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/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */ /* eslint-disable no-implicit-globals */ /* eslint-disable userscripts/no-invalid-headers */ /* eslint-disable userscripts/no-invalid-grant */ // ==UserScript== // @name beautifier // @displayname 页面美化 // @namespace Wenku8++ // @version 0.3.1 // @description 自定义页面背景图,布局优化 // @author PY-DNG // @license GPL-v3 // @regurl https?://www\.wenku8\.net/.* // @require // @require // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_deleteValue // ==/UserScript== (function __MAIN__() { const ASSETS = require('assets'); const alertify = require('alertify'); const settings = require('settings'); const SettingPanel = require('SettingPanel'); const CONST = { Text: { CommonBeautify: '通用页面美化', NovelBeautify: '阅读页面美化', ReviewBeautify: '书评页面美化', DefaultBeautify: '默认页面美化图片', Enable: '启用', BackgroundImage: '背景图片', AlertTitle: '页面美化设置', InvalidImageUrl: '图片链接格式错误</br>仅仅接受http/https/data链接', textScale: '文字大小缩放' }, ClassName: { BgImage: 'plus_cbty_image', BgCover: 'plus_cbty_cover', CSS: 'plus_beautifier' }, CSS: { Common: '.plus_cbty_image {position: fixed;top: 0;left: 0;z-index: -2;}.plus_cbty_cover {position: fixed;top: 0;left: calc((100vw - 960px) / 2);z-Index: -1;background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7);width: 960px;height: 100vh;}body {overflow: auto;}body>.main {position: relative;margin-left: 0;margin-right: 0;left: calc((100vw - 960px) / 2);}body.plus_cbty table.grid td, body.plus_cbty .odd, body.plus_cbty .even, body.plus_cbty .blockcontent {background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0) !important;}.textarea, .text {background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.9);}#headlink{background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7);}', Novel: 'html{background-image: url({BGI});}body {width: 100vw;height: 100vh;overflow: overlay;margin: 0px;background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7);}#contentmain {overflow-y: auto;height: calc(100vh - {H});max-width: 100%;min-width: 0px;max-width: 100vw;}#adv1, #adtop, #headlink, #footlink, #adbottom {overflow: overlay;min-width: 0px;max-width: 100vw;}#adv900, #adv5 {max-width: 100vw;}', Review: 'body {overflow: auto;background-image: url({BGI});}#content > table > tbody > tr > td, tr td.odd, tr td.even {background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7) !important;overflow: auto;}body.plus_cbty #content > table > tbody > tr > td {background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0) !important;overflow: auto;}#content {height: 100vh;overflow: auto;}.m_top, .m_head, .main.nav, .m_foot {display: none;}.main {margin-top: 0px;}#content table div[style*="width:100%"], #content table div[style*="width:60%"] strong{font-size: calc(1em * {S}/ 100);line-height: calc(120% * {S}/ 100);}.jieqiQuote, .jieqiCode, .jieqiNote {font-size: inherit;}' }, Config_Ruleset: { 'version-key': 'config-version', 'ignores': ["LOCAL-CDN"], 'defaultValues': { //'config-key': {}, common: { enable: false, image: null }, novel: { enable: false, image: null }, review: { enable: false, image: null, textScale: 100 }, image: null }, 'updaters': { /*'config-key': [ function() { // This function contains updater for config['config-key'] from v0 to v1 }, function() { // This function contains updater for config['config-key'] from v1 to v2 } ]*/ } } }; // Config const CM = new ConfigManager(CONST.Config_Ruleset); const CONFIG = CM.Config; CM.setDefaults(); // Settings settings.registerSettings(MODULE_IDENTIFIER, setter); // Beautifier pages const API = getAPI(); if (API[0] === 'novel' && [...API].pop() !== 'index.htm') { CONFIG.novel.enable && novel(); } else if (API.join('/') === 'modules/article/reviewshow.php') { && review(); } else { CONFIG.common.enable && common(); } exports = { // }; // Beautifier for all wenku pages function common() { const src = CONFIG.common.image || CONFIG.image; const img = $CrE('img'); img.src = src; img.classList.add(CONST.ClassName.BgImage); document.body.appendChild(img); const cover = $CrE('div'); cover.classList.add(CONST.ClassName.BgCover); document.body.appendChild(cover); document.body.classList.add('plus_cbty'); addStyle(CONST.CSS.Common, CONST.ClassName.CSS); return true; } // Novel reading page function novel() { const src = CONFIG.novel.image || CONFIG.image; const usedHeight = getRestHeight(); addStyle(CONST.CSS.Novel .replaceAll('{BGI}', src) .replaceAll('{H}', usedHeight), CONST.ClassName.CSS ); unsafeWindow.scrolling = beautiful_scrolling; // Get rest height without #contentmain function getRestHeight() { let usedHeight = 0; ['adv1', 'adtop', 'headlink', 'footlink', 'adbottom'].forEach((id) => { const node = $('#'+id); if (node instanceof Element && !