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window.dpPlugins = window.dpPlugins || (function (e) { var t = { version: "1.1.5", init: function (s, i) { (t = Object.assign(i || {}, t)), window.m3u8Parser || t.loadJs( "" ), window.localforage || t.loadJs( "" ), t.ready(s).then(() => { e.forEach((e) => { const i = new e(s, t); s.plugins[] = i; }); }); }, ready: function (e) { return new Promise(function (t, s) { e.isReady ? t() : > 0 || > 2 ? ((e.isReady = !0), t()) : ( = function () { ( = null), (e.isReady = !0), t(); }); }); }, query: function (e, t = document) { return t.querySelector(e); }, queryAll: function (e, t = document) { return t.querySelectorAll(e); }, append: function (e, t) { return ( t instanceof Element ?, t) : e.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", String(t)), e.lastElementChild || e.lastChild ); }, prepend: function (e, t) { return ( t instanceof Element ? e, t, e.firstElementChild || e.firstChild ) : e.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", String(t)), e.firstElementChild || e.firstChild ); }, insertAfter: function (e, s) { var i = e.parentNode; return i.lastChild == e ? t.append(i, s) : ((s = t.append(i, s)),, s, e.nextSibling)); }, remove: function (e) { return || document, e); }, setStyle: function (e, t, s) { if ("object" == typeof t) { for (const s in t)[s] = t[s]; return e; } return ([t] = s), e; }, }; return ( "\n %c dpPlugins v" + t.version + " %c \n", "color: #fadfa3; background: #030307; padding:5px 0;", "background: #fadfa3; padding:5px 0;" ), t ); })([ class HlsEvents { constructor(e) { (this.player = e), (this.hls = this.player.plugins.hls), ( =, (this.currentTime = 0), (this.fragLoadError = 0),"video_end") ||"video_end"), this.player.on("video_end", () => { this.switchUrl(); }), this.player.on("quality_end", () => { this.hls && (this.hls.destroy(), (this.hls = this.player.plugins.hls), localStorage.setItem( "dplayer-defaultQuality", ), this.onEvents()); }), this.player.on("destroy", () => { this.hls && this.hls.destroy(); }), this.onEvents(); } onEvents() { if (this.hls) { const e = window.Hls || unsafeWindow.Hls; this.hls.on(e.Events.ERROR, (t, s) => { if ( ( > 0 && (this.currentTime =, s.fatal) ) switch ( (this.player.notice( `当前带宽: ${ Math.round( (this.hls.bandwidthEstimate / 1024 / 1024 / 8) * 100 ) / 100 } MB/s` ), s.type) ) { case e.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR: s.details === e.ErrorDetails.MANIFEST_LOAD_ERROR || s.details === e.ErrorDetails.MANIFEST_LOAD_TIMEOUT || s.details === e.ErrorDetails.MANIFEST_PARSING_ERROR ? this.hls.loadSource(this.hls.url) : s.details === e.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_ERROR ? this.fragLoadError < 10 && (this.fragLoadError++, this.hls.loadSource(this.hls.url), ( = this.currentTime), : this.hls.startLoad(); break; case e.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR: this.hls.recoverMediaError(); break; default: this.player.notice("视频播放异常,请刷新重试"), this.hls.destroy(); } else if (s.type === e.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR) if ( s.details === e.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_ERROR && this.isUrlExpires(this.hls.url) ) return ( (this.fragLoadError = 0), ( =, this.hls.stopLoad(), this.player.plugins?.Appreciation.isAppreciation() .catch((e) => Object.keys(localStorage).forEach( (e) => e.startsWith("dp") && localStorage.removeItem(e) ) ) .finally(() => {"video_start"); }) ); }); } } switchUrl() { if ( this.hls && this.hls.hasOwnProperty("data") && this.hls.levelController && !this.hls.levelController.currentLevelIndex ) { const e = (this.hls.url = this.player.quality.url); fetch(e) .then((e) => (e.ok ? e.text() : Promise.reject())) .then((t) => { const s = new ( window.m3u8Parser || unsafeWindow.m3u8Parser ).Parser(); s.push(t), s.end(); const i = e.replace(/media.m3u8.