
Anti-AdBlocker Fuckoff

Protects & Remove Anti-AdBlockers modal windows from web sites

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Anti-AdBlocker Fuckoff
// @name:es         Anti-AdBlocker Fuckoff
// @namespace       Anti-AdBlocker-Fuckoff
// @version         1.6.2
// @description     Protects & Remove Anti-AdBlockers modal windows from web sites
// @description:es  Protege y elimina las ventanas modales de Anti-AdBlockers de los sitios web
// @author          Elwyn
// @license         MIT
// @homepage        https://github.com/WakeupNeo33/Anti-AdBlocker-Fuckoff-userscript
// @supportURL      https://github.com/WakeupNeo33/Anti-AdBlocker-Fuckoff-userscript/issues
// @iconURL         https://github.com/WakeupNeo33/Anti-AdBlocker-Fuckoff-userscript/raw/main/icon.png
// @include         *
// @exclude         https://*aliexpress.com/*
// @exclude         https://*amazon.*/*
// @exclude         https://*anaconda.org/*
// @exclude         https://*apple.com/*
// @exclude         https://*ask.com/*
// @exclude         https://*baidu.com/*
// @exclude         https://*binance.com/*
// @exclude         https://*binance.us/*
// @exclude         https://*bing.com/*
// @exclude         https://*bitfinex.com/*
// @exclude         https://*bitflyer.com/*
// @exclude         https://*bitstamp.net/*
// @exclude         https://*blockchain.com/*
// @exclude         https://*blockchair.com/*
// @exclude         https://*blockcypher.com/*
// @exclude         https://*bscscan.com/*
// @exclude         https://*buffer.com/*
// @exclude         https://*bufferapp.com/*
// @exclude         https://*calm.com/*
// @exclude         https://*chatango.com/*
// @exclude         https://*coinbase.com/*
// @exclude         https://*coinmarketcap.com/*
// @exclude         https://*doctor-groups.com/*
// @exclude         https://*duckduckgo.com/*
// @exclude         https://*ebay.com/*
// @exclude         https://*etherscan.io/*
// @exclude         https://*facebook.com/*
// @exclude         https://*firefaucet.win/*
// @exclude         https://*flattr.com/*
// @exclude         https://*flickr.com/*
// @exclude         https://*fsf.org/*
// @exclude         https://*ftx.com/*
// @exclude         https://*ftx.us/*
// @exclude         https://*gate.io/*
// @exclude         https://*geeksforgeeks.org/*
// @exclude         https://*gemini.com/*
// @exclude         https://*github.com/*
// @exclude         https://*gitlab.com/*
// @exclude         https://*google.*
// @exclude         https://*greasyfork.org/*
// @exclude         https://*huobi.com/*
// @exclude         https://*imdb.com/*
// @exclude         https://*imgbox.com/*
// @exclude         https://*imgur.com/*
// @exclude         https://*instagram.com/*
// @exclude         https://*jsbin.com/*
// @exclude         https://*jsfiddle.net/*
// @exclude         https://*kucoin.com/*
// @exclude         https://*kraken.com/*
// @exclude         https://*linkedin.com/*
// @exclude         https://*liquid.com/*
// @exclude         https://*live.com/*
// @exclude         https://*mail.ru/*
// @exclude         https://*mega.nz/*
// @exclude         https://*minds.com/*
// @exclude         https://*microsoft.com/*
// @exclude         https://*msn.com/*
// @exclude         https://*netflix.com/*
// @exclude         https://*odysee.com/*
// @exclude         https://*openuserjs.org/*
// @exclude         https://*paypal.com/*
// @exclude         https://*pinterest.com/*
// @exclude         http*://*plnkr.co/*
// @exclude         http*://*poloniex.com/*
// @exclude         https://*primevideo.com/*
// @exclude         https://*protonmail.com/*
// @exclude         https://*qq.com/*
// @exclude         https://*reddit.com/*
// @exclude         https://*stackoverflow.com/*
// @exclude         https://*tampermonkey.net/*
// @exclude         https://*trello.com/*
// @exclude         https://*twitch.tv/*
// @exclude         https://*twitter.com/*
// @exclude         https://*userstyles.org/*
// @exclude         https://*viawallet.com/*
// @exclude         https://*vimeo.com/*
// @exclude         https://*whatsapp.com/*
// @exclude         https://*wikipedia.org/*
