// ==UserScript== // @name bilibili直播净化 // @namespace https://github.com/lzghzr/GreasemonkeyJS // @version 4.3.1 // @author lzghzr // @description 增强直播屏蔽功能, 提高直播观看体验 // @icon  // @supportURL https://github.com/lzghzr/GreasemonkeyJS/issues // @match https://live.bilibili.com/* // @match https://www.bilibili.com/blackboard/* // @license MIT // @require https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/ajaxhook.min.js // @require https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/crypto-js.js // @require https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/crc32.js // @compatible chrome 基础功能需要 88 以上支持 :not() 伪类,高级功能需要 105 及以上支持 :has() 伪类 // @compatible edge 基础功能需要 88 以上支持 :not() 伪类,高级功能需要 105 及以上支持 :has() 伪类 // @compatible firefox 基础功能需要 84 以上支持 :not() 伪类,高级功能需要 121 及以上支持 :has() 伪类 // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant unsafeWindow // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== const W = typeof unsafeWindow === 'undefined' ? window : unsafeWindow; class DB { dbName; objectStoreName; keyPath; db; constructor(dbName, objectStoreName, keyPath) { this.dbName = dbName; this.objectStoreName = objectStoreName; this.keyPath = keyPath; } open(store) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request = indexedDB.open(this.dbName); request.onerror = () => { reject(request.error); }; request.onsuccess = () => { this.db = request.result; resolve(request.result); }; request.onupgradeneeded = () => { this.db = request.result; if (!this.db.objectStoreNames.contains(this.objectStoreName)) { const objectStore = this.db.createObjectStore(this.objectStoreName, { keyPath: this.keyPath }); store.forEach(vaule => { objectStore.createIndex(vaule[0], vaule[0], { unique: vaule[1] }); }); } }; }); } putData(data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const store = this.db.transaction([this.objectStoreName], 'readwrite').objectStore(this.objectStoreName); const request = store.put(data); request.onerror = () => { reject(request.error); }; request.onsuccess = () => { resolve(); }; }); } getData(key) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const store = this.db.transaction([this.objectStoreName], 'readonly').objectStore(this.objectStoreName); const request = store.get(key); request.onerror = () => { reject(request.error); }; request.onsuccess = () => { resolve(request.result); }; }); } } class Tools { static str2Fn(str) { const fnReg = str.match(/([^\{]*)\{(.*)\}$/s); if (fnReg !== null) { const [, head, body] = fnReg; const args = head.replaceAll(/function[^\(]*|[\s()=>]/g, '').split(','); return new Function(...args, body); } } static isAllBitsSet(value) { if (value === 0) { return false; } return (value & (value + 1)) === 0; } static scriptName(name) { return [ `%c${GM_info.script.name}%c ${name}`, "font-weight: bold; color: white; background-color: #FF6699; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 4px;", "font-weight: bold; color: #FF6699;" ]; } static sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve('sleep'), ms)); } static crc32(num) { return (CRC32.str(num.toString()) >>> 0).toString(16); } static md5(str) { return CryptoJS.MD5(str).