B:再度試みる N,Enter:次の動画 P,]:前の動画 A:今の位置から再生するURLをコピー(Shift+A:タブのURLにも反映+プレイリストパラメータを維持) [:全画面化
// ==UserScript== // @name YouTubeで自動翻訳字幕(日本語)を常にオン // @description B:再度試みる N,Enter:次の動画 P,]:前の動画 A:今の位置から再生するURLをコピー(Shift+A:タブのURLにも反映+プレイリストパラメータを維持) [:全画面化 // @version 0.5.30 // @run-at document-idle // @match *://www.youtube.com/* // @match *://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/* // @match *://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/* // @grant GM.setClipboard // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/181558 // ==/UserScript== (function() { const WAIT_PAGEOPEN_OFFSET = 0; // ミリ秒 不安定なら大きくする const ENABLE_EVENJAPANESE = 1; // 1なら日本語タイトルの動画でも実行 const ENABLE_EVENEMBED = 1; // 1なら埋め込み動画でも実行 const DISABLE_AUTO_GENERATED_JAPANESE = 1; // 1なら日本語字幕しかない時は字幕をオフ const ENABLE_WHEN_MUTED = 1; // 1なら音声がミュートされている時は字幕をオン const DO_NOT_SELECT_LANGUAGE = 0; // 1なら日本語を選択しない(字幕をオンにするだけ) const WORDS_TO_FORCE_ENABLE = /$^/; // 動画タイトルに含むと字幕をオンにする正規表現 対象なしは/$^/ const WORDS_TO_FORCE_DISABLE = /$^/; // 動画タイトルに含むと字幕をオフにする正規表現 対象なしは/$^/ const KEY_A_VARIATIONS = 2; // 1-2:aキーで作るurlの種類 1:標準のみ 2:短縮形urlも const NICOLIVE_EXPAND_COMMENT_LIST = 1; // 1:ニコ生でコメント欄の横幅を広げるスライダーを設置 const BUGGY_EXPRIMENTAL_FORCE_ENGLISH_WITH_DUALMARK = 0; // 1:デュアル字幕併用時に第1字幕に英語を選択(メニューがバグる) const WAIT_EACHACTION = 300; // ミリ秒 不安定なら大きくする const verbose = 0; // 開発用 const VERBOSE_NOTIFY = 0; // 開発用 1:vn() const CHECK_ROAJ = 0; // 開発用 1:日本語にしなかった理由をalert const isDualsub = () => eleget0('//div[text()="デフォルトの字幕"]|//style[@id="dualMarkStyle"]|//button[contains(@class,"lln-youtube-")]') // Dual字幕/Language Reactorがあれば字幕を選択しない var checkROAJAlready = 0; var ds = 0 var mllID; var kaisuuA = 0; var per = (performance.now()) / 3; verb("performance.now:" + performance.now(), "wait_base:" + per + "ms"); var wait_pageOpen = (per > 1500 ? 1500 : per < 400 ? 400 : per) + WAIT_PAGEOPEN_OFFSET; vn("wait_pageOpen : " + Math.floor(wait_pageOpen) + " ms"); String.prototype.match0 = function(re) { let tmp = this.match(re); if (!tmp) { return null } else if (tmp.length > 1) { return tmp[1] } else return tmp[0] } let inYOUTUBE = location.hostname.match0(/^www\.youtube\.com|^youtu\.be/); if (location.href.indexOf("//www.nicovideo.jp/watch/") != -1) { aToCopyUrl(); return; } if (location.href.indexOf("//live.nicovideo.jp/watch/") != -1) { nicolive(); return; } window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { if (e.target.tagName === 'INPUT' || e.target.tagName === 'TEXTAREA' || e.target.isContentEditable || (inYOUTUBE && (e.target.closest('#chat-messages,ytd-comments-header-renderer,.ytd-comments-header-renderer') || document.activeElement.closest('#chat-messages,ytd-comments-header-renderer,.ytd-comments-header-renderer')))) return; var key = (e.shiftKey ? "Shift+" : "") + (e.altKey ? "Alt+" : "") + (e.ctrlKey ? "Ctrl+" : "") + e.key; if (e.key === "[") { // [ 全画面化 toggleFullScreen(); return false; function toggleFullScreen() { if (!document.fullscreenElement) { let p = document.documentElement.requestFullscreen(); p.catch(() => {}); } else { if (document.exitFullscreen) { let p = document.exitFullscreen(); p.catch(() => {}); } } } } if (key === "b") { toJP("forced"); e.preventDefault(); return false; } if (key === "n" || key === "Enter") { elecli("forced", 'a.ytp-next-button.ytp-button,.ytp-next-button'); //elecli("forced", '//a[@class="ytp-next-button ytp-button"]'); e.preventDefault(); //return false; } if (key === "p" || key === "]") { elecli("forced", 'a.ytp-prev-button.ytp-button,.ytp-prev-button'); //elecli("forced", '//a[@class="ytp-prev-button ytp-button"]'); e.preventDefault(); return false; } if ((key === "a" || key === "Shift+A") && location.href.match(/\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?.