// @exclude         https://*w3schools.com/*
// @exclude         https://*yahoo.*
// @exclude         https://*yandex.ru/*
// @exclude         https://*youtube.com/*
// @exclude         https://*vod.pl/*
// @noframes
// @run-at          document-start
// @grant           unsafeWindow
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
var enable_debug = false;
// Anti-AdBlocker Pattern to Search
var adblock_pattern = /ad-block|adblock|ad block|bloqueur|bloqueador|Werbeblocker|آدبلوك بلس|блокировщиком/i;
var disable_pattern = /kapat|disabl|désactiv|desactiv|desativ|deaktiv|detect|enabled|turned off|turn off|απενεργοποίηση|запрещать|állítsd le|publicités|рекламе|verhindert|advert|kapatınız/i;
var tagNames_pattern = /div|section|iframe/i;
var is_core_protected = false;
var classes = [];
// HELPER Functions
function debug( msg, val ) {
if ( !enable_debug ) return;
console.log( '%c ANTI-ADBLOCKER ','color: white; background-color: red', msg );
if ( val === undefined ) return;
if ( val.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE )
console.log ( 'TagName: ' + val.nodeName + ' | Id: ' + val.id + ' | Class: ' + val.classList );
console.log ( val );
} else {
console.log ( val );
function addStyle(str) {
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = str;
document.body.appendChild( style );
function randomInt( min, max )
// min and max included
if ( max === undefined ) {
max = min;
min = 0;
return Math.floor(min + Math.random() * (max - min + 1));
function getRandomName( size )
var chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
var i;
var name = '';
for (i = 0; i < (size||randomInt(10,20)); i++)
name += chars.charAt( randomInt(0,chars.length) );
return name;
function addRandomClass( el ) {
let name = getRandomName();
el.classList.add( name );
return name;
/* Thanks to RuiGuilherme  */
const enableContextMenu = () => {
window.addEventListener('contextmenu', (event) => {
}, true);
function protectCore() {
if ( is_core_protected ) return;
is_core_protected = true;
// Protect RemoveChild
// Blocks the possibility of being able to remove the BODY or the HEAD
var $_removeChild = unsafeWindow.Node.prototype.removeChild;
unsafeWindow.Node.prototype.removeChild = function( node ) {
if ( node.nodeName == 'HEAD' || node.parentNode.nodeName == 'HEAD'){
return debug( 'An attempt to DELETE the element ' + node.nodeName + ' was blocked', node );
else if ( node.nodeName == 'BODY' ){
if ( node.parentNode == document.body.firstElementChild ) {
return debug( 'An attempt to DELETE the element ' + node.nodeName + ' from ' + node.parentNode.nodeName + ' was blocked', node );
return debug( 'An attempt to DELETE the element ' + node.nodeName + ' was blocked', node );
$_removeChild.apply( this, arguments );
// Protect innerHTML
var $_innerHTML = unsafeWindow.Node.prototype.innerHTML;
unsafeWindow.Node.prototype.innerHTML = function( node ) {
if ( node.nodeName == 'BODY' ) {
return debug( 'An attempt to CHANGE the content of the element ' + node.nodeName + ' was blocked\n"' + node.textContent+'"' );
$_innerHTML.apply( this, arguments );
var $_innerHTML_set = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, 'innerHTML').set;
Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, 'innerHTML', {
set: function (value) {
if ( this.nodeName == 'BODY' ){
return debug( 'An attempt to CHANGE the content of the element ' + this.nodeName + ' was blocked\n"' + this.textContent+'"\n"' + value + '"' );
//Call the original setter
return $_innerHTML_set.call(this, value);
debug( 'Core Protected');
function isElementBlur( el )
var style = window.getComputedStyle( el );
var filter = style.getPropertyValue( 'filter' );
return ( (/blur/i).test( filter ) );
function isElementFixed( el )
var style = window.getComputedStyle( el );
return ( style.getPropertyValue( 'position' ) == 'fixed' );
function isOverflowHidden( el )
var style = window.getComputedStyle( el );
return ( style.getPropertyValue( 'overflow' ) == 'hidden' );
function isNotHidden( el )
var style = window.getComputedStyle( el );
return ( style.getPropertyValue( 'display' ) != 'none' );
function isBlackoutModal( el )
var style = window.getComputedStyle( el );