+/, ""), a = s.manifest.segments; this.hls.bufferController.details.fragments.forEach(function ( t, s ) { const l = a[s]; Object.assign(t, { baseurl: e, relurl: l.uri, url: i + l.uri }); }), this.hls.startLoad(; }); } } isUrlExpires(e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 6e3, s = e.match(/&x-oss-expires=(\d+)&/); return s ? +"".concat(s[1], "000") - t < : - > 3e5 - t; } }, class ImageEnhancer { constructor(e, t) { (this.player = e), Object.assign(this.player.user.storageName, { imageenhancer: "dplayer-imageenhancer", }), Object.assign(this.player.user.default, { imageenhancer: 0 }), this.player.user.init(), (this.imageenhancer = this.player.user.get("imageenhancer")), this.imageenhancer && ( = "contrast(1.01) brightness(1.05) saturate(1.1)"), (this.player.template.imageEnhancer = t.append( t.query( ".dplayer-setting-origin-panel", this.player.template.settingBox ), '<div class="dplayer-setting-item dplayer-setting-imageenhancer"><span class="dplayer-label">画质增强</span><div class="dplayer-toggle"><input class="dplayer-toggle-setting-input" type="checkbox" name="dplayer-toggle"><label for="dplayer-toggle"></label></div></div>' )), (this.player.template.imageEnhancerToggle = t.query( "input", this.player.template.imageEnhancer )), (this.player.template.imageEnhancerToggle.checked = this.imageenhancer), this.player.template.imageEnhancer.addEventListener("click", () => { (this.imageenhancer = this.player.template.imageEnhancerToggle.checked = !this.player.template.imageEnhancerToggle.checked), this.player.user.set("imageenhancer", Number(this.imageenhancer)), ( = this.imageenhancer ? "contrast(1.01) brightness(1.05) saturate(1.1)" : ""), this.player.notice( "画质增强: " + (this.imageenhancer ? "开启" : "关闭") ); }), this.player.on("playing", () => { this.imageenhancer && ( = "contrast(1.01) brightness(1.05) saturate(1.1)"); }); } }, class SoundEnhancer { constructor(e, t) { (this.player = e), (this.Joysound = window.Joysound || unsafeWindow.Joysound), (this.localforage = window.localforage || unsafeWindow.localforage), (this.joySound = null), (this.offset = null), Object.assign(this.player.user.storageName, { soundenhancer: "dplayer-soundenhancer", volumeenhancer: "dplayer-volumeenhancer", }), Object.assign(this.player.user.default, { soundenhancer: 0, volumeenhancer: 0, }), this.player.user.init(), (this.player.template.soundEnhancer = t.append( t.query( ".dplayer-setting-origin-panel", this.player.template.settingBox ), '<div class="dplayer-setting-item dplayer-setting-soundenhancer"><span class="dplayer-label">音质增强</span><div class="dplayer-toggle"><input class="dplayer-toggle-setting-input" type="checkbox" name="dplayer-toggle"><label for="dplayer-toggle"></label></div></div>' )), (this.player.template.soundEnhancerToggle = t.query( "input", this.player.template.soundEnhancer )), (this.player.template.soundEnhancerToggle.checked = !!this.player.user.get("soundenhancer")), this.player.template.soundEnhancer.addEventListener("click", () => { let e = (this.player.template.soundEnhancerToggle.checked = !this.player.template.soundEnhancerToggle.checked); this.player.user.set("soundenhancer", Number(e)), this.switchJoysound(e); }), (this.player.template.gainBox = t.prepend( t.query( ".dplayer-setting-origin-panel", this.player.template.settingBox ), '<div class="dplayer-setting-item dplayer-setting-danmaku dplayer-setting-gain" style="display: block;"><span class="dplayer-label">音量增强</span><div class="dplayer-danmaku-bar-wrap dplayer-gain-bar-wrap"><div class="dplayer-danmaku-bar dplayer-gain-bar"><div class="dplayer-danmaku-bar-inner dplayer-gain-bar-inner" style="width: 0%;"><span class="dplayer-thumb"></span></div></div></div></div>' )), (this.player.template.gainBarWrap = this.player.template.gainBox.querySelector( ".dplayer-gain-bar-wrap" )), ( = this.player.template.gainBox.querySelector( ".dplayer-gain-bar-inner" )); const s = (e) => { const t = e || window.event; let s = ((t.clientX || t.changedTouches[0].clientX) - this.getElementViewLeft(this.player.template.gainBarWrap)) / 130; this.switchGainValue(s); }, i = () => { document.removeEventListener("touchend", i), document.removeEventListener("touchmove", s), document.removeEventListener("mouseup", i), document.removeEventListener("mousemove", s), this.player.template.gainBox.classList.remove( "dplayer-setting-danmaku-active" ); }; this.player.template.gainBarWrap.addEventListener("click", (e) => { const