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex); } } class NoVIP { elmStyleCSS; chatObserver; danmakuObserver; defaultConfig = { version: 1734189210657, menu: { noGiftMsg: { name: '屏蔽礼物相关', replace: '屏蔽全部礼物及广播', enable: false }, noSystemMsg: { name: '屏蔽系统消息', replace: '屏蔽进场信息', enable: false }, noSuperChat: { name: '屏蔽醒目留言', replace: '屏蔽醒目留言', enable: false }, noEmoticons: { name: '屏蔽表情聊天', replace: '屏蔽表情动画(右下角)', enable: false }, noEmotDanmaku: { name: '屏蔽表情弹幕', replace: '屏蔽表情弹幕', enable: false }, noLikeBtn: { name: '屏蔽点赞按钮', enable: false }, noGiftControl: { name: '屏蔽活动控件', enable: false }, noGuardIcon: { name: '屏蔽舰队标识', enable: false }, noWealthMedalIcon: { name: '屏蔽荣耀勋章', enable: false }, noFansMedalIcon: { name: '屏蔽粉丝勋章', enable: false }, noLiveTitleIcon: { name: '屏蔽成就头衔', enable: false }, noRaffle: { name: '屏蔽抽奖橱窗', enable: false }, noDanmakuColor: { name: '屏蔽弹幕颜色', enable: false }, noGameId: { name: '屏蔽互动游戏', enable: false }, noBBChat: { name: '屏蔽刷屏聊天', enable: false }, noBBDanmaku: { name: '屏蔽刷屏弹幕', enable: false }, noRoomSkin: { name: '屏蔽房间皮肤', enable: false }, noActivityPlat: { name: '屏蔽活动皮肤', enable: false }, noRoundPlay: { name: '屏蔽视频轮播', enable: false }, noSleep: { name: '屏蔽挂机检测', enable: false }, rankInvisible: { name: '在线榜单隐身', enable: false }, invisible: { name: '进场隐身观看', enable: false } } }; config; replaceMenu = new Set(); rankInvisible = true; userInfoDB; message = []; constructor() { const userConfig = GM_getValue('blnvConfig', null) === null ? this.defaultConfig : JSON.parse(decodeURI(GM_getValue('blnvConfig'))); if (userConfig.version === undefined || userConfig.version < this.defaultConfig.version) { for (const x in this.defaultConfig.menu) { try { this.defaultConfig.menu[x].enable = userConfig.menu[x].enable; } catch (error) { console.error(...Tools.scriptName('载入配置失效'), error); } } this.config = this.defaultConfig; } else { this.config = userConfig; } for (const x in this.config.menu) { this.replaceMenu.add(this.config.menu[x].replace); } } init() { W.getComputedStyle = new Proxy(W.getComputedStyle, { apply: function (target, _this, args) { if (args !== undefined && args[0] instanceof HTMLElement) { let htmlEle = Reflect.apply(target, _this, args); htmlEle = new Proxy(htmlEle, { get: function (_target, propertyKey) { if (propertyKey === 'display' && _target[propertyKey] === 'none') { return 'block'; } return Reflect.get(_target, propertyKey); } }); return htmlEle; } return Reflect.apply(target, _this, args); } }); Object.defineProperty(W, '__NEPTUNE_IS_MY_WAIFU__', {}); this.replaceFunction(); } replaceFunction() { const that = this; let push = 1 << 5; W.webpackChunklive_room = W.webpackChunklive_room || []; W.webpackChunklive_room.push = new Proxy(W.webpackChunklive_room.push, { apply: function (target, _this, args) { for (const [name, fn] of Object.entries(args[0][1])) { let fnStr = fn.toString(); if (fnStr.includes('staticClass:"block-effect-icon-root"')) { const regexp = /(?<left>staticClass:"block-effect-icon-root"\},\[)"on"===(?<mut_t>\w+)\.blockEffectStatus\?(?<svg>(?<mut_n>\w+)\("svg".*?)\[\k<mut_n>\("path".*?blockEffectIconColor\}\}\)\]/s; const match = fnStr.match(regexp); if (match !== null) { fnStr = fnStr.replace(regexp, '$<left>$<svg>\[\ $<mut_n>("circle",{attrs:{cx:"12",cy:"12",r:"10",stroke:$<mut_t>.blockEffectIconColor,"stroke-width":"1.5",fill:"none"}}),\ $<mut_t>._v(" "),\ $<mut_n>("text",{attrs:{"font-family":"Noto Sans CJK SC","font-size":"14",x:"5",y:"17",fill:$<mut_t>.blockEffectIconColor}},[$<mut_t>._v("滚")])\ ]'); console.info(...Tools.scriptName('脚本 icon 已加载')); } else { console.error(...Tools.scriptName('插入脚本 icon 失效'), fnStr); } push |= 1 << 0; } if (fnStr.includes('return this.chatList.children.length')) { const regexp = /(?<left>return )this\.chatList\.children\.length/s; const match = fnStr.match(regexp); if (match !