DIM 链接到 light.gg / light.gg linking for DIM
Add links to light.gg for DIM.
使用 / Usage
- 在你的浏览器上安装Tampermonkey扩展。
- 进入脚本发布页, 点击"安装此脚本",在弹出页面中确认安装。
- 打开DIM,点击任意武器,弹出框的右上角会添加light.gg的图标,点击图标即可在新标签打开该武器的light.gg页面。
- Install Tampermonkey extension on your desktop browser.
- Install this user script from Greasyfork, and confirm from the popup page.
- Open DIM, click on any weapon, the light.gg icon should appear at the top right corner of the popup. Click on that icon to open light.gg page of the weapon in new tab.
其他工具 / Other Tools
light.gg 简体中文支持 / Simplified Chinese for light.gg