var position = style.getPropertyValue( 'position' );
var top = parseInt( style.getPropertyValue( 'top' ) );
var left = parseInt( style.getPropertyValue( 'left' ) );
var right = parseInt( style.getPropertyValue( 'right' ) );
var bottom = parseInt( style.getPropertyValue( 'bottom' ) );
var zindex = style.getPropertyValue( 'z-index' );
if ( isNaN( zindex ) ) zindex = 0;
return parseInt( zindex ) > 1 && position == 'fixed' && ( ( el.offsetHeight > window.innerHeight - 50 && el.offsetWidth > window.innerWidth - 20 ) || (top == 0 && left == 0 && right == 0 && bottom == 0) );
function isModalWindows( el )
return isElementFixed ( el ) && ( (adblock_pattern.test( el.textContent ) && disable_pattern.test( el.textContent )) || el.tagName == 'IFRAME' );
function unblockScroll()
if ( isOverflowHidden( document.body ) )
document.body.setAttribute('style', (document.body.getAttribute('style')||'').replace('overflow: visible !important;','') + 'overflow: visible !important;');
document.body.classList.add( 'scroll_on' );
debug( 'Scroll Unblocked from BODY tag');
if ( isOverflowHidden( document.htmllTag ) )
document.html.setAttribute('style', (document.html.getAttribute('style')||'').replace('overflow: visible !important;','') + 'overflow: visible !important;');
document.html.classList.add( 'scroll_on' );
debug( 'Scroll Unblocked from HTML tag ');
// Main Functions
function removeBackStuff()
document.querySelectorAll( 'div,section' ).forEach( ( el ) => {
if ( isBlackoutModal( el ) )
debug( 'Blackout Modal Detected & Removed: ', el);
el.setAttribute('style', (el.getAttribute('style')||'') + ';display: none !important;');
el.classList.add( 'hide_modal' );
else if ( isElementBlur( el ) )
debug( 'Blur Element Detected & Deblurred: ', el);
el.classList.add( 'un_blur' );
setTimeout( unblockScroll, 500);
function checkModals()
debug( 'Checking Modals' );
var modalFound = false;
// Only check common used html tag names
document.querySelectorAll( 'div,section,iframe' ).forEach( ( el ) => {
if ( isModalWindows( el ) && isNotHidden( el ) )
modalFound = true;
removeModal( el );
if ( modalFound )
setTimeout( removeBackStuff, 150);
function removeModal( el, isNew )
// Skip the already processed elements
if ( (new RegExp(classes.join('|'))).test( el.classList ) ) {
//debug( 'Modal already added : ', el );
// Definde a random class name to hide the element
// ( so that it is not so easy to detect the class name )
var class_name = '';
class_name = addRandomClass( el );
classes.push( class_name );
// Hide the element through a high priority incorporating the sentence in the style parameter
el.setAttribute('style', (el.getAttribute('style')||'') + ';display: none !important;');
// Also, add the random class name to the element
// (in case there is a script that eliminates the previous statement)
addStyle( '.' + class_name + '{ display: none !important; }' );
debug( 'Modal Detected & Removed: ', el);
if ( isNew )
setTimeout( removeBackStuff, 150);
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
classes.push( getRandomName() );
document.html = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0];
// Mutation Observer
var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver;
// Create an observer instance
var observer = new MutationObserver( (mutations) => {
mutations.forEach( (mutation) => {
if ( mutation.addedNodes.length ) {
Array.prototype.forEach.call( mutation.addedNodes, ( el ) => {
// skip unusual html tag names
if ( !tagNames_pattern.test ( el.tagName ) ) return;
// Check if element is an Anti-Adblock Modal Windows
if ( isModalWindows( el ) && isNotHidden( el ) )
debug( 'OnMutationObserver: ', el );
removeModal( el, true );
// Observer
observer.observe(document, {
childList : true,
subtree : true
// enable context menu again
// First check with a little delay
setTimeout( function() {
}, 50 );
addStyle( 'body.scroll_on, html.scroll_on { overflow: visible !important; } .hide_modal { display: none !important; } .un_blur { -webkit-filter: blur(0px) !important; filter: blur(0px) !important; }' );
window.addEventListener('load', (event) => {
// Second check, when page is complete loaded ( just in case )
// Protect Core Functions