t = e || window.event; let s = ((t.clientX || t.changedTouches[0].clientX) - this.getElementViewLeft(this.player.template.gainBarWrap)) / 130; this.switchGainValue(s); }), this.player.template.gainBarWrap.addEventListener( "touchstart", () => { document.addEventListener("touchmove", s), document.addEventListener("touchend", i), this.player.template.gainBox.classList.add( "dplayer-setting-danmaku-active" ); } ), this.player.template.gainBarWrap.addEventListener("mousedown", () => { document.addEventListener("mousemove", s), document.addEventListener("mouseup", i), this.player.template.gainBox.classList.add( "dplayer-setting-danmaku-active" ); }), this.player.on("playing", () => { this.localforage.getItem("playing").then((e) => { (e = e || 0), ++e < 1e3 && (( = !0), this.localforage.setItem("playing", e)); }), || this.init(); }); } init() { if (this.Joysound && this.Joysound.isSupport()) { (this.joySound = new this.Joysound()), this.joySound.init(, ( = !0); let e = this.player.user.get("soundenhancer"); e && this.switchJoysound(e); let t = this.player.user.get("volumeenhancer"); t && this.switchGainValue(t); } } switchJoysound(e) { this.joySound ? (this.joySound.setEnabled(e), this.player.notice("音质增强: " + (e ? "开启" : "关闭"))) : this.player.notice("Joysound 未完成初始化"); } switchGainValue(e) { this.joySound ? ((e = Math.min(Math.max(e, 0), 1)),"gain", e, "width"), this.player.user.set("volumeenhancer", e), this.joySound.setVolume(e), this.player.notice(`音量增强: ${100 + Math.floor(100 * e)}%`)) : this.player.notice("Joysound 未完成初始化"); } getElementViewLeft(e) { const t = window.scrollY || window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop + ((document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) || 0); if (e.getBoundingClientRect) { if ("number" != typeof this.offset) { let e = document.createElement("div"); ( = "position:absolute;top:0;left:0;"), document.body.appendChild(e), (this.offset = -e.getBoundingClientRect().top - t), document.body.removeChild(e), (e = null); } return e.getBoundingClientRect().left + this.offset; } { let t = e.offsetLeft, s = e.offsetParent; const i = document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; if ( document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement ) for (; null !== s && s !== e; ) (t += s.offsetLeft), (s = s.offsetParent); else for (; null !== s; ) (t += s.offsetLeft), (s = s.offsetParent); return t - i; } } }, class AspectRatio { constructor(e) { (this.player = e), (this.value = null), this.player.template.controller .querySelector(".dplayer-icons-right") .insertAdjacentHTML( "afterbegin", '<div class="dplayer-quality dplayer-aspectRatio"><button class="dplayer-icon dplayer-quality-icon">画面比例</button><div class="dplayer-quality-mask"><div class="dplayer-quality-list dplayer-aspectRatio-list"><div class="dplayer-quality-item" data-value="none">原始比例</div><div class="dplayer-quality-item" data-value="cover">自动裁剪</div><div class="dplayer-quality-item" data-value="fill">拉伸填充</div><div class="dplayer-quality-item" data-value="">系统默认</div></div></div></div>' ), (this.player.template.aspectRatioButton = this.player.template.controller.querySelector( ".dplayer-aspectRatio button" )), (this.player.template.aspectRatioList = this.player.template.controller.querySelector( ".dplayer-aspectRatio-list" )), this.player.template.aspectRatioList.addEventListener( "click", (e) => {"dplayer-quality-item") && ((this.value =, (["object-fit"] =, (this.player.template.aspectRatioButton.innerText =; } ), this.player.on("playing", () => { this.value && (["object-fit"] = this.value); }); } }, class SelectEpisode { constructor(e, t) { (this.player = e), Array.isArray(this.player.options.fileList) && this.player.options.fileList.length > 1 && this.player.options.file && ("episode_end") ||"episode_end"), this.player.on("episode_end", () => { this.switchVideo(); }), (this.player.fileIndex = ( this.player.options.fileList || [] ).findIndex( (e, t) => e.file_id === this.player.options.file.file_id )), t.prepend( this.player.template.controller.querySelector( ".dplayer-icons-right" ), '<style>.episode .content{max-width: 360px;max-height: 330px;width: auto;height: auto;box-sizing: border-box;overflow: hidden auto;position: absolute;left: 0px;transition: all 0.38s ease-in-out 0s;bottom: 52px;transform: scale(0);z-index: 2;}.episode .content .list{background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.3);height: 100%;}.episode .content .video-item{color: #fff;cursor: pointer;font-size: 14px;line-height: 35px;overflow: hidden;padding: 0 10px;text-overflow: ellipsis;text-align: center;white-space: nowrap;}.episode .content .active{background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.3);color: #0df;}</style><div class="dplayer-quality episode"><button class="dplayer-icon prev-icon" title="上一集"><svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><path d="M757.527273 190.138182L382.510545 490.123636a28.020364 28.020364 0 0 0 0 43.752728l375.016728 299.985454a28.020364 28.020364 0 0 0 45.474909-21.876363V212.014545a28.020364 28.020364 0 0 0-45.474909-21.876363zM249.949091 221.509818a28.020364 28.020364 0 0 0-27.973818 27.973818v525.032728a28.020364 28.020364 0 1 0 55.994182 0V249.483636a28.020364 28.020364 0 0 0-28.020364-27.973818zM747.054545 270.242909v483.514182L444.834909 512l302.173091-241.757091z"></path></svg></button><button class="dplayer-icon dplayer-quality-icon episode-icon">选集</button><button class="dplayer-icon next-icon" title="下一集"><svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><path d="M248.506182 190.138182l374.970182 299.985454a28.020364 28.020364 0 0 1 0 43.752728L248.552727 833.861818a28.020364 28.020364 0 0 1-45.521454-21.876363V212.014545c0-23.505455 27.182545-36.538182 45.521454-21.876363z m507.485091 31.371636c15.453091 0 28.020364 12.567273 28.020363 27.973818v525.032728a28.020364 28.020364 0 1 1-55.994181 0V249.483636c0-15.453091 12.520727-27.973818 27.973818-27.973818zM258.978909 270.242909v483.514182L561.198545 512 258.978909 270.242909z"></path></svg></button><div class="content"><div class="list"></div></div></div>' ), (this.player.template.episodeButton = this.player.template.controller.querySelector( ".episode .episode-icon" )), (this.player.template.episodePrevButton = this.player.template.controller.querySelector( ".episode .prev-icon" )), (this.player.template.episodeNextButton = this.player.template.controller.querySelector( ".episode .next-icon" )), (this.player.template.episodeContent = this.player.template.controller.querySelector( ".episode .content" )), (this.player.template.episodeList = this.player.template.controller.querySelector(".episode .list")), this.player.options.fileList.forEach((e, s) => { t.append( this.player.template.episodeList, '<div class="video-item" data-index="' + s + '" title="' + + '">' + + "</div>" ); }), (this.player.template.episodeVideoItems = this.player.template.controller.querySelectorAll( ".episode .video-item" )), this.player.template.episodeVideoItems.length && this.player.fileIndex >= 0 && this.player.template.episodeVideoItems[ this.player.fileIndex ].classList.add("active"), this.player.template.mask.addEventListener("click", () => { this.hide(); }), this.player.template.episodeButton.addEventListener( "click", (e) => { "scale(1)" === ? this.hide() :; } ), this.player.template.episodeList.addEventListener("click", (e) => {"video-item") && !"active") && (this.player.template.episodeVideoItems[ this.player.fileIndex ].classList.remove("active"),"active"), (this.player.fileIndex = 1 *, (this.player.options.file = this.player.options.fileList[this.player.fileIndex]), this.hide(),"episode_start"), this.player.notice( "准备播放:" +, 5e3 )); }), this.player.template.episodePrevButton.addEventListener( "click", (e) => { const t = this.player.fileIndex - 1; t >= 0 ? (this.player.template.episodeVideoItems[ this.player.fileIndex ].classList.remove("active"), this.player.template.episodeVideoItems[t].classList.add( "active" ), (this.player.fileIndex = t), (this.player.options.file = this.player.options.fileList[this.player.fileIndex]), this.hide(),"episode_start"), this.player.notice( "准备播放:" +, 5e3 )) : this.player.notice("没有上一集了"); } ), this.player.template.episodeNextButton.addEventListener( "click", (e) => { const