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bilibili 成分查询

bilibili 共同关注一键查询(本地查询版)


您可能也喜欢bilibili 枝网查重 API 版

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         bilibili 成分查询
// @namespace    https://github.com/sparanoid/userscript
// @supportURL   https://github.com/sparanoid/userscript/issues
// @version      0.1.14
// @description  bilibili 共同关注一键查询(本地查询版)
// @author       Sparanoid
// @license      AGPL
// @compatible   chrome 80 or later
// @compatible   edge 80 or later
// @compatible   firefox 74 or later
// @compatible   safari 13.1 or later
// @match        https://*.bilibili.com/*
// @icon         https://experiments.sparanoid.net/favicons/v2/www.bilibili.com.ico
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==
// Debugging pages:
// - https://t.bilibili.com/594017148390748345
// - https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv13871002
// - https://space.bilibili.com/703007996/fans/follow
// - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ar4y1C77P
// - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1KL411g7om (colab)
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
const DEBUG = true;
const NAMESPACE = 'bilibili-social-check';
const apiBase = 'https://api.bilibili.com';
const feedbackUrl = 'https://t.bilibili.com/545085157213602473';
const conclusion = [
'🎤谁啊,真不熟', // 0
'纯路人了属于是', // 1
'有点共同爱好了', // 2
'共同兴趣还不少', // 3
'共同兴趣还挺多', // 4
'怎么会事呢', // 5
'很难不是好兄弟', // 6
'一家人了属于是', // 7
'很难不狂暴鸿儒', // 8
'我擦我不好说', //9
'克隆人是吧?' // 10
console.log(`${NAMESPACE} loaded`);
async function fetchResult(url = '', data = {}) {
const response = await fetch(url, {
credentials: 'include',
return response.json();
function debug(description = '', msg = '', force = false) {
if (DEBUG || force) {
console.log(`${NAMESPACE}: ${description}`, msg)
function formatDate(timestamp) {
let date = timestamp.toString().length === 10 ? new Date(+timestamp * 1000) : new Date(+timestamp);
return `${date.toLocaleDateString()} ${date.toLocaleTimeString()}`;
function rateColor(percent) {
return `hsl(${100 - percent}, 70%, 45%)`;
function percentDisplay(num) {
return num.toFixed(2).replace('.00', '');
function sanitize(string) {
const map = {
'&': '&',
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;',
'"': '&quot;',
"'": '&#x27;',
"/": '&#x2F;',
const reg = /[&<>"'/]/ig;
return string.replace(reg, match => map[match]);
function insertAfter(referenceNode, newNode) {
referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode.nextSibling);
function attachEl(wrapper, output) {
let content = document.createElement('div');
content.innerHTML = output;
function processFollowings(wrapper, id, output, iteration, following) {
let outputlist = '';
fetchResult(`${apiBase}/x/relation/same/followings?vmid=${id}&pn=${iteration}`).then(data => {
debug('data returned', data);
if (data.code !== 0) {
outputlist = data.message;
attachEl(wrapper, outputlist);
} else {
let result = data.data;
let total = result.total;
let items = result.list;
if (items.length > 0) {
items.map(item => {
let name = item.uname;
let status = item.attribute;
let uid = item.mid;
let userSince = item.mtime;
let userSign = item.sign;
let avatar = item.face;
let tag = item.tag;
let verify = item.official_verify;
let verifyColor = '#000';
let vip = item.vip;
let desc = `我的关注时间:${formatDate(userSince)}\n`;
if (verify?.type === 0) {
verifyColor = '#ff8d00';
} else if (verify?.type === 1) {
verifyColor = '#30a8fd';
if (verify?.type !== -1) {
desc += `认证:${verify.desc}\n`
// Remove extra the trailling new line
desc = desc.trim();
outputlist += `<div>
<a href="https://space.bilibili.com/${uid}" target="_blank" style="display: flex; align-items: center; margin-bottom: 5px; gap: 5px; color: inherit;">
<img src="${avatar}" style="width: 24px; height: 24px; border-radius: 2px;" />
<span style="color: ${verifyColor};" title="${desc}">${name}</span>
${item.attribute === 6 ? `<span style="border-radius: 2px; background: #5963d6; color: #fff; width: 12px; height: 12px; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; line-height: 1;" title="已互粉">⇄</span>` : ''}