== null) { fnStr = fnStr.replace(regexp, '$<left>this.chatList.querySelectorAll(".danmaku-item:not(.NoVIP_hide)").length'); console.info(...Tools.scriptName('增强聊天显示 已加载')); } else { console.error(...Tools.scriptName('增强聊天显示失效'), fnStr); } push |= 1 << 1; } if (that.config.menu.noRoundPlay.enable) { if (fnStr.includes('case"PREPARING":')) { const regexp = /(?<left>case"PREPARING":)(?<right>[^;]+\((?<mut>\w+)\);break;)/s; const match = fnStr.match(regexp); if (match !== null) { fnStr = fnStr.replace(regexp, '$<left>$<mut>.round=0;$<right>'); console.info(...Tools.scriptName('屏蔽下播轮播 已加载')); } else { console.error(...Tools.scriptName('屏蔽下播轮播失效'), fnStr); } push |= 1 << 2; } } else { push |= 1 << 2; } if (that.config.menu.noSleep.enable) { if (fnStr.includes('prototype.sleep=function(')) { const regexp = /(?<left>prototype\.sleep=function\(\w*\){)/; const match = fnStr.match(regexp); if (match !== null) { fnStr = fnStr.replace(regexp, '$<left>return;'); console.info(...Tools.scriptName('屏蔽挂机检测 已加载')); } else { console.error(...Tools.scriptName('屏蔽挂机检测失效'), fnStr); } push |= 1 << 3; } } else { push |= 1 << 3; } if (that.config.menu.rankInvisible.enable) { if (fnStr.includes('this.enterRoomTracker=new ')) { const regexp = /(?<left>this\.enterRoomTracker=new \w+),/s; const match = fnStr.match(regexp); if (match !== null) { fnStr = fnStr.replace(regexp, '$<left>,this.enterRoomTracker.report=()=>{},'); console.info(...Tools.scriptName('在线榜单隐身 已加载')); } else { console.error(...Tools.scriptName('在线榜单隐身失效'), fnStr); } push |= 1 << 4; } } else { push |= 1 << 4; } if (fn.toString() !== fnStr) { args[0][1][name] = Tools.str2Fn(fnStr); } if (Tools.isAllBitsSet(push)) { W.webpackChunklive_room.push = target; break; } } return Reflect.apply(target, _this, args); } }); if (this.config.menu.rankInvisible.enable || this.config.menu.noRoundPlay.enable) { Array.prototype.concat = new Proxy(Array.prototype.concat, { apply: function (target, _this, args) { if (args[0] && args[0] instanceof Object && args[0].cmd) { const command = args[0]; if (that.config.menu.rankInvisible.enable) { if (command.cmd.startsWith('DANMU_MSG')) { const user = command.info[0][15].user; if (user.uid !== 0) { that.addUserInfo([{ uid: user.uid, name: user.base.name }]); } else if (that.userInfoDB !== undefined) { args[0] = []; that.userInfoDB.getData(command.info[0][7]).then(userInfo => { if (userInfo !== undefined) { command.info[2][0] = userInfo.uid; command.info[2][1] = userInfo.name; user.uid = userInfo.uid; user.base.name = userInfo.name; } that.message.push(command); }); } } else if (command?.data?.uinfo?.uid !== 0 && command?.data?.uinfo?.base?.name) { that.addUserInfo([{ uid: command.data.uinfo.uid, name: command.data.uinfo.base.name }]); } if (that.message.length !== 0) { args.push(that.message); that.message = []; } } if (that.config.menu.noRoundPlay.enable) { if (command.cmd === 'PREPARING') { command.round = 0; } } } return Reflect.apply(target, _this, args); } }); } if (this.config.menu.rankInvisible.enable) { JSON.stringify = new Proxy(JSON.stringify, { apply: function (target, _this, args) { if (args[0] && args[0] instanceof Object) { const value = args[0]; if (that.config.menu.rankInvisible.enable && that.rankInvisible) { if (value.uid && value.roomid && value.protover == 3) { value.uid = 0; } } } return Reflect.apply(target, _this, args); } }); } if (this.config.menu.rankInvisible.enable || this.config.menu.invisible.enable || this.config.menu.noRoomSkin.enable || this.config.menu.noRoundPlay.enable) { ah.proxy({ onRequest: (XHRconfig, handler) => { if (this.config.menu.rankInvisible.enable && this.rankInvisible) { if (XHRconfig.url.includes('/xlive/web-room/v1/index/getDanmuInfo')) { XHRconfig.withCredentials = false; console.info(...Tools.scriptName('在线榜单隐身 已拦截')); } } if (this.config.menu.invisible.enable) { if (XHRconfig.url.includes('/xlive/web-room/v1/index/getInfoByUser')) { XHRconfig.url = XHRconfig.url.replace('not_mock_enter_effect=0', 'not_mock_enter_effect=1'); console.info(...Tools.scriptName('隐藏进场信息 已拦截')); } } handler.next(XHRconfig); }, onResponse: async (XHRresponse, handler) => { if (this.config.menu.noRoomSkin.enable) { if (XHRresponse.config.url.includes('/xlive/app-room/v2/guardTab/topList')) { XHRresponse.response = XHRresponse.response.replace(/"anchor_guard_achieve_level":\d+/, '"anchor_guard_achieve_level":0'); console.info(...Tools.scriptName('屏蔽大航海榜单背景图 已拦截')); } } if (that.config.menu.noRoundPlay.enable || that.config.menu.rankInvisible.enable) { if (XHRresponse.config.url.includes('/xlive/web-room/v2/index/getRoomPlayInfo')) { const body = JSON.parse(XHRresponse.response); if (that.config.menu.noRoundPlay.enable) { if (body.data.live_status == 2) { body.data.live_status = 0; } console.info(...Tools.scriptName('屏蔽视频轮播 已拦截')); } if (that.config.menu.rankInvisible.enable) { await that.getRank(body.data.room_id, body.data.uid); console.info(...Tools.scriptName('在线榜单隐身 已添加')); } XHRresponse.response = JSON.stringify(body); } } if (this.config.menu.noRoundPlay.enable) { if (XHRresponse.config.url.includes('/live/getRoundPlayVideo')) { XHRresponse.status = 403; console.info(...Tools.scriptName('屏蔽视频轮播 已拦截')); } } handler.next(XHRresponse); } }, W); const checkHookFetchAlive = async () => { this.hookFetch(); for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) { await W.fetch('//blnv_test_fetch_hook_alive/').catch(() => { this.hookFetch(); }); await Tools.sleep(100); } }; checkHookFetchAlive(); } } hookFetch() { const that = this; W.fetch = new Proxy(W.fetch, { apply: async function (target, _this, args) { const resource = args[0]; let url = (resource instanceof Request) ? resource.url : resource; if (that.config.menu.rankInvisible.enable && that.rankInvisible) { if (url.includes('/xlive/web-room/v1/index/getDanmuInfo')) { args[1] ? args[1].credentials = 'same-origin' : args[1] = { credentials: 'same-origin' }; console.info(...Tools.scriptName('在线榜单隐身 已拦截')); } } if (that.config.menu.invisible.enable) { if (url.includes('/xlive/web-room/v1/index/getInfoByUser')) { url = url.replace('not_mock_enter_effect=0', 'not_mock_enter_effect=1'); args[0] = (resource instanceof Request) ? new Request(url, resource) : url; console.info(...Tools.scriptName('隐藏进场信息 已拦截')); } } if (that.config.menu.noRoomSkin.enable) { if (url.includes('/xlive/app-room/v2/guardTab/topList')) { const response = await Reflect.apply(target, _this, args); const body = await response.json(); body.data.info.anchor_guard_achieve_level = 0; const newResponse = new Response(JSON.stringify(body)); console.info(...Tools.scriptName('屏蔽大航海榜单背景图 已拦截')); return newResponse; } } if (that.config.menu.noRoundPlay.enable || that.config.menu.rankInvisible.enable) { if (url.includes('/xlive/web-room/v2/index/getRoomPlayInfo')) { const response = await Reflect.apply(target, _this, args); const body = await response.json(); if (that.config.menu.noRoundPlay.enable) { if (body.data.live_status == 