth', 'multiply', 'threesuperior', 'copyright', 'Aacute', 'Acircumflex', 'Adieresis', 'Agrave', 'Aring', 'Atilde', 'Ccedilla', 'Eacute', 'Ecircumflex', 'Edieresis', 'Egrave', 'Iacute', 'Icircumflex', 'Idieresis', 'Igrave', 'Ntilde', 'Oacute', 'Ocircumflex', 'Odieresis', 'Ograve', 'Otilde', 'Scaron', 'Uacute', 'Ucircumflex', 'Udieresis', 'Ugrave', 'Yacute', 'Ydieresis', 'Zcaron', 'aacute', 'acircumflex', 'adieresis', 'agrave', 'aring', 'atilde', 'ccedilla', 'eacute', 'ecircumflex', 'edieresis', 'egrave', 'iacute', 'icircumflex', 'idieresis', 'igrave', 'ntilde', 'oacute', 'ocircumflex', 'odieresis', 'ograve', 'otilde', 'scaron', 'uacute', 'ucircumflex', 'udieresis', 'ugrave', 'yacute', 'ydieresis', 'zcaron', 'exclamsmall', 'Hungarumlautsmall', 'dollaroldstyle', 'dollarsuperior', 'ampersandsmall', 'Acutesmall', 'parenleftsuperior', 'parenrightsuperior', '266 ff', 'onedotenleader', 'zerooldstyle', 'oneoldstyle', 'twooldstyle', 'threeoldstyle', 'fouroldstyle', 'fiveoldstyle', 'sixoldstyle', 'sevenoldstyle', 'eightoldstyle', 'nineoldstyle', 'commasuperior', 'threequartersemdash', 'periodsuperior', 'questionsmall', 'asuperior', 'bsuperior', 'centsuperior', 'dsuperior', 'esuperior', 'isuperior', 'lsuperior', 'msuperior', 'nsuperior', 'osuperior', 'rsuperior', 'ssuperior', 'tsuperior', 'ff', 'ffi', 'ffl', 'parenleftinferior', 'parenrightinferior', 'Circumflexsmall', 'hyphensuperior', 'Gravesmall', 'Asmall', 'Bsmall', 'Csmall', 'Dsmall', 'Esmall', 'Fsmall', 'Gsmall', 'Hsmall', 'Ismall', 'Jsmall', 'Ksmall', 'Lsmall', 'Msmall', 'Nsmall', 'Osmall', 'Psmall', 'Qsmall', 'Rsmall', 'Ssmall', 'Tsmall', 'Usmall', 'Vsmall', 'Wsmall', 'Xsmall', 'Ysmall', 'Zsmall', 'colonmonetary', 'onefitted', 'rupiah', 'Tildesmall', 'exclamdownsmall', 'centoldstyle', 'Lslashsmall', 'Scaronsmall', 'Zcaronsmall', 'Dieresissmall', 'Brevesmall', 'Caronsmall', 'Dotaccentsmall', 'Macronsmall', 'figuredash', 'hypheninferior', 'Ogoneksmall', 'Ringsmall', 'Cedillasmall', 'questiondownsmall', 'oneeighth', 'threeeighths', 'fiveeighths', 'seveneighths', 'onethird', 'twothirds', 'zerosuperior', 'foursuperior', 'fivesuperior', 'sixsuperior', 'sevensuperior', 'eightsuperior', 'ninesuperior', 'zeroinferior', 'oneinferior', 'twoinferior', 'threeinferior', 'fourinferior', 'fiveinferior', 'sixinferior', 'seveninferior', 'eightinferior', 'nineinferior', 'centinferior', 'dollarinferior', 'periodinferior', 'commainferior', 'Agravesmall', 'Aacutesmall', 'Acircumflexsmall', 'Atildesmall', 'Adieresissmall', 'Aringsmall', 'AEsmall', 'Ccedillasmall', 'Egravesmall', 'Eacutesmall', 'Ecircumflexsmall', 'Edieresissmall', 'Igravesmall', 'Iacutesmall', 'Icircumflexsmall', 'Idieresissmall', 'Ethsmall', 'Ntildesmall', 'Ogravesmall', 'Oacutesmall', 'Ocircumflexsmall', 'Otildesmall', 'Odieresissmall', 'OEsmall', 'Oslashsmall', 'Ugravesmall', 'Uacutesmall', 'Ucircumflexsmall', 'Udieresissmall', 'Yacutesmall', 'Thornsmall', 'Ydieresissmall', '001.000', '001.001', '001.002', '001.003', 'Black', 'Bold', 'Book', 'Light', 'Medium', 'Regular', 'Roman', 'Semibold']; var cffStandardEncoding = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'space', 'exclam', 'quotedbl', 'numbersign', 'dollar', 'percent', 'ampersand', 'quoteright', 'parenleft', 'parenright', 'asterisk', 'plus', 'comma', 'hyphen', 'period', 'slash', 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'colon', 'semicolon', 'less', 'equal', 'greater', 'question', 'at', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'bracketleft', 'backslash', 'bracketright', 'asciicircum', 'underscore', 'quoteleft', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'braceleft', 'bar', 'braceright', 'asciitilde', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'exclamdown', 'cent', 'sterling', 'fraction', 'yen', 'florin', 'section', 'currency', 'quotesingle', 'quotedblleft', 'guillemotleft', 'guilsinglleft', 'guilsinglright', 'fi', 'fl', '', 'endash', 'dagger', 'daggerdbl', 'periodcentered', '', 'paragraph', 'bullet', 'quotesinglbase', 'quotedblbase', 'quotedblright', 'guillemotright', 'ellipsis', 'perthousand', '', 'questiondown', '', 'grave', 'acute', 'circumflex', 'tilde', 'macron', 'breve', 'dotaccent', 'dieresis', '', 'ring', 'cedilla', '', 'hungarumlaut', 'ogonek', 'caron', 'emdash', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'AE', '', 'ordfeminine', '', '', '', '', 'Lslash', 'Oslash', 'OE', 'ordmasculine', '', '', '', '', '', 'ae', '', '', '', 'dotlessi', '', '', 'lslash', 'oslash', 'oe', 'germandbls']; var cffExpertEncoding = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'space', 'exclamsmall', 'Hungarumlautsmall', '', 'dollaroldstyle', 'dollarsuperior', 'ampersandsmall', 'Acutesmall', 'parenleftsuperior', 'parenrightsuperior', 'twodotenleader', 'onedotenleader', 'comma', 'hyphen', 'period', 'fraction', 'zerooldstyle', 'oneoldstyle', 'twooldstyle', 'threeoldstyle', 'fouroldstyle', 'fiveoldstyle', 'sixoldstyle', 'sevenoldstyle', 'eightoldstyle', 'nineoldstyle', 'colon', 'semicolon', 'commasuperior', 'threequartersemdash', 'periodsuperior', 'questionsmall', '', 'asuperior', 'bsuperior', 'centsuperior', 'dsuperior', 'esuperior', '', '', 'isuperior', '', '', 'lsuperior', 'msuperior', 'nsuperior', 'osuperior', '', '', 'rsuperior', 'ssuperior', 'tsuperior', '', 'ff', 'fi', 'fl', 'ffi', 'ffl', 'parenleftinferior', '', 'parenrightinferior', 'Circumflexsmall', 'hyphensuperior', 'Gravesmall', 'Asmall', 'Bsmall', 'Csmall', 'Dsmall', 'Esmall', 'Fsmall', 'Gsmall', 'Hsmall', 'Ismall', 'Jsmall', 'Ksmall', 'Lsmall', 'Msmall', 'Nsmall', 'Osmall', 'Psmall', 'Qsmall', 'Rsmall', 'Ssmall', 'Tsmall', 'Usmall', 'Vsmall', 'Wsmall', 'Xsmall', 'Ysmall', 'Zsmall', 'colonmonetary', 'onefitted', 'rupiah', 'Tildesmall', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'exclamdownsmall', 'centoldstyle', 'Lslashsmall', '', '', 'Scaronsmall', 'Zcaronsmall', 'Dieresissmall', 'Brevesmall', 'Caronsmall', '', 'Dotaccentsmall', '', '', 'Macronsmall', '', '', 'figuredash', 'hypheninferior', '', '', 'Ogoneksmall', 'Ringsmall', 'Cedillasmall', '', '', '', 'onequarter', 'onehalf', 'threequarters', 'questiondownsmall', 'oneeighth', 'threeeighths', 'fiveeighths', 'seveneighths', 'onethird', 'twothirds', '', '', 'zerosuperior', 'onesuperior', 'twosuperior', 'threesuperior', 'foursuperior', 'fivesuperior', 'sixsuperior', 'sevensuperior', 'eightsuperior', 'ninesuperior', 'zeroinferior', 'oneinferior', 'twoinferior', 'threeinferior', 'fourinferior', 'fiveinferior', 'sixinferior', 'seveninferior', 'eightinferior', 'nineinferior', 'centinferior', 'dollarinferior', 'periodinferior', 'commainferior', 'Agravesmall', 'Aacutesmall', 'Acircumflexsmall', 'Atildesmall', 'Adieresissmall', 'Aringsmall', 'AEsmall', 'Ccedillasmall', 'Egravesmall', 'Eacutesmall', 'Ecircumflexsmall', 'Edieresissmall', 'Igravesmall', 'Iacutesmall', 'Icircumflexsmall', 'Idieresissmall', 'Ethsmall', 'Ntildesmall', 'Ogravesmall', 'Oacutesmall', 'Ocircumflexsmall', 'Otildesmall', 'Odieresissmall', 'OEsmall', 'Oslashsmall', 'Ugravesmall', 'Uacutesmall', 'Ucircumflexsmall', 'Udieresissmall', 'Yacutesmall', 'Thornsmall', 'Ydieresissmall']; var standardNames = [ '.notdef', '.null', 'nonmarkingreturn', 'space', 'exclam', 'quotedbl', 'numbersign', 'dollar', 'percent', 'ampersand', 'quotesingle', 'parenleft', 'parenright', 'asterisk', 'plus', 'comma', 'hyphen', 'period', 'slash', 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'colon', 'semicolon', 'less', 'equal', 'greater', 'question', 'at', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'bracketleft', 'backslash', 'bracketright', 'asciicircum', 'underscore', 'grave', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'braceleft', 'bar', 'braceright', 'asciitilde', 'Adieresis', 'Aring', 'Ccedilla', 'Eacute', 'Ntilde', 'Odieresis', 'Udieresis', 'aacute', 'agrave', 'acircumflex', 'adieresis', 'atilde', 'aring', 'ccedilla', 'eacute', 'egrave', 'ecircumflex', 'edieresis', 'iacute', 'igrave', 'icircumflex', 'idieresis', 'ntilde', 'oacute', 'ograve', 'ocircumflex', 'odieresis', 'otilde', 'uacute', 'ugrave', 'ucircumflex', 'udieresis', 'dagger', 'degree', 'cent', 'sterling', 'section', 'bullet', 'paragraph', 'germandbls', 'registered', 'copyright', 'trademark', 'acute', 'dieresis', 'notequal', 'AE', 'Oslash', 'infinity', 'plusminus', 'lessequal', 'greaterequal', 'yen', 'mu', 'partialdiff', 'summation', 'product', 'pi', 'integral', 'ordfeminine', 'ordmasculine', 'Omega', 'ae', 'oslash', 'questiondown', 'exclamdown', 'logicalnot', 'radical', 'florin', 'approxequal', 'Delta', 'guillemotleft', 'guillemotright', 'ellipsis', 'nonbreakingspace', 'Agrave', 'Atilde', 'Otilde', 'OE', 'oe', 'endash', 'emdash', 'quotedblleft', 'quotedblright', 'quoteleft', 'quoteright', 'divide', 'lozenge', 'ydieresis', 'Ydieresis', 'fraction', 'currency', 'guilsinglleft', 'guilsinglright', 'fi', 'fl', 'daggerdbl', 'periodcentered', 'quotesinglbase', 'quotedblbase', 'perthousand', 'Acircumflex', 'Ecircumflex', 'Aacute', 'Edieresis', 'Egrave', 'Iacute', 'Icircumflex', 'Idieresis', 'Igrave', 'Oacute', 'Ocircumflex', 'apple', 'Ograve', 'Uacute', 'Ucircumflex', 'Ugrave', 'dotlessi', 'circumflex', 'tilde', 'macron', 'breve', 'dotaccent', 'ring', 'cedilla', 'hungarumlaut', 'ogonek', 'caron', 'Lslash', 'lslash', 'Scaron', 'scaron', 'Zcaron', 'zcaron', 'brokenbar', 'Eth', 'eth', 'Yacute', 'yacute', 'Thorn', 'thorn', 'minus', 'multiply', 'onesuperior', 'twosuperior', 'threesuperior', 'onehalf', 'onequarter', 'threequarters', 'franc', 'Gbreve', 'gbreve', 'Idotaccent', 'Scedilla', 'scedilla', 'Cacute', 'cacute', 'Ccaron', 'ccaron', 'dcroat']; // This is the encoding used for fonts created from scratch. // It loops through all glyphs and finds the appropriate unicode value. // Since it's linear time, other encodings will be faster. function DefaultEncoding(font) { this.font = font; } DefaultEncoding.prototype.charToGlyphIndex = function(c) { var code = c.charCodeAt(0); var glyphs = this.font.glyphs; if (glyphs) { for (var i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i += 1) { var glyph = glyphs.get(i); for (var j = 0; j < glyph.unicodes.length; j += 1) { if (glyph.unicodes[j] === code) { return i; } } } } else { return null; } }; function CmapEncoding(cmap) { this.cmap = cmap; } CmapEncoding.prototype.charToGlyphIndex = function(c) { return this.cmap.glyphIndexMap[c.charCodeAt(0)] || 0; }; function CffEncoding(encoding, charset) { this.encoding = encoding; this.charset = charset; } CffEncoding.prototype.charToGlyphIndex = function(s) { var code = s.charCodeAt(0); var charName = this.encoding[code]; return this.charset.indexOf(charName); }; function GlyphNames(post) { var i; switch (post.version) { case 1: this.names = exports.standardNames.slice(); break; case 2: this.names = new Array(post.numberOfGlyphs); for (i = 0; i < post.numberOfGlyphs; i++) { if (post.glyphNameIndex[i] < exports.standardNames.length) { this.names[i] = exports.standardNames[post.glyphNameIndex[i]]; } else { this.names[i] = post.names[post.glyphNameIndex[i] - exports.standardNames.length]; } } break; case 2.5: this.names = new Array(post.numberOfGlyphs); for (i = 0; i < post.numberOfGlyphs; i++) { this.names[i] = exports.standardNames[i + post.glyphNameIndex[i]]; } break; case 3: this.names = []; break; } } GlyphNames.prototype.nameToGlyphIndex = function(name) { return this.names.indexOf(name); }; GlyphNames.prototype.glyphIndexToName = function(gid) { return this.names[gid]; }; function addGlyphNames(font) { var glyph; var glyphIndexMap = font.tables.cmap.glyphIndexMap; var charCodes = Object.keys(glyphIndexMap); for (var i = 0; i < charCodes.length; i += 1) { var c = charCodes[i]; var glyphIndex = glyphIndexMap[c]; glyph = font.glyphs.get(glyphIndex); glyph.addUnicode(parseInt(c)); } for (i = 0; i < font.glyphs.length; i += 1) { glyph = font.glyphs.get(i); if (font.cffEncoding) { = font.cffEncoding.charset[i]; } else { = font.glyphNames.glyphIndexToName(i); } } } exports.cffStandardStrings = cffStandardStrings; exports.cffStandardEncoding = cffStandardEncoding; exports.cffExpertEncoding = cffExpertEncoding; exports.standardNames = standardNames; exports.DefaultEncoding = DefaultEncoding; exports.CmapEncoding = CmapEncoding; exports.CffEncoding = CffEncoding; exports.GlyphNames = GlyphNames; exports.addGlyphNames = addGlyphNames; },{}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ // The Font object 'use strict'; var path = require('./path'); var sfnt = require('./tables/sfnt'); var encoding = require('./encoding'); var glyphset = require('./glyphset'); var util = require('./util'); // A Font represents a loaded OpenType font file. // It contains a set of glyphs and methods to draw text on a drawing context, // or to get a path representing the text. function Font(options) { options = options || {}; if (!options.empty) { // Check that we've provided the minimum set of names. util.checkArgument(options.familyName, 'When creating a new Font object, familyName is required.'); util.checkArgument(options.styleName, 'When creating a new Font object, styleName is required.'); util.checkArgument(options.unitsPerEm, 'When creating a new Font object, unitsPerEm is required.'); util.checkArgument(options.ascender, 'When creating a new Font object, ascender is required.'); util.checkArgument(options.descender, 'When creating a new Font object, descender is required.'); util.checkArgument(options.descender < 0, 'Descender should be negative (e.g. -512).'); // OS X will complain if the names are empty, so we put a single space everywhere by default. this.names = { fontFamily: {en: options.familyName || ' '}, fontSubfamily: {en: options.styleName || ' '}, fullName: {en: options.fullName || options.familyName + ' ' + options.styleName}, postScriptName: {en: options.postScriptName || options.familyName + options.styleName}, designer: {en: options.designer || ' '}, designerURL: {en: options.designerURL || ' '}, manufacturer: {en: options.manufacturer || ' '}, manufacturerURL: {en: options.manufacturerURL || ' '}, license: {en: options.license || ' '}, licenseURL: {en: options.licenseURL || ' '}, version: {en: options.version || 'Version 0.1'}, description: {en: options.description || ' '}, copyright: {en: options.copyright || ' '}, trademark: {en: options.trademark || ' '} }; this.unitsPerEm = options.unitsPerEm || 1000; this.ascender = options.ascender; this.descender = options.descender; } this.supported = true; // Deprecated: parseBuffer will throw an error if font is not supported. this.glyphs = new glyphset.GlyphSet(this, options.glyphs || []); this.encoding = new encoding.DefaultEncoding(this); this.tables = {}; } // Check if the font has a glyph for the given character. Font.prototype.hasChar = function(c) { return this.encoding.charToGlyphIndex(c) !== null; }; // Convert the given character to a single glyph index. // Note that this function assumes that there is a one-to-one mapping between // the given character and a glyph; for complex scripts this might not be the case. Font.prototype.charToGlyphIndex = function(s) { return this.encoding.charToGlyphIndex(s); }; // Convert the given character to a single Glyph object. // Note that this function assumes that there is a one-to-one mapping between // the given character and a glyph; for complex scripts this might not be the case. Font.prototype.charToGlyph = function(c) { var glyphIndex = this.charToGlyphIndex(c); var glyph = this.glyphs.get(glyphIndex); if (!glyph) { // .notdef glyph = this.glyphs.get(0); } return glyph; }; // Convert the given text to a list of Glyph objects. // Note that there is no strict one-to-one mapping between characters and // glyphs, so the list of returned glyphs can be larger or smaller than the // length of the given string. Font.prototype.stringToGlyphs = function(s) { var glyphs = []; for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i += 1) { var c = s[i]; glyphs.push(this.charToGlyph(c)); } return glyphs; }; Font.prototype.nameToGlyphIndex = function(name) { return this.glyphNames.nameToGlyphIndex(name); }; Font.prototype.nameToGlyph = function(name) { var glyphIndex = this.nametoGlyphIndex(name); var glyph = this.glyphs.get(glyphIndex); if (!glyph) { // .notdef glyph = this.glyphs.get(0); } return glyph; }; Font.prototype.glyphIndexToName = function(gid) { if (!this.glyphNames.glyphIndexToName) { return ''; } return this.glyphNames.glyphIndexToName(gid); }; // Retrieve the value of the kerning pair between the left glyph (or its index) // and the right glyph (or its index). If no kerning pair is found, return 0. // The kerning value gets added to the advance width when calculating the spacing // between glyphs. Font.prototype.getKerningValue = function(leftGlyph, rightGlyph) { leftGlyph = leftGlyph.index || leftGlyph; rightGlyph = rightGlyph.index || rightGlyph; var gposKerning = this.getGposKerningValue; return gposKerning ? gposKerning(leftGlyph, rightGlyph) : (this.kerningPairs[leftGlyph + ',' + rightGlyph] || 0); }; // Helper function that invokes the given callback for each glyph in the given text. // The callback gets `(glyph, x, y, fontSize, options)`. Font.prototype.forEachGlyph = function(text, x, y, fontSize, options, callback) { x = x !== undefined ? x : 0; y = y !== undefined ? y : 0; fontSize = fontSize !== undefined ? fontSize : 72; options = options || {}; var kerning = options.kerning === undefined ? true : options.kerning; var fontScale = 1 / this.unitsPerEm * fontSize; var glyphs = this.stringToGlyphs(text); for (var i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i += 1) { var glyph = glyphs[i]; callback(glyph, x, y, fontSize, options); if (glyph.advanceWidth) { x += glyph.advanceWidth * fontScale; } if (kerning && i < glyphs.length - 1) { var kerningValue = this.getKerningValue(glyph, glyphs[i + 1]); x += kerningValue * fontScale; } } }; // Create a Path object that represents the given text. // // text - The text to create. // x - Horizontal position of the beginning of the text. (default: 0) // y - Vertical position of the *baseline* of the text. (default: 0) // fontSize - Font size in pixels. We scale the glyph units by `1 / unitsPerEm * fontSize`. (default: 72) // Options is an optional object that contains: // - kerning - Whether to take kerning information into account. (default: true) // // Returns a Path object. Font.prototype.getPath = function(text, x, y, fontSize, options) { var fullPath = new path.Path(); this.forEachGlyph(text, x, y, fontSize, options, function(glyph, gX, gY, gFontSize) { var glyphPath = glyph.getPath(gX, gY, gFontSize); fullPath.extend(glyphPath); }); return fullPath; }; // Create an array of Path objects that represent the glyps of a given text. // // text - The text to create. // x - Horizontal position of the beginning of the text. (default: 0) // y - Vertical position of the *baseline* of the text. (default: 0) // fontSize - Font size in pixels. We scale the glyph units by `1 / unitsPerEm * fontSize`. (default: 72) // Options is an optional object that contains: // - kerning - Whether to take kerning information into account. (default: true) // // Returns an array of Path objects. Font.prototype.getPaths = function(text, x, y, fontSize, options) { var glyphPaths = []; this.forEachGlyph(text, x, y, fontSize, options, function(glyph, gX, gY, gFontSize) { var glyphPath = glyph.getPath(gX, gY, gFontSize); glyphPaths.push(glyphPath); }); return glyphPaths; }; // Draw the text on the given drawing context. // // ctx - A 2D drawing context, like Canvas. // text - The text to create. // x - Horizontal position of the beginning of the text. (default: 0) // y - Vertical position of the *baseline* of the text. (default: 0) // fontSize - Font size in pixels. We scale the glyph units by `1 / unitsPerEm * fontSize`. (default: 72) // Options is an optional object that contains: // - kerning - Whether to take kerning information into account. (default: true) Font.prototype.draw = function(ctx, text, x, y, fontSize, options) { this.getPath(text, x, y, fontSize, options).draw(ctx); }; // Draw the points of all glyphs in the text. // On-curve points will be drawn in blue, off-curve points will be drawn in red. // // ctx - A 2D drawing context, like Canvas. // text - The text to create. // x - Horizontal position of the beginning of the text. (default: 0) // y - Vertical position of the *baseline* of the text. (default: 0) // fontSize - Font size in pixels. We scale the glyph units by `1 / unitsPerEm * fontSize`. (default: 72) // Options is an optional object that contains: // - kerning - Whether to take kerning information into account. (default: true) Font.prototype.drawPoints = function(ctx, text, x, y, fontSize, options) { this.forEachGlyph(text, x, y, fontSize, options, function(glyph, gX, gY, gFontSize) { glyph.drawPoints(ctx, gX, gY, gFontSize); }); }; // Draw lines indicating important font measurements for all glyphs in the text. // Black lines indicate the origin of the coordinate system (point 0,0). // Blue lines indicate the glyph bounding box. // Green line indicates the advance width of the glyph. // // ctx - A 2D drawing context, like Canvas. // text - The text to create. // x - Horizontal position of the beginning of the text. (default: 0) // y - Vertical position of the *baseline* of the text. (default: 0) // fontSize - Font size in pixels. We scale the glyph units by `1 / unitsPerEm * fontSize`. (default: 72) // Options is an optional object that contains: // - kerning - Whether to take kerning information into account. (default: true) Font.prototype.drawMetrics = function(ctx, text, x, y, fontSize, options) { this.forEachGlyph(text, x, y, fontSize, options, function(glyph, gX, gY, gFontSize) { glyph.drawMetrics(ctx, gX, gY, gFontSize); }); }; Font.prototype.getEnglishName = function(name) { var translations = this.names[name]; if (translations) { return translations.en; } }; // Validate Font.prototype.validate = function() { var warnings = []; var _this = this; function assert(predicate, message) { if (!predicate) { warnings.push(message); } } function assertNamePresent(name) { var englishName = _this.getEnglishName(name); assert(englishName && englishName.trim().length > 0, 'No English ' + name + ' specified.'); } // Identification information assertNamePresent('fontFamily'); assertNamePresent('weightName'); assertNamePresent('manufacturer'); assertNamePresent('copyright'); assertNamePresent('version'); // Dimension information assert(this.unitsPerEm > 0, 'No unitsPerEm specified.'); }; // Convert the font object to a SFNT data structure. // This structure contains all the necessary tables and metadata to create a binary OTF file. Font.prototype.toTables = function() { return sfnt.fontToTable(this); }; Font.prototype.toBuffer = function() { console.warn('Font.toBuffer is deprecated. Use Font.toArrayBuffer instead.'); return this.toArrayBuffer(); }; Font.prototype.toArrayBuffer = function() { var sfntTable = this.toTables(); var bytes = sfntTable.encode(); var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(bytes.length); var intArray = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { intArray[i] = bytes[i]; } return buffer; }; // Initiate a download of the OpenType font. = function() { var familyName = this.getEnglishName('fontFamily'); var styleName = this.getEnglishName('fontSubfamily'); var fileName = familyName.replace(/\s/g, '') + '-' + styleName + '.otf'; var arrayBuffer = this.toArrayBuffer(); if (util.isBrowser()) { window.requestFileSystem = window.requestFileSystem || window.webkitRequestFileSystem; window.requestFileSystem(window.TEMPORARY, arrayBuffer.byteLength, function(fs) { fs.root.getFile(fileName, {create: true}, function(fileEntry) { fileEntry.createWriter(function(writer) { var dataView = new DataView(arrayBuffer); var blob = new Blob([dataView], {type: 'font/opentype'}); writer.write(blob); writer.addEventListener('writeend', function() { // Navigating to the file will download it. location.href = fileEntry.toURL(); }, false); }); }); }, function(err) { throw err; }); } else { var fs = require('fs'); var buffer = util.arrayBufferToNodeBuffer(arrayBuffer); fs.writeFileSync(fileName, buffer); } }; exports.Font = Font; },{"./encoding":4,"./glyphset":7,"./path":10,"./tables/sfnt":27,"./util":29,"fs":undefined}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ // The Glyph object 'use strict'; var check = require('./check'); var draw = require('./draw'); var path = require('./path'); function getPathDefinition(glyph, path) { var _path = path || { commands: [] }; return { configurable: true, get: function() { if (typeof _path === 'function') { _path = _path(); } return _path; }, set: function(p) { _path = p; } }; } // A Glyph is an individual mark that often corresponds to a character. // Some glyphs, such as ligatures, are a combination of many characters. // Glyphs are the basic building blocks of a font. // // The `Glyph` class contains utility methods for drawing the path and its points. function Glyph(options) { // By putting all the code on a prototype function (which is only declared once) // we reduce the memory requirements for larger fonts by some 2% this.bindConstructorValues(options); } Glyph.prototype.bindConstructorValues = function(options) { this.index = options.index || 0; // These three values cannnot be deferred for memory optimization: = || null; this.unicode = options.unicode || undefined; this.unicodes = options.unicodes || options.unicode !