t = this.player.fileIndex + 1; t <= this.player.options.fileList.length - 1 ? (this.player.template.episodeVideoItems[ this.player.fileIndex ].classList.remove("active"), this.player.template.episodeVideoItems[t].classList.add( "active" ), (this.player.fileIndex = t), (this.player.options.file = this.player.options.fileList[this.player.fileIndex]), this.hide(),"episode_start"), this.player.notice( "准备播放:" +, 5e3 )) : this.player.notice("没有下一集了"); } )); } switchVideo() { this.player.switchVideo({ url: this.player.quality.url, type: "hls" }), ( = () => { ( = null),,"quality_end"); }); } show() { ( = "scale(1)"), this.player.template.mask.classList.add("dplayer-mask-show"); } hide() { ( = "scale(0)"), this.player.template.mask.classList.remove("dplayer-mask-show"); } }, class AutoNextEpisode { constructor(e, t) { (this.player = e), Object.assign(this.player.user.storageName, { autonextepisode: "dplayer-autonextepisode", }), Object.assign(this.player.user.default, { autonextepisode: 0 }), this.player.user.init(), (this.autonextepisode = this.player.user.get("autonextepisode")), (this.player.template.autoNextEpisode = t.append( t.query( ".dplayer-setting-origin-panel", this.player.template.settingBox ), '<div class="dplayer-setting-item dplayer-setting-autonextepisode"><span class="dplayer-label">自动下一集</span><div class="dplayer-toggle"><input class="dplayer-toggle-setting-input" type="checkbox" name="dplayer-toggle"><label for="dplayer-toggle"></label></div></div>' )), (this.player.template.autoNextEpisodeToggle = t.query( "input", this.player.template.autoNextEpisode )), (this.player.template.autoNextEpisodeToggle.checked = this.autonextepisode), this.player.template.autoNextEpisode.addEventListener("click", () => { (this.autonextepisode = this.player.template.autoNextEpisodeToggle.checked = !this.player.template.autoNextEpisodeToggle.checked), this.player.user.set( "autonextepisode", Number(this.autonextepisode) ), this.player.notice( "自动播放下集: " + (this.autonextepisode ? "开启" : "关闭") ); }), this.player.on("ended", () => { this.autonextepisode && this.player.template.episodeNextButton &&; }); } }, class MemoryPlay { constructor(e, t) { (this.player = e), (this.file_id = this.player.options?.file?.file_id), (this.hasMemoryDisplay = !1), Object.assign(this.player.user.storageName, { automemoryplay: "dplayer-automemoryplay", }), Object.assign(this.player.user.default, { automemoryplay: 0 }), this.player.user.init(), (this.automemoryplay = this.player.user.get("automemoryplay")), (this.player.template.autoMemoryPlay = t.append( t.query( ".dplayer-setting-origin-panel", this.player.template.settingBox ), '<div class="dplayer-setting-item dplayer-setting-automemoryplay"><span class="dplayer-label">自动记忆播放</span><div class="dplayer-toggle"><input class="dplayer-toggle-setting-input" type="checkbox" name="dplayer-toggle"><label for="dplayer-toggle"></label></div></div>' )), (this.player.template.autoMemoryPlayToggle = t.query( "input", this.player.template.autoMemoryPlay )), (this.player.template.autoMemoryPlayToggle.checked = this.automemoryplay), this.player.template.autoMemoryPlay.addEventListener("click", () => { (this.automemoryplay = this.player.template.autoMemoryPlayToggle.checked = !this.player.template.autoMemoryPlayToggle.checked), this.player.user.set( "automemoryplay", Number(this.automemoryplay) ), this.player.notice( "自动记忆播放: " + (this.automemoryplay ? "开启" : "关闭") ); }), this.player.on("quality_end", () => { this.file_id !