== 'contentmain') { const cs = getComputedStyle(node); ['height', 'marginTop', 'marginBottom', 'paddingTop', 'paddingBottom', 'borderTop', 'borderBottom'].forEach((style) => { const reg = cs[style].match(/([\.\d]+)px/); reg && (usedHeight += Number(reg[1])); }); }; }); usedHeight = usedHeight.toString() + 'px'; return usedHeight; } // Mouse dblclick scroll with beautifier applied function beautiful_scrolling() { var contentmain = pageResource.elements.contentmain; var currentpos = contentmain.scrollTop || 0; contentmain.scrollTo(0, ++currentpos); var nowpos = contentmain.scrollTop || 0; if(currentpos != nowpos) unsafeWindow.clearInterval(timer); } } // Review reading page function review() { const src = || CONFIG.image; const textScale =; const main = $('#content'); addStyle(CONST.CSS.Review .replaceAll('{BGI}', src) .replaceAll('{S}', textScale.toString()) , CONST.ClassName.CSS); scaleimgs(); hookPosition(); function scaleimgs() { const w = main.clientWidth * 0.8 - 3; // td.width = "80%", .even {padding: 3px;} Array.from($All('.divimage>img')).forEach((img) => { img.width = img.width < w ? img.width : w; }); } function hookPosition() { if (typeof UBBEditor !== 'object') { hookPosition.wait = hookPosition.wait ? hookPosition.wait : 0; if (++hookPosition.wait > 50) {return false;} hookPosition.wait % 10 === 0 && DoLog('hookPosition: UBBEditor not loaded, waiting...'); setTimeout(hookPosition, ASSETS.Number.Interval); return false; } UBBEditor.GetPosition = function (obj) { var r = new Array(); r.x = obj.offsetLeft; r.y = obj.offsetTop; while (obj = obj.offsetParent) { if (unsafeWindow.$(obj).getStyle('position') == 'absolute' || unsafeWindow.$(obj).getStyle('position') == 'relative') break; r.x += obj.offsetLeft; r.y += obj.offsetTop; } r.x -= main.scrollLeft; r.y -= main.scrollTop; return r; } } } // Settings function setter() { const storage = { GM_getValue: GM_getValue, GM_setValue: GM_setValue, GM_listValues: GM_listValues, GM_deleteValue: GM_deleteValue }; const Panel = SettingPanel.SettingPanel; const SetPanel = new Panel({ buttons: 'saver', header: CONST.Text.AlertTitle, tables: [{ rows: [{ blocks: [{ isHeader: true, colSpan: 2, innerText: CONST.Text.CommonBeautify }] },{ blocks: [{ innerText: CONST.Text.Enable },{ options: [{ path: 'common/enable', type: 'boolean' }] }] },{ blocks: [{ innerText: CONST.Text.BackgroundImage },{ options: [{ path: 'common/image', type: ['image', 'string'], checker: imageUrlChecker, }] }] }] },{ rows: [{ blocks: [{ isHeader: true, colSpan: 2, innerText: CONST.Text.NovelBeautify }] },{ blocks: [{ innerText: CONST.Text.Enable },{ options: [{ path: 'novel/enable', type: 'boolean' }] }] },{ blocks: [{ innerText: CONST.Text.BackgroundImage },{ options: [{ path: 'novel/image', type: ['image', 'string'], checker: imageUrlChecker, }] }] }] },{ rows: [{ blocks: [{ isHeader: true, colSpan: 2, innerText: CONST.Text.ReviewBeautify }] },{ blocks: [{ innerText: CONST.Text.Enable },{ options: [{ path: 'review/enable', type: 'boolean' }] }] },{ blocks: [{ innerText: CONST.Text.BackgroundImage },{ options: [{ path: 'review/image', type: ['image', 'string'], checker: imageUrlChecker, }] }] },{ blocks: [{ innerText: CONST.Text.textScale },{ options: [{ path: 'review/textScale', type: 'number' }], children: [(() => { const span = $CrE('span'); span.innerText = '%'; return span; }) ()] }] }] },{ rows: [{ blocks: [{ isHeader: true, colSpan: 2, innerText: CONST.Text.DefaultBeautify }] },{ blocks: [{ innerText: CONST.Text.BackgroundImage },{ options: [{ path: 'image', type: ['image', 'string'], checker: imageUrlChecker, }] }] }] }] }, storage); function imageUrlChecker(e, value) { if (!value.match(/.+:/)) { alertify.alert(CONST.Text.AlertTitle, CONST.Text.InvalidImageUrl); return false; } = value || null; return true; } } })();