== undefined ? [options.unicode] : []; // But by binding these values only when necessary, we reduce can // the memory requirements by almost 3% for larger fonts. if (options.xMin) { this.xMin = options.xMin; } if (options.yMin) { this.yMin = options.yMin; } if (options.xMax) { this.xMax = options.xMax; } if (options.yMax) { this.yMax = options.yMax; } if (options.advanceWidth) { this.advanceWidth = options.advanceWidth; } // The path for a glyph is the most memory intensive, and is bound as a value // with a getter/setter to ensure we actually do path parsing only once the // path is actually needed by anything. Object.defineProperty(this, 'path', getPathDefinition(this, options.path)); }; Glyph.prototype.addUnicode = function(unicode) { if (this.unicodes.length === 0) { this.unicode = unicode; } this.unicodes.push(unicode); }; // Convert the glyph to a Path we can draw on a drawing context. // // x - Horizontal position of the glyph. (default: 0) // y - Vertical position of the *baseline* of the glyph. (default: 0) // fontSize - Font size, in pixels (default: 72). Glyph.prototype.getPath = function(x, y, fontSize) { x = x !== undefined ? x : 0; y = y !== undefined ? y : 0; fontSize = fontSize !== undefined ? fontSize : 72; var scale = 1 / this.path.unitsPerEm * fontSize; var p = new path.Path(); var commands = this.path.commands; for (var i = 0; i < commands.length; i += 1) { var cmd = commands[i]; if (cmd.type === 'M') { p.moveTo(x + (cmd.x * scale), y + (-cmd.y * scale)); } else if (cmd.type === 'L') { p.lineTo(x + (cmd.x * scale), y + (-cmd.y * scale)); } else if (cmd.type === 'Q') { p.quadraticCurveTo(x + (cmd.x1 * scale), y + (-cmd.y1 * scale), x + (cmd.x * scale), y + (-cmd.y * scale)); } else if (cmd.type === 'C') { p.curveTo(x + (cmd.x1 * scale), y + (-cmd.y1 * scale), x + (cmd.x2 * scale), y + (-cmd.y2 * scale), x + (cmd.x * scale), y + (-cmd.y * scale)); } else if (cmd.type === 'Z') { p.closePath(); } } return p; }; // Split the glyph into contours. // This function is here for backwards compatibility, and to // provide raw access to the TrueType glyph outlines. Glyph.prototype.getContours = function() { if (this.points === undefined) { return []; } var contours = []; var currentContour = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.points.length; i += 1) { var pt = this.points[i]; currentContour.push(pt); if (pt.lastPointOfContour) { contours.push(currentContour); currentContour = []; } } check.argument(currentContour.length === 0, 'There are still points left in the current contour.'); return contours; }; // Calculate the xMin/yMin/xMax/yMax/lsb/rsb for a Glyph. Glyph.prototype.getMetrics = function() { var commands = this.path.commands; var xCoords = []; var yCoords = []; for (var i = 0; i < commands.length; i += 1) { var cmd = commands[i]; if (cmd.type !== 'Z') { xCoords.push(cmd.x); yCoords.push(cmd.y); } if (cmd.type === 'Q' || cmd.type === 'C') { xCoords.push(cmd.x1); yCoords.push(cmd.y1); } if (cmd.type === 'C') { xCoords.push(cmd.x2); yCoords.push(cmd.y2); } } var metrics = { xMin: Math.min.apply(null, xCoords), yMin: Math.min.apply(null, yCoords), xMax: Math.max.apply(null, xCoords), yMax: Math.max.apply(null, yCoords), leftSideBearing: 0 }; if (!isFinite(metrics.xMin)) { metrics.xMin = 0; } if (!isFinite(metrics.xMax)) { metrics.xMax = this.advanceWidth; } if (!isFinite(metrics.yMin)) { metrics.yMin = 0; } if (!isFinite(metrics.yMax)) { metrics.yMax = 0; } metrics.rightSideBearing = this.advanceWidth - metrics.leftSideBearing - (metrics.xMax - metrics.xMin); return metrics; }; // Draw the glyph on the given context. // // ctx - The drawing context. // x - Horizontal position of the glyph. (default: 0) // y - Vertical position of the *baseline* of the glyph. (default: 0) // fontSize - Font size, in pixels (default: 72). Glyph.prototype.draw = function(ctx, x, y, fontSize) { this.getPath(x, y, fontSize).draw(ctx); }; // Draw the points of the glyph. // On-curve points will be drawn in blue, off-curve points will be drawn in red. // // ctx - The drawing context. // x - Horizontal position of the glyph. (default: 0) // y - Vertical position of the *baseline* of the glyph. (default: 0) // fontSize - Font size, in pixels (default: 72). Glyph.prototype.drawPoints = function(ctx, x, y, fontSize) { function drawCircles(l, x, y, scale) { var PI_SQ = Math.PI * 2; ctx.beginPath(); for (var j = 0; j < l.length; j += 1) { ctx.moveTo(x + (l[j].x * scale), y + (l[j].y * scale)); ctx.arc(x + (l[j].x * scale), y + (l[j].y * scale), 2, 0, PI_SQ, false); } ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); } x = x !== undefined ? x : 0; y = y !== undefined ? y : 0; fontSize = fontSize !== undefined ? fontSize : 24; var scale = 1 / this.path.unitsPerEm * fontSize; var blueCircles = []; var redCircles = []; var path = this.path; for (var i = 0; i < path.commands.length; i += 1) { var cmd = path.commands[i]; if (cmd.x !== undefined) { blueCircles.push({x: cmd.x, y: -cmd.y}); } if (cmd.x1 !== undefined) { redCircles.push({x: cmd.x1, y: -cmd.y1}); } if (cmd.x2 !== undefined) { redCircles.push({x: cmd.x2, y: -cmd.y2}); } } ctx.fillStyle = 'blue'; drawCircles(blueCircles, x, y, scale); ctx.fillStyle = 'red'; drawCircles(redCircles, x, y, scale); }; // Draw lines indicating important font measurements. // Black lines indicate the origin of the coordinate system (point 0,0). // Blue lines indicate the glyph bounding box. // Green line indicates the advance width of the glyph. // // ctx - The drawing context. // x - Horizontal position of the glyph. (default: 0) // y - Vertical position of the *baseline* of the glyph. (default: 0) // fontSize - Font size, in pixels (default: 72). Glyph.prototype.drawMetrics = function(ctx, x, y, fontSize) { var scale; x = x !== undefined ? x : 0; y = y !== undefined ? y : 0; fontSize = fontSize !== undefined ? fontSize : 24; scale = 1 / this.path.unitsPerEm * fontSize; ctx.lineWidth = 1; // Draw the origin ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; draw.line(ctx, x, -10000, x, 10000); draw.line(ctx, -10000, y, 10000, y); // This code is here due to memory optimization: by not using // defaults in the constructor, we save a notable amount of memory. var xMin = this.xMin || 0; var yMin = this.yMin || 0; var xMax = this.xMax || 0; var yMax = this.yMax || 0; var advanceWidth = this.advanceWidth || 0; // Draw the glyph box ctx.strokeStyle = 'blue'; draw.line(ctx, x + (xMin * scale), -10000, x + (xMin * scale), 10000); draw.line(ctx, x + (xMax * scale), -10000, x + (xMax * scale), 10000); draw.line(ctx, -10000, y + (-yMin * scale), 10000, y + (-yMin * scale)); draw.line(ctx, -10000, y + (-yMax * scale), 10000, y + (-yMax * scale)); // Draw the advance width ctx.strokeStyle = 'green'; draw.line(ctx, x + (advanceWidth * scale), -10000, x + (advanceWidth * scale), 10000); }; exports.Glyph = Glyph; },{"./check":2,"./draw":3,"./path":10}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ // The GlyphSet object 'use strict'; var _glyph = require('./glyph'); // A GlyphSet represents all glyphs available in the font, but modelled using // a deferred glyph loader, for retrieving glyphs only once they are absolutely // necessary, to keep the memory footprint down. function GlyphSet(font, glyphs) { this.font = font; this.glyphs = {}; if (Array.isArray(glyphs)) { for (var i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i++) { this.glyphs[i] = glyphs[i]; } } this.length = (glyphs && glyphs.length) || 0; } GlyphSet.prototype.get = function(index) { if (typeof this.glyphs[index] === 'function') { this.glyphs[index] = this.glyphs[index](); } return this.glyphs[index]; }; GlyphSet.prototype.push = function(index, loader) { this.glyphs[index] = loader; this.length++; }; function glyphLoader(font, index) { return new _glyph.Glyph({index: index, font: font}); } /** * Generate a stub glyph that can be filled with all metadata *except* * the "points" and "path" properties, which must be loaded only once * the glyph's path is actually requested for text shaping. */ function ttfGlyphLoader(font, index, parseGlyph, data, position, buildPath) { return function() { var glyph = new _glyph.Glyph({index: index, font: font}); glyph.path = function() { parseGlyph(glyph, data, position); var path = buildPath(font.glyphs, glyph); path.unitsPerEm = font.unitsPerEm; return path; }; return glyph; }; } function cffGlyphLoader(font, index, parseCFFCharstring, charstring) { return function() { var glyph = new _glyph.Glyph({index: index, font: font}); glyph.path = function() { var path = parseCFFCharstring(font, glyph, charstring); path.unitsPerEm = font.unitsPerEm; return path; }; return glyph; }; } exports.GlyphSet = GlyphSet; exports.glyphLoader = glyphLoader; exports.ttfGlyphLoader = ttfGlyphLoader; exports.cffGlyphLoader = cffGlyphLoader; },{"./glyph":6}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ // opentype.js // // (c) 2015 Frederik De Bleser // opentype.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license. /* global DataView, Uint8Array, XMLHttpRequest */ 'use strict'; var inflate = require('tiny-inflate'); var encoding = require('./encoding'); var _font = require('./font'); var glyph = require('./glyph'); var parse = require('./parse'); var path = require('./path'); var util = require('./util'); var cmap = require('./tables/cmap'); var cff = require('./tables/cff'); var fvar = require('./tables/fvar'); var glyf = require('./tables/glyf'); var gpos = require('./tables/gpos'); var head = require('./tables/head'); var hhea = require('./tables/hhea'); var hmtx = require('./tables/hmtx'); var kern = require('./tables/kern'); var ltag = require('./tables/ltag'); var loca = require('./tables/loca'); var maxp = require('./tables/maxp'); var _name = require('./tables/name'); var os2 = require('./tables/os2'); var post = require('./tables/post'); // File loaders ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function loadFromFile(path, callback) { var fs = require('fs'); fs.readFile(path, function(err, buffer) { if (err) { return callback(err.message); } callback(null, util.nodeBufferToArrayBuffer(buffer)); }); } function loadFromUrl(url, callback) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'get', url, true); request.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; request.onload = function() { if (request.status !== 200) { return callback('Font could not be loaded: ' + request.statusText); } return callback(null, request.response); }; request.send(); } // Table Directory Entries ////////////////////////////////////////////// function parseOpenTypeTableEntries(data, numTables) { var tableEntries = []; var p = 12; for (var i = 0; i < numTables; i += 1) { var tag = parse.getTag(data, p); var offset = parse.getULong(data, p + 8); tableEntries.push({tag: tag, offset: offset, compression: false}); p += 16; } return tableEntries; } function parseWOFFTableEntries(data, numTables) { var tableEntries = []; var p = 44; // offset to the first table directory entry. for (var i = 0; i < numTables; i += 1) { var tag = parse.getTag(data, p); var offset = parse.getULong(data, p + 4); var compLength = parse.getULong(data, p + 8); var origLength = parse.getULong(data, p + 12); var compression; if (compLength < origLength) { compression = 'WOFF'; } else { compression = false; } tableEntries.push({tag: tag, offset: offset, compression: compression, compressedLength: compLength, originalLength: origLength}); p += 20; } return tableEntries; } function uncompressTable(data, tableEntry) { if (tableEntry.compression === 'WOFF') { var inBuffer = new Uint8Array(data.buffer, tableEntry.offset + 2, tableEntry.compressedLength - 2); var outBuffer = new Uint8Array(tableEntry.originalLength); inflate(inBuffer, outBuffer); if (outBuffer.byteLength !== tableEntry.originalLength) { throw new Error('Decompression error: ' + tableEntry.tag + ' decompressed length doesn\'t match recorded length'); } var view = new DataView(outBuffer.buffer, 0); return {data: view, offset: 0}; } else { return {data: data, offset: tableEntry.offset}; } } // Public API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parse the OpenType file data (as an ArrayBuffer) and return a Font object. // Throws an error if the font could not be parsed. function parseBuffer(buffer) { var indexToLocFormat; var ltagTable; // Since the constructor can also be called to create new fonts from scratch, we indicate this // should be an empty font that we'll fill with our own data. var font = new _font.Font({empty: true}); // OpenType fonts use big endian byte ordering. // We can't rely on typed array view types, because they operate with the endianness of the host computer. // Instead we use DataViews where we can specify endianness. var data = new DataView(buffer, 0); var numTables; var tableEntries = []; var signature = parse.getTag(data, 0); if (signature === String.fromCharCode(0, 1, 0, 0)) { font.outlinesFormat = 'truetype'; numTables = parse.getUShort(data, 4); tableEntries = parseOpenTypeTableEntries(data, numTables); } else if (signature === 'OTTO') { font.outlinesFormat = 'cff'; numTables = parse.getUShort(data, 4); tableEntries = parseOpenTypeTableEntries(data, numTables); } else if (signature === 'wOFF') { var flavor = parse.getTag(data, 4); if (flavor === String.fromCharCode(0, 1, 0, 0)) { font.outlinesFormat = 'truetype'; } else if (flavor === 'OTTO') { font.outlinesFormat = 'cff'; } else { throw new Error('Unsupported OpenType flavor ' + signature); } numTables = parse.getUShort(data, 12); tableEntries = parseWOFFTableEntries(data, numTables); } else { throw new Error('Unsupported OpenType signature ' + signature); } var cffTableEntry; var fvarTableEntry; var glyfTableEntry; var gposTableEntry; var hmtxTableEntry; var kernTableEntry; var locaTableEntry; var nameTableEntry; for (var i = 0; i < numTables; i += 1) { var tableEntry = tableEntries[i]; var table; switch (tableEntry.tag) { case 'cmap': table = uncompressTable(data, tableEntry); font.tables.cmap = cmap.parse(, table.offset); font.encoding = new encoding.CmapEncoding(font.tables.cmap); break; case 'fvar': fvarTableEntry = tableEntry; break; case 'head': table = uncompressTable(data, tableEntry); font.tables.head = head.parse(, table.offset); font.unitsPerEm = font.tables.head.unitsPerEm; indexToLocFormat = font.tables.head.indexToLocFormat; break; case 'hhea': table = uncompressTable(data, tableEntry); font.tables.hhea = hhea.parse(, table.offset); font.ascender = font.tables.hhea.ascender; font.descender = font.tables.hhea.descender; font.numberOfHMetrics = font.tables.hhea.numberOfHMetrics; break; case 'hmtx': hmtxTableEntry = tableEntry; break; case 'ltag': table = uncompressTable(data, tableEntry); ltagTable = ltag.parse(, table.offset); break; case 'maxp': table = uncompressTable(data, tableEntry); font.tables.maxp = maxp.parse(, table.offset); font.numGlyphs = font.tables.maxp.numGlyphs; break; case 'name': nameTableEntry = tableEntry; break; case 'OS/2': table = uncompressTable(data, tableEntry); font.tables.os2 = os2.parse(, table.offset); break; case 'post': table = uncompressTable(data, tableEntry); = post.parse(, table.offset); font.glyphNames = new encoding.GlyphNames(; break; case 'glyf': glyfTableEntry = tableEntry; break; case 'loca': locaTableEntry = tableEntry; break; case 'CFF ': cffTableEntry = tableEntry; break; case 'kern': kernTableEntry = tableEntry; break; case 'GPOS': gposTableEntry = tableEntry; break; } } var nameTable = uncompressTable(data, nameTableEntry); = _name.parse(, nameTable.offset, ltagTable); font.names =; if (glyfTableEntry && locaTableEntry) { var shortVersion = indexToLocFormat === 0; var locaTable = uncompressTable(data, locaTableEntry); var locaOffsets = loca.parse(, locaTable.offset, font.numGlyphs, shortVersion); var glyfTable = uncompressTable(data, glyfTableEntry); font.glyphs = glyf.parse(, glyfTable.offset, locaOffsets, font); } else if (cffTableEntry) { var cffTable = uncompressTable(data, cffTableEntry); cff.parse(, cffTable.offset, font); } else { throw new Error('Font doesn\'t contain TrueType or CFF outlines.'); } var hmtxTable = uncompressTable(data, hmtxTableEntry); hmtx.parse(, hmtxTable.offset, font.numberOfHMetrics, font.numGlyphs, font.glyphs); encoding.addGlyphNames(font); if (kernTableEntry) { var kernTable = uncompressTable(data, kernTableEntry); font.kerningPairs = kern.parse(, kernTable.offset); } else { font.kerningPairs = {}; } if (gposTableEntry) { var gposTable = uncompressTable(data, gposTableEntry); gpos.parse(, gposTable.offset, font); } if (fvarTableEntry) { var fvarTable = uncompressTable(data, fvarTableEntry); font.tables.fvar = fvar.parse(, fvarTable.offset, font.names); } return font; } // Asynchronously load the font from a URL or a filesystem. When done, call the callback // with two arguments `(err, font)`. The `err` will be null on success, // the `font` is a Font object. // // We use the node.js callback convention so that // opentype.js can integrate with frameworks like async.js. function load(url, callback) { var isNode = typeof window === 'undefined'; var loadFn = isNode ? loadFromFile : loadFromUrl; loadFn(url, function(err, arrayBuffer) { if (err) { return callback(err); } var font = parseBuffer(arrayBuffer); return callback(null, font); }); } // Syncronously load the font from a URL or file. // When done, return the font object or throw an error. function loadSync(url) { var fs = require('fs'); var buffer = fs.readFileSync(url); return parseBuffer(util.nodeBufferToArrayBuffer(buffer)); } exports._parse = parse; exports.Font = _font.Font; exports.Glyph = glyph.Glyph; exports.Path = path.Path; exports.parse = parseBuffer; exports.load = load; exports.loadSync = loadSync; },{"./encoding":4,"./font":5,"./glyph":6,"./parse":9,"./path":10,"./tables/cff":12,"./tables/cmap":13,"./tables/fvar":14,"./tables/glyf":15,"./tables/gpos":16,"./tables/head":17,"./tables/hhea":18,"./tables/hmtx":19,"./tables/kern":20,"./tables/loca":21,"./tables/ltag":22,"./tables/maxp":23,"./tables/name":24,"./tables/os2":25,"./tables/post":26,"./util":29,"fs":undefined,"tiny-inflate":1}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ // Parsing utility functions 'use strict'; // Retrieve an unsigned byte from the DataView. exports.getByte = function getByte(dataView, offset) { return dataView.getUint8(offset); }; exports.getCard8 = exports.getByte; // Retrieve an unsigned 16-bit short from the DataView. // The value is stored in big endian. exports.getUShort = function(dataView, offset) { return dataView.getUint16(offset, false); }; exports.getCard16 = exports.getUShort; // Retrieve a signed 16-bit short from the DataView. // The value is stored in big endian. exports.getShort = function(dataView, offset) { return dataView.getInt16(offset, false); }; // Retrieve an unsigned 32-bit long from the DataView. // The value is stored in big endian. exports.getULong = function(dataView, offset) { return dataView.getUint32(offset, false); }; // Retrieve a 32-bit signed fixed-point number (16.16) from the DataView. // The value is stored in big endian. exports.getFixed = function(dataView, offset) { var decimal = dataView.getInt16(offset, false); var