*v\=([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{11})/)) { // a:: e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation() e.returnValue = false var ctimeEle = eleget0('//video'); if (ctimeEle) { var ctime = Math.floor(ctimeEle.currentTime); var ret = (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") != -1) ? "\r\n" : "\n"; let newurl = key === "a" ? "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + location.href.match0(/v\=([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{11})/) + (ctime > 0 ? ("&t=" + ctime) : "") : location.href.replace(/&t=\d*s?/, "").replace(/[\?|\&]index=\d+/, "") + (ctime > 0 ? ("&t=" + ctime) : ""); let transratedTitle = (eleget0('//h1[@class=\"title style-scope ytd-video-primary-info-renderer\"]/yt-formatted-string/font/font|//div[@id=\"title\" and contains(@class,\"style-scope ytd-watch-metadata\")]/h1/yt-formatted-string/font/font|//div[@id="title"]/h1/yt-formatted-string/font')?.innerText?.replace(/(?!= - YouTube)$/, " - YouTube")) //let transratedTitle = (eleget0('//h1[@class=\"title style-scope ytd-video-primary-info-renderer\"]/yt-formatted-string/font/font|//div[@id=\"title\" and contains(@class,\"style-scope ytd-watch-metadata\")]/h1/yt-formatted-string/font/font')?.innerText?.replace(/(?!= - YouTube)$/, " - YouTube")) if (key === "Shift+A") history.pushState(null, null, newurl); if (kaisuuA == 1 && key != "Shift+A") { newurl = newurl.replace('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=', 'https://youtu.be/').replace("&t=", "?t="); } else { newurl = newurl.replace('https://youtu.be/', 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=').replace("?t=", "&t="); } var cb = ((transratedTitle || document.title) + ret + newurl + ret); GM.setClipboard(cb); popup(cb) kaisuuA = ++kaisuuA % KEY_A_VARIATIONS; } e.preventDefault(); return false; } }, true); var latestVideo = elegeta('//video').map(e => e.src).toString(); setInterval(() => { if (elegeta('//video').map(e => e.src).toString() != latestVideo) { // video要素の.srcたちの変化を監視 latestVideo = elegeta('//video').map(e => e.src).toString(); checkROAJAlready = 0; if (VERBOSE_NOTIFY) vn(latestVideo, "//video変化 : " + elegeta('//video').length + "要素 "); // run(wait_pageOpen * 3); if (latestVideo.length > 3) run(wait_pageOpen * 3); // src属性の中身があるvideo要素が1つ以上あれば } }, 1000); if (window === parent && location.href.match(/^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch/)) run(wait_pageOpen * 2); for (let ele of elegeta('//div[@id="player"]/div/div/button[@aria-label="再生"]|//div[@id="player"]/div/div/button[@aria-label="Play"]')) { ele.addEventListener('click', () => { setTimeout(run, wait_pageOpen * 2) }); } return; function run(delay = 500) { if (document?.activeElement?.matches("input") || document?.activeElement?.isContentEditable) { setTimeout(delay => run(delay), delay, delay); return; } //verb(elegeta('//video[@class="video-stream html5-main-video"]')) verb(elegeta('video.video-stream.html5-main-video')) //elegeta('//video').forEach(e => { if (!