${vip?.vipType !== 0 && vip?.vipStatus === 1 ? `<span title="${vip.label.text}\n会员有效期:${formatDate(vip.vipDueDate)}"><img src="${vip.avatar_subscript_url}" style="display: block; width: 12px; height: 12px;" /></span>` : ''}
<span style="opacity: .6; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: pre; flex: 1;" title="${sanitize(userSign)}" >${sanitize(userSign.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, ''))}</span>
debug('try next page', iteration + 1);
let nextPageRequest = setTimeout(() => {
processFollowings(wrapper, id, output, iteration + 1, following);
}, 800 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 600));
} else {
debug('loop finished');
// Attach stats
attachEl(wrapper.querySelector('div'), `共同关注:${total}\n相似比:${percentDisplay(total / following * 100)}%(${conclusion[Math.round(total / following * 10)]})`);
attachEl(wrapper, outputlist);
function processCard(wrapper) {
let iteration = 1;
let resultContent = '';
let idEl = wrapper.querySelector('.face') || wrapper.querySelector('.idc-avatar-container') || wrapper.querySelector('.card-user-name');
let followingEl = wrapper.querySelector('.info .social span') || wrapper.querySelector('.info .social .like') || wrapper.querySelector('.idc-content .idc-meta .idc-meta-item') || wrapper.querySelector('.card-social-info .card-user-attention span');
let id = '';
let wrapPadding = '1rem';
if (idEl) {
id = idEl.href.match(/\/\/space\.bilibili\.com\/(\d+)/)[1];
// ensure user id exists
debug('passed wrapper', wrapper);
debug('current uid', id);
if (id) {
// Create output wrapper and limit height
let injectWrap = wrapper;
let contentWrap = document.createElement('div');
contentWrap.style.overflowY = 'auto';
contentWrap.style.maxHeight = '300px';
contentWrap.style.padding = wrapPadding;
contentWrap.style.paddingTop = '.5rem';
contentWrap.style.marginTop = '1rem';
contentWrap.style.borderTop = '1px solid #eee';
let banner = document.createElement('div');
banner.style.paddingBottom = '.5rem';
banner.style.marginBottom = '.5rem';
banner.style.borderBottom = '1px solid #eee';
banner.style.whiteSpace = 'pre';
banner.innerHTML = `成分查询-本地查询版(<a href="${feedbackUrl}" target="_blank">问题反馈</a>)`
+ `\n外部查询:<a href="https://laplace.live/user/${id}" target="_blank">laplace</a> / <a href="https://danmakus.com/user/${id}" target="_blank">danmakus</a> / <a href="https://space.bilibili.ooo/${id}" target="_blank">ooo</a>`
+ `\n查询时间:${formatDate(Date.now())}`;
// Process followingSum when id is available
let totalFollowing = followingEl.innerText.match(/(\d+)/)[1];
debug('following element', followingEl);
// Inject prepared wrapper
processFollowings(contentWrap, id, resultContent, iteration, totalFollowing);
// .user-card loads dynamcially. So observe it first
const wrapperObserver = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => {
for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
[...mutation.addedNodes].map(item => {
debug('mutation wrapper added', item);
// Normal card, global, comments avatar, comment mentions, and etc.
if (item.classList?.contains('user-card')) {
debug('mutation card detected (global card)', item);
// Following/follower list
if (item.classList?.contains('idc-info')) {
let parent = item.parentNode;
if (parent.getAttribute('id') === 'id-card') {
debug('mutation card detected (following/follower list)', item);
// Cards in dongtai mentions
// NOTE: deprecated since Oct 2021. Will fallback to global card
if (item.classList?.contains('face')) {
let parent = item.parentNode;
if (parent.classList?.contains('userinfo-content')) {
debug('mutation card detected (dynamic dongtai)', item);
// Cards in author area in video page
if (item.classList?.contains('user-info-wrapper')) {
let parent = item.parentNode;
if (parent.classList?.contains('user-card-m-exp')) {
debug('mutation card detected (dynamic dongtai)', item);
wrapperObserver.observe(document.body, { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true });
}, false);