2) { body.data.live_status = 0; } console.info(...Tools.scriptName('屏蔽视频轮播 已拦截')); } if (that.config.menu.rankInvisible.enable) { await that.getRank(body.data.room_id, body.data.uid); console.info(...Tools.scriptName('在线榜单隐身 已添加')); } const newResponse = new Response(JSON.stringify(body)); return newResponse; } } if (that.config.menu.noRoundPlay.enable) { if (url.includes('/live/getRoundPlayVideo')) { const response = await Reflect.apply(target, _this, args); const newResponse = new Response(response.body, { status: 403, statusText: 'Forbidden', headers: response.headers }); console.info(...Tools.scriptName('屏蔽视频轮播 已拦截')); return newResponse; } } if (url.includes('//blnv_test_fetch_hook_alive/')) { return new Response('success'); } return Reflect.apply(target, _this, args); } }); } start() { this.elmStyleCSS = GM_addStyle(''); this.addCSS(); const chatMessage = new Map(); this.chatObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => { mutations.forEach(mutation => { mutation.addedNodes.forEach(addedNode => { if (addedNode instanceof HTMLDivElement && addedNode.classList.contains('danmaku-item')) { const chatNode = addedNode.querySelector('.danmaku-item-right'); if (chatNode !== null) { const chatText = chatNode.innerText; const dateNow = Date.now(); if (chatMessage.has(chatText) && dateNow - chatMessage.get(chatText) < 10_000) { addedNode.classList.add('NoVIP_chat_hide'); } else { chatMessage.set(chatText, dateNow); } } } }); }); }); const elmDivChatList = document.querySelector('#chat-items'); if (elmDivChatList !== null) { this.chatObserver.observe(elmDivChatList, { childList: true }); } const danmakuMessage = new Map(); this.danmakuObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => { mutations.forEach(mutation => { mutation.addedNodes.forEach(addedNode => { const danmakuNode = addedNode instanceof Text ? addedNode.parentElement : addedNode; if (danmakuNode?.classList?.contains('danmaku-item-container')) { this.danmakuObserver.disconnect(); this.danmakuObserver.observe(danmakuNode, { childList: true }); } else if (danmakuNode?.classList?.contains('bili-danmaku-x-dm')) { danmakuNode.addEventListener('animationstart', () => { const danmakuText = danmakuNode.innerText.split(/ ?[x×]\d+$/); const dateNow = Date.now(); if (danmakuMessage.has(danmakuText[0]) && dateNow - danmakuMessage.get(danmakuText[0]) < 10_000) { danmakuNode.classList.add('NoVIP_danmaku_hide'); } else if (danmakuText[1] !== undefined) { danmakuNode.classList.add('NoVIP_danmaku_hide'); } else { danmakuMessage.set(danmakuText[0], dateNow); } }); } }); }); }); const elmDivDanmaku = document.querySelector('#live-player'); if (elmDivDanmaku !== null) { this.danmakuObserver.observe(elmDivDanmaku, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } setInterval(() => { const dateNow = Date.now(); chatMessage.forEach((value, key) => { if (dateNow - value > 60_000) { chatMessage.delete(key); } }); danmakuMessage.forEach((value, key) => { if (dateNow - value > 60_000) { danmakuMessage.delete(key); } }); }, 60_000); const docObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => { mutations.forEach(mutation => { mutation.addedNodes.forEach(addedNode => { if (addedNode instanceof HTMLDivElement) { if (addedNode.classList.contains('dialog-ctnr')) { const blockEffectCtnr = addedNode.querySelector('.block-effect-ctnr'); if (blockEffectCtnr !== null) { this.addUI(blockEffectCtnr); } } } }); }); }); docObserver.