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This script enhances the user experience when pausing a YouTube video in full-screen mode by hiding certain elements and adding a play icon.
// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube Fullscreen Enhancer // @description This script enhances the user experience when pausing a YouTube video in full-screen mode by hiding certain elements and adding a play icon. // @author Wanten // @copyright 2024 Wanten // @license MIT // @supportURL // @icon // @homepageURL // @namespace // @version 0.2.2 // @match http*://** // @match http*://* // @match http*://** // @match http*://* // @run-at document-end // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== (function () { "use strict"; const playIconSVG = `<svg xmlns="" width="80" height="80" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="#e01b24" d="M21.593 7.203a2.506 2.506 0 0 0-1.762-1.766C18.265 5.007 12 5 12 5s-6.264-.007-7.831.404a2.56 2.56 0 0 0-1.766 1.778c-.413 1.566-.417 4.814-.417 4.814s-.004 3.264.406 4.814c.23.857.905 1.534 1.763 1.765c1.582.43 7.83.437 7.83.437s6.265.007 7.831-.403a2.515 2.515 0 0 0 1.767-1.763c.414-1.565.417-4.812.417-4.812s.02-3.265-.407-4.831M9.996 15.005l.005-6l5.207 3.005z"/></svg>`; const defaultStyle = `.ytp-bezel { display: none !important; }`; const toggleStyle = ` .ytp-chrome-top, .ytp-gradient-top, .ytp-gradient-bottom, .ytp-chrome-bottom { display: none !important; } .caption-window, .caption-window.ytp-caption-window-bottom, .caption-window ytp-caption-window-top { margin-bottom: 0 !important; margin-top: 0 !important; } `; const playIconContainerEleStyle = { position: "absolute", zIndex: 69, width: "100%", height: "0", bottom: "0", background: "red", }; const playIconEleStyle = { position: "absolute", right: "30px", bottom: "60px", }; let html5VideoPlayerEle = null; let html5MainVideoEle = null; let toggleStyleEle = null; let mouseMoveTimeoutId = null; const classNamesToCheckForHover = ["ytp-chrome-top", "ytp-chrome-bottom"]; const playIconContainerEle = document.createElement("div"); playIconContainerEle.innerHTML = playIconSVG; const playIconEle = playIconContainerEle.querySelector("svg"); Object.assign(, playIconContainerEleStyle); Object.assign(, playIconEleStyle); const addToggleStyleEle = () => { const isHover = isAnyElementHovered(classNamesToCheckForHover); if (isHover) return; toggleStyleEle = GM_addStyle(toggleStyle); }; const addDefaultStyleEle = () => GM_addStyle(defaultStyle); const removeToggleStyleEle = () => { toggleStyleEle?.parentNode?.removeChild(toggleStyleEle); toggleStyleEle = null; }; const isAnyElementHovered = (classNames) => { for (let className of classNames) { let elements = document.getElementsByClassName(className); for (let element of elements) { if (element.matches(":hover")) { return true; } } } return false; }; const handleMouseMoveEvent = () => { clearTimeout(mouseMoveTimeoutId); if (toggleStyleEle) removeToggleStyleEle(); mouseMoveTimeoutId = setTimeout(addToggleStyleEle, 1000); }; const appendPlayIconContainerEle = () => html5VideoPlayerEle.appendChild(playIconContainerEle); const removePlayIconContainerEle = () => html5VideoPlayerEle.removeChild(playIconContainerEle); const initialHtml5MainVideoEleEvent = () => { html5MainVideoEle.addEventListener("play", () => removePlayIconContainerEle() ); html5MainVideoEle.addEventListener("pause", () => appendPlayIconContainerEle() ); }; const initializeElements = () => { html5VideoPlayerEle = document.querySelector(".html5-video-player"); html5MainVideoEle = document.querySelector(".html5-main-video"); if (!html5VideoPlayerEle || !html5MainVideoEle) return; initialHtml5MainVideoEleEvent(); clearInterval(initializeElementsIntervalId); }; let initializeElementsIntervalId = setInterval(initializeElements, 300); window.addEventListener("load", () => { addDefaultStyleEle(); }); window.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMoveEvent); })();