(e.src)) e.remove() }) elegeta('video').forEach(e => { if (!(e.src)) e.remove() }) //let video = elegeta('//video[@class="video-stream html5-main-video"]').slice(-1)[0]; // video要素が複数ある場合があるので最後の1つを取得 let video = elegeta('video.video-stream.html5-main-video').slice(-1)[0]; // video要素が複数ある場合があるので最後の1つを取得 if (!video) { verb("まだビデオ要素がありません"); return; } if (!video.src) { verb("まだビデオ再生が始まっていません"); setTimeout(() => run(delay), 200); return; } if (!eleget0('div#title > h1')?.innerText) { verb("まだタイトルが表示されていません"); setTimeout(() => run(delay), 200); return; } setTimeout(function() { //elegeta('//video').forEach(e => { if (!(e.src)) e.remove() }) elegeta('video').forEach(e => { if (!(e.src)) e.remove() }) verb("run"); var title = eleget0('div#title > h1'); //var title = eleget0('//h1/yt-formatted-string'); if (!(location.href.match(/\/embed/)) && (!title || !eleget0('//div[contains(@class,"ytp-right-controls")]/button[@aria-haspopup="true"]|//button[@class="ytp-button ytp-settings-button" and @data-tooltip-target-id="ytp-settings-button"]'))) { setTimeout(run, 200); verb("title does not exist"); return; } if (!ENABLE_EVENJAPANESE && title && ((title?.innerText) || "").match(/[\u30a0-\u30ff\u3040-\u309f\u3005-\u3006\u30e0-\u9fcf]+/)) { verb("タイトルに日本語を含むのでやめます"); return; } // タイトルに日本語あるならやめる setTimeout(() => { toJP(), wait_pageOpen }); }, delay + ((window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1) ? 200 : 0)); } function toJP(f = null) { if (document?.activeElement?.matches("input") || document?.activeElement?.isContentEditable) { setTimeout(() => toJP(f), 500, f); return; } if (!(location.href.match(ENABLE_EVENEMBED ? /:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?|:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/embed/ : /:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?/))) return; if (eleget0('//button[@class="ytp-subtitles-button ytp-button" and @aria-pressed="true"]|//button[@class="ytp-subtitles-button ytp-button" and @aria-pressed="false"]')) { // 押されている字幕ボタンがある? elecli(f, '//button[@class="ytp-subtitles-button ytp-button" and @aria-label="字幕(c)" and @aria-pressed="false"]|//button[@class="ytp-subtitles-button ytp-button" and @aria-pressed="false"]', 1); // 押されていない字幕ボタンがあるなら押す if (eleget0('#dualMarkStyle') && BUGGY_EXPRIMENTAL_FORCE_ENGLISH_WITH_DUALMARK) { elecli(f, '//div[@class="ytp-right-controls"]/button[@aria-label="設定"]|//button[@class="ytp-button ytp-settings-button"]', 2, "close") elecli(f, '//div[contains(@class,"ytp-menuitem-label")]/div/span[text()="字幕"]', 3, "close") elecli(f, '//div[contains(@class,"ytp-menuitem-label") and contains(text(),"英語")]', 4, "close") elecli(f, '//div[contains(@class,"ytp-right-controls")]/button[@aria-haspopup="true" and @aria-expanded="true"]|//button[@class="ytp-button ytp-settings-button" and @data-tooltip-target-id="ytp-settings-button" and @aria-expanded="true"]', 6, "blur"); } else if (!DO_NOT_SELECT_LANGUAGE) { // && !eleget0('#dualMarkStyle')) { verb("字幕を選択します") elecli(f, '//div[@class="ytp-right-controls"]/button[@aria-label="設定"]|//button[@class="ytp-button ytp-settings-button"]|//div[@class="ytp-right-controls"]/button[@aria-haspopup="true" and @data-tooltip-target-id="ytp-settings-button"]', 