fraction = dataView.getUint16(offset + 2, false); return decimal + fraction / 65535; }; // Retrieve a 4-character tag from the DataView. // Tags are used to identify tables. exports.getTag = function(dataView, offset) { var tag = ''; for (var i = offset; i < offset + 4; i += 1) { tag += String.fromCharCode(dataView.getInt8(i)); } return tag; }; // Retrieve an offset from the DataView. // Offsets are 1 to 4 bytes in length, depending on the offSize argument. exports.getOffset = function(dataView, offset, offSize) { var v = 0; for (var i = 0; i < offSize; i += 1) { v <<= 8; v += dataView.getUint8(offset + i); } return v; }; // Retrieve a number of bytes from start offset to the end offset from the DataView. exports.getBytes = function(dataView, startOffset, endOffset) { var bytes = []; for (var i = startOffset; i < endOffset; i += 1) { bytes.push(dataView.getUint8(i)); } return bytes; }; // Convert the list of bytes to a string. exports.bytesToString = function(bytes) { var s = ''; for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 1) { s += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); } return s; }; var typeOffsets = { byte: 1, uShort: 2, short: 2, uLong: 4, fixed: 4, longDateTime: 8, tag: 4 }; // A stateful parser that changes the offset whenever a value is retrieved. // The data is a DataView. function Parser(data, offset) { = data; this.offset = offset; this.relativeOffset = 0; } Parser.prototype.parseByte = function() { var v = + this.relativeOffset); this.relativeOffset += 1; return v; }; Parser.prototype.parseChar = function() { var v = + this.relativeOffset); this.relativeOffset += 1; return v; }; Parser.prototype.parseCard8 = Parser.prototype.parseByte; Parser.prototype.parseUShort = function() { var v = + this.relativeOffset); this.relativeOffset += 2; return v; }; Parser.prototype.parseCard16 = Parser.prototype.parseUShort; Parser.prototype.parseSID = Parser.prototype.parseUShort; Parser.prototype.parseOffset16 = Parser.prototype.parseUShort; Parser.prototype.parseShort = function() { var v = + this.relativeOffset); this.relativeOffset += 2; return v; }; Parser.prototype.parseF2Dot14 = function() { var v = + this.relativeOffset) / 16384; this.relativeOffset += 2; return v; }; Parser.prototype.parseULong = function() { var v = exports.getULong(, this.offset + this.relativeOffset); this.relativeOffset += 4; return v; }; Parser.prototype.parseFixed = function() { var v = exports.getFixed(, this.offset + this.relativeOffset); this.relativeOffset += 4; return v; }; Parser.prototype.parseOffset16List = Parser.prototype.parseUShortList = function(count) { var offsets = new Array(count); var dataView =; var offset = this.offset + this.relativeOffset; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { offsets[i] = exports.getUShort(dataView, offset); offset += 2; } this.relativeOffset += count * 2; return offsets; }; Parser.prototype.parseString = function(length) { var dataView =; var offset = this.offset + this.relativeOffset; var string = ''; this.relativeOffset += length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { string += String.fromCharCode(dataView.getUint8(offset + i)); } return string; }; Parser.prototype.parseTag = function() { return this.parseString(4); }; // LONGDATETIME is a 64-bit integer. // JavaScript and unix timestamps traditionally use 32 bits, so we // only take the last 32 bits. Parser.prototype.parseLongDateTime = function() { var v = exports.getULong(, this.offset + this.relativeOffset + 4); this.relativeOffset += 8; return v; }; Parser.prototype.parseFixed = function() { var v = exports.getULong(, this.offset + this.relativeOffset); this.relativeOffset += 4; return v / 65536; }; Parser.prototype.parseVersion = function() { var major = exports.getUShort(, this.offset + this.relativeOffset); // How to interpret the minor version is very vague in the spec. 0x5000 is 5, 0x1000 is 1 // This returns the correct number if minor = 0xN000 where N is 0-9 var minor = exports.getUShort(, this.offset + this.relativeOffset + 2); this.relativeOffset += 4; return major + minor / 0x1000 / 10; }; Parser.prototype.skip = function(type, amount) { if (amount === undefined) { amount = 1; } this.relativeOffset += typeOffsets[type] * amount; }; exports.Parser = Parser; },{}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ // Geometric objects 'use strict'; // A bézier path containing a set of path commands similar to a SVG path. // Paths can be drawn on a context using `draw`. function Path() { this.commands = []; this.fill = 'black'; this.stroke = null; this.strokeWidth = 1; } Path.prototype.moveTo = function(x, y) { this.commands.push({ type: 'M', x: x, y: y }); }; Path.prototype.lineTo = function(x, y) { this.commands.push({ type: 'L', x: x, y: y }); }; Path.prototype.curveTo = Path.prototype.bezierCurveTo = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y) { this.commands.push({ type: 'C', x1: x1, y1: y1, x2: x2, y2: y2, x: x, y: y }); }; Path.prototype.quadTo = Path.prototype.quadraticCurveTo = function(x1, y1, x, y) { this.commands.push({ type: 'Q', x1: x1, y1: y1, x: x, y: y }); }; Path.prototype.close = Path.prototype.closePath = function() { this.commands.push({ type: 'Z' }); }; // Add the given path or list of commands to the commands of this path. Path.prototype.extend = function(pathOrCommands) { if (pathOrCommands.commands) { pathOrCommands = pathOrCommands.commands; } Array.prototype.push.apply(this.commands, pathOrCommands); }; // Draw the path to a 2D context. Path.prototype.draw = function(ctx) { ctx.beginPath(); for (var i = 0; i < this.commands.length; i += 1) { var cmd = this.commands[i]; if (cmd.type === 'M') { ctx.moveTo(cmd.x, cmd.y); } else if (cmd.type === 'L') { ctx.lineTo(cmd.x, cmd.y); } else if (cmd.type === 'C') { ctx.bezierCurveTo(cmd.x1, cmd.y1, cmd.x2, cmd.y2, cmd.x, cmd.y); } else if (cmd.type === 'Q') { ctx.quadraticCurveTo(cmd.x1, cmd.y1, cmd.x, cmd.y); } else if (cmd.type === 'Z') { ctx.closePath(); } } if (this.fill) { ctx.fillStyle = this.fill; ctx.fill(); } if (this.stroke) { ctx.strokeStyle = this.stroke; ctx.lineWidth = this.strokeWidth; ctx.stroke(); } }; // Convert the Path to a string of path data instructions // See // Parameters: // - decimalPlaces: The amount of decimal places for floating-point values (default: 2) Path.prototype.toPathData = function(decimalPlaces) { decimalPlaces = decimalPlaces !== undefined ? decimalPlaces : 2; function floatToString(v) { if (Math.round(v) === v) { return '' + Math.round(v); } else { return v.toFixed(decimalPlaces); } } function packValues() { var s = ''; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 1) { var v = arguments[i]; if (v >= 0 && i > 0) { s += ' '; } s += floatToString(v); } return s; } var d = ''; for (var i = 0; i < this.commands.length; i += 1) { var cmd = this.commands[i]; if (cmd.type === 'M') { d += 'M' + packValues(cmd.x, cmd.y); } else if (cmd.type === 'L') { d += 'L' + packValues(cmd.x, cmd.y); } else if (cmd.type === 'C') { d += 'C' + packValues(cmd.x1, cmd.y1, cmd.x2, cmd.y2, cmd.x, cmd.y); } else if (cmd.type === 'Q') { d += 'Q' + packValues(cmd.x1, cmd.y1, cmd.x, cmd.y); } else if (cmd.type === 'Z') { d += 'Z'; } } return d; }; // Convert the path to a SVG <path> element, as a string. // Parameters: // - decimalPlaces: The amount of decimal places for floating-point values (default: 2) Path.prototype.toSVG = function(decimalPlaces) { var svg = '<path d="'; svg += this.toPathData(decimalPlaces); svg += '"'; if (this.fill & this.fill !== 'black') { if (this.fill === null) { svg += ' fill="none"'; } else { svg += ' fill="' + this.fill + '"'; } } if (this.stroke) { svg += ' stroke="' + this.stroke + '" stroke-width="' + this.strokeWidth + '"'; } svg += '/>'; return svg; }; exports.Path = Path; },{}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ // Table metadata 'use strict'; var check = require('./check'); var encode = require('./types').encode; var sizeOf = require('./types').sizeOf; function Table(tableName, fields, options) { var i; for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i += 1) { var field = fields[i]; this[] = field.value; } this.tableName = tableName; this.fields = fields; if (options) { var optionKeys = Object.keys(options); for (i = 0; i < optionKeys.length; i += 1) { var k = optionKeys[i]; var v = options[k]; if (this[k] !== undefined) { this[k] = v; } } } } Table.prototype.sizeOf = function() { var v = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i += 1) { var field = this.fields[i]; var value = this[]; if (value === undefined) { value = field.value; } if (typeof value.sizeOf === 'function') { v += value.sizeOf(); } else { var sizeOfFunction = sizeOf[field.type]; check.assert(typeof sizeOfFunction === 'function', 'Could not find sizeOf function for field' +; v += sizeOfFunction(value); } } return v; }; Table.prototype.encode = function() { return encode.TABLE(this); }; exports.Table = Table; },{"./check":2,"./types":28}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ // The `CFF` table contains the glyph outlines in PostScript format. // // // 'use strict'; var encoding = require('../encoding'); var glyphset = require('../glyphset'); var parse = require('../parse'); var path = require('../path'); var table = require('../table'); // Custom equals function that can also check lists. function equals(a, b) { if (a === b) { return true; } else if (Array.isArray(a) && Array.isArray(b)) { if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) { if (!equals(a[i], b[i])) { return false; } } return true; } else { return false; } } // Parse a `CFF` INDEX array. // An index array consists of a list of offsets, then a list of objects at those offsets. function parseCFFIndex(data, start, conversionFn) { //var i, objectOffset, endOffset; var offsets = []; var objects = []; var count = parse.getCard16(data, start); var i; var objectOffset; var endOffset; if (count !== 0) { var offsetSize = parse.getByte(data, start + 2); objectOffset = start + ((count + 1) * offsetSize) + 2; var pos = start + 3; for (i = 0; i < count + 1; i += 1) { offsets.push(parse.getOffset(data, pos, offsetSize)); pos += offsetSize; } // The total size of the index array is 4 header bytes + the value of the last offset. endOffset = objectOffset + offsets[count]; } else { endOffset = start + 2; } for (i = 0; i < offsets.length - 1; i += 1) { var value = parse.getBytes(data, objectOffset + offsets[i], objectOffset + offsets[i + 1]); if (conversionFn) { value = conversionFn(value); } objects.push(value); } return {objects: objects, startOffset: start, endOffset: endOffset}; } // Parse a `CFF` DICT real value. function parseFloatOperand(parser) { var s = ''; var eof = 15; var lookup = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '.', 'E', 'E-', null, '-']; while (true) { var b = parser.parseByte(); var n1 = b >> 4; var n2 = b & 15; if (n1 === eof) { break; } s += lookup[n1]; if (n2 === eof) { break; } s += lookup[n2]; } return parseFloat(s); } // Parse a `CFF` DICT operand. function parseOperand(parser, b0) { var b1; var b2; var b3; var b4; if (b0 === 28) { b1 = parser.parseByte(); b2 = parser.parseByte(); return b1 << 8 | b2; } if (b0 === 29) { b1 = parser.parseByte(); b2 = parser.parseByte(); b3 = parser.parseByte(); b4 = parser.parseByte(); return b1 << 24 | b2 << 16 | b3 << 8 | b4; } if (b0 === 30) { return parseFloatOperand(parser); } if (b0 >= 32 && b0 <= 246) { return b0 - 139; } if (b0 >= 247 && b0 <= 250) { b1 = parser.parseByte(); return (b0 - 247) * 256 + b1 + 108; } if (b0 >= 251 && b0 <= 254) { b1 = parser.parseByte(); return -(b0 - 251) * 256 - b1 - 108; } throw new Error('Invalid b0 ' + b0); } // Convert the entries returned by `parseDict` to a proper dictionary. // If a value is a list of one, it is unpacked. function entriesToObject(entries) { var o = {}; for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i += 1) { var key = entries[i][0]; var values = entries[i][1]; var value; if (values.length === 1) { value = values[0]; } else { value = values; } if (o.hasOwnProperty(key)) { throw new Error('Object ' + o + ' already has key ' + key); } o[key] = value; } return o; } // Parse a `CFF` DICT object. // A dictionary contains key-value pairs in a compact tokenized format. function parseCFFDict(data, start, size) { start = start !== undefined ? start : 0; var parser = new parse.Parser(data, start); var entries = []; var operands = []; size = size !== undefined ? size : data.length; while (parser.relativeOffset < size) { var op = parser.parseByte(); // The first byte for each dict item distinguishes between operator (key) and operand (value). // Values <= 21 are operators. if (op <= 21) { // Two-byte operators have an initial escape byte of 12. if (op === 12) { op = 1200 + parser.parseByte(); } entries.push([op, operands]); operands = []; } else { // Since the operands (values) come before the operators (keys), we store all operands in a list // until we encounter an operator. operands.push(parseOperand(parser, op)); } } return entriesToObject(entries); } // Given a String Index (SID), return the value of the string. // Strings below index 392 are standard CFF strings and are not encoded in the font. function getCFFString(strings, index) { if (index <= 390) { index = encoding.cffStandardStrings[index]; } else { index = strings[index - 391]; } return index; } // Interpret a dictionary and return a new dictionary with readable keys and values for missing entries. // This function takes `meta` which is a list of objects containing `operand`, `name` and `default`. function interpretDict(dict, meta, strings) { var newDict = {}; // Because we also want to include missing values, we start out from the meta list // and lookup values in the dict. for (var i = 0; i < meta.length; i += 1) { var m = meta[i]; var value = dict[m.op]; if (value === undefined) { value = m.value !== undefined ? m.value : null; } if (m.type === 'SID') { value = getCFFString(strings, value); } newDict[] = value; } return newDict; } // Parse the CFF header. function parseCFFHeader(data, start) { var header = {}; header.formatMajor = parse.getCard8(data, start); header.formatMinor = parse.getCard8(data, start + 1); header.size = parse.getCard8(data, start + 2); header.offsetSize = parse.getCard8(data, start + 3); header.startOffset = start; header.endOffset = start + 4; return header; } var TOP_DICT_META = [ {name: 'version', op: 0, type: 'SID'}, {name: 'notice', op: 1, type: 'SID'}, {name: 'copyright', op: 1200, type: 'SID'}, {name: 'fullName', op: 2, type: 'SID'}, {name: 'familyName', op: 3, type: 'SID'}, {name: 'weight', op: 4, type: 'SID'}, {name: 'isFixedPitch', op: 1201, type: 'number', value: 0}, {name: 'italicAngle', op: 1202, type: 'number', value: 0}, {name: 'underlinePosition', op: 1203, type: 'number', value: -100}, {name: 'underlineThickness', op: 1204, type: 'number', value: 50}, {name: 'paintType', op: 1205, type: 'number', value: 0}, {name: 'charstringType', op: 1206, type: 'number', value: 2}, {name: 'fontMatrix', op: 1207, type: ['real', 'real', 'real', 'real', 'real', 'real'], value: [0.001, 0, 0, 0.001, 0, 0]}, {name: 'uniqueId', op: 13, type: 'number'}, {name: 'fontBBox', op: 5, type: ['number', 'number', 'number', 'number'], value: [0, 0, 0, 0]}, {name: 'strokeWidth', op: 1208, type: 'number', value: 0}, {name: 'xuid', op: 14, type: [], value: null}, {name: 'charset', op: 15, type: 'offset', value: 0}, {name: 'encoding', op: 16, type: 'offset', value: 0}, {name: 'charStrings', op: 17, type: 'offset', value: 0}, {name: 'private', op: 18, type: ['number', 'offset'], value: [0, 0]} ]; var PRIVATE_DICT_META = [ {name: 'subrs', op: 19, type: 'offset', value: 0}, {name: 'defaultWidthX', op: 20, type: 'number', value: 0}, {name: 'nominalWidthX', op: 21, type: 'number', value: 0} ]; // Parse the CFF top dictionary. A CFF table can contain multiple fonts, each with their own top dictionary. // The top dictionary contains the essential metadata for the font, together with the private dictionary. function parseCFFTopDict(data, strings) { var dict = parseCFFDict(data, 0, data.byteLength); return interpretDict(dict, TOP_DICT_META, strings); } // Parse the CFF private dictionary. We don't fully parse out all the values, only the ones we need. function parseCFFPrivateDict(data, start, size, strings) { var dict = parseCFFDict(data, start, size); return interpretDict(dict, PRIVATE_DICT_META, strings); } // Parse the CFF charset table, which contains internal names for all the glyphs. // This function will return a list of glyph names. // See Adobe TN #5176 chapter 13, "Charsets". function parseCFFCharset(data, start, nGlyphs, strings) { var i; var sid; var count; var parser = new parse.Parser(data, start); // The .notdef glyph is not included, so subtract 1. nGlyphs -= 1; var charset = ['.notdef']; var format = parser.parseCard8(); if (format === 0) { for (i = 0; i < nGlyphs; i += 1) { sid = parser.parseSID(); charset.push(getCFFString(strings, sid)); } } else if (format === 1) { while (charset.length <= nGlyphs) { sid = parser.parseSID(); count = parser.parseCard8(); for (i = 0; i <= count; i += 1) { charset.push(getCFFString(strings, sid)); sid += 1; } } } else if (format === 2) { while (charset.length <= nGlyphs) { sid = parser.parseSID(); count = parser.parseCard16(); for (i = 0; i <= count; i += 1) { charset.push(getCFFString(strings, sid)); sid += 1; } } } else { throw new Error('Unknown charset format ' + format); } return charset; } // Parse the CFF encoding data. Only one encoding can be specified per font. // See Adobe TN #5176 chapter 12, "Encodings". function parseCFFEncoding(data, start, charset) { var i; var code; var enc = {}; var parser = new parse.Parser(data, start); var format = parser.parseCard8(); if (format === 0) { var nCodes = parser.parseCard8(); for (i = 0; i < nCodes; i += 1) { code = parser.parseCard8(); enc[code] = i; } } else if (format === 1) { var nRanges = parser.parseCard8(); code = 1; for (i = 0; i < nRanges; i += 1) { var first = parser.parseCard8(); var nLeft = parser.parseCard8(); for (var j = first; j <= first + nLeft; j += 1) { enc[j] = code; code += 1; } } } else { throw new Error('Unknown encoding format ' + format); } return new encoding.CffEncoding(enc, charset); } // Take in charstring code and return a Glyph object. // The encoding is described in the Type 2 Charstring Format // function parseCFFCharstring(font, glyph, code) { var c1x; var c1y; var c2x; var c2y; var p = new path.Path(); var stack = []; var nStems = 0; var haveWidth = false; var width = font.defaultWidthX; var open = false; var x = 0; var y = 0; function newContour(x, y) { if (open) { p.closePath(); } p.moveTo(x, y); open = true; } function parseStems() { var hasWidthArg; // The number of stem operators on the stack is always even. // If the value is uneven, that means a width is specified. hasWidthArg = stack.length % 2 !== 0; if (hasWidthArg && !haveWidth) { width = stack.shift() + font.nominalWidthX; } nStems += stack.length >> 1; stack.length = 0; haveWidth = true; } function parse(code) { var b1; var b2; var b3; var b4; var codeIndex; var subrCode; var jpx; var jpy; var c3x; var c3y; var c4x; var c4y; var i = 0; while (i < code.length) { var v = code[i]; i += 1; switch (v) { case 1: // hstem parseStems(); break; case 3: // vstem parseStems(); break; case 4: // vmoveto if (stack.length > 1 && !haveWidth) { width = stack.shift() + font.nominalWidthX; haveWidth = true; } y += stack.pop(); newContour(x, y); break; case 5: // rlineto while (stack.length > 0) { x += stack.shift(); y += stack.shift(); p.lineTo(x, y); } break; case 6: // hlineto while (stack.length > 0) { x += stack.shift(); p.lineTo(x, y); if (stack.length === 0) { break; } y += stack.shift(); p.lineTo(x, y); } break; case 7: // vlineto while (stack.length > 0) { y += stack.shift(); p.lineTo(x, y); if (stack.length === 0) { break; } x += stack.shift(); p.lineTo(x, y); } break; case 8: // rrcurveto while (stack.length > 0) { c1x = x + stack.shift(); c1y = y + stack.shift(); c2x = c1x + stack.shift(); c2y = c1y + stack.shift(); x = c2x + stack.shift(); y = c2y + stack.shift(); p.curveTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y); } break; case 10: // callsubr codeIndex = stack.pop() + font.subrsBias; subrCode = font.subrs[codeIndex]; if (subrCode) { parse(subrCode); } break; case 11: // return return; case 12: // flex operators v = code[i]; i += 1; switch (v) { case 35: // flex // |- dx1 dy1 dx2 dy2 dx3 dy3 dx4 dy4 dx5 dy5 dx6 dy6 fd flex (12 35) |- c1x = x + stack.shift(); // dx1 c1y = y + stack.shift(); // dy1 c2x = c1x + stack.shift(); // dx2 c2y = c1y + stack.shift(); // dy2 jpx = c2x + stack.shift(); // dx3 jpy = c2y + stack.shift(); // dy3 c3x = jpx + stack.shift(); // dx4 c3y = jpy + stack.shift(); // dy4 c4x = c3x + stack.shift(); // dx5 c4y = c3y + stack.shift(); // dy5 x = c4x + stack.shift(); // dx6 y = c4y + stack.shift(); // dy6 stack.shift(); // flex depth p.curveTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, jpx, jpy); p.curveTo(c3x, c3y, c4x, c4y, x, y); break; case 34: // hflex // |- dx1 dx2 dy2 dx3 dx4 dx5 dx6 hflex (12 34) |- c1x = x + stack.shift(); // dx1 c1y = y; // dy1 c2x = c1x + stack.shift(); // dx2 c2y = c1y + stack.shift(); // dy2 jpx = c2x + stack.shift(); // dx3 jpy = c2y; // dy3 c3x = jpx + stack.shift(); // dx4 c3y = c2y; // dy4 c4x = c3x + stack.shift(); // dx5 c4y = y; // dy5 x = c4x + stack.shift(); // dx6 p.curveTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, jpx, jpy); p.curveTo(c3x, c3y, c4x, c4y, x, y); break; case 36: // hflex1 // |- dx1 dy1 dx2 dy2 dx3 dx4 dx5 dy5 dx6 hflex1 (12 36) |- c1x = x + stack.shift(); // dx1 c1y = y + stack.shift(); // dy1 c2x = c1x + stack.shift(); // dx2 c2y = c1y + stack.shift(); // dy2 jpx = c2x + stack.shift(); // dx3 jpy = c2y; // dy3 c3x = jpx + stack.shift(); // dx4 c3y = c2y; // dy4 c4x = c3x + stack.shift(); // dx5 c4y = c3y + stack.shift(); // dy5 x = c4x + stack.shift(); // dx6 p.curveTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, jpx, jpy); p.curveTo(c3x, c3y, c4x, c4y, x, y); break; case 37: // flex1 // |- dx1 dy1 dx2 dy2 dx3 dy3 dx4 dy4 dx5 dy5 d6 flex1 (12 37) |- c1x = x + stack.shift(); // dx1 c1y = y + stack.shift(); // dy1 c2x = c1x + stack.shift(); // dx2 c2y = c1y + stack.shift(); // dy2 jpx = c2x + stack.shift(); // dx3 jpy = c2y + stack.shift(); // dy3 c3x = jpx + stack.shift(); // dx4 c3y = jpy + stack.shift(); // dy4 c4x = c3x + stack.shift(); // dx5 c4y = c3y + stack.shift(); // dy5 if (Math.abs(c4x - x) > Math.abs(c4y - y)) { x = c4x + stack.shift(); } else { y = c4y + stack.shift(); } p.curveTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, jpx, jpy); p.curveTo(c3x, c3y, c4x, c4y, x, y); break; default: console.log('Glyph ' + glyph.index + ': unknown operator ' + 1200 + v); stack.length = 0; } break; case 14: // endchar if (stack.length > 0 && !haveWidth) { width = stack.shift() + font.nominalWidthX; haveWidth = true; } if (open) { p.closePath(); open = false; } break; case 18: // hstemhm parseStems(); break; case 19: // hintmask case 20: // cntrmask parseStems(); i += (nStems + 7) >> 3; break; case 21: // rmoveto if (stack.length > 2 && !haveWidth) { width = stack.shift() + font.nominalWidthX; haveWidth = true; } y += stack.pop(); x += stack.pop(); newContour(x, y); break; case 22: // hmoveto if (stack.length > 1 && !haveWidth) { width = stack.shift() + font.nominalWidthX; haveWidth = true; } x += stack.pop(); newContour(x, y); break; case 23: // vstemhm parseStems(); break; case 24: // rcurveline while (stack.length > 2) { c1x = x + stack.shift(); c1y = y + stack.shift(); c2x = c1x + stack.shift(); c2y = c1y + stack.shift(); x = c2x + stack.shift(); y = c2y + stack.shift(); p.curveTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y); } x += stack.shift(); y += stack.shift(); p.lineTo(x, y); break; case 25: // rlinecurve while (stack.length > 6) { x += stack.shift(); y += stack.shift(); p.lineTo(x, y); } c1x = x + stack.shift(); c1y = y + stack.shift(); c2x = c1x + stack.shift(); c2y = c1y + stack.shift(); x = c2x + stack.shift(); y = c2y + stack.shift(); p.curveTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y); break; case 26: // vvcurveto if (stack.length % 2) { x += stack.shift(); } while (stack.length > 0) { c1x = x; c1y = y + stack.shift(); c2x = c1x + stack.shift(); c2y = c1y + stack.shift(); x = c2x; y = c2y + stack.shift(); p.curveTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y); } break; case 27: // hhcurveto if (stack.length % 2) { y += stack.shift(); } while (stack.length > 0) { c1x = x + stack.shift(); c1y = y; c2x = c1x + stack.shift(); c2y = c1y + stack.shift(); x = c2x + stack.shift(); y = c2y; p.curveTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y); } break; case 28: // shortint b1 = code[i]; b2 = code[i + 1]; stack.push(((b1 << 24) | (b2 << 16)) >> 16); i += 2; break; case 29: // callgsubr codeIndex = stack.pop() + font.gsubrsBias; subrCode = font.gsubrs[codeIndex]; if (subrCode) { parse(subrCode); } break; case 30: // vhcurveto while (stack.length > 0) { c1x = x; c1y = y + stack.shift(); c2x = c1x + stack.shift(); c2y = c1y + stack.shift(); x = c2x + stack.shift(); y = c2y + (stack.length === 1 ? stack.shift() : 0); p.curveTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y); if (stack.length === 0) { break; } c1x = x + stack.shift(); c1y = y; c2x = c1x + stack.shift(); c2y = c1y + stack.shift(); y = c2y + stack.shift(); x = c2x + (stack.length === 1 ? stack.shift() : 0); p.curveTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y); } break; case 31: // hvcurveto while (stack.length > 0) { c1x = x + stack.shift(); c1y = y; c2x = c1x + stack.shift(); c2y = c1y + stack.shift(); y = c2y + stack.shift(); x = c2x + (stack.length === 1 ? stack.shift() : 0); p.curveTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y); if (stack.length === 0) { break; } c1x = x; c1y = y + stack.shift(); c2x = c1x + stack.shift(); c2y = c1y + stack.shift(); x = c2x + stack.shift(); y = c2y + (stack.length === 1 ? stack.shift() : 0); p.curveTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y); } break; default: if (v < 32) { console.log('Glyph ' + glyph.index + ': unknown operator ' + v); } else if (v < 247) { stack.push(v - 139); } else if (v < 251) { b1 = code[i]; i += 1; stack.push((v - 247) * 256 + b1 + 108); } else if (v < 255) { b1 = code[i]; i += 1; stack.push(-(v - 251) * 256 - b1 - 108); } else { b1 = code[i]; b2 = code[i + 1]; b3 = code[i + 2]; b4 = code[i + 3]; i += 4; stack.push(((b1 << 24) | (b2 << 16) | (b3 << 8) | b4) / 65536); } } } } parse(code); glyph.advanceWidth = width; return p; } // Subroutines are encoded using the negative half of the number space. // See type 2 chapter 4.7 "Subroutine operators". function calcCFFSubroutineBias(subrs) { var bias; if (subrs.length < 1240) { bias = 107; } else if (subrs.length < 33900) { bias = 1131; } else { bias = 32768; } return bias; } // Parse the `CFF` table, which contains the glyph outlines in PostScript format. function parseCFFTable(data, start, font) { font.tables.cff = {}; var header = parseCFFHeader(data, start); var nameIndex = parseCFFIndex(data, header.endOffset, parse.bytesToString); var topDictIndex = parseCFFIndex(data, nameIndex.endOffset); var stringIndex = parseCFFIndex(data, topDictIndex.endOffset, parse.bytesToString); var globalSubrIndex = parseCFFIndex(data, stringIndex.endOffset); font.gsubrs = globalSubrIndex.objects; font.gsubrsBias = calcCFFSubroutineBias(font.gsubrs); var topDictData = new DataView(new Uint8Array(topDictIndex.objects[0]).buffer); var topDict = parseCFFTopDict(topDictData, stringIndex.objects); font.tables.cff.topDict = topDict; var privateDictOffset = start + topDict['private'][1]; var privateDict = parseCFFPrivateDict(data, privateDictOffset, topDict['private'][0], stringIndex.objects); font.defaultWidthX = privateDict.defaultWidthX; font.nominalWidthX = privateDict.nominalWidthX; if (privateDict.subrs !== 0) { var subrOffset = privateDictOffset + privateDict.subrs; var subrIndex = parseCFFIndex(data, subrOffset); font.subrs = subrIndex.objects; font.subrsBias = calcCFFSubroutineBias(font.subrs); } else { font.subrs = []; font.subrsBias = 0; } // Offsets in the top dict are relative to the beginning of the CFF data, so add the CFF start offset. var charStringsIndex = parseCFFIndex(data, start + topDict.charStrings); font.nGlyphs = charStringsIndex.objects.length; var charset = parseCFFCharset(data, start + topDict.charset, font.nGlyphs, stringIndex.objects); if (topDict.encoding === 0) { // Standard encoding font.cffEncoding = new encoding.CffEncoding(encoding.cffStandardEncoding, charset); } else if (topDict.encoding === 1) { // Expert encoding font.cffEncoding = new encoding.CffEncoding(encoding.cffExpertEncoding, charset); } else { font.cffEncoding = parseCFFEncoding(data, start + topDict.encoding, charset); } // Prefer the CMAP encoding to the CFF encoding. font.encoding = font.encoding || font.cffEncoding; font.glyphs = new glyphset.GlyphSet(font); for (var i = 0; i < font.nGlyphs; i += 1) { var charString = charStringsIndex.objects[i]; font.glyphs.push(i, glyphset.cffGlyphLoader(font, i, parseCFFCharstring, charString)); } } // Convert a string to a String ID (SID). // The list of strings is modified in place. function encodeString(s, strings) { var sid; // Is the string in the CFF standard strings? var i = encoding.cffStandardStrings.indexOf(s); if (i >= 0) { sid = i; } // Is the string already in the string index? i = strings.indexOf(s); if (i >= 0) { sid = i + encoding.cffStandardStrings.length; } else { sid = encoding.cffStandardStrings.length + strings.length; strings.push(s); } return sid; } function makeHeader() { return new table.Table('Header', [ {name: 'major', type: 'Card8', value: 1}, {name: 'minor', type: 'Card8', value: 0}, {name: 'hdrSize', type: 'Card8', value: 4}, {name: 'major', type: 'Card8', value: 1} ]); } function makeNameIndex(fontNames) { var t = new table.Table('Name INDEX', [ {name: 'names', type: 'INDEX', value: []} ]); t.names = []; for (var i = 0; i < fontNames.length; i += 1) { t.names.push({name: 'name_' + i, type: 'NAME', value: fontNames[i]}); } return t; } // Given a dictionary's metadata, create a DICT structure. function makeDict(meta, attrs, strings) { var m = {}; for (var i = 0; i < meta.length; i += 1) { var entry = meta[i]; var value = attrs[]; if (value !== undefined && !equals(value, entry.value)) { if (entry.type === 'SID') { value = encodeString(value, strings); } m[entry.op] = {name:, type: entry.type, value: value}; } } return m; } // The Top DICT houses the global font attributes. function makeTopDict(attrs, strings) { var t = new table.Table('Top DICT', [ {name: 'dict', type: 'DICT', value: {}} ]); t.dict = makeDict(TOP_DICT_META, attrs, strings); return t; } function makeTopDictIndex(topDict) { var t = new table.Table('Top DICT INDEX', [ {name: 'topDicts', type: 'INDEX', value: []} ]); t.topDicts = [{name: 'topDict_0', type: 'TABLE', value: topDict}]; return t; } function makeStringIndex(strings) { var t = new table.Table('String INDEX', [ {name: 'strings', type: 'INDEX', value: []} ]); t.strings = []; for (var i = 0; i < strings.length; i += 1) { t.strings.push({name: 'string_' + i, type: 'STRING', value: strings[i]}); } return t; } function makeGlobalSubrIndex() { // Currently we don't use subroutines. return new table.Table('Global Subr INDEX', [ {name: 'subrs', type: 'INDEX', value: []} ]); } function makeCharsets(glyphNames, strings) { var t = new table.Table('Charsets', [ {name: 'format', type: 'Card8', value: 0} ]); for (var i = 0; i < glyphNames.length; i += 1) { var glyphName = glyphNames[i]; var glyphSID = encodeString(glyphName, strings); t.fields.push({name: 'glyph_' + i, type: 'SID', value: glyphSID}); } return t; } function glyphToOps(glyph) { var ops = []; var path = glyph.path; ops.push({name: 'width', type: 'NUMBER', value: glyph.advanceWidth}); var x = 0; var y = 0; for (var i = 0; i < path.commands.length; i += 1) { var dx; var dy; var cmd = path.commands[i]; if (cmd.type === 'Q') { // CFF only supports bézier curves, so convert the quad to a bézier. var _13 = 1 / 3; var _23 = 2 / 3; // We're going to create a new command so we don't change the original path. cmd = { type: 'C', x: cmd.x, y: cmd.y, x1: _13 * x + _23 * cmd.x1, y1: _13 * y + _23 * cmd.y1, x2: _13 * cmd.x + _23 * cmd.x1, y2: _13 * cmd.y + _23 * cmd.y1 }; } if (cmd.type === 'M') { dx = Math.round(cmd.x - x); dy = Math.round(cmd.y - y); ops.push({name: 'dx', type: 'NUMBER', value: dx}); ops.push({name: 'dy', type: 'NUMBER', value: dy}); ops.push({name: 'rmoveto', type: 'OP', value: 21}); x = Math.round(cmd.x); y = Math.round(cmd.y); } else if (cmd.type === 'L') { dx = Math.round(cmd.x - x); dy = Math.round(cmd.y - y); ops.push({name: 'dx', type: 'NUMBER', value: dx}); ops.push({name: 'dy', type: 'NUMBER', value: dy}); ops.push({name: 'rlineto', type: 'OP', value: 5}); x = Math.round(cmd.x); y = Math.round(cmd.y); } else if (cmd.type === 'C') { var dx1 = Math.round(cmd.x1 - x); var dy1 = Math.round(cmd.y1 - y); var dx2 = Math.round(cmd.x2 - cmd.x1); var dy2 = Math.round(cmd.y2 - cmd.y1); dx = Math.round(cmd.x - cmd.x2); dy = Math.round(cmd.y - cmd.y2); ops.push({name: 'dx1', type: 'NUMBER', value: dx1}); ops.push({name: 'dy1', type: 'NUMBER', value: dy1}); ops.push({name: 'dx2', type: 'NUMBER', value: dx2}); ops.push({name: 'dy2', type: 'NUMBER', value: dy2}); ops.push({name: 'dx', type: 'NUMBER', value: dx}); ops.push({name: 'dy', type: 'NUMBER', value: dy}); ops.push({name: 'rrcurveto', type: 'OP', value: 8}); x = Math.round(cmd.x); y = Math.round(cmd.y); } // Contours are closed automatically. } ops.push({name: 'endchar', type: 'OP', value: 14}); return ops; } function makeCharStringsIndex(glyphs) { var t = new table.Table('CharStrings INDEX', [ {name: 'charStrings', type: 'INDEX', value: []} ]); for (var i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i += 1) { var glyph = glyphs.get(i); var ops = glyphToOps(glyph); t.charStrings.push({name:, type: 'CHARSTRING', value: ops}); } return t; } function makePrivateDict(attrs, strings) { var t = new table.Table('Private DICT', [ {name: 'dict', type: 'DICT', value: {}} ]); t.dict = makeDict(PRIVATE_DICT_META, attrs, strings); return t; } function makeCFFTable(glyphs, options) { var t = new table.Table('CFF ', [ {name: 'header', type: 'TABLE'}, {name: 'nameIndex', type: 'TABLE'}, {name: 'topDictIndex', type: 'TABLE'}, {name: 'stringIndex', type: 'TABLE'}, {name: 'globalSubrIndex', type: 'TABLE'}, {name: 'charsets', type: 'TABLE'}, {name: 'charStringsIndex', type: 'TABLE'}, {name: 'privateDict', type: 'TABLE'} ]); var fontScale = 1 / options.unitsPerEm; // We use non-zero values for the offsets so that the DICT encodes them. // This is important because the size of the Top DICT plays a role in offset calculation, // and the size shouldn't change after we've written correct offsets. var attrs = { version: options.version, fullName: options.fullName, familyName: options.familyName, weight: options.weightName, fontBBox: options.fontBBox || [0, 0, 0, 0], fontMatrix: [fontScale, 0, 0, fontScale, 0, 0], charset: 999, encoding: 0, charStrings: 999, private: [0, 999] }; var privateAttrs = {}; var glyphNames = []; var glyph; // Skip first glyph (.notdef) for (var i = 1; i < glyphs.length; i += 1) { glyph = glyphs.get(i); glyphNames.push(; } var strings = []; t.header = makeHeader(); t.nameIndex = makeNameIndex([options.postScriptName]); var topDict = makeTopDict(attrs, strings); t.topDictIndex = makeTopDictIndex(topDict); t.globalSubrIndex = makeGlobalSubrIndex(); t.charsets = makeCharsets(glyphNames, strings); t.charStringsIndex = makeCharStringsIndex(glyphs); t.privateDict = makePrivateDict(privateAttrs, strings); // Needs to come at the end, to encode all custom strings used in the font. t.stringIndex = makeStringIndex(strings); var startOffset = t.header.sizeOf() + t.nameIndex.sizeOf() + t.topDictIndex.sizeOf() + t.stringIndex.sizeOf() + t.globalSubrIndex.sizeOf(); attrs.charset = startOffset; // We use the CFF standard encoding; proper encoding will be handled in cmap. attrs.encoding = 0; attrs.charStrings = attrs.charset + t.charsets.sizeOf(); attrs.private[1] = attrs.charStrings + t.charStringsIndex.sizeOf(); // Recreate the Top DICT INDEX with the correct offsets. topDict = makeTopDict(attrs, strings); t.topDictIndex = makeTopDictIndex(topDict); return t; } exports.parse = parseCFFTable; exports.make = makeCFFTable; },{"../encoding":4,"../glyphset":7,"../parse":9,"../path":10,"../table":11}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ // The `cmap` table stores the mappings from characters to glyphs. // 'use strict'; var check = require('../check'); var parse = require('../parse'); var table = require('../table'); // Parse the `cmap` table. This table stores the mappings from characters to glyphs. // There are many available formats, but we only support the Windows format 4. // This function returns a `CmapEncoding` object or null if no supported format could be found. function parseCmapTable(data, start) { var i; var cmap = {}; cmap.version = parse.getUShort(data, start); check.argument(cmap.version === 0, 'cmap table version should be 0.'); // The cmap table can contain many sub-tables, each with their own format. // We're only interested in a "platform 3" table. This is a Windows format. cmap.numTables = parse.getUShort(data, start + 2); var offset = -1; for (i = 0; i < cmap.numTables; i += 1) { var platformId = parse.getUShort(data, start + 4 + (i * 8)); var encodingId = parse.getUShort(data, start + 4 + (i * 8) + 2); if (platformId === 3 && (encodingId === 1 || encodingId === 0)) { offset = parse.getULong(data, start + 4 + (i * 8) + 4); break; } } if (offset === -1) { // There is no cmap table in the font that we support, so return null. // This font will be marked as unsupported. return null; } var p = new parse.Parser(data, start + offset); cmap.format = p.parseUShort(); check.argument(cmap.format === 4, 'Only format 4 cmap tables are supported.'); // Length in bytes of the sub-tables. cmap.length = p.parseUShort(); cmap.language = p.parseUShort(); // segCount is stored x 2. var segCount; cmap.segCount = segCount = p.parseUShort() >> 1; // Skip searchRange, entrySelector, rangeShift. p.skip('uShort', 3); // The "unrolled" mapping from character codes to glyph indices. cmap.glyphIndexMap = {}; var endCountParser = new parse.Parser(data, start + offset + 14); var startCountParser = new parse.Parser(data, start + offset + 16 + segCount * 2); var idDeltaParser = new parse.Parser(data, start + offset + 16 + segCount * 4); var idRangeOffsetParser = new parse.Parser(data, start + offset + 16 + segCount * 6); var glyphIndexOffset = start + offset + 16 + segCount * 8; for (i = 0; i < segCount - 1; i += 1) { var glyphIndex; var endCount = endCountParser.parseUShort(); var startCount = startCountParser.parseUShort(); var idDelta = idDeltaParser.parseShort(); var idRangeOffset = idRangeOffsetParser.parseUShort(); for (var c = startCount; c <= endCount; c += 1) { if (idRangeOffset !== 0) { // The idRangeOffset is relative to the current position in the idRangeOffset array. // Take the current offset in the idRangeOffset array. glyphIndexOffset = (idRangeOffsetParser.offset + idRangeOffsetParser.relativeOffset - 2); // Add the value of the idRangeOffset, which will move us into the glyphIndex array. glyphIndexOffset += idRangeOffset; // Then add the character index of the current segment, multiplied by 2 for USHORTs. glyphIndexOffset += (c - startCount) * 2; glyphIndex = parse.getUShort(data, glyphIndexOffset); if (glyphIndex !== 0) { glyphIndex = (glyphIndex + idDelta) & 0xFFFF; } } else { glyphIndex = (c + idDelta) & 0xFFFF; } cmap.glyphIndexMap[c] = glyphIndex; } } return cmap; } function addSegment(t, code, glyphIndex) { t.segments.push({ end: code, start: code, delta: -(code - glyphIndex), offset: 0 }); } function addTerminatorSegment(t) { t.segments.push({ end: 0xFFFF, start: 0xFFFF, delta: 1, offset: 0 }); } function makeCmapTable(glyphs) { var i; var t = new table.Table('cmap', [ {name: 'version', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'numTables', type: 'USHORT', value: 1}, {name: 'platformID', type: 'USHORT', value: 3}, {name: 'encodingID', type: 'USHORT', value: 1}, {name: 'offset', type: 'ULONG', value: 12}, {name: 'format', type: 'USHORT', value: 4}, {name: 'length', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'language', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'segCountX2', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'searchRange', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'entrySelector', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'rangeShift', type: 'USHORT', value: 0} ]); t.segments = []; for (i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i += 1) { var glyph = glyphs.get(i); for (var j = 0; j < glyph.unicodes.length; j += 1) { addSegment(t, glyph.unicodes[j], i); } t.segments = t.segments.sort(function(a, b) { return a.start - b.start; }); } addTerminatorSegment(t); var segCount; segCount = t.segments.length; t.segCountX2 = segCount * 2; t.searchRange = Math.pow(2, Math.floor(Math.log(segCount) / Math.log(2))) * 2; t.entrySelector = Math.log(t.searchRange / 2) / Math.log(2); t.rangeShift = t.segCountX2 - t.searchRange; // Set up parallel segment arrays. var endCounts = []; var startCounts = []; var idDeltas = []; var idRangeOffsets = []; var glyphIds = []; for (i = 0; i < segCount; i += 1) { var segment = t.segments[i]; endCounts = endCounts.concat({name: 'end_' + i, type: 'USHORT', value: segment.end}); startCounts = startCounts.concat({name: 'start_' + i, type: 'USHORT', value: segment.start}); idDeltas = idDeltas.concat({name: 'idDelta_' + i, type: 'SHORT', value:}); idRangeOffsets = idRangeOffsets.concat({name: 'idRangeOffset_' + i, type: 'USHORT', value: segment.offset}); if (segment.glyphId !