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Steam achievements filtering to show all, completed and uncompleted
// ==UserScript== // @name Steam Achievements Filter // @name:zh Steam 成就过滤 // @name:zh-CN Steam 成就过滤 // @name:zh-HK Steam 成就過濾 // @name:zh-TW Steam 成就過濾 // @name:en Steam Achievements Filter // @description Steam achievements filtering to show all, completed and uncompleted // @description:zh Steam 成就过滤,显示全部、已完成和未完成 // @description:zh-CN Steam 成就过滤,显示全部、已完成和未完成 // @description:zh-HK Steam 成就過濾,顯示全部、已完成和未完成 // @description:zh-TW Steam 成就過濾,顯示全部、已完成和未完成 // @description:en Steam achievements filtering to show all, completed and uncompleted // @version 0.3.1 // @author Ifover // @match *://*/achievements* // @icon // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @license GPL-3.0 License // @namespace // @supportURL // @homepageURL // ==/UserScript== var achievementsStatus; var id function _init() { var append_style = ` <style type="text/css"> .achievements-txt{color: #898989;} </style> ` jQuery('head').append(append_style); let headerContentLeft = jQuery('#headerContentLeft') let action = jQuery(` <div> 成就状态: <a class="achievements-txt all" style="color: #fff">全部</a> / <a class="achievements-txt unlocked">已完成</a> / <a class="achievements-txt locked">未完成</a> </div> `) headerContentLeft.append(action) jQuery('.achievements-txt').on('click', function () { handleToggle(jQuery(this).index()); GM_setValue('achievements' + id, jQuery(this).index()) jQuery('.achievements-txt').css({color: "#898989"}) jQuery(this).css({color: "#fff"}) }) let match = location.pathname.match(/\d+/g) id = match[0] if (GM_getValue('achievements' + id)) { achievementsStatus = GM_getValue('achievements' + id) jQuery('.achievements-txt').css({color: "#898989"}) jQuery(jQuery('.achievements-txt')[achievementsStatus]).css({color: "#fff"}) } else { GM_setValue('achievements' + id, 0) } handleToggle() } function handleToggle(aStatus = achievementsStatus) { switch (aStatus) { case 1: // only show unlocked jQuery('.achieveRow').show() jQuery('.achieveRow').not('.unlocked').hide() break case 2: // only show locked jQuery('.achieveRow').show() jQuery('.achieveRow.unlocked').hide() break default: // Show All jQuery('.achieveRow').show() break } } (function () { 'use strict'; _init() })();