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Auto Clicker for Browsers!!
// ==UserScript== // @name Auto Clicker // @namespace // @version 1.6 // @description Auto Clicker for Browsers!! // @author pixxy // @match *://*/* // @grant none // @icon // @compatible chrome // @compatible firefox // @compatible opera // @compatible safari // ==/UserScript== let x,y,set,cps=10; document.addEventListener('keyup',function(evt){ if(evt.keyCode==77&&evt.altKey){ if(!set==true){ set=true; let inp=prompt("How many clicks would you like per second? Recommended Max : 100,000 cps"); if(!isNaN(inp)&&inp.trim().length>0){ if(inp>100000){ let check=confirm(`${inp} clicks per second may crash your browser! Are you sure you would like to continue?`) if(check){ alert("Ok whatever you say..."); console.warn("Idiot..."); cps=inp; } else{ set=false; alert("Thanks for understanding. Please click ctrl + m to try again.") } } else if(inp<1000){ cps=1000; } else{ cps=inp; } } alert("You may now click on any point in this tab to set the autoclicker to it. Have fun !!"); onmousedown = function(e){ x=e.clientX; y=e.clientY; }; let autoClick=setInterval(function(){ if(x!==undefined&&y!==undefined&&set==true){ for(let i=0;i<cps/1000;i++){ click(x,y); } } },1)} else{ set=false } } }) function click(x, y){ let ev = new MouseEvent('click', { 'view': window, 'bubbles': true, 'cancelable': true, 'screenX': x, 'screenY': y }); let el = document.elementFromPoint(x, y); el.dispatchEvent(ev); }