== undefined) { glyphIds = glyphIds.concat({name: 'glyph_' + i, type: 'USHORT', value: segment.glyphId}); } } t.fields = t.fields.concat(endCounts); t.fields.push({name: 'reservedPad', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}); t.fields = t.fields.concat(startCounts); t.fields = t.fields.concat(idDeltas); t.fields = t.fields.concat(idRangeOffsets); t.fields = t.fields.concat(glyphIds); t.length = 14 + // Subtable header endCounts.length * 2 + 2 + // reservedPad startCounts.length * 2 + idDeltas.length * 2 + idRangeOffsets.length * 2 + glyphIds.length * 2; return t; } exports.parse = parseCmapTable; exports.make = makeCmapTable; },{"../check":2,"../parse":9,"../table":11}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ // The `fvar` table stores font variation axes and instances. // 'use strict'; var check = require('../check'); var parse = require('../parse'); var table = require('../table'); function addName(name, names) { var nameString = JSON.stringify(name); var nameID = 256; for (var nameKey in names) { var n = parseInt(nameKey); if (!n || n < 256) { continue; } if (JSON.stringify(names[nameKey]) === nameString) { return n; } if (nameID <= n) { nameID = n + 1; } } names[nameID] = name; return nameID; } function makeFvarAxis(axis, names) { var nameID = addName(, names); return new table.Table('fvarAxis', [ {name: 'tag', type: 'TAG', value: axis.tag}, {name: 'minValue', type: 'FIXED', value: axis.minValue << 16}, {name: 'defaultValue', type: 'FIXED', value: axis.defaultValue << 16}, {name: 'maxValue', type: 'FIXED', value: axis.maxValue << 16}, {name: 'flags', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'nameID', type: 'USHORT', value: nameID} ]); } function parseFvarAxis(data, start, names) { var axis = {}; var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); axis.tag = p.parseTag(); axis.minValue = p.parseFixed(); axis.defaultValue = p.parseFixed(); axis.maxValue = p.parseFixed(); p.skip('uShort', 1); // reserved for flags; no values defined = names[p.parseUShort()] || {}; return axis; } function makeFvarInstance(inst, axes, names) { var nameID = addName(, names); var fields = [ {name: 'nameID', type: 'USHORT', value: nameID}, {name: 'flags', type: 'USHORT', value: 0} ]; for (var i = 0; i < axes.length; ++i) { var axisTag = axes[i].tag; fields.push({ name: 'axis ' + axisTag, type: 'FIXED', value: inst.coordinates[axisTag] << 16 }); } return new table.Table('fvarInstance', fields); } function parseFvarInstance(data, start, axes, names) { var inst = {}; var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); = names[p.parseUShort()] || {}; p.skip('uShort', 1); // reserved for flags; no values defined inst.coordinates = {}; for (var i = 0; i < axes.length; ++i) { inst.coordinates[axes[i].tag] = p.parseFixed(); } return inst; } function makeFvarTable(fvar, names) { var result = new table.Table('fvar', [ {name: 'version', type: 'ULONG', value: 0x10000}, {name: 'offsetToData', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'countSizePairs', type: 'USHORT', value: 2}, {name: 'axisCount', type: 'USHORT', value: fvar.axes.length}, {name: 'axisSize', type: 'USHORT', value: 20}, {name: 'instanceCount', type: 'USHORT', value: fvar.instances.length}, {name: 'instanceSize', type: 'USHORT', value: 4 + fvar.axes.length * 4} ]); result.offsetToData = result.sizeOf(); for (var i = 0; i < fvar.axes.length; i++) { result.fields.push({ name: 'axis ' + i, type: 'TABLE', value: makeFvarAxis(fvar.axes[i], names)}); } for (var j = 0; j < fvar.instances.length; j++) { result.fields.push({ name: 'instance ' + j, type: 'TABLE', value: makeFvarInstance(fvar.instances[j], fvar.axes, names) }); } return result; } function parseFvarTable(data, start, names) { var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); var tableVersion = p.parseULong(); check.argument(tableVersion === 0x00010000, 'Unsupported fvar table version.'); var offsetToData = p.parseOffset16(); // Skip countSizePairs. p.skip('uShort', 1); var axisCount = p.parseUShort(); var axisSize = p.parseUShort(); var instanceCount = p.parseUShort(); var instanceSize = p.parseUShort(); var axes = []; for (var i = 0; i < axisCount; i++) { axes.push(parseFvarAxis(data, start + offsetToData + i * axisSize, names)); } var instances = []; var instanceStart = start + offsetToData + axisCount * axisSize; for (var j = 0; j < instanceCount; j++) { instances.push(parseFvarInstance(data, instanceStart + j * instanceSize, axes, names)); } return {axes:axes, instances:instances}; } exports.make = makeFvarTable; exports.parse = parseFvarTable; },{"../check":2,"../parse":9,"../table":11}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ // The `glyf` table describes the glyphs in TrueType outline format. // 'use strict'; var check = require('../check'); var glyphset = require('../glyphset'); var parse = require('../parse'); var path = require('../path'); // Parse the coordinate data for a glyph. function parseGlyphCoordinate(p, flag, previousValue, shortVectorBitMask, sameBitMask) { var v; if ((flag & shortVectorBitMask) > 0) { // The coordinate is 1 byte long. v = p.parseByte(); // The `same` bit is re-used for short values to signify the sign of the value. if ((flag & sameBitMask) === 0) { v = -v; } v = previousValue + v; } else { // The coordinate is 2 bytes long. // If the `same` bit is set, the coordinate is the same as the previous coordinate. if ((flag & sameBitMask) > 0) { v = previousValue; } else { // Parse the coordinate as a signed 16-bit delta value. v = previousValue + p.parseShort(); } } return v; } // Parse a TrueType glyph. function parseGlyph(glyph, data, start) { var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); glyph.numberOfContours = p.parseShort(); glyph.xMin = p.parseShort(); glyph.yMin = p.parseShort(); glyph.xMax = p.parseShort(); glyph.yMax = p.parseShort(); var flags; var flag; if (glyph.numberOfContours > 0) { var i; // This glyph is not a composite. var endPointIndices = glyph.endPointIndices = []; for (i = 0; i < glyph.numberOfContours; i += 1) { endPointIndices.push(p.parseUShort()); } glyph.instructionLength = p.parseUShort(); glyph.instructions = []; for (i = 0; i < glyph.instructionLength; i += 1) { glyph.instructions.push(p.parseByte()); } var numberOfCoordinates = endPointIndices[endPointIndices.length - 1] + 1; flags = []; for (i = 0; i < numberOfCoordinates; i += 1) { flag = p.parseByte(); flags.push(flag); // If bit 3 is set, we repeat this flag n times, where n is the next byte. if ((flag & 8) > 0) { var repeatCount = p.parseByte(); for (var j = 0; j < repeatCount; j += 1) { flags.push(flag); i += 1; } } } check.argument(flags.length === numberOfCoordinates, 'Bad flags.'); if (endPointIndices.length > 0) { var points = []; var point; // X/Y coordinates are relative to the previous point, except for the first point which is relative to 0,0. if (numberOfCoordinates > 0) { for (i = 0; i < numberOfCoordinates; i += 1) { flag = flags[i]; point = {}; point.onCurve = !!(flag & 1); point.lastPointOfContour = endPointIndices.indexOf(i) >= 0; points.push(point); } var px = 0; for (i = 0; i < numberOfCoordinates; i += 1) { flag = flags[i]; point = points[i]; point.x = parseGlyphCoordinate(p, flag, px, 2, 16); px = point.x; } var py = 0; for (i = 0; i < numberOfCoordinates; i += 1) { flag = flags[i]; point = points[i]; point.y = parseGlyphCoordinate(p, flag, py, 4, 32); py = point.y; } } glyph.points = points; } else { glyph.points = []; } } else if (glyph.numberOfContours === 0) { glyph.points = []; } else { glyph.isComposite = true; glyph.points = []; glyph.components = []; var moreComponents = true; while (moreComponents) { flags = p.parseUShort(); var component = { glyphIndex: p.parseUShort(), xScale: 1, scale01: 0, scale10: 0, yScale: 1, dx: 0, dy: 0 }; if ((flags & 1) > 0) { // The arguments are words component.dx = p.parseShort(); component.dy = p.parseShort(); } else { // The arguments are bytes component.dx = p.parseChar(); component.dy = p.parseChar(); } if ((flags & 8) > 0) { // We have a scale component.xScale = component.yScale = p.parseF2Dot14(); } else if ((flags & 64) > 0) { // We have an X / Y scale component.xScale = p.parseF2Dot14(); component.yScale = p.parseF2Dot14(); } else if ((flags & 128) > 0) { // We have a 2x2 transformation component.xScale = p.parseF2Dot14(); component.scale01 = p.parseF2Dot14(); component.scale10 = p.parseF2Dot14(); component.yScale = p.parseF2Dot14(); } glyph.components.push(component); moreComponents = !!(flags & 32); } } } // Transform an array of points and return a new array. function transformPoints(points, transform) { var newPoints = []; for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i += 1) { var pt = points[i]; var newPt = { x: transform.xScale * pt.x + transform.scale01 * pt.y + transform.dx, y: transform.scale10 * pt.x + transform.yScale * pt.y + transform.dy, onCurve: pt.onCurve, lastPointOfContour: pt.lastPointOfContour }; newPoints.push(newPt); } return newPoints; } function getContours(points) { var contours = []; var currentContour = []; for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i += 1) { var pt = points[i]; currentContour.push(pt); if (pt.lastPointOfContour) { contours.push(currentContour); currentContour = []; } } check.argument(currentContour.length === 0, 'There are still points left in the current contour.'); return contours; } // Convert the TrueType glyph outline to a Path. function getPath(points) { var p = new path.Path(); if (!points) { return p; } var contours = getContours(points); for (var i = 0; i < contours.length; i += 1) { var contour = contours[i]; var firstPt = contour[0]; var lastPt = contour[contour.length - 1]; var curvePt; var realFirstPoint; if (firstPt.onCurve) { curvePt = null; // The first point will be consumed by the moveTo command, // so skip it in the loop. realFirstPoint = true; } else { if (lastPt.onCurve) { // If the first point is off-curve and the last point is on-curve, // start at the last point. firstPt = lastPt; } else { // If both first and last points are off-curve, start at their middle. firstPt = { x: (firstPt.x + lastPt.x) / 2, y: (firstPt.y + lastPt.y) / 2 }; } curvePt = firstPt; // The first point is synthesized, so don't skip the real first point. realFirstPoint = false; } p.moveTo(firstPt.x, firstPt.y); for (var j = realFirstPoint ? 1 : 0; j < contour.length; j += 1) { var pt = contour[j]; var prevPt = j === 0 ? firstPt : contour[j - 1]; if (prevPt.onCurve && pt.onCurve) { // This is a straight line. p.lineTo(pt.x, pt.y); } else if (prevPt.onCurve && !pt.onCurve) { curvePt = pt; } else if (!prevPt.onCurve && !pt.onCurve) { var midPt = { x: (prevPt.x + pt.x) / 2, y: (prevPt.y + pt.y) / 2 }; p.quadraticCurveTo(prevPt.x, prevPt.y, midPt.x, midPt.y); curvePt = pt; } else if (!prevPt.onCurve && pt.onCurve) { // Previous point off-curve, this point on-curve. p.quadraticCurveTo(curvePt.x, curvePt.y, pt.x, pt.y); curvePt = null; } else { throw new Error('Invalid state.'); } } if (firstPt !== lastPt) { // Connect the last and first points if (curvePt) { p.quadraticCurveTo(curvePt.x, curvePt.y, firstPt.x, firstPt.y); } else { p.lineTo(firstPt.x, firstPt.y); } } } p.closePath(); return p; } function buildPath(glyphs, glyph) { if (glyph.isComposite) { for (var j = 0; j < glyph.components.length; j += 1) { var component = glyph.components[j]; var componentGlyph = glyphs.get(component.glyphIndex); // Force the ttfGlyphLoader to parse the glyph. componentGlyph.getPath(); if (componentGlyph.points) { var transformedPoints = transformPoints(componentGlyph.points, component); glyph.points = glyph.points.concat(transformedPoints); } } } return getPath(glyph.points); } // Parse all the glyphs according to the offsets from the `loca` table. function parseGlyfTable(data, start, loca, font) { var glyphs = new glyphset.GlyphSet(font); var i; // The last element of the loca table is invalid. for (i = 0; i < loca.length - 1; i += 1) { var offset = loca[i]; var nextOffset = loca[i + 1]; if (offset !== nextOffset) { glyphs.push(i, glyphset.ttfGlyphLoader(font, i, parseGlyph, data, start + offset, buildPath)); } else { glyphs.push(i, glyphset.glyphLoader(font, i)); } } return glyphs; } exports.parse = parseGlyfTable; },{"../check":2,"../glyphset":7,"../parse":9,"../path":10}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ // The `GPOS` table contains kerning pairs, among other things. // 'use strict'; var check = require('../check'); var parse = require('../parse'); // Parse ScriptList and FeatureList tables of GPOS, GSUB, GDEF, BASE, JSTF tables. // These lists are unused by now, this function is just the basis for a real parsing. function parseTaggedListTable(data, start) { var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); var n = p.parseUShort(); var list = []; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { list[p.parseTag()] = { offset: p.parseUShort() }; } return list; } // Parse a coverage table in a GSUB, GPOS or GDEF table. // Format 1 is a simple list of glyph ids, // Format 2 is a list of ranges. It is expanded in a list of glyphs, maybe not the best idea. function parseCoverageTable(data, start) { var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); var format = p.parseUShort(); var count = p.parseUShort(); if (format === 1) { return p.parseUShortList(count); } else if (format === 2) { var coverage = []; for (; count--;) { var begin = p.parseUShort(); var end = p.parseUShort(); var index = p.parseUShort(); for (var i = begin; i <= end; i++) { coverage[index++] = i; } } return coverage; } } // Parse a Class Definition Table in a GSUB, GPOS or GDEF table. // Returns a function that gets a class value from a glyph ID. function parseClassDefTable(data, start) { var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); var format = p.parseUShort(); if (format === 1) { // Format 1 specifies a range of consecutive glyph indices, one class per glyph ID. var startGlyph = p.parseUShort(); var glyphCount = p.parseUShort(); var classes = p.parseUShortList(glyphCount); return function(glyphID) { return classes[glyphID - startGlyph] || 0; }; } else if (format === 2) { // Format 2 defines multiple groups of glyph indices that belong to the same class. var rangeCount = p.parseUShort(); var startGlyphs = []; var endGlyphs = []; var classValues = []; for (var i = 0; i < rangeCount; i++) { startGlyphs[i] = p.parseUShort(); endGlyphs[i] = p.parseUShort(); classValues[i] = p.parseUShort(); } return function(glyphID) { var l = 0; var r = startGlyphs.length - 1; while (l < r) { var c = (l + r + 1) >> 1; if (glyphID < startGlyphs[c]) { r = c - 1; } else { l = c; } } if (startGlyphs[l] <= glyphID && glyphID <= endGlyphs[l]) { return classValues[l] || 0; } return 0; }; } } // Parse a pair adjustment positioning subtable, format 1 or format 2 // The subtable is returned in the form of a lookup function. function parsePairPosSubTable(data, start) { var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); // This part is common to format 1 and format 2 subtables var format = p.parseUShort(); var coverageOffset = p.parseUShort(); var coverage = parseCoverageTable(data, start + coverageOffset); // valueFormat 4: XAdvance only, 1: XPlacement only, 0: no ValueRecord for second glyph // Only valueFormat1=4 and valueFormat2=0 is supported. var valueFormat1 = p.parseUShort(); var valueFormat2 = p.parseUShort(); var value1; var value2; if (valueFormat1 !== 4 || valueFormat2 !== 0) return; var sharedPairSets = {}; if (format === 1) { // Pair Positioning Adjustment: Format 1 var pairSetCount = p.parseUShort(); var pairSet = []; // Array of offsets to PairSet tables-from beginning of PairPos subtable-ordered by Coverage Index var pairSetOffsets = p.parseOffset16List(pairSetCount); for (var firstGlyph = 0; firstGlyph < pairSetCount; firstGlyph++) { var pairSetOffset = pairSetOffsets[firstGlyph]; var sharedPairSet = sharedPairSets[pairSetOffset]; if (!sharedPairSet) { // Parse a pairset table in a pair adjustment subtable format 1 sharedPairSet = {}; p.relativeOffset = pairSetOffset; var pairValueCount = p.parseUShort(); for (; pairValueCount--;) { var secondGlyph = p.parseUShort(); if (valueFormat1) value1 = p.parseShort(); if (valueFormat2) value2 = p.parseShort(); // We only support valueFormat1 = 4 and valueFormat2 = 0, // so value1 is the XAdvance and value2 is empty. sharedPairSet[secondGlyph] = value1; } } pairSet[coverage[firstGlyph]] = sharedPairSet; } return function(leftGlyph, rightGlyph) { var pairs = pairSet[leftGlyph]; if (pairs) return pairs[rightGlyph]; }; } else if (format === 2) { // Pair Positioning Adjustment: Format 2 var classDef1Offset = p.parseUShort(); var classDef2Offset = p.parseUShort(); var class1Count = p.parseUShort(); var class2Count = p.parseUShort(); var getClass1 = parseClassDefTable(data, start + classDef1Offset); var getClass2 = parseClassDefTable(data, start + classDef2Offset); // Parse kerning values by class pair. var kerningMatrix = []; for (var i = 0; i < class1Count; i++) { var kerningRow = kerningMatrix[i] = []; for (var j = 0; j < class2Count; j++) { if (valueFormat1) value1 = p.parseShort(); if (valueFormat2) value2 = p.parseShort(); // We only support valueFormat1 = 4 and valueFormat2 = 0, // so value1 is the XAdvance and value2 is empty. kerningRow[j] = value1; } } // Convert coverage list to a hash var covered = {}; for (i = 0; i < coverage.length; i++) covered[coverage[i]] = 1; // Get the kerning value for a specific glyph pair. return function(leftGlyph, rightGlyph) { if (!covered[leftGlyph]) return; var class1 = getClass1(leftGlyph); var class2 = getClass2(rightGlyph); var kerningRow = kerningMatrix[class1]; if (kerningRow) { return kerningRow[class2]; } }; } } // Parse a LookupTable (present in of GPOS, GSUB, GDEF, BASE, JSTF tables). function parseLookupTable(data, start) { var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); var lookupType = p.parseUShort(); var lookupFlag = p.parseUShort(); var useMarkFilteringSet = lookupFlag & 0x10; var subTableCount = p.parseUShort(); var subTableOffsets = p.parseOffset16List(subTableCount); var table = { lookupType: lookupType, lookupFlag: lookupFlag, markFilteringSet: useMarkFilteringSet ? p.parseUShort() : -1 }; // LookupType 2, Pair adjustment if (lookupType === 2) { var subtables = []; for (var i = 0; i < subTableCount; i++) { subtables.push(parsePairPosSubTable(data, start + subTableOffsets[i])); } // Return a function which finds the kerning values in the subtables. table.getKerningValue = function(leftGlyph, rightGlyph) { for (var i = subtables.length; i--;) { var value = subtables[i](leftGlyph, rightGlyph); if (value !== undefined) return value; } return 0; }; } return table; } // Parse the `GPOS` table which contains, among other things, kerning pairs. // function parseGposTable(data, start, font) { var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); var tableVersion = p.parseFixed(); check.argument(tableVersion === 1, 'Unsupported GPOS table version.'); // ScriptList and FeatureList - ignored for now parseTaggedListTable(data, start + p.parseUShort()); // 'kern' is the feature we are looking for. parseTaggedListTable(data, start + p.parseUShort()); // LookupList var lookupListOffset = p.parseUShort(); p.relativeOffset = lookupListOffset; var lookupCount = p.parseUShort(); var lookupTableOffsets = p.parseOffset16List(lookupCount); var lookupListAbsoluteOffset = start + lookupListOffset; for (var i = 0; i < lookupCount; i++) { var table = parseLookupTable(data, lookupListAbsoluteOffset + lookupTableOffsets[i]); if (table.lookupType === 2 && !font.getGposKerningValue) font.getGposKerningValue = table.getKerningValue; } } exports.parse = parseGposTable; },{"../check":2,"../parse":9}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ // The `head` table contains global information about the font. // 'use strict'; var check = require('../check'); var parse = require('../parse'); var table = require('../table'); // Parse the header `head` table function parseHeadTable(data, start) { var head = {}; var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); head.version = p.parseVersion(); head.fontRevision = Math.round(p.parseFixed() * 1000) / 1000; head.checkSumAdjustment = p.parseULong(); head.magicNumber = p.parseULong(); check.argument(head.magicNumber === 0x5F0F3CF5, 'Font header has wrong magic number.'); head.flags = p.parseUShort(); head.unitsPerEm = p.parseUShort(); head.created = p.parseLongDateTime(); head.modified = p.parseLongDateTime(); head.xMin = p.parseShort(); head.yMin = p.parseShort(); head.xMax = p.parseShort(); head.yMax = p.parseShort(); head.macStyle = p.parseUShort(); head.lowestRecPPEM = p.parseUShort(); head.fontDirectionHint = p.parseShort(); head.indexToLocFormat = p.parseShort(); head.glyphDataFormat = p.parseShort(); return head; } function makeHeadTable(options) { return new table.Table('head', [ {name: 'version', type: 'FIXED', value: 0x00010000}, {name: 'fontRevision', type: 'FIXED', value: 0x00010000}, {name: 'checkSumAdjustment', type: 'ULONG', value: 0}, {name: 'magicNumber', type: 'ULONG', value: 0x5F0F3CF5}, {name: 'flags', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'unitsPerEm', type: 'USHORT', value: 1000}, {name: 'created', type: 'LONGDATETIME', value: 0}, {name: 'modified', type: 'LONGDATETIME', value: 0}, {name: 'xMin', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'yMin', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'xMax', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'yMax', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'macStyle', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'lowestRecPPEM', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'fontDirectionHint', type: 'SHORT', value: 2}, {name: 'indexToLocFormat', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'glyphDataFormat', type: 'SHORT', value: 0} ], options); } exports.parse = parseHeadTable; exports.make = makeHeadTable; },{"../check":2,"../parse":9,"../table":11}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ // The `hhea` table contains information for horizontal layout. // 'use strict'; var parse = require('../parse'); var table = require('../table'); // Parse the horizontal header `hhea` table function parseHheaTable(data, start) { var hhea = {}; var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); hhea.version = p.parseVersion(); hhea.ascender = p.parseShort(); hhea.descender = p.parseShort(); hhea.lineGap = p.parseShort(); hhea.advanceWidthMax = p.parseUShort(); hhea.minLeftSideBearing = p.parseShort(); hhea.minRightSideBearing = p.parseShort(); hhea.xMaxExtent = p.parseShort(); hhea.caretSlopeRise = p.parseShort(); hhea.caretSlopeRun = p.parseShort(); hhea.caretOffset = p.parseShort(); p.relativeOffset += 8; hhea.metricDataFormat = p.parseShort(); hhea.numberOfHMetrics = p.parseUShort(); return hhea; } function makeHheaTable(options) { return new table.Table('hhea', [ {name: 'version', type: 'FIXED', value: 0x00010000}, {name: 'ascender', type: 'FWORD', value: 0}, {name: 'descender', type: 'FWORD', value: 0}, {name: 'lineGap', type: 'FWORD', value: 0}, {name: 'advanceWidthMax', type: 'UFWORD', value: 0}, {name: 'minLeftSideBearing', type: 'FWORD', value: 0}, {name: 'minRightSideBearing', type: 'FWORD', value: 0}, {name: 'xMaxExtent', type: 'FWORD', value: 0}, {name: 'caretSlopeRise', type: 'SHORT', value: 1}, {name: 'caretSlopeRun', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'caretOffset', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'reserved1', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'reserved2', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'reserved3', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'reserved4', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'metricDataFormat', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'numberOfHMetrics', type: 'USHORT', value: 0} ], options); } exports.parse = parseHheaTable; exports.make = makeHheaTable; },{"../parse":9,"../table":11}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ // The `hmtx` table contains the horizontal metrics for all glyphs. // 'use strict'; var parse = require('../parse'); var table = require('../table'); // Parse the `hmtx` table, which contains the horizontal metrics for all glyphs. // This function augments the glyph array, adding the advanceWidth and leftSideBearing to each glyph. function parseHmtxTable(data, start, numMetrics, numGlyphs, glyphs) { var advanceWidth; var leftSideBearing; var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); for (var i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i += 1) { // If the font is monospaced, only one entry is needed. This last entry applies to all subsequent glyphs. if (i < numMetrics) { advanceWidth = p.parseUShort(); leftSideBearing = p.parseShort(); } var glyph = glyphs.get(i); glyph.advanceWidth = advanceWidth; glyph.leftSideBearing = leftSideBearing; } } function makeHmtxTable(glyphs) { var t = new table.Table('hmtx', []); for (var i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i += 1) { var glyph = glyphs.get(i); var advanceWidth = glyph.advanceWidth || 0; var leftSideBearing = glyph.leftSideBearing || 0; t.fields.push({name: 'advanceWidth_' + i, type: 'USHORT', value: advanceWidth}); t.fields.push({name: 'leftSideBearing_' + i, type: 'SHORT', value: leftSideBearing}); } return t; } exports.parse = parseHmtxTable; exports.make = makeHmtxTable; },{"../parse":9,"../table":11}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ // The `kern` table contains kerning pairs. // Note that some fonts use the GPOS OpenType layout table to specify kerning. // 'use strict'; var check = require('../check'); var parse = require('../parse'); // Parse the `kern` table which contains kerning pairs. function parseKernTable(data, start) { var pairs = {}; var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); var tableVersion = p.parseUShort(); check.argument(tableVersion === 0, 'Unsupported kern table version.'); // Skip nTables. p.skip('uShort', 1); var subTableVersion = p.parseUShort(); check.argument(subTableVersion === 0, 'Unsupported kern sub-table version.'); // Skip subTableLength, subTableCoverage p.skip('uShort', 2); var nPairs = p.parseUShort(); // Skip searchRange, entrySelector, rangeShift. p.skip('uShort', 3); for (var i = 0; i < nPairs; i += 1) { var leftIndex = p.parseUShort(); var rightIndex = p.parseUShort(); var value = p.parseShort(); pairs[leftIndex + ',' + rightIndex] = value; } return pairs; } exports.parse = parseKernTable; },{"../check":2,"../parse":9}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ // The `loca` table stores the offsets to the locations of the glyphs in the font. // 'use strict'; var parse = require('../parse'); // Parse the `loca` table. This table stores the offsets to the locations of the glyphs in the font, // relative to the beginning of the glyphData table. // The number of glyphs stored in the `loca` table is specified in the `maxp` table (under numGlyphs) // The loca table has two versions: a short version where offsets are stored as uShorts, and a long // version where offsets are stored as uLongs. The `head` table specifies which version to use // (under indexToLocFormat). function parseLocaTable(data, start, numGlyphs, shortVersion) { var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); var parseFn = shortVersion ? p.parseUShort : p.parseULong; // There is an extra entry after the last index element to compute the length of the last glyph. // That's why we use numGlyphs + 1. var glyphOffsets = []; for (var i = 0; i < numGlyphs + 1; i += 1) { var glyphOffset =; if (shortVersion) { // The short table version stores the actual offset divided by 2. glyphOffset *= 2; } glyphOffsets.push(glyphOffset); } return glyphOffsets; } exports.parse = parseLocaTable; },{"../parse":9}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ // The `ltag` table stores IETF BCP-47 language tags. It allows supporting // languages for which TrueType does not assign a numeric code. // // // 'use strict'; var check = require('../check'); var parse = require('../parse'); var table = require('../table'); function makeLtagTable(tags) { var result = new table.Table('ltag', [ {name: 'version', type: 'ULONG', value: 1}, {name: 'flags', type: 'ULONG', value: 0}, {name: 'numTags', type: 'ULONG', value: tags.length} ]); var stringPool = ''; var stringPoolOffset = 12 + tags.length * 4; for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) { var pos = stringPool.indexOf(tags[i]); if (pos < 0) { pos = stringPool.length; stringPool += tags[i]; } result.fields.push({name: 'offset ' + i, type: 'USHORT', value: stringPoolOffset + pos}); result.fields.push({name: 'length ' + i, type: 'USHORT', value: tags[i].length}); } result.fields.push({name: 'stringPool', type: 'CHARARRAY', value: stringPool}); return result; } function parseLtagTable(data, start) { var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); var tableVersion = p.parseULong(); check.argument(tableVersion === 1, 'Unsupported ltag table version.'); // The 'ltag' specification does not define any flags; skip the field. p.skip('uLong', 1); var numTags = p.parseULong(); var tags = []; for (var i = 0; i < numTags; i++) { var tag = ''; var offset = start + p.parseUShort(); var length = p.parseUShort(); for (var j = offset; j < offset + length; ++j) { tag += String.fromCharCode(data.getInt8(j)); } tags.push(tag); } return tags; } exports.make = makeLtagTable; exports.parse = parseLtagTable; },{"../check":2,"../parse":9,"../table":11}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ // The `maxp` table establishes the memory requirements for the font. // We need it just to get the number of glyphs in the font. // 'use strict'; var parse = require('../parse'); var table = require('../table'); // Parse the maximum profile `maxp` table. function parseMaxpTable(data, start) { var maxp = {}; var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); maxp.version = p.parseVersion(); maxp.numGlyphs = p.parseUShort(); if (maxp.version === 1.0) { maxp.maxPoints = p.parseUShort(); maxp.maxContours = p.parseUShort(); maxp.maxCompositePoints = p.parseUShort(); maxp.maxCompositeContours = p.parseUShort(); maxp.maxZones = p.parseUShort(); maxp.maxTwilightPoints = p.parseUShort(); maxp.maxStorage = p.parseUShort(); maxp.maxFunctionDefs = p.parseUShort(); maxp.maxInstructionDefs = p.parseUShort(); maxp.maxStackElements = p.parseUShort(); maxp.maxSizeOfInstructions = p.parseUShort(); maxp.maxComponentElements = p.parseUShort(); maxp.maxComponentDepth = p.parseUShort(); } return maxp; } function makeMaxpTable(numGlyphs) { return new table.Table('maxp', [ {name: 'version', type: 'FIXED', value: 0x00005000}, {name: 'numGlyphs', type: 'USHORT', value: numGlyphs} ]); } exports.parse = parseMaxpTable; exports.make = makeMaxpTable; },{"../parse":9,"../table":11}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ // The `name` naming table. // 'use strict'; var types = require('../types'); var decode = types.decode; var encode = types.encode; var parse = require('../parse'); var table = require('../table'); // NameIDs for the name table. var nameTableNames = [ 'copyright', // 0 'fontFamily', // 1 'fontSubfamily', // 2 'uniqueID', // 3 'fullName', // 4 'version', // 5 'postScriptName', // 6 'trademark', // 7 'manufacturer', // 8 'designer', // 9 'description', // 10 'manufacturerURL', // 11 'designerURL', // 12 'license', // 13 'licenseURL', // 14 'reserved', // 15 'preferredFamily', // 16 'preferredSubfamily', // 17 'compatibleFullName', // 18 'sampleText', // 19 'postScriptFindFontName', // 20 'wwsFamily', // 21 'wwsSubfamily' // 22 ]; var macLanguages = { 0: 'en', 1: 'fr', 2: 'de', 3: 'it', 4: 'nl', 5: 'sv', 6: 'es', 7: 'da', 8: 'pt', 9: 'no', 10: 'he', 11: 'ja', 12: 'ar', 13: 'fi', 14: 'el', 15: 'is', 16: 'mt', 17: 'tr', 18: 'hr', 19: 'zh-Hant', 20: 'ur', 21: 'hi', 22: 'th', 23: 'ko', 24: 'lt', 25: 'pl', 26: 'hu', 27: 'es', 28: 'lv', 29: 'se', 30: 'fo', 31: 'fa', 32: 'ru', 33: 'zh', 34: 'nl-BE', 35: 'ga', 36: 'sq', 37: 'ro', 38: 'cz', 39: 'sk', 40: 'si', 41: 'yi', 42: 'sr', 43: 'mk', 44: 'bg', 45: 'uk', 46: 'be', 47: 'uz', 48: 'kk', 49: 'az-Cyrl', 50: 'az-Arab', 51: 'hy', 52: 'ka', 53: 'mo', 54: 'ky', 55: 'tg', 56: 'tk', 57: 'mn-CN', 58: 'mn', 59: 'ps', 60: 'ks', 61: 'ku', 62: 'sd', 63: 'bo', 64: 'ne', 65: 'sa', 66: 'mr', 67: 'bn', 68: 'as', 69: 'gu', 70: 'pa', 71: 'or', 72: 'ml', 73: 'kn', 74: 'ta', 75: 'te', 76: 'si', 77: 'my', 78: 'km', 79: 'lo', 80: 'vi', 81: 'id', 82: 'tl', 83: 'ms', 84: 'ms-Arab', 85: 'am', 86: 'ti', 87: 'om', 88: 'so', 89: 'sw', 90: 'rw', 91: 'rn', 92: 'ny', 93: 'mg', 94: 'eo', 128: 'cy', 129: 'eu', 130: 'ca', 131: 'la', 132: 'qu', 133: 'gn', 134: 'ay', 135: 'tt', 136: 'ug', 137: 'dz', 138: 'jv', 139: 'su', 140: 'gl', 141: 'af', 142: 'br', 143: 'iu', 144: 'gd', 145: 'gv', 146: 'ga', 147: 'to', 148: 'el-polyton', 149: 'kl', 150: 'az', 151: 'nn' }; // MacOS language ID → MacOS script ID // // Note that the script ID is not sufficient to determine what encoding // to use in TrueType files. For some languages, MacOS used a modification // of a mainstream script. For example, an Icelandic name would be stored // with smRoman in the TrueType naming table, but the actual encoding // is a special Icelandic version of the normal Macintosh Roman encoding. // As another example, Inuktitut uses an 8-bit encoding for Canadian Aboriginal // Syllables but MacOS had run out of available script codes, so this was // done as a (pretty radical) "modification" of Ethiopic. // // var macLanguageToScript = { 0: 0, // langEnglish → smRoman 1: 0, // langFrench → smRoman 2: 0, // langGerman → smRoman 3: 0, // langItalian → smRoman 4: 0, // langDutch → smRoman 5: 0, // langSwedish → smRoman 6: 0, // langSpanish → smRoman 7: 0, // langDanish → smRoman 8: 0, // langPortuguese → smRoman 9: 0, // langNorwegian → smRoman 10: 5, // langHebrew → smHebrew 11: 1, // langJapanese → smJapanese 12: 4, // langArabic → smArabic 13: 0, // langFinnish → smRoman 14: 6, // langGreek → smGreek 15: 0, // langIcelandic → smRoman (modified) 16: 0, // langMaltese → smRoman 17: 0, // langTurkish → smRoman (modified) 18: 0, // langCroatian → smRoman (modified) 19: 2, // langTradChinese → smTradChinese 20: 4, // langUrdu → smArabic 21: 9, // langHindi → smDevanagari 22: 21, // langThai → smThai 23: 3, // langKorean → smKorean 24: 29, // langLithuanian → smCentralEuroRoman 25: 29, // langPolish → smCentralEuroRoman 26: 29, // langHungarian → smCentralEuroRoman 27: 29, // langEstonian → smCentralEuroRoman 28: 29, // langLatvian → smCentralEuroRoman 29: 0, // langSami → smRoman 30: 0, // langFaroese → smRoman (modified) 31: 4, // langFarsi → smArabic (modified) 32: 7, // langRussian → smCyrillic 33: 25, // langSimpChinese → smSimpChinese 34: 0, // langFlemish → smRoman 35: 0, // langIrishGaelic → smRoman (modified) 36: 0, // langAlbanian → smRoman 37: 0, // langRomanian → smRoman (modified) 38: 29, // langCzech → smCentralEuroRoman 39: 29, // langSlovak → smCentralEuroRoman 40: 0, // langSlovenian → smRoman (modified) 41: 5, // langYiddish → smHebrew 42: 7, // langSerbian → smCyrillic 43: 7, // langMacedonian → smCyrillic 44: 7, // langBulgarian → smCyrillic 45: 7, // langUkrainian → smCyrillic (modified) 46: 7, // langByelorussian → smCyrillic 47: 7, // langUzbek → smCyrillic 48: 7, // langKazakh → smCyrillic 49: 7, // langAzerbaijani → smCyrillic 50: 4, // langAzerbaijanAr → smArabic 51: 24, // langArmenian → smArmenian 52: 23, // langGeorgian → smGeorgian 53: 7, // langMoldavian → smCyrillic 54: 7, // langKirghiz → smCyrillic 55: 7, // langTajiki → smCyrillic 56: 7, // langTurkmen → smCyrillic 57: 27, // langMongolian → smMongolian 58: 7, // langMongolianCyr → smCyrillic 59: 4, // langPashto → smArabic 60: 4, // langKurdish → smArabic 61: 4, // langKashmiri → smArabic 62: 4, // langSindhi → smArabic 63: 26, // langTibetan → smTibetan 64: 9, // langNepali → smDevanagari 65: 9, // langSanskrit → smDevanagari 66: 9, // langMarathi → smDevanagari 67: 13, // langBengali → smBengali 68: 13, // langAssamese → smBengali 69: 11, // langGujarati → smGujarati 70: 10, // langPunjabi → smGurmukhi 71: 12, // langOriya → smOriya 72: 17, // langMalayalam → smMalayalam 73: 16, // langKannada → smKannada 74: 14, // langTamil → smTamil 75: 15, // langTelugu → smTelugu 76: 18, // langSinhalese → smSinhalese 77: 19, // langBurmese → smBurmese 78: 20, // langKhmer → smKhmer 79: 22, // langLao → smLao 80: 30, // langVietnamese → smVietnamese 81: 0, // langIndonesian → smRoman 82: 0, // langTagalog → smRoman 83: 0, // langMalayRoman → smRoman 84: 4, // langMalayArabic → smArabic 85: 28, // langAmharic → smEthiopic 86: 28, // langTigrinya → smEthiopic 87: 28, // langOromo → smEthiopic 88: 0, // langSomali → smRoman 89: 0, // langSwahili → smRoman 90: 0, // langKinyarwanda → smRoman 91: 0, // langRundi → smRoman 92: 0, // langNyanja → smRoman 93: 0, // langMalagasy → smRoman 94: 0, // langEsperanto → smRoman 128: 0, // langWelsh → smRoman (modified) 129: 0, // langBasque → smRoman 130: 0, // langCatalan → smRoman 131: 0, // langLatin → smRoman 132: 0, // langQuechua → smRoman 133: 0, // langGuarani → smRoman 134: 0, // langAymara → smRoman 135: 7, // langTatar → smCyrillic 136: 4, // langUighur → smArabic 137: 26, // langDzongkha → smTibetan 138: 0, // langJavaneseRom → smRoman 139: 0, // langSundaneseRom → smRoman 140: 0, // langGalician → smRoman 141: 0, // langAfrikaans → smRoman 142: 0, // langBreton → smRoman (modified) 143: 28, // langInuktitut → smEthiopic (modified) 144: 0, // langScottishGaelic → smRoman (modified) 145: 0, // langManxGaelic → smRoman (modified) 146: 0, // langIrishGaelicScript → smRoman (modified) 147: 0, // langTongan → smRoman 148: 6, // langGreekAncient → smRoman 149: 0, // langGreenlandic → smRoman 150: 0, // langAzerbaijanRoman → smRoman 151: 0 // langNynorsk → smRoman }; // While Microsoft indicates a region/country for all its language // IDs, we omit the region code if it's equal to the "most likely // region subtag" according to Unicode CLDR. For scripts, we omit // the subtag if it is equal to the Suppress-Script entry in the // IANA language subtag registry for IETF BCP 47. // // For example, Microsoft states that its language code 0x041A is // Croatian in Croatia. We transform this to the BCP 47 language code 'hr' // and not 'hr-HR' because Croatia is the default country for Croatian, // according to Unicode CLDR. As another example, Microsoft states // that 0x101A is Croatian (Latin) in Bosnia-Herzegovina. We transform // this to 'hr-BA' and not 'hr-Latn-BA' because Latin is the default script // for the Croatian language, according to IANA. // // // var windowsLanguages = { 0x0436: 'af', 0x041C: 'sq', 0x0484: 'gsw', 0x045E: 'am', 0x1401: 'ar-DZ', 0x3C01: 'ar-BH', 0x0C01: 'ar', 0x0801: 'ar-IQ', 0x2C01: 'ar-JO', 0x3401: 'ar-KW', 0x3001: 'ar-LB', 0x1001: 'ar-LY', 0x1801: 'ary', 0x2001: 'ar-OM', 0x4001: 'ar-QA', 0x0401: 'ar-SA', 0x2801: 'ar-SY', 0x1C01: 'aeb', 0x3801: 'ar-AE', 0x2401: 'ar-YE', 0x042B: 'hy', 0x044D: 'as', 0x082C: 'az-Cyrl', 0x042C: 'az', 0x046D: 'ba', 0x042D: 'eu', 0x0423: 'be', 0x0845: 'bn', 0x0445: 'bn-IN', 0x201A: 'bs-Cyrl', 0x141A: 'bs', 0x047E: 'br', 0x0402: 'bg', 0x0403: 'ca', 0x0C04: 'zh-HK', 0x1404: 'zh-MO', 0x0804: 'zh', 0x1004: 'zh-SG', 0x0404: 'zh-TW', 0x0483: 'co', 0x041A: 'hr', 0x101A: 'hr-BA', 0x0405: 'cs', 0x0406: 'da', 0x048C: 'prs', 0x0465: 'dv', 0x0813: 'nl-BE', 0x0413: 'nl', 0x0C09: 'en-AU', 0x2809: 'en-BZ', 0x1009: 'en-CA', 0x2409: 'en-029', 0x4009: 'en-IN', 0x1809: 'en-IE', 0x2009: 'en-JM', 0x4409: 'en-MY', 0x1409: 'en-NZ', 0x3409: 'en-PH', 0x4809: 'en-SG', 0x1C09: 'en-ZA', 0x2C09: 'en-TT', 0x0809: 'en-GB', 0x0409: 'en', 0x3009: 'en-ZW', 0x0425: 'et', 0x0438: 'fo', 0x0464: 'fil', 0x040B: 'fi', 0x080C: 'fr-BE', 0x0C0C: 'fr-CA', 0x040C: 'fr', 0x140C: 'fr-LU', 0x180C: 'fr-MC', 0x100C: 'fr-CH', 0x0462: 'fy', 0x0456: 'gl', 0x0437: 'ka', 0x0C07: 'de-AT', 0x0407: 'de', 0x1407: 'de-LI', 0x1007: 'de-LU', 0x0807: 'de-CH', 0x0408: 'el', 0x046F: 'kl', 0x0447: 'gu', 0x0468: 'ha', 0x040D: 'he', 0x0439: 'hi', 0x040E: 'hu', 0x040F: 'is', 0x0470: 'ig', 0x0421: 'id', 0x045D: 'iu', 0x085D: 'iu-Latn', 0x083C: 'ga', 0x0434: 'xh', 0x0435: 'zu', 0x0410: 'it', 0x0810: 'it-CH', 0x0411: 'ja', 0x044B: 'kn', 0x043F: 'kk', 0x0453: 'km', 0x0486: 'quc', 0x0487: 'rw', 0x0441: 'sw', 0x0457: 'kok', 0x0412: 'ko', 0x0440: 'ky', 0x0454: 'lo', 0x0426: 'lv', 0x0427: 'lt', 0x082E: 'dsb', 0x046E: 'lb', 0x042F: 'mk', 0x083E: 'ms-BN', 0x043E: 'ms', 0x044C: 'ml', 0x043A: 'mt', 0x0481: 'mi', 0x047A: 'arn', 0x044E: 'mr', 0x047C: 'moh', 0x0450: 'mn', 0x0850: 'mn-CN', 0x0461: 'ne', 0x0414: 'nb', 0x0814: 'nn', 0x0482: 'oc', 0x0448: 'or', 0x0463: 'ps', 0x0415: 'pl', 0x0416: 'pt', 0x0816: 'pt-PT', 0x0446: 'pa', 0x046B: 'qu-BO', 0x086B: 'qu-EC', 0x0C6B: 'qu', 0x0418: 'ro', 0x0417: 'rm', 0x0419: 'ru', 0x243B: 'smn', 0x103B: 'smj-NO', 0x143B: 'smj', 0x0C3B: 'se-FI', 0x043B: 'se', 0x083B: 'se-SE', 0x203B: 'sms', 0x183B: 'sma-NO', 0x1C3B: 'sms', 0x044F: 'sa', 0x1C1A: 'sr-Cyrl-BA', 0x0C1A: 'sr', 0x181A: 'sr-Latn-BA', 0x081A: 'sr-Latn', 0x046C: 'nso', 0x0432: 'tn', 0x045B: 'si', 0x041B: 'sk', 0x0424: 'sl', 0x2C0A: 'es-AR', 0x400A: 'es-BO', 0x340A: 'es-CL', 0x240A: 'es-CO', 0x140A: 'es-CR', 0x1C0A: 'es-DO', 0x300A: 'es-EC', 0x440A: 'es-SV', 0x100A: 'es-GT', 0x480A: 'es-HN', 0x080A: 'es-MX', 0x4C0A: 'es-NI', 0x180A: 'es-PA', 0x3C0A: 'es-PY', 0x280A: 'es-PE', 0x500A: 'es-PR', // Microsoft has defined two different language codes for // “Spanish with modern sorting” and “Spanish with traditional // sorting”. This makes sense for collation APIs, and it would be // possible to express this in BCP 47 language tags via Unicode // extensions (eg., es-u-co-trad is Spanish with traditional // sorting). However, for storing names in fonts, the distinction // does not make sense, so we give “es” in both cases. 0x0C0A: 'es', 0x040A: 'es', 0x540A: 'es-US', 0x380A: 'es-UY', 0x200A: 'es-VE', 0x081D: 'sv-FI', 0x041D: 'sv', 0x045A: 'syr', 0x0428: 'tg', 0x085F: 'tzm', 0x0449: 'ta', 0x0444: 'tt', 0x044A: 'te', 0x041E: 'th', 0x0451: 'bo', 0x041F: 'tr', 0x0442: 'tk', 0x0480: 'ug', 0x0422: 'uk', 0x042E: 'hsb', 0x0420: 'ur', 0x0843: 'uz-Cyrl', 0x0443: 'uz', 0x042A: 'vi', 0x0452: 'cy', 0x0488: 'wo', 0x0485: 'sah', 0x0478: 'ii', 0x046A: 'yo' }; // Returns a IETF BCP 47 language code, for example 'zh-Hant' // for 'Chinese in the traditional script'. function getLanguageCode(platformID, languageID, ltag) { switch (platformID) { case 0: // Unicode if (languageID === 0xFFFF) { return 'und'; } else if (ltag) { return ltag[languageID]; } break; case 1: // Macintosh return macLanguages[languageID]; case 3: // Windows return windowsLanguages[languageID]; } return undefined; } var utf16 = 'utf-16'; // MacOS script ID → encoding. This table stores the default case, // which can be overridden by macLanguageEncodings. var macScriptEncodings = { 0: 'macintosh', // smRoman 1: 'x-mac-japanese', // smJapanese 2: 'x-mac-chinesetrad', // smTradChinese 3: 'x-mac-korean', // smKorean 6: 'x-mac-greek', // smGreek 7: 'x-mac-cyrillic', // smCyrillic 9: 'x-mac-devanagai', // smDevanagari 10: 'x-mac-gurmukhi', // smGurmukhi 11: 'x-mac-gujarati', // smGujarati 12: 'x-mac-oriya', // smOriya 13: 'x-mac-bengali', // smBengali 14: 'x-mac-tamil', // smTamil 15: 'x-mac-telugu', // smTelugu 16: 'x-mac-kannada', // smKannada 17: 'x-mac-malayalam', // smMalayalam 18: 'x-mac-sinhalese', // smSinhalese 19: 'x-mac-burmese', // smBurmese 20: 'x-mac-khmer', // smKhmer 21: 'x-mac-thai', // smThai 22: 'x-mac-lao', // smLao 23: 'x-mac-georgian', // smGeorgian 24: 'x-mac-armenian', // smArmenian 25: 'x-mac-chinesesimp', // smSimpChinese 26: 'x-mac-tibetan', // smTibetan 27: 'x-mac-mongolian', // smMongolian 28: 'x-mac-ethiopic', // smEthiopic 29: 'x-mac-ce', // smCentralEuroRoman 30: 'x-mac-vietnamese', // smVietnamese 31: 'x-mac-extarabic' // smExtArabic }; // MacOS language ID → encoding. This table stores the exceptional // cases, which override macScriptEncodings. For writing MacOS naming // tables, we need to emit a MacOS script ID. Therefore, we cannot // merge macScriptEncodings into macLanguageEncodings. // // var macLanguageEncodings = { 15: 'x-mac-icelandic', // langIcelandic 17: 'x-mac-turkish', // langTurkish 18: 'x-mac-croatian', // langCroatian 24: 'x-mac-ce', // langLithuanian 25: 'x-mac-ce', // langPolish 26: 'x-mac-ce', // langHungarian 27: 'x-mac-ce', // langEstonian 28: 'x-mac-ce', // langLatvian 30: 'x-mac-icelandic', // langFaroese 37: 'x-mac-romanian', // langRomanian 38: 'x-mac-ce', // langCzech 39: 'x-mac-ce', // langSlovak 40: 'x-mac-ce', // langSlovenian 143: 'x-mac-inuit', // langInuktitut 146: 'x-mac-gaelic' // langIrishGaelicScript }; function getEncoding(platformID, encodingID, languageID) { switch (platformID) { case 0: // Unicode return utf16; case 1: // Apple Macintosh return macLanguageEncodings[languageID] || macScriptEncodings[encodingID]; case 3: // Microsoft Windows if (encodingID === 1 || encodingID === 10) { return utf16; } break; } return undefined; } // Parse the naming `name` table. // FIXME: Format 1 additional fields are not supported yet. // ltag is the content of the `ltag' table, such as ['en', 'zh-Hans', 'de-CH-1904']. function parseNameTable(data, start, ltag) { var name = {}; var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); var format = p.parseUShort(); var count = p.parseUShort(); var stringOffset = p.offset + p.parseUShort(); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var platformID = p.parseUShort(); var encodingID = p.parseUShort(); var languageID = p.parseUShort(); var nameID = p.parseUShort(); var property = nameTableNames[nameID] || nameID; var byteLength = p.parseUShort(); var offset = p.parseUShort(); var language = getLanguageCode(platformID, languageID, ltag); var encoding = getEncoding(platformID, encodingID, languageID); if (encoding !== undefined && language !== undefined) { var text; if (encoding === utf16) { text = decode.UTF16(data, stringOffset + offset, byteLength); } else { text = decode.MACSTRING(data, stringOffset + offset, byteLength, encoding); } if (text) { var translations = name[property]; if (translations === undefined) { translations = name[property] = {}; } translations[language] = text; } } } var langTagCount = 0; if (format === 1) { // FIXME: Also handle Microsoft's 'name' table 1. langTagCount = p.parseUShort(); } return name; } // {23: 'foo'} → {'foo': 23} // ['bar', 'baz'] → {'bar': 0, 'baz': 1} function reverseDict(dict) { var result = {}; for (var key in dict) { result[dict[key]] = parseInt(key); } return result; } function makeNameRecord(platformID, encodingID, languageID, nameID, length, offset) { return new table.Table('NameRecord', [ {name: 'platformID', type: 'USHORT', value: platformID}, {name: 'encodingID', type: 'USHORT', value: encodingID}, {name: 'languageID', type: 'USHORT', value: languageID}, {name: 'nameID', type: 'USHORT', value: nameID}, {name: 'length', type: 'USHORT', value: length}, {name: 'offset', type: 'USHORT', value: offset} ]); } // Finds the position of needle in haystack, or -1 if not there. // Like String.indexOf(), but for arrays. function findSubArray(needle, haystack) { var needleLength = needle.length; var limit = haystack.length - needleLength + 1; loop: for (var pos = 0; pos < limit; pos++) { for (; pos < limit; pos++) { for (var k = 0; k < needleLength; k++) { if (haystack[pos + k] !