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }); const blcok = localStorage.getItem('LIVE_BLCOK_EFFECT_STATE'); if (blcok !== null) { const block = blcok.split(',').filter(item => item === '2' || item === '9'); localStorage.setItem('LIVE_BLCOK_EFFECT_STATE', block.join(',')); } this.changeCSS(); } noRoomSkin() { if (this.config.menu.noRoomSkin.enable) { W.roomBuffService.__NORoomSkin = true; W.roomBuffService.unmount(); } else { W.roomBuffService.__NORoomSkin = false; W.roomBuffService.mount(W.roomBuffService.__NORoomSkin_skin); } } changeCSS() { let height = 62; let cssText = ` /* 统一用户名颜色 */ .chat-item .user-name { color: var(--brand_blue) !important; }`; if (this.config.menu.noGuardIcon.enable) { cssText += ` /* 聊天背景 */ .chat-item.chat-colorful-bubble { background-color: unset !important; border-image-source: unset !important; border-radius: unset !important; display: block !important; margin: unset !important; } /* 聊天背景 */ .chat-item.chat-colorful-bubble div:has(div[style*="border-image-source"]), /* 欢迎提示条 */ #welcome-area-bottom-vm, /* 粉丝勋章内标识 */ .chat-item .fans-medal-item-ctnr .medal-guard, /* 舰队指挥官标识 */ .chat-item .pilot-icon, .chat-item .pilot-icon ~ br, /* 订阅舰长 */ .chat-item.guard-buy { display: none !important; } /* 兼容chrome 105以下版本 */ @supports not selector(:has(a, b)) { .chat-item.chat-colorful-bubble div[style*="border-image-source"] { display: none !important; } }`; } if (this.config.menu.noWealthMedalIcon.enable) { cssText += ` /* 聊天背景, 存疑 */ .chat-item.wealth-bubble { border-image-source: unset !important; } /* 聊天背景, 存疑 */ .chat-item.has-bubble { border-image-source: unset !important; border-image-slice: unset !important; border-image-width: unset !important; box-sizing: unset !important; display: block !important; margin: unset !important; } .chat-item.has-bubble .danmaku-item-left > br, /* 欢迎提示条 */ #welcome-area-bottom-vm, /* 弹幕 */ .bili-danmaku-x-dm > .bili-icon, /* 聊天 */ .chat-item .wealth-medal-ctnr { display: none !important; }`; } if (this.config.menu.noGiftMsg.enable) { height -= 32; cssText += ` /* 底部小礼物, 调整高度 */ .chat-history-list.with-penury-gift { height: 100% !important; } /* 热门流量推荐 */ .chat-item.hot-rank-msg, /* VIP标识 */ #activity-welcome-area-vm, .chat-item .vip-icon, .chat-item.welcome-msg, /* 高能标识 */ .chat-item.top3-notice, .chat-item .rank-icon, /* 分享直播间 */ .chat-item.important-prompt-item, /* 礼物栏 */ .gift-control-panel > *:not(.left-part-ctnr), #web-player__bottom-bar__container, /* 礼物按钮 */ #web-player-controller-wrap-el .web-live-player-gift-icon-wrap, /* 主播心愿 */ .gift-wish-card-root, #chat-gift-bubble-vm, #penury-gift-msg, #gift-screen-animation-vm, #my-dear-haruna-vm .super-gift-bubbles, .chat-item.gift-item, .chat-item.system-msg, .web-player-inject-wrap .announcement-wrapper, .bilibili-live-player-video-operable-container>div:first-child>div:last-child, .bilibili-live-player-video-gift, .bilibili-live-player-danmaku-gift { display: none !important; }`; } if (this.config.menu.noSystemMsg.enable) { height -= 30; cssText += ` .chat-history-list.with-brush-prompt { height: 100% !important; } /* 目前只看到冲榜提示 */ .chat-history-panel #all-guide-cards, /* 聊天下方滚动消息,进场、点赞之类的 */ #brush-prompt, /* 初始系统提示 */ .chat-item.convention-msg, /* 各种野生消息 */ .chat-item.common-danmuku-msg, /* 各种野生消息 x2 */ .chat-item.misc-msg, /* 各种野生消息 x3 (Toasts) */ .link-toast, /* pk */ .chat-item.new-video-pk-item-dm { display: none !important; }`; } if (this.config.menu.noSuperChat.enable) { cssText += ` /* 调整 SuperChat 聊天框 */ .chat-history-list { padding-top: 5px !important; } .chat-item.superChat-card-detail { margin-left: unset !important; margin-right: unset !important; min-height: unset !important; } .chat-item .card-item-middle-top { background-color: unset !important; background-image: unset !important; border: unset !important; display: inline !important; padding: unset !important; } .chat-item .card-item-middle-top-right { display: unset !important; } .chat-item .superChat-base { display: unset !important; height: unset !important; line-height: unset !important; vertical-align: unset !important; width: unset !important; } .chat-item .superChat-base .fans-medal-item-ctnr { margin-right: 4px !important; } .chat-item .name, .chat-item .card-item-name { display: unset !important; font-size: unset !important; font-weight: unset !important; height: unset !important; line-height: 20px !important; margin-left: unset !important; opacity: unset !important; overflow: unset !important; text-overflow: unset !important; vertical-align: unset !important; white-space: unset !important; width: unset !important; } .chat-item .card-item-name>span { color: var(--brand_blue) !important; } /* 为 SuperChat 用户名添加 : */ .chat-item.superChat-card-detail .name:after, .chat-item.superChat-card-detail .card-item-name>span:after { content: ' : '; } .chat-item .card-item-middle-bottom { background-color: unset !important; display: unset !important; padding: unset !important; } .chat-item .input-contain { display: unset !important; } .chat-item .text { color: var(--text2) !important; 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} .rank-list-section .guard-rank-cntr:not(.open) .guard-empty { background-size: contain !important; background-position: center !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; } .rank-list-section .gift-rank-cntr .top3-cntr .default-msg { bottom: -12px !important; } .rank-list-section, .rank-list-section.new .rank-list-ctnr[style*="height: 178px;"] { height: 98px !important; } .rank-list-section .tab-content, .rank-list-section .tab-content-pilot, .rank-list-section.new .guard-rank-cntr .rank-list-cntr { min-height: unset !important; } .rank-list-section .tab-content[style*="height: 9"], .rank-list-section .tab-content-pilot[style*="height: 9"], .rank-list-section .gift-rank-cntr .top3-cntr { height: 64px !important; } .rank-list-section .guard-rank-cntr .top3-cntr > span { height: 32px !important; } .rank-list-section.new .gift-rank-cntr .top3-cntr, .rank-list-section.new .guard-rank-cntr { height: unset !important; } .rank-list-section.new .gift-rank-cntr .top3-cntr { padding-top: 5px !important; } .rank-list-section.new .guard-rank-cntr .top3-cntr { top: 15px !important; } /* 调整聊天区 */ .chat-history-panel { height: calc(100% - 145px) !important; padding-bottom: 0px !important; } /* 有些直播间没有排行榜 */ .rank-list-section~.chat-history-panel { height: calc(100% - 98px - 145px) !important; } /* 有些直播间 .chat-history-panel 没有 .new */ #aside-area-vm:has(.control-panel-ctnr-new) .chat-history-panel { height: calc(100% - 114px) !important; } #aside-area-vm:has(.control-panel-ctnr-new) .rank-list-section~.chat-history-panel { height: calc(100% - 98px - 114px) !important; } .player-full-win #aside-area-vm:has(.control-panel-ctnr-new) .chat-history-panel { height: calc(100% - 104px) !important; } #aside-area-vm:has(.control-panel-ctnr-new) #chat-control-panel-vm { height: 114px !important; } #chat-control-panel-vm .control-panel-ctnr-new { padding-top: 5px !important; } #chat-control-panel-vm .chat-input-ctnr-new { margin-top: 5px !important; } #chat-control-panel-vm .control-panel-ctnr-new .danmakuPreference, #chat-control-panel-vm .control-panel-ctnr-new .blockSetting, #chat-control-panel-vm .control-panel-ctnr-new .effectBlock { bottom: 114px !important; } /* 直播分区 */ .live-area { display: flex !important; } /* 排行榜 */ .rank-list-section.new .gift-rank-cntr .top3 > div ~ div, .rank-list-section.new .guard-rank-cntr .top3-cntr > span ~ span, .rank-list-section.new .pilot, /* 人气榜 */ #head-info-vm .popular-and-hot-rank, #head-info-vm #LiveRoomHotrankEntries, /* 礼物星球 */ #head-info-vm .gift-planet-entry, /* 活动榜 */ #head-info-vm .activity-entry, /* 粉丝团 */ #head-info-vm .follow-ctnr, /* 头像框 */ .blive-avatar-pendant, /* 主播城市 */ .anchor-location, /* 水印 */ .web-player-icon-roomStatus, .blur-edges-ctnr, /* 遮罩 */ #web-player-module-area-mask-panel { display: none !important; } /* 兼容chrome 105以下版本 */ @supports not selector(:has(a, b)) { .chat-history-panel.new { height: calc(100% - 114px) !important; } .rank-list-section~.chat-history-panel.new { height: calc(100% - 98px - 114px) !important; } .chat-history-panel.new~#chat-control-panel-vm { height: 114px !important; } .player-full-win #aside-area-vm .chat-history-panel.new { height: calc(100% - 104px) !important; 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}`); } async getRank(room_id, ruid) { const queryContributionRank = await fetch(this.queryRank(room_id, ruid, 'online_rank', 'contribution_rank')); const rank = await queryContributionRank.json(); if (this.rankInvisible && rank?.data?.count > 150) { this.rankInvisible = false; } const item = rank?.data?.item; this.addUserInfo(item); this.addRank(room_id, ruid); } async addRank(room_id, ruid) { const types = [['online_rank', 'entry_time_rank'], ['daily_rank', 'today_rank'], ['daily_rank', 'yesterday_rank'], ['weekly_rank', 'current_week_rank'], ['weekly_rank', 'last_week_rank'], ['monthly_rank', 'current_month_rank'], ['monthly_rank', 'last_month_rank']]; for (const type of types) { await Tools.sleep(1000); const queryContributionRank = await fetch(this.queryRank(room_id, ruid, type[0], type[1])); const rank = await queryContributionRank.json(); const item = rank?.data?.item; this.addUserInfo(item); } } queryRank(room_id, ruid, type, switch_) { const wts = Date.now(); const salt = 'ea1db124af3c7062474693fa704f4ff8'; const wrid = Tools.md5(`page=1&page_size=100&platform=web&room_id=${room_id}&ruid=${ruid}&switch=${switch_}&type=${type}&web_location=444.8&wts=${wts}${salt}`); return `//api.live.bilibili.com/xlive/general-interface/v1/rank/queryContributionRank?\ ruid=${ruid}&room_id=${room_id}&page=1&page_size=100&type=${type}&switch=${switch_}&platform=web&web_location=444.8&w_rid=${wrid}&wts=${wts}`; } async addUserInfo(item) { if (this.userInfoDB === undefined) { this.userInfoDB = new DB('blnvUserInfo', 'userInfo', 'crc32'); await this.userInfoDB.open([["uid", true], ["name", false]]); } item?.forEach(userInfo => { this.userInfoDB.putData({ crc32: Tools.crc32(userInfo.uid), uid: userInfo.uid, name: userInfo.name }); }); } } const noVIP = new NoVIP(); if (location.href.match(/^https:\/\/live\.bilibili\.com\/(?:blanc\/)?\d/) && document.documentElement.hasAttribute('lab-style')) { if (noVIP.config.menu.noActivityPlat.enable) { if (self === top) { if (location.pathname.startsWith('/blanc')) { history.replaceState(null, '', location.href.replace(`${location.origin}/blanc`, location.origin)); 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