2); // 設定ボタン elecli(f, '//div[@class="ytp-menuitem-label"]/div/span[text()="字幕"]|//div[@class="ytp-menuitem-label"]/div/span[contains(text(),"Subtitles/CC")]|//font[@style="vertical-align: inherit;" and text()="字幕"]|//div[@class="ytp-menuitem"]/div[2]/div/span[text()="Subtitles/CC"]', 3, "close", "smooth"); elecli(f, '//div[@class="ytp-menuitem-label" and text()="自動翻訳"]|//div[2]/div/div[@class="ytp-menuitem-label" and contains(text(),"Auto-translate")]', 4, "close", "instant"); elecli(f, '//div[@class="ytp-menuitem-label" and text()="日本語"]|//div[@class="ytp-menuitem-label" and text()="Japanese"]', 5, "close abortDS"); elecli(f, '//div[contains(@class,"ytp-right-controls")]/button[@aria-haspopup="true" and @aria-expanded="true"]|//button[@class="ytp-button ytp-settings-button" and @data-tooltip-target-id="ytp-settings-button" and @aria-expanded="true"]', 7, "blur"); } else { verb(`字幕を選択しません`) } } } function elecli(f, xpath, delay = 0, command = "", beha = null) { if (document?.activeElement?.matches("input") || document?.activeElement?.isContentEditable) return; ds = ds || isDualsub() setTimeout(() => { ds = ds || isDualsub() verb(`#${delay} : `) var title = eleget0('div#title > h1'); //var title = eleget0('//h1/yt-formatted-string'); //if (!f && (((title?.innerText) || "").match(WORDS_TO_FORCE_DISABLE))) { elecli(1, '//button[@class="ytp-subtitles-button ytp-button" and @aria-pressed="true"]'); return } verb(`強制オフタイトルにヒット:${WORDS_TO_FORCE_DISABLE} in "${title?.innerText||""}":${!f && WORDS_TO_FORCE_DISABLE.test(title?.innerText || "")}`) if (!f && WORDS_TO_FORCE_DISABLE.test(title?.innerText || "")) { elecli(1, '//button[@class="ytp-subtitles-button ytp-button" and @aria-pressed="true"]'); return } let muted = eleget0('//button[@class="ytp-mute-button ytp-button" and @title="ミュート解除(m)"]'); verb(`対象:${xpath}\n`, `強制クリックモード:${f}\n`, `ENABLE_WHEN_MUTED=${ENABLE_WHEN_MUTED} , ミュートされている:${muted}\n`, `DISABLE_AUTO_GENERATED_JAPANESE:${DISABLE_AUTO_GENERATED_JAPANESE}\n`, `強制オンタイトルにヒット:${WORDS_TO_FORCE_ENABLE} in "${title.innerText}":${(WORDS_TO_FORCE_ENABLE.test(title?.innerText || ""))}\n`) if (!f && !(ENABLE_WHEN_MUTED && muted) && DISABLE_AUTO_GENERATED_JAPANESE && !WORDS_TO_FORCE_ENABLE.test(title?.innerText || "")) { // 自動翻訳の日本語しかなければ字幕をオフにして終わる var str = ""; for (let am of elegeta('//div[@class="ytp-menuitem-label"]')) { str += am.innerText }; verbose && delay == 4 && console.log(`■■■//div[@class="ytp-menuitem-label"] : ${str||"NA"}`); if ([ 'オフ日本語 (自動生成)自動翻訳', `オフ日本語日本語 (自動生成)自動翻訳`, `OffJapanese (auto-generated)Auto-translate`, `オフ日本語 - Default Track自動翻訳`, `オフ日本語自動翻訳`, `オフ英語日本語 (自動生成)自動翻訳`, ].find(v => str.indexOf(v) != -1)) { // || eleget0('//div[@class="ytp-menuitem-content" and contains(text(),"日本語 (自動生成) >> 英語"):visible')) ) { elecli(1, '//button[@class="ytp-subtitles-button ytp-button" and @aria-pressed="true"]'); verb(`%c言語の選択肢が[${str}]なので字幕をオフにして終わります`, `color:#f00;`); return; } else { if (command.split(" ").includes("abortDS") && ds) { // デュアル字幕 verb(`%cデュアル字幕があるようなので字幕を選択せず終わります`, `color:#f00;`); return; } } } var ele = eleget0(xpath); verb(`${xpath} ... found : ${(elegeta(xpath).length)}`); if (ele) { for (let ele of elegeta(xpath)) { if (command.split(" ").includes("focus")) { ele.focus(); verb("...focused") } else { ele.click(); verb("...clicked") if (window != parent && beha) { let foc = eleget0('//div[@id="movie_player"]|//div[@id="player"]'); //if (foc) foc.scrollIntoView({ behavior: beha, block: "center", inline: "center" }); } } } } else { if (command.split(" ").includes("close")) { elecli(f, '//div[contains(@class,"ytp-right-controls")]/button[@aria-haspopup="true" and @aria-expanded="true"]|//button[@class="ytp-button ytp-settings-button" and @data-tooltip-target-id="ytp-settings-button" and @aria-expanded="true"]'); // 歯車がオープンの状態の歯車 verb("なかったので中断します"); } } if (command.split(" ").includes("blur")) elecli(f, '//div[@id="movie_player"]|//div[@id="player"]/div/div/video', 0, "focus"); }, delay * WAIT_EACHACTION * (ds ? 2 : 1)); } function elegeta(xpath, node = document) { if (!xpath || !node) return []; // let xpath2 = xpath.replace(/:inv?screen|:visible|:text\*=[^:]*/g, "") // text*=~中で:は使えない let xpath2 = xpath.replace(/:inscreen|:visible|:text\*=[^:]*/g, "") // text*=~中で:は使えない let array = [] try { if (!/^\.?\//.test(xpath)) { array = [...node.querySelectorAll(xpath2)] } else { var snap = document.evaluate("." + xpath2, node, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null) let l = snap.snapshotLength for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) array[i] = snap.snapshotItem(i) } if (/:visible/.test(xpath)) array = array.filter(e => e.offsetHeight) //if (/:invscreen/.test(xpath)) array = array.filter(e => { var eler = e.getBoundingClientRect(); return (eler.bottom >= 0 && eler.top <= document.documentElement.clientHeight) }) // 画面縦内に1ピクセルでも入っている else if (/:inscreen/.test(xpath)) array = array.filter(e => { var eler = e.getBoundingClientRect(); return (eler.bottom >= 0 && eler.right >= 0 && eler.left <= document.documentElement.clientWidth && eler.top <= document.documentElement.clientHeight) }) // 画面内に1ピクセルでも入っている if (/:text\*=./.test(xpath)) { let text = xpath.replace(/^.*:text\*=([^:]*)$/, "$1"); if (text) array = array.filter(e => new RegExp(text).test(e?.textContent)) } } catch (e) { return []; } return array } function eleget0(xpath, node = document) { if (!xpath || !node) return null; // if (/:inv?screen|:visible|:text\*=/.test(xpath)) return elegeta(xpath, node)?.shift(); if (/:inscreen|:visible|:text\*=/.test(xpath)) return elegeta(xpath, node)?.shift(); if (!/^\.?\//.test(xpath)) return node.querySelector(xpath); try { var ele = document.evaluate("." + xpath, node, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); return ele.snapshotLength > 0 ? ele.snapshotItem(0) : null; } catch (e) { alert(e + "\n" + xpath + "\n" + JSON.stringify(node)); return null; } } function verb() { if (verbose) console.log(...arguments); } function roaj(str) { if (CHECK_ROAJ && !checkROAJAlready) { alert(str); checkROAJAlready = 1; } } function vn(body, title = "") { // verbose notify if (VERBOSE_NOTIFY) notify(body, title); } function notify(body, title = "") { if (!("Notification" in window)) return; else if (Notification.permission == "granted") new Notification(title, { body: body }); else if (Notification.permission !== "denied") Notification.requestPermission().then(function(permission) { if (permission === "granted") new Notification(title, { body: body }); }); } function popup(text) { var e = document.getElementById("cccbox"); if (e) { e.remove(); 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