== needle[k]) { continue loop; } } return pos; } } return -1; } function addStringToPool(s, pool) { var offset = findSubArray(s, pool); if (offset < 0) { offset = pool.length; for (var i = 0, len = s.length; i < len; ++i) { pool.push(s[i]); } } return offset; } function makeNameTable(names, ltag) { var nameID; var nameIDs = []; var namesWithNumericKeys = {}; var nameTableIds = reverseDict(nameTableNames); for (var key in names) { var id = nameTableIds[key]; if (id === undefined) { id = key; } nameID = parseInt(id); namesWithNumericKeys[nameID] = names[key]; nameIDs.push(nameID); } var macLanguageIds = reverseDict(macLanguages); var windowsLanguageIds = reverseDict(windowsLanguages); var nameRecords = []; var stringPool = []; for (var i = 0; i < nameIDs.length; i++) { nameID = nameIDs[i]; var translations = namesWithNumericKeys[nameID]; for (var lang in translations) { var text = translations[lang]; // For MacOS, we try to emit the name in the form that was introduced // in the initial version of the TrueType spec (in the late 1980s). // However, this can fail for various reasons: the requested BCP 47 // language code might not have an old-style Mac equivalent; // we might not have a codec for the needed character encoding; // or the name might contain characters that cannot be expressed // in the old-style Macintosh encoding. In case of failure, we emit // the name in a more modern fashion (Unicode encoding with BCP 47 // language tags) that is recognized by MacOS 10.5, released in 2009. // If fonts were only read by operating systems, we could simply // emit all names in the modern form; this would be much easier. // However, there are many applications and libraries that read // 'name' tables directly, and these will usually only recognize // the ancient form (silently skipping the unrecognized names). var macPlatform = 1; // Macintosh var macLanguage = macLanguageIds[lang]; var macScript = macLanguageToScript[macLanguage]; var macEncoding = getEncoding(macPlatform, macScript, macLanguage); var macName = encode.MACSTRING(text, macEncoding); if (macName === undefined) { macPlatform = 0; // Unicode macLanguage = ltag.indexOf(lang); if (macLanguage < 0) { macLanguage = ltag.length; ltag.push(lang); } macScript = 4; // Unicode 2.0 and later macName = encode.UTF16(text); } var macNameOffset = addStringToPool(macName, stringPool); nameRecords.push(makeNameRecord(macPlatform, macScript, macLanguage, nameID, macName.length, macNameOffset)); var winLanguage = windowsLanguageIds[lang]; if (winLanguage !== undefined) { var winName = encode.UTF16(text); var winNameOffset = addStringToPool(winName, stringPool); nameRecords.push(makeNameRecord(3, 1, winLanguage, nameID, winName.length, winNameOffset)); } } } nameRecords.sort(function(a, b) { return ((a.platformID - b.platformID) || (a.encodingID - b.encodingID) || (a.languageID - b.languageID) || (a.nameID - b.nameID)); }); var t = new table.Table('name', [ {name: 'format', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'count', type: 'USHORT', value: nameRecords.length}, {name: 'stringOffset', type: 'USHORT', value: 6 + nameRecords.length * 12} ]); for (var r = 0; r < nameRecords.length; r++) { t.fields.push({name: 'record_' + r, type: 'TABLE', value: nameRecords[r]}); } t.fields.push({name: 'strings', type: 'LITERAL', value: stringPool}); return t; } exports.parse = parseNameTable; exports.make = makeNameTable; },{"../parse":9,"../table":11,"../types":28}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ // The `OS/2` table contains metrics required in OpenType fonts. // 'use strict'; var parse = require('../parse'); var table = require('../table'); var unicodeRanges = [ {begin: 0x0000, end: 0x007F}, // Basic Latin {begin: 0x0080, end: 0x00FF}, // Latin-1 Supplement {begin: 0x0100, end: 0x017F}, // Latin Extended-A {begin: 0x0180, end: 0x024F}, // Latin Extended-B {begin: 0x0250, end: 0x02AF}, // IPA Extensions {begin: 0x02B0, end: 0x02FF}, // Spacing Modifier Letters {begin: 0x0300, end: 0x036F}, // Combining Diacritical Marks {begin: 0x0370, end: 0x03FF}, // Greek and Coptic {begin: 0x2C80, end: 0x2CFF}, // Coptic {begin: 0x0400, end: 0x04FF}, // Cyrillic {begin: 0x0530, end: 0x058F}, // Armenian {begin: 0x0590, end: 0x05FF}, // Hebrew {begin: 0xA500, end: 0xA63F}, // Vai {begin: 0x0600, end: 0x06FF}, // Arabic {begin: 0x07C0, end: 0x07FF}, // NKo {begin: 0x0900, end: 0x097F}, // Devanagari {begin: 0x0980, end: 0x09FF}, // Bengali {begin: 0x0A00, end: 0x0A7F}, // Gurmukhi {begin: 0x0A80, end: 0x0AFF}, // Gujarati {begin: 0x0B00, end: 0x0B7F}, // Oriya {begin: 0x0B80, end: 0x0BFF}, // Tamil {begin: 0x0C00, end: 0x0C7F}, // Telugu {begin: 0x0C80, end: 0x0CFF}, // Kannada {begin: 0x0D00, end: 0x0D7F}, // Malayalam {begin: 0x0E00, end: 0x0E7F}, // Thai {begin: 0x0E80, end: 0x0EFF}, // Lao {begin: 0x10A0, end: 0x10FF}, // Georgian {begin: 0x1B00, end: 0x1B7F}, // Balinese {begin: 0x1100, end: 0x11FF}, // Hangul Jamo {begin: 0x1E00, end: 0x1EFF}, // Latin Extended Additional {begin: 0x1F00, end: 0x1FFF}, // Greek Extended {begin: 0x2000, end: 0x206F}, // General Punctuation {begin: 0x2070, end: 0x209F}, // Superscripts And Subscripts {begin: 0x20A0, end: 0x20CF}, // Currency Symbol {begin: 0x20D0, end: 0x20FF}, // Combining Diacritical Marks For Symbols {begin: 0x2100, end: 0x214F}, // Letterlike Symbols {begin: 0x2150, end: 0x218F}, // Number Forms {begin: 0x2190, end: 0x21FF}, // Arrows {begin: 0x2200, end: 0x22FF}, // Mathematical Operators {begin: 0x2300, end: 0x23FF}, // Miscellaneous Technical {begin: 0x2400, end: 0x243F}, // Control Pictures {begin: 0x2440, end: 0x245F}, // Optical Character Recognition {begin: 0x2460, end: 0x24FF}, // Enclosed Alphanumerics {begin: 0x2500, end: 0x257F}, // Box Drawing {begin: 0x2580, end: 0x259F}, // Block Elements {begin: 0x25A0, end: 0x25FF}, // Geometric Shapes {begin: 0x2600, end: 0x26FF}, // Miscellaneous Symbols {begin: 0x2700, end: 0x27BF}, // Dingbats {begin: 0x3000, end: 0x303F}, // CJK Symbols And Punctuation {begin: 0x3040, end: 0x309F}, // Hiragana {begin: 0x30A0, end: 0x30FF}, // Katakana {begin: 0x3100, end: 0x312F}, // Bopomofo {begin: 0x3130, end: 0x318F}, // Hangul Compatibility Jamo {begin: 0xA840, end: 0xA87F}, // Phags-pa {begin: 0x3200, end: 0x32FF}, // Enclosed CJK Letters And Months {begin: 0x3300, end: 0x33FF}, // CJK Compatibility {begin: 0xAC00, end: 0xD7AF}, // Hangul Syllables {begin: 0xD800, end: 0xDFFF}, // Non-Plane 0 * {begin: 0x10900, end: 0x1091F}, // Phoenicia {begin: 0x4E00, end: 0x9FFF}, // CJK Unified Ideographs {begin: 0xE000, end: 0xF8FF}, // Private Use Area (plane 0) {begin: 0x31C0, end: 0x31EF}, // CJK Strokes {begin: 0xFB00, end: 0xFB4F}, // Alphabetic Presentation Forms {begin: 0xFB50, end: 0xFDFF}, // Arabic Presentation Forms-A {begin: 0xFE20, end: 0xFE2F}, // Combining Half Marks {begin: 0xFE10, end: 0xFE1F}, // Vertical Forms {begin: 0xFE50, end: 0xFE6F}, // Small Form Variants {begin: 0xFE70, end: 0xFEFF}, // Arabic Presentation Forms-B {begin: 0xFF00, end: 0xFFEF}, // Halfwidth And Fullwidth Forms {begin: 0xFFF0, end: 0xFFFF}, // Specials {begin: 0x0F00, end: 0x0FFF}, // Tibetan {begin: 0x0700, end: 0x074F}, // Syriac {begin: 0x0780, end: 0x07BF}, // Thaana {begin: 0x0D80, end: 0x0DFF}, // Sinhala {begin: 0x1000, end: 0x109F}, // Myanmar {begin: 0x1200, end: 0x137F}, // Ethiopic {begin: 0x13A0, end: 0x13FF}, // Cherokee {begin: 0x1400, end: 0x167F}, // Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics {begin: 0x1680, end: 0x169F}, // Ogham {begin: 0x16A0, end: 0x16FF}, // Runic {begin: 0x1780, end: 0x17FF}, // Khmer {begin: 0x1800, end: 0x18AF}, // Mongolian {begin: 0x2800, end: 0x28FF}, // Braille Patterns {begin: 0xA000, end: 0xA48F}, // Yi Syllables {begin: 0x1700, end: 0x171F}, // Tagalog {begin: 0x10300, end: 0x1032F}, // Old Italic {begin: 0x10330, end: 0x1034F}, // Gothic {begin: 0x10400, end: 0x1044F}, // Deseret {begin: 0x1D000, end: 0x1D0FF}, // Byzantine Musical Symbols {begin: 0x1D400, end: 0x1D7FF}, // Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols {begin: 0xFF000, end: 0xFFFFD}, // Private Use (plane 15) {begin: 0xFE00, end: 0xFE0F}, // Variation Selectors {begin: 0xE0000, end: 0xE007F}, // Tags {begin: 0x1900, end: 0x194F}, // Limbu {begin: 0x1950, end: 0x197F}, // Tai Le {begin: 0x1980, end: 0x19DF}, // New Tai Lue {begin: 0x1A00, end: 0x1A1F}, // Buginese {begin: 0x2C00, end: 0x2C5F}, // Glagolitic {begin: 0x2D30, end: 0x2D7F}, // Tifinagh {begin: 0x4DC0, end: 0x4DFF}, // Yijing Hexagram Symbols {begin: 0xA800, end: 0xA82F}, // Syloti Nagri {begin: 0x10000, end: 0x1007F}, // Linear B Syllabary {begin: 0x10140, end: 0x1018F}, // Ancient Greek Numbers {begin: 0x10380, end: 0x1039F}, // Ugaritic {begin: 0x103A0, end: 0x103DF}, // Old Persian {begin: 0x10450, end: 0x1047F}, // Shavian {begin: 0x10480, end: 0x104AF}, // Osmanya {begin: 0x10800, end: 0x1083F}, // Cypriot Syllabary {begin: 0x10A00, end: 0x10A5F}, // Kharoshthi {begin: 0x1D300, end: 0x1D35F}, // Tai Xuan Jing Symbols {begin: 0x12000, end: 0x123FF}, // Cuneiform {begin: 0x1D360, end: 0x1D37F}, // Counting Rod Numerals {begin: 0x1B80, end: 0x1BBF}, // Sundanese {begin: 0x1C00, end: 0x1C4F}, // Lepcha {begin: 0x1C50, end: 0x1C7F}, // Ol Chiki {begin: 0xA880, end: 0xA8DF}, // Saurashtra {begin: 0xA900, end: 0xA92F}, // Kayah Li {begin: 0xA930, end: 0xA95F}, // Rejang {begin: 0xAA00, end: 0xAA5F}, // Cham {begin: 0x10190, end: 0x101CF}, // Ancient Symbols {begin: 0x101D0, end: 0x101FF}, // Phaistos Disc {begin: 0x102A0, end: 0x102DF}, // Carian {begin: 0x1F030, end: 0x1F09F} // Domino Tiles ]; function getUnicodeRange(unicode) { for (var i = 0; i < unicodeRanges.length; i += 1) { var range = unicodeRanges[i]; if (unicode >= range.begin && unicode < range.end) { return i; } } return -1; } // Parse the OS/2 and Windows metrics `OS/2` table function parseOS2Table(data, start) { var os2 = {}; var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); os2.version = p.parseUShort(); os2.xAvgCharWidth = p.parseShort(); os2.usWeightClass = p.parseUShort(); os2.usWidthClass = p.parseUShort(); os2.fsType = p.parseUShort(); os2.ySubscriptXSize = p.parseShort(); os2.ySubscriptYSize = p.parseShort(); os2.ySubscriptXOffset = p.parseShort(); os2.ySubscriptYOffset = p.parseShort(); os2.ySuperscriptXSize = p.parseShort(); os2.ySuperscriptYSize = p.parseShort(); os2.ySuperscriptXOffset = p.parseShort(); os2.ySuperscriptYOffset = p.parseShort(); os2.yStrikeoutSize = p.parseShort(); os2.yStrikeoutPosition = p.parseShort(); os2.sFamilyClass = p.parseShort(); os2.panose = []; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { os2.panose[i] = p.parseByte(); } os2.ulUnicodeRange1 = p.parseULong(); os2.ulUnicodeRange2 = p.parseULong(); os2.ulUnicodeRange3 = p.parseULong(); os2.ulUnicodeRange4 = p.parseULong(); os2.achVendID = String.fromCharCode(p.parseByte(), p.parseByte(), p.parseByte(), p.parseByte()); os2.fsSelection = p.parseUShort(); os2.usFirstCharIndex = p.parseUShort(); os2.usLastCharIndex = p.parseUShort(); os2.sTypoAscender = p.parseShort(); os2.sTypoDescender = p.parseShort(); os2.sTypoLineGap = p.parseShort(); os2.usWinAscent = p.parseUShort(); os2.usWinDescent = p.parseUShort(); if (os2.version >= 1) { os2.ulCodePageRange1 = p.parseULong(); os2.ulCodePageRange2 = p.parseULong(); } if (os2.version >= 2) { os2.sxHeight = p.parseShort(); os2.sCapHeight = p.parseShort(); os2.usDefaultChar = p.parseUShort(); os2.usBreakChar = p.parseUShort(); os2.usMaxContent = p.parseUShort(); } return os2; } function makeOS2Table(options) { return new table.Table('OS/2', [ {name: 'version', type: 'USHORT', value: 0x0003}, {name: 'xAvgCharWidth', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'usWeightClass', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'usWidthClass', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'fsType', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'ySubscriptXSize', type: 'SHORT', value: 650}, {name: 'ySubscriptYSize', type: 'SHORT', value: 699}, {name: 'ySubscriptXOffset', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'ySubscriptYOffset', type: 'SHORT', value: 140}, {name: 'ySuperscriptXSize', type: 'SHORT', value: 650}, {name: 'ySuperscriptYSize', type: 'SHORT', value: 699}, {name: 'ySuperscriptXOffset', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'ySuperscriptYOffset', type: 'SHORT', value: 479}, {name: 'yStrikeoutSize', type: 'SHORT', value: 49}, {name: 'yStrikeoutPosition', type: 'SHORT', value: 258}, {name: 'sFamilyClass', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'bFamilyType', type: 'BYTE', value: 0}, {name: 'bSerifStyle', type: 'BYTE', value: 0}, {name: 'bWeight', type: 'BYTE', value: 0}, {name: 'bProportion', type: 'BYTE', value: 0}, {name: 'bContrast', type: 'BYTE', value: 0}, {name: 'bStrokeVariation', type: 'BYTE', value: 0}, {name: 'bArmStyle', type: 'BYTE', value: 0}, {name: 'bLetterform', type: 'BYTE', value: 0}, {name: 'bMidline', type: 'BYTE', value: 0}, {name: 'bXHeight', type: 'BYTE', value: 0}, {name: 'ulUnicodeRange1', type: 'ULONG', value: 0}, {name: 'ulUnicodeRange2', type: 'ULONG', value: 0}, {name: 'ulUnicodeRange3', type: 'ULONG', value: 0}, {name: 'ulUnicodeRange4', type: 'ULONG', value: 0}, {name: 'achVendID', type: 'CHARARRAY', value: 'XXXX'}, {name: 'fsSelection', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'usFirstCharIndex', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'usLastCharIndex', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'sTypoAscender', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'sTypoDescender', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'sTypoLineGap', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'usWinAscent', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'usWinDescent', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'ulCodePageRange1', type: 'ULONG', value: 0}, {name: 'ulCodePageRange2', type: 'ULONG', value: 0}, {name: 'sxHeight', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'sCapHeight', type: 'SHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'usDefaultChar', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'usBreakChar', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'usMaxContext', type: 'USHORT', value: 0} ], options); } exports.unicodeRanges = unicodeRanges; exports.getUnicodeRange = getUnicodeRange; exports.parse = parseOS2Table; exports.make = makeOS2Table; },{"../parse":9,"../table":11}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ // The `post` table stores additional PostScript information, such as glyph names. // 'use strict'; var encoding = require('../encoding'); var parse = require('../parse'); var table = require('../table'); // Parse the PostScript `post` table function parsePostTable(data, start) { var post = {}; var p = new parse.Parser(data, start); var i; post.version = p.parseVersion(); post.italicAngle = p.parseFixed(); post.underlinePosition = p.parseShort(); post.underlineThickness = p.parseShort(); post.isFixedPitch = p.parseULong(); post.minMemType42 = p.parseULong(); post.maxMemType42 = p.parseULong(); post.minMemType1 = p.parseULong(); post.maxMemType1 = p.parseULong(); switch (post.version) { case 1: post.names = encoding.standardNames.slice(); break; case 2: post.numberOfGlyphs = p.parseUShort(); post.glyphNameIndex = new Array(post.numberOfGlyphs); for (i = 0; i < post.numberOfGlyphs; i++) { post.glyphNameIndex[i] = p.parseUShort(); } post.names = []; for (i = 0; i < post.numberOfGlyphs; i++) { if (post.glyphNameIndex[i] >= encoding.standardNames.length) { var nameLength = p.parseChar(); post.names.push(p.parseString(nameLength)); } } break; case 2.5: post.numberOfGlyphs = p.parseUShort(); post.offset = new Array(post.numberOfGlyphs); for (i = 0; i < post.numberOfGlyphs; i++) { post.offset[i] = p.parseChar(); } break; } return post; } function makePostTable() { return new table.Table('post', [ {name: 'version', type: 'FIXED', value: 0x00030000}, {name: 'italicAngle', type: 'FIXED', value: 0}, {name: 'underlinePosition', type: 'FWORD', value: 0}, {name: 'underlineThickness', type: 'FWORD', value: 0}, {name: 'isFixedPitch', type: 'ULONG', value: 0}, {name: 'minMemType42', type: 'ULONG', value: 0}, {name: 'maxMemType42', type: 'ULONG', value: 0}, {name: 'minMemType1', type: 'ULONG', value: 0}, {name: 'maxMemType1', type: 'ULONG', value: 0} ]); } exports.parse = parsePostTable; exports.make = makePostTable; },{"../encoding":4,"../parse":9,"../table":11}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ // The `sfnt` wrapper provides organization for the tables in the font. // It is the top-level data structure in a font. // // Recommendations for creating OpenType Fonts: // 'use strict'; var check = require('../check'); var table = require('../table'); var cmap = require('./cmap'); var cff = require('./cff'); var head = require('./head'); var hhea = require('./hhea'); var hmtx = require('./hmtx'); var ltag = require('./ltag'); var maxp = require('./maxp'); var _name = require('./name'); var os2 = require('./os2'); var post = require('./post'); function log2(v) { return Math.log(v) / Math.log(2) | 0; } function computeCheckSum(bytes) { while (bytes.length % 4 !== 0) { bytes.push(0); } var sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 4) { sum += (bytes[i] << 24) + (bytes[i + 1] << 16) + (bytes[i + 2] << 8) + (bytes[i + 3]); } sum %= Math.pow(2, 32); return sum; } function makeTableRecord(tag, checkSum, offset, length) { return new table.Table('Table Record', [ {name: 'tag', type: 'TAG', value: tag !== undefined ? tag : ''}, {name: 'checkSum', type: 'ULONG', value: checkSum !== undefined ? checkSum : 0}, {name: 'offset', type: 'ULONG', value: offset !== undefined ? offset : 0}, {name: 'length', type: 'ULONG', value: length !== undefined ? length : 0} ]); } function makeSfntTable(tables) { var sfnt = new table.Table('sfnt', [ {name: 'version', type: 'TAG', value: 'OTTO'}, {name: 'numTables', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'searchRange', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'entrySelector', type: 'USHORT', value: 0}, {name: 'rangeShift', type: 'USHORT', value: 0} ]); sfnt.tables = tables; sfnt.numTables = tables.length; var highestPowerOf2 = Math.pow(2, log2(sfnt.numTables)); sfnt.searchRange = 16 * highestPowerOf2; sfnt.entrySelector = log2(highestPowerOf2); sfnt.rangeShift = sfnt.numTables * 16 - sfnt.searchRange; var recordFields = []; var tableFields = []; var offset = sfnt.sizeOf() + (makeTableRecord().sizeOf() * sfnt.numTables); while (offset % 4 !== 0) { offset += 1; tableFields.push({name: 'padding', type: 'BYTE', value: 0}); } for (var i = 0; i < tables.length; i += 1) { var t = tables[i]; check.argument(t.tableName.length === 4, 'Table name' + t.tableName + ' is invalid.'); var tableLength = t.sizeOf(); var tableRecord = makeTableRecord(t.tableName, computeCheckSum(t.encode()), offset, tableLength); recordFields.push({name: tableRecord.tag + ' Table Record', type: 'TABLE', value: tableRecord}); tableFields.push({name: t.tableName + ' table', type: 'TABLE', value: t}); offset += tableLength; check.argument(!isNaN(offset), 'Something went wrong calculating the offset.'); while (offset % 4 !== 0) { offset += 1; tableFields.push({name: 'padding', type: 'BYTE', value: 0}); } } // Table records need to be sorted alphabetically. recordFields.sort(function(r1, r2) { if (r1.value.tag > r2.value.tag) { return 1; } else { return -1; } }); sfnt.fields = sfnt.fields.concat(recordFields); sfnt.fields = sfnt.fields.concat(tableFields); return sfnt; } // Get the metrics for a character. If the string has more than one character // this function returns metrics for the first available character. // You can provide optional fallback metrics if no characters are available. function metricsForChar(font, chars, notFoundMetrics) { for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i += 1) { var glyphIndex = font.charToGlyphIndex(chars[i]); if (glyphIndex > 0) { var glyph = font.glyphs.get(glyphIndex); return glyph.getMetrics(); } } return notFoundMetrics; } function average(vs) { var sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < vs.length; i += 1) { sum += vs[i]; } return sum / vs.length; } // Convert the font object to a SFNT data structure. // This structure contains all the necessary tables and metadata to create a binary OTF file. function fontToSfntTable(font) { var xMins = []; var yMins = []; var xMaxs = []; var yMaxs = []; var advanceWidths = []; var leftSideBearings = []; var rightSideBearings = []; var firstCharIndex; var lastCharIndex = 0; var ulUnicodeRange1 = 0; var ulUnicodeRange2 = 0; var ulUnicodeRange3 = 0; var ulUnicodeRange4 = 0; for (var i = 0; i < font.glyphs.length; i += 1) { var glyph = font.glyphs.get(i); var unicode = glyph.unicode | 0; if (firstCharIndex > unicode || firstCharIndex === null) { firstCharIndex = unicode; } if (lastCharIndex < unicode) { lastCharIndex = unicode; } var position = os2.getUnicodeRange(unicode); if (position < 32) { ulUnicodeRange1 |= 1 << position; } else if (position < 64) { ulUnicodeRange2 |= 1 << position - 32; } else if (position < 96) { ulUnicodeRange3 |= 1 << position - 64; } else if (position < 123) { ulUnicodeRange4 |= 1 << position - 96; } else { throw new Error('Unicode ranges bits > 123 are reserved for internal usage'); } // Skip non-important characters. if ( === '.notdef') continue; var metrics = glyph.getMetrics(); xMins.push(metrics.xMin); yMins.push(metrics.yMin); xMaxs.push(metrics.xMax); yMaxs.push(metrics.yMax); leftSideBearings.push(metrics.leftSideBearing); rightSideBearings.push(metrics.rightSideBearing); advanceWidths.push(glyph.advanceWidth); } var globals = { xMin: Math.min.apply(null, xMins), yMin: Math.min.apply(null, yMins), xMax: Math.max.apply(null, xMaxs), yMax: Math.max.apply(null, yMaxs), advanceWidthMax: Math.max.apply(null, advanceWidths), advanceWidthAvg: average(advanceWidths), minLeftSideBearing: Math.min.apply(null, leftSideBearings), maxLeftSideBearing: Math.max.apply(null, leftSideBearings), minRightSideBearing: Math.min.apply(null, rightSideBearings) }; globals.ascender = font.ascender !== undefined ? font.ascender : globals.yMax; globals.descender = font.descender !== undefined ? font.descender : globals.yMin; var headTable = head.make({ flags: 3, // 00000011 (baseline for font at y=0; left sidebearing point at x=0) unitsPerEm: font.unitsPerEm, xMin: globals.xMin, yMin: globals.yMin, xMax: globals.xMax, yMax: globals.yMax, lowestRecPPEM: 3 }); var hheaTable = hhea.make({ ascender: globals.ascender, descender: globals.descender, advanceWidthMax: globals.advanceWidthMax, minLeftSideBearing: globals.minLeftSideBearing, minRightSideBearing: globals.minRightSideBearing, xMaxExtent: globals.maxLeftSideBearing + (globals.xMax - globals.xMin), numberOfHMetrics: font.glyphs.length }); var maxpTable = maxp.make(font.glyphs.length); var os2Table = os2.make({ xAvgCharWidth: Math.round(globals.advanceWidthAvg), usWeightClass: 500, // Medium FIXME Make this configurable usWidthClass: 5, // Medium (normal) FIXME Make this configurable usFirstCharIndex: firstCharIndex, usLastCharIndex: lastCharIndex, ulUnicodeRange1: ulUnicodeRange1, ulUnicodeRange2: ulUnicodeRange2, ulUnicodeRange3: ulUnicodeRange3, ulUnicodeRange4: ulUnicodeRange4, fsSelection: 64, // REGULAR // See for more info on vertical metrics. // We get metrics for typical characters (such as "x" for xHeight). // We provide some fallback characters if characters are unavailable: their // ordering was chosen experimentally. sTypoAscender: globals.ascender, sTypoDescender: globals.descender, sTypoLineGap: 0, usWinAscent: globals.yMax, usWinDescent: Math.abs(globals.yMin), ulCodePageRange1: 1, // FIXME: hard-code Latin 1 support for now sxHeight: metricsForChar(font, 'xyvw', {yMax: Math.round(globals.ascender / 2)}).yMax, sCapHeight: metricsForChar(font, 'HIKLEFJMNTZBDPRAGOQSUVWXY', globals).yMax, usDefaultChar: font.hasChar(' ') ? 32 : 0, // Use space as the default character, if available. usBreakChar: font.hasChar(' ') ? 32 : 0 // Use space as the break character, if available. }); var hmtxTable = hmtx.make(font.glyphs); var cmapTable = cmap.make(font.glyphs); var englishFamilyName = font.getEnglishName('fontFamily'); var englishStyleName = font.getEnglishName('fontSubfamily'); var englishFullName = englishFamilyName + ' ' + englishStyleName; var postScriptName = font.getEnglishName('postScriptName'); if (!postScriptName) { postScriptName = englishFamilyName.replace(/\s/g, '') + '-' + englishStyleName; } var names = {}; for (var n in font.names) { names[n] = font.names[n]; } if (!names.uniqueID) { names.uniqueID = {en: font.getEnglishName('manufacturer') + ':' + englishFullName}; } if (!names.postScriptName) { names.postScriptName = {en: postScriptName}; } if (!names.preferredFamily) { names.preferredFamily = font.names.fontFamily; } if (!names.preferredSubfamily) { names.preferredSubfamily = font.names.fontSubfamily; } var languageTags = []; var nameTable = _name.make(names, languageTags); var ltagTable = (languageTags.length > 0 ? ltag.make(languageTags) : undefined); var postTable = post.make(); var cffTable = cff.make(font.glyphs, { version: font.getEnglishName('version'), fullName: englishFullName, familyName: englishFamilyName, weightName: englishStyleName, postScriptName: postScriptName, unitsPerEm: font.unitsPerEm, fontBBox: [0, globals.yMin, globals.ascender, globals.advanceWidthMax] }); // The order does not matter because makeSfntTable() will sort them. var tables = [headTable, hheaTable, maxpTable, os2Table, nameTable, cmapTable, postTable, cffTable, hmtxTable]; if (ltagTable) { tables.push(ltagTable); } var sfntTable = makeSfntTable(tables); // Compute the font's checkSum and store it in head.checkSumAdjustment. var bytes = sfntTable.encode(); var checkSum = computeCheckSum(bytes); var tableFields = sfntTable.fields; var checkSumAdjusted = false; for (i = 0; i < tableFields.length; i += 1) { if (tableFields[i].name === 'head table') { tableFields[i].value.checkSumAdjustment = 0xB1B0AFBA - checkSum; checkSumAdjusted = true; break; } } if (!checkSumAdjusted) { throw new Error('Could not find head table with checkSum to adjust.'); } return sfntTable; } exports.computeCheckSum = computeCheckSum; exports.make = makeSfntTable; exports.fontToTable = fontToSfntTable; },{"../check":2,"../table":11,"./cff":12,"./cmap":13,"./head":17,"./hhea":18,"./hmtx":19,"./ltag":22,"./maxp":23,"./name":24,"./os2":25,"./post":26}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ // Data types used in the OpenType font file. // All OpenType fonts use Motorola-style byte ordering (Big Endian) /* global WeakMap */ 'use strict'; var check = require('./check'); var LIMIT16 = 32768; // The limit at which a 16-bit number switches signs == 2^15 var LIMIT32 = 2147483648; // The limit at which a 32-bit number switches signs == 2 ^ 31 var decode = {}; var encode = {}; var sizeOf = {}; // Return a function that always returns the same value. function constant(v) { return function() { return v; }; } // OpenType data types ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Convert an 8-bit unsigned integer to a list of 1 byte. encode.BYTE = function(v) { check.argument(v >= 0 && v <= 255, 'Byte value should be between 0 and 255.'); return [v]; }; sizeOf.BYTE = constant(1); // Convert a 8-bit signed integer to a list of 1 byte. encode.CHAR = function(v) { return [v.charCodeAt(0)]; }; sizeOf.CHAR = constant(1); // Convert an ASCII string to a list of bytes. encode.CHARARRAY = function(v) { var b = []; for (var i = 0; i < v.length; i += 1) { b.push(v.charCodeAt(i)); } return b; }; sizeOf.CHARARRAY = function(v) { return v.length; }; // Convert a 16-bit unsigned integer to a list of 2 bytes. encode.USHORT = function(v) { return [(v >> 8) & 0xFF, v & 0xFF]; }; sizeOf.USHORT = constant(2); // Convert a 16-bit signed integer to a list of 2 bytes. encode.SHORT = function(v) { // Two's complement if (v >= LIMIT16) { v = -(2 * LIMIT16 - v); } return [(v >> 8) & 0xFF, v & 0xFF]; }; sizeOf.SHORT = constant(2); // Convert a 24-bit unsigned integer to a list of 3 bytes. encode.UINT24 = function(v) { return [(v >> 16) & 0xFF, (v >> 8) & 0xFF, v & 0xFF]; }; sizeOf.UINT24 = constant(3); // Convert a 32-bit unsigned integer to a list of 4 bytes. encode.ULONG = function(v) { return [(v >> 24) & 0xFF, (v >> 16) & 0xFF, (v >> 8) & 0xFF, v & 0xFF]; }; sizeOf.ULONG = constant(4); // Convert a 32-bit unsigned integer to a list of 4 bytes. encode.LONG = function(v) { // Two's complement if (v >= LIMIT32) { v = -(2 * LIMIT32 - v); } return [(v >> 24) & 0xFF, (v >> 16) & 0xFF, (v >> 8) & 0xFF, v & 0xFF]; }; sizeOf.LONG = constant(4); encode.FIXED = encode.ULONG; sizeOf.FIXED = sizeOf.ULONG; encode.FWORD = encode.SHORT; sizeOf.FWORD = sizeOf.SHORT; encode.UFWORD = encode.USHORT; sizeOf.UFWORD = sizeOf.USHORT; // FIXME Implement LONGDATETIME encode.LONGDATETIME = function() { return [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; }; sizeOf.LONGDATETIME = constant(8); // Convert a 4-char tag to a list of 4 bytes. encode.TAG = function(v) { check.argument(v.length === 4, 'Tag should be exactly 4 ASCII characters.'); return [v.charCodeAt(0), v.charCodeAt(1), v.charCodeAt(2), v.charCodeAt(3)]; }; sizeOf.TAG = constant(4); // CFF data types /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// encode.Card8 = encode.BYTE; sizeOf.Card8 = sizeOf.BYTE; encode.Card16 = encode.USHORT; sizeOf.Card16 = sizeOf.USHORT; encode.OffSize = encode.BYTE; sizeOf.OffSize = sizeOf.BYTE; encode.SID = encode.USHORT; sizeOf.SID = sizeOf.USHORT; // Convert a numeric operand or charstring number to a variable-size list of bytes. encode.NUMBER = function(v) { if (v >= -107 && v <= 107) { return [v + 139]; } else if (v >= 108 && v <= 1131) { v = v - 108; return [(v >> 8) + 247, v & 0xFF]; } else if (v >= -1131 && v <= -108) { v = -v - 108; return [(v >> 8) + 251, v & 0xFF]; } else if (v >= -32768 && v <= 32767) { return encode.NUMBER16(v); } else { return encode.NUMBER32(v); } }; sizeOf.NUMBER = function(v) { return encode.NUMBER(v).length; }; // Convert a signed number between -32768 and +32767 to a three-byte value. // This ensures we always use three bytes, but is not the most compact format. encode.NUMBER16 = function(v) { return [28, (v >> 8) & 0xFF, v & 0xFF]; }; sizeOf.NUMBER16 = constant(3); // Convert a signed number between -(2^31) and +(2^31-1) to a five-byte value. // This is useful if you want to be sure you always use four bytes, // at the expense of wasting a few bytes for smaller numbers. encode.NUMBER32 = function(v) { return [29, (v >> 24) & 0xFF, (v >> 16) & 0xFF, (v >> 8) & 0xFF, v & 0xFF]; }; sizeOf.NUMBER32 = constant(5); encode.REAL = function(v) { var value = v.toString(); // Some numbers use an epsilon to encode the value. (e.g. JavaScript will store 0.0000001 as 1e-7) // This code converts it back to a number without the epsilon. var m = /\.(\d*?)(?:9{5,20}|0{5,20})\d{0,2}(?:e(.+)|$)/.exec(value); if (m) { var epsilon = parseFloat('1e' + ((m[2] ? +m[2] : 0) + m[1].length)); value = (Math.round(v * epsilon) / epsilon).toString(); } var nibbles = ''; var i; var ii; for (i = 0, ii = value.length; i < ii; i += 1) { var c = value[i]; if (c === 'e') { nibbles += value[++i] === '-' ? 'c' : 'b'; } else if (c === '.') { nibbles += 'a'; } else if (c === '-') { nibbles += 'e'; } else { nibbles += c; } } nibbles += (nibbles.length & 1) ? 'f' : 'ff'; var out = [30]; for (i = 0, ii = nibbles.length; i < ii; i += 2) { out.push(parseInt(nibbles.substr(i, 2), 16)); } return out; }; sizeOf.REAL = function(v) { return encode.REAL(v).length; }; encode.NAME = encode.CHARARRAY; sizeOf.NAME = sizeOf.CHARARRAY; encode.STRING = encode.CHARARRAY; sizeOf.STRING = sizeOf.CHARARRAY; decode.UTF16 = function(data, offset, numBytes) { var codePoints = []; var numChars = numBytes / 2; for (var j = 0; j < numChars; j++, offset += 2) { codePoints[j] = data.getUint16(offset); } return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, codePoints); }; // Convert a JavaScript string to UTF16-BE. encode.UTF16 = function(v) { var b = []; for (var i = 0; i < v.length; i += 1) { var codepoint = v.charCodeAt(i); b.push((codepoint >> 8) & 0xFF); b.push(codepoint & 0xFF); } return b; }; sizeOf.UTF16 = function(v) { return v.length * 2; }; // Data for converting old eight-bit Macintosh encodings to Unicode. // This representation is optimized for decoding; encoding is slower // and needs more memory. The assumption is that all opentype.js users // want to open fonts, but saving a font will be comperatively rare // so it can be more expensive. Keyed by IANA character set name. // // Python script for generating these strings: // // s = u''.join([chr(c).decode('mac_greek') for c in range(128, 256)]) // print(s.encode('utf-8')) var eightBitMacEncodings = { 'x-mac-croatian': // Python: 'mac_croatian' 'ÄÅÇÉÑÖÜáàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñóòôöõúùûü†°¢£§•¶ß®Š™´¨≠ŽØ∞±≤≥∆µ∂∑∏š∫ªºΩžø' + '¿¡¬√ƒ≈Ć«Č… ÀÃÕŒœĐ—“”‘’÷◊©⁄€‹›Æ»–·‚„‰ÂćÁčÈÍÎÏÌÓÔđÒÚÛÙıˆ˜¯πË˚¸Êæˇ', 'x-mac-cyrillic': // Python: 'mac_cyrillic' 'АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ†°Ґ£§•¶І®©™Ђђ≠Ѓѓ∞±≤≥іµґЈЄєЇїЉљЊњ' + 'јЅ¬√ƒ≈∆«»… ЋћЌќѕ–—“”‘’÷„ЎўЏџ№Ёёяабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэю', 'x-mac-gaelic': // 'ÄÅÇÉÑÖÜáàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñóòôöõúùûü†°¢£§•¶ß®©™´¨≠ÆØḂ±≤≥ḃĊċḊḋḞḟĠġṀæø' + 'ṁṖṗɼƒſṠ«»… ÀÃÕŒœ–—“”‘’ṡẛÿŸṪ€‹›Ŷŷṫ·Ỳỳ⁊ÂÊÁËÈÍÎÏÌÓÔ♣ÒÚÛÙıÝýŴŵẄẅẀẁẂẃ', 'x-mac-greek': // Python: 'mac_greek' 'Ĺ²É³ÖÜ΅àâä΄¨çéèê룙î‰ôö¦€ùûü†ΓΔΘΛΞΠß®©ΣΪ§≠°·Α±≤≥¥ΒΕΖΗΙΚΜΦΫΨΩ' + 'άΝ¬ΟΡ≈Τ«»… ΥΧΆΈœ–―“”‘’÷ΉΊΌΎέήίόΏύαβψδεφγηιξκλμνοπώρστθωςχυζϊϋΐΰ\u00AD', 'x-mac-icelandic': // Python: 'mac_iceland' 'ÄÅÇÉÑÖÜáàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñóòôöõúùûüÝ°¢£§•¶ß®©™´¨≠ÆØ∞±≤≥¥µ∂∑∏π∫ªºΩæø' + '¿¡¬√ƒ≈∆«»… ÀÃÕŒœ–—“”‘’÷◊ÿŸ⁄€ÐðÞþý·‚„‰ÂÊÁËÈÍÎÏÌÓÔÒÚÛÙıˆ˜¯˘˙˚¸˝˛ˇ', 'x-mac-inuit': // 'ᐃᐄᐅᐆᐊᐋᐱᐲᐳᐴᐸᐹᑉᑎᑏᑐᑑᑕᑖᑦᑭᑮᑯᑰᑲᑳᒃᒋᒌᒍᒎᒐᒑ°ᒡᒥᒦ•¶ᒧ®©™ᒨᒪᒫᒻᓂᓃᓄᓅᓇᓈᓐᓯᓰᓱᓲᓴᓵᔅᓕᓖᓗ' + 'ᓘᓚᓛᓪᔨᔩᔪᔫᔭ… ᔮᔾᕕᕖᕗ–—“”‘’ᕘᕙᕚᕝᕆᕇᕈᕉᕋᕌᕐᕿᖀᖁᖂᖃᖄᖅᖏᖐᖑᖒᖓᖔᖕᙱᙲᙳᙴᙵᙶᖖᖠᖡᖢᖣᖤᖥᖦᕼŁł', 'x-mac-ce': // Python: 'mac_latin2' 'ÄĀāÉĄÖÜáąČäčĆć鏟ĎíďĒēĖóėôöõúĚěü†°Ę£§•¶ß®©™ę¨≠ģĮįĪ≤≥īĶ∂∑łĻļĽľĹĺŅ' + 'ņѬ√ńŇ∆«»… ňŐÕőŌ–—“”‘’÷◊ōŔŕŘ‹›řŖŗŠ‚„šŚśÁŤťÍŽžŪÓÔūŮÚůŰűŲųÝýķŻŁżĢˇ', macintosh: // Python: 'mac_roman' 'ÄÅÇÉÑÖÜáàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñóòôöõúùûü†°¢£§•¶ß®©™´¨≠ÆØ∞±≤≥¥µ∂∑∏π∫ªºΩæø' + '¿¡¬√ƒ≈∆«»… ÀÃÕŒœ–—“”‘’÷◊ÿŸ⁄€‹›fifl‡·‚„‰ÂÊÁËÈÍÎÏÌÓÔÒÚÛÙıˆ˜¯˘˙˚¸˝˛ˇ', 'x-mac-romanian': // Python: 'mac_romanian' 'ÄÅÇÉÑÖÜáàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñóòôöõúùûü†°¢£§•¶ß®©™´¨≠ĂȘ∞±≤≥¥µ∂∑∏π∫ªºΩăș' + '¿¡¬√ƒ≈∆«»… ÀÃÕŒœ–—“”‘’÷◊ÿŸ⁄€‹›Țț‡·‚„‰ÂÊÁËÈÍÎÏÌÓÔÒÚÛÙıˆ˜¯˘˙˚¸˝˛ˇ', 'x-mac-turkish': // Python: 'mac_turkish' 'ÄÅÇÉÑÖÜáàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñóòôöõúùûü†°¢£§•¶ß®©™´¨≠ÆØ∞±≤≥¥µ∂∑∏π∫ªºΩæø' + '¿¡¬√ƒ≈∆«»… ÀÃÕŒœ–—“”‘’÷◊ÿŸĞğİıŞş‡·‚„‰ÂÊÁËÈÍÎÏÌÓÔÒÚÛÙˆ˜¯˘˙˚¸˝˛ˇ' }; // Decodes an old-style Macintosh string. Returns either a Unicode JavaScript // string, or 'undefined' if the encoding is unsupported. For example, we do // not support Chinese, Japanese or Korean because these would need large // mapping tables. decode.MACSTRING = function(dataView, offset, dataLength, encoding) { var table = eightBitMacEncodings[encoding]; if (table === undefined) { return undefined; } var result = ''; for (var i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) { var c = dataView.getUint8(offset + i); // In all eight-bit Mac encodings, the characters 0x00..0x7F are // mapped to U+0000..U+007F; we only need to look up the others. if (c <= 0x7F) { result += String.fromCharCode(c); } else { result += table[c & 0x7F]; } } return result; }; // Helper function for encode.MACSTRING. Returns a dictionary for mapping // Unicode character codes to their 8-bit MacOS equivalent. This table // is not exactly a super cheap data structure, but we do not care because // encoding Macintosh strings is only rarely needed in typical applications. var macEncodingTableCache = typeof WeakMap === 'function' && new WeakMap(); var macEncodingCacheKeys; var getMacEncodingTable = function(encoding) { // Since we use encoding as a cache key for WeakMap, it has to be // a String object and not a literal. And at least on NodeJS 2.10.1, // WeakMap requires that the same String instance is passed for cache hits. if (!macEncodingCacheKeys) { macEncodingCacheKeys = {}; for (var e in eightBitMacEncodings) { /*jshint -W053 */ // Suppress "Do not use String as a constructor." macEncodingCacheKeys[e] = new String(e); } } var cacheKey = macEncodingCacheKeys[encoding]; if (cacheKey === undefined) { return undefined; } // We can't do "if (cache.has(key)) {return cache.get(key)}" here: // since garbage collection may run at any time, it could also kick in // between the calls to cache.has() and cache.get(). In that case, // we would return 'undefined' even though we do support the encoding. if (macEncodingTableCache) { var cachedTable = macEncodingTableCache.get(cacheKey); if (cachedTable !== undefined) { return cachedTable; } } var decodingTable = eightBitMacEncodings[encoding]; if (decodingTable === undefined) { return undefined; } var encodingTable = {}; for (var i = 0; i < decodingTable.length; i++) { encodingTable[decodingTable.charCodeAt(i)] = i + 0x80; } if (macEncodingTableCache) { macEncodingTableCache.set(cacheKey, encodingTable); } return encodingTable; }; // Encodes an old-style Macintosh string. Returns a byte array upon success. // If the requested encoding is unsupported, or if the input string contains // a character that cannot be expressed in the encoding, the function returns // 'undefined'. encode.MACSTRING = function(str, encoding) { var table = getMacEncodingTable(encoding); if (table === undefined) { return undefined; } var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { var c = str.charCodeAt(i); // In all eight-bit Mac encodings, the characters 0x00..0x7F are // mapped to U+0000..U+007F; we only need to look up the others. if (c >= 0x80) { c = table[c]; if (c === undefined) { // str contains a Unicode character that cannot be encoded // in the requested encoding. return undefined; } } result.push(c); } return result; }; sizeOf.MACSTRING = function(str, encoding) { var b = encode.MACSTRING(str, encoding); if (b !== undefined) { return b.length; } else { return 0; } }; // Convert a list of values to a CFF INDEX structure. // The values should be objects containing name / type / value. encode.INDEX = function(l) { var i; //var offset, offsets, offsetEncoder, encodedOffsets, encodedOffset, data, // dataSize, i, v; // Because we have to know which data type to use to encode the offsets, // we have to go through the values twice: once to encode the data and // calculate the offets, then again to encode the offsets using the fitting data type. var offset = 1; // First offset is always 1. var offsets = [offset]; var data = []; var dataSize = 0; for (i = 0; i < l.length; i += 1) { var v = encode.OBJECT(l[i]); Array.prototype.push.apply(data, v); dataSize += v.length; offset += v.length; offsets.push(offset); } if (data.length === 0) { return [0, 0]; } var encodedOffsets = []; var offSize = (1 + Math.floor(Math.log(dataSize) / Math.log(2)) / 8) | 0; var offsetEncoder = [undefined, encode.BYTE, encode.USHORT, encode.UINT24, encode.ULONG][offSize]; for (i = 0; i < offsets.length; i += 1) { var encodedOffset = offsetEncoder(offsets[i]); Array.prototype.push.apply(encodedOffsets, encodedOffset); } return Array.prototype.concat(encode.Card16(l.length), encode.OffSize(offSize), encodedOffsets, data); }; sizeOf.INDEX = function(v) { return encode.INDEX(v).length; }; // Convert an object to a CFF DICT structure. // The keys should be numeric. // The values should be objects containing name / type / value. encode.DICT = function(m) { var d = []; var keys = Object.keys(m); var length = keys.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { // Object.keys() return string keys, but our keys are always numeric. var k = parseInt(keys[i], 0); var v = m[k]; // Value comes before the key. d = d.concat(encode.OPERAND(v.value, v.type)); d = d.concat(encode.OPERATOR(k)); } return d; }; sizeOf.DICT = function(m) { return encode.DICT(m).length; }; encode.OPERATOR = function(v) { if (v < 1200) { return [v]; } else { return [12, v - 1200]; } }; encode.OPERAND = function(v, type) { var d = []; if (Array.isArray(type)) { for (var i = 0; i < type.length; i += 1) { check.argument(v.length === type.length, 'Not enough arguments given for type' + type); d = d.concat(encode.OPERAND(v[i], type[i])); } } else { if (type === 'SID') { d = d.concat(encode.NUMBER(v)); } else if (type === 'offset') { // We make it easy for ourselves and always encode offsets as // 4 bytes. This makes offset calculation for the top dict easier. d = d.concat(encode.NUMBER32(v)); } else if (type === 'number') { d = d.concat(encode.NUMBER(v)); } else if (type === 'real') { d = d.concat(encode.REAL(v)); } else { throw new Error('Unknown operand type ' + type); // FIXME Add support for booleans } } return d; }; encode.OP = encode.BYTE; sizeOf.OP = sizeOf.BYTE; // memoize charstring encoding using WeakMap if available var wmm = typeof WeakMap === 'function' && new WeakMap(); // Convert a list of CharString operations to bytes. encode.CHARSTRING = function(ops) { // See encode.MACSTRING for why we don't do "if (wmm && wmm.has(ops))". if (wmm) { var cachedValue = wmm.get(ops); if (cachedValue !== undefined) { return cachedValue; } } var d = []; var length = ops.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { var op = ops[i]; d = d.concat(encode[op.type](op.value)); } if (wmm) { wmm.set(ops, d); } return d; }; sizeOf.CHARSTRING = function(ops) { return encode.CHARSTRING(ops).length; }; // Utility functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Convert an object containing name / type / value to bytes. encode.OBJECT = function(v) { var encodingFunction = encode[v.type]; check.argument(encodingFunction !== undefined, 'No encoding function for type ' + v.type); return encodingFunction(v.value); }; sizeOf.OBJECT = function(v) { var sizeOfFunction = sizeOf[v.type]; check.argument(sizeOfFunction !== undefined, 'No sizeOf function for type ' + v.type); return sizeOfFunction(v.value); }; // Convert a table object to bytes. // A table contains a list of fields containing the metadata (name, type and default value). // The table itself has the field values set as attributes. encode.TABLE = function(table) { var d = []; var length = table.fields.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { var field = table.fields[i]; var encodingFunction = encode[field.type]; check.argument(encodingFunction !== undefined, 'No encoding function for field type ' + field.type); var value = table[]; if (value === undefined) { value = field.value; } var bytes = encodingFunction(value); d = d.concat(bytes); } return d; }; sizeOf.TABLE = function(table) { var numBytes = 0; var length = table.fields.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { var field = table.fields[i]; var sizeOfFunction = sizeOf[field.type]; check.argument(sizeOfFunction !== undefined, 'No sizeOf function for field type ' + field.type); var value = table[]; if (value === undefined) { value = field.value; } numBytes += sizeOfFunction(value); } return numBytes; }; // Merge in a list of bytes. encode.LITERAL = function(v) { return v; }; sizeOf.LITERAL = function(v) { return v.length; }; exports.decode = decode; exports.encode = encode; exports.sizeOf = sizeOf; },{"./check":2}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; exports.isBrowser = function() { return typeof window !== 'undefined'; }; exports.isNode = function() { return typeof window === 'undefined'; }; exports.nodeBufferToArrayBuffer = function(buffer) { var ab = new ArrayBuffer(buffer.length); var view = new Uint8Array(ab); for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { view[i] = buffer[i]; } return ab; }; exports.arrayBufferToNodeBuffer = function(ab) { var buffer = new Buffer(ab.byteLength); var view = new Uint8Array(ab); for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { buffer[i] = view[i]; } return buffer; }; exports.checkArgument = function(expression, message) { if (!expression) { throw message; } }; },{}]},{},[8])(8) });