== this.player.options?.file?.file_id && ((this.file_id = this.player.options?.file?.file_id), (this.hasMemoryDisplay = !1)),; }), (document.onvisibilitychange = () => { if ("hidden" === document.visibilityState) { const { video: { currentTime: e, duration: t }, } = this.player; this.setTime(this.file_id, e, t); } }), (window.onbeforeunload = () => { const { video: { currentTime: e, duration: t }, } = this.player; this.setTime(this.file_id, e, t); }),; } run() { if (!1 === this.hasMemoryDisplay) { this.hasMemoryDisplay = !0; const { video: { currentTime: e, duration: t }, } = this.player, s = this.getTime(this.file_id); if (s && s > e) if (this.automemoryplay), &&; else { const e = this.formatTime(s); let t = document.createElement("div"); t.setAttribute("class", "memory-play-wrap"), t.setAttribute( "style", "display: block;position: absolute;left: 33px;bottom: 66px;font-size: 15px;padding: 7px;border-radius: 3px;color: #fff;z-index:100;background: rgba(0,0,0,.5);" ), (t.innerHTML = "上次播放到:" + e + ' <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="play-jump" style="text-decoration: none;color: #06c;"> 跳转播放 </a><em class="close-btn" style="display: inline-block;width: 15px;height: 15px;vertical-align: middle;cursor: pointer;background: url( no-repeat;"></em>'), this.player.container.insertBefore(t, null); let i = setTimeout(() => { this.player.container.removeChild(t); }, 15e3); (t.querySelector(".close-btn").onclick = () => { this.player.container.removeChild(t), clearTimeout(i); }), (t.querySelector(".play-jump").onclick = () => {, this.player.container.removeChild(t), clearTimeout(i); }); } } } getTime(e) { return localStorage.getItem("video_" + e) || 0; } setTime(e, t, s) { e && t && ((e = "video_" + e), t <= 60 || t + 120 >= s ? localStorage.removeItem(e) : localStorage.setItem(e, t)); } formatTime(e) { var t = Math.round(e), s = Math.floor(t / 3600), i = Math.floor((t - 3600 * s) / 60), a = t - 3600 * s - 60 * i; return ( i < 10 && (i = "0" + i), a < 10 && (a = "0" + a), 0 === s ? i + ":" + a : s + ":" + i + ":" + a ); } }, class SkipPosition { constructor(e, t) { (this.player = e), (this.file_id = this.player.options?.file?.file_id), (this.timer = null), Object.assign(this.player.user.storageName, { skipposition: "dplayer-skipposition", skipstarttime: "dplayer-skipstarttime", skipendtime: "dplayer-endtime", }), Object.assign(this.player.user.default, { skipposition: 0, skipstarttime: 0, skipendtime: 0, }), this.player.user.init(), (this.skipposition = this.player.user.get("skipposition")), (this.skipstarttime = this.player.user.get("skipstarttime")), (this.skipendtime = this.player.user.get("skipendtime")), (this.player.template.skipPosition = t.append( t.query( ".dplayer-setting-origin-panel", this.player.template.settingBox ), '<div class="dplayer-setting-item dplayer-setting-skipposition"><span class="dplayer-label">跳过片头片尾</span><div class="dplayer-toggle"><input class="dplayer-toggle-setting-input" type="checkbox" name="dplayer-toggle"><label for="dplayer-toggle"></label></div></div>' )), (this.player.template.skipPositionToggle = t.query( "input", this.player.template.skipPosition )), (this.player.template.skipPositionToggle.checked = this.skipposition), (this.player.template.skipPositionBox = t.insertAfter( this.player.template.settingBox, '<div class="dplayer-setting-skipposition-item" style="display: none;right: 155px;position: absolute;bottom: 50px;width: 150px;border-radius: 2px;background: rgba(28, 28, 28, 0.9);padding: 7px 0px;transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s;overflow: hidden;z-index: 2;"><div class="dplayer-skipposition-item" style="padding: 5px 10px;box-sizing: border-box;cursor: pointer;position: relative;"><span class="dplayer-skipposition-label" title="双击设置当前时间为跳过片头时间" style="color: #eee;font-size: 13px;display: inline-block;vertical-align: middle;white-space: nowrap;">片头时间:</span><input type="number" style="width: 55px;height: 15px;top: 3px;font-size: 13px;border: 1px solid #fff;border-radius: 3px;text-align: center;background-color: #fff;" step="1" min="0" value="60"></div><div class="dplayer-skipposition-item" style="padding: 5px 10px;box-sizing: border-box;cursor: pointer;position: relative;"><span class="dplayer-skipposition-label" title="双击设置剩余时间为跳过片尾时间" style="color: #eee;font-size: 13px;display: inline-block;vertical-align: middle;white-space: nowrap;">片尾时间:</span><input type="number" style="width: 55px;height: 15px;top: 3px;font-size: 13px;border: 1px solid #fff;border-radius: 3px;text-align: center;background-color: #fff;" step="1" min="0" value="120"></div></div>' )), (this.player.template.skipPositionItems = t.queryAll( ".dplayer-skipposition-item", this.player.template.skipPositionBox )), (this.player.template.jumpStartSpan = t.query( "span", this.player.template.skipPositionItems[0] )), (this.player.template.jumpStartInput = t.query( "input", this.player.template.skipPositionItems[0] )), (this.player.template.jumpEndSpan = t.query( "span", this.player.template.skipPositionItems[1] )), (this.player.template.jumpEndInput = t.query( "input", this.player.template.skipPositionItems[1] )), (this.player.template.jumpStartInput.value = this.skipstarttime), (this.player.template.jumpEndInput.value = this.skipendtime), this.player.template.jumpStartSpan.addEventListener( "dblclick", (e) => { (this.player.template.jumpStartInput.value =, (this.skipstarttime =; } ), this.player.template.jumpStartInput.addEventListener("input", (e) => { (this.skipstarttime = 1 *, this.player.user.set("skipstarttime", this.skipstarttime); }), this.player.template.jumpEndSpan.addEventListener("dblclick", (e) => { (this.skipendtime = -, (this.player.template.jumpEndInput.value = this.skipendtime); }), this.player.template.jumpEndInput.addEventListener("input", (e) => { (this.skipendtime = 1 *, this.player.user.set("skipendtime", this.skipendtime); }), this.player.template.skipPosition.addEventListener("click", () => { (this.skipposition = this.player.template.skipPositionToggle.checked = !this.player.template.skipPositionToggle.checked), this.player.user.set("skipposition", Number(this.skipposition)), this.skipposition ? : this.hide(), this.player.notice( "跳过片头片尾: " + (this.skipposition ? "开启" : "关闭") ); }), this.player.template.skipPosition.addEventListener( "mouseenter", () => { this.skipposition &&; } ), this.player.template.mask.addEventListener("click", () => { this.hide(); }), this.player.on("quality_end", () => { this.file_id !== this.player.options?.file?.file_id && ((this.file_id = this.player.options?.file?.file_id), this.jumpStart(), this.jumpEnd()); }), this.skipposition && (this.jumpStart(), this.jumpEnd()); } jumpStart() { this.skipposition && this.skipstarttime > && ( = this.skipstarttime); } jumpEnd() { this.timer || (this.timer = setInterval(() => { this.skipposition && this.skipendtime >= - && (( =, clearInterval(this.timer), (this.timer = null)); }, 3e3)); } show() { = "block"; } hide() { = "none"; } }, class Subtitle { constructor(e, t) { if ( ((this.player = e), (this.offset = 0), (this.offsetStep = 1), (this.color = this.get("color") || "#fff"), (this.bottom = this.get("bottom") || "40px"), (this.fontSize = this.get("fontSize") || "20px"), Object.assign(this.player.user.storageName, { specialsubtitle: "dplayer-specialsubtitle", }), Object.assign(this.player.user.default, { specialsubtitle: 0 }), this.player.user.init(), (this.specialsubtitle = this.player.user.get("specialsubtitle")), this.specialsubtitle) ) return; (this.player.template.subtitleSpecial = t.append( t.query( ".dplayer-setting-origin-panel", this.player.template.settingBox ), '<div class="dplayer-setting-item dplayer-setting-specialsubtitle"><span class="dplayer-label">特效字幕</span><div class="dplayer-toggle"><input class="dplayer-toggle-setting-input" type="checkbox" name="dplayer-toggle"><label for="dplayer-toggle"></label></div></div>' )), (this.player.template.subtitleSpecialToggle = t.query( "input", this.player.template.subtitleSpecial )), (this.player.template.subtitleSpecialToggle.checked = this.specialsubtitle), this.player.template.subtitleSpecial.addEventListener("click", () => { (this.specialsubtitle = this.player.template.subtitleSpecialToggle.checked = !this.player.template.subtitleSpecialToggle.checked), this.player.user.set( "specialsubtitle", Number(this.specialsubtitle) ), this.player.notice( "特效字幕: " + (this.specialsubtitle ? "开启" : "关闭") ), this.specialsubtitle && location.reload(); }),"subtitle_end") ||"subtitle_end"), e.on("subtitle_end", () => { this.add(this.player.options.subtitles); }),"subtitle_start"), this.player.on("quality_end", () => { (this.player.template.subtitle.innerHTML = "<p></p>"), this.player.options.subtitle.url.length && this.player.options.subtitles.length ? this.switch( this.player.options.subtitles[ this.player.options.subtitle.index ] ) :"subtitle_start"); }), this.player.on("episode_end", () => { this.clear(),{ color: this.color, bottom: this.bottom, fontSize: this.fontSize, }); }), this.player.on("video_end", () => {{ color: this.color, bottom: this.bottom, fontSize: this.fontSize, }); }), (this.player.template.subtitleSettingBox = t.append( this.player.template.controller, '<div class="dplayer-icons dplayer-comment-box subtitle-setting-box" style="bottom: 10px;left: auto;right: 400px !important;display: block;"><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-box"><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-color"><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-title">字幕颜色<button type="text" class="color-custom" style="line-height: 16px;font-size: 12px;top: 12px;right: 12px;color: #fff;background: rgba(28, 28, 28, 0.9);position: absolute;">自定义</button></div><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-color-1" value="#fff" checked=""><span style="background: #fff;"></span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-color-1" value="#e54256"><span style="background: #e54256"></span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-color-1" value="#ffe133"><span style="background: #ffe133"></span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-color-1" value="#64DD17"><span style="background: #64DD17"></span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-color-1" value="#39ccff"><span style="background: #39ccff"></span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-color-1" value="#D500F9"><span style="background: #D500F9"></span></label></div><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-type"><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-title">字幕位置</div><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="1"><span>上移</span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="0" checked=""><span>默认</span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="2"><span>下移</span></label></div><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-type"><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-title">字幕大小</div><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="1"><span>加大</span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="0"><span>默认</span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="2"><span>减小</span></label></div><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-type"><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-title">字幕偏移<div style="margin-top: -30px;right: 14px;position: absolute;">偏移量<input type="number" class="subtitle-offset-step" style="height: 14px;width: 50px;margin-left: 4px;border: 1px solid #fff;border-radius: 3px;color: #fff;background: rgba(28, 28, 28, 0.9);text-align: center;" value="1" step="1" min="1"></div></div><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="1"><span>前移</span></label><label><span><input type="text" class="subtitle-offset" style="width: 94%;height: 14px;background: rgba(28, 28, 28, 0.9);border: 0px solid #fff;text-align: center;" value="0" title="双击恢复默认"></span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="2"><span>后移</span></label></div><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-type"><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-title">更多字幕功能</div><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="1"><span>本地字幕</span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="0"><span>待定</span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="2"><span>待定</span></label></div></div></div>' )), (this.player.template.subtitleCommentSettingBox = t.query( ".dplayer-comment-setting-box", this.player.template.subtitleSettingBox )), (this.player.template.subtitleSetting = t.append( t.query( ".dplayer-setting-origin-panel", this.player.template.settingBox ), '<div class="dplayer-setting-item dplayer-setting-subtitle"><span class="dplayer-label">字幕设置</span><div class="dplayer-toggle"><svg xmlns="" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M22 16l-10.105-10.6-1.895 1.987 8.211 8.613-8.211 8.612 1.895 1.988 8.211-8.613z"></path></svg></div></div>' )), this.player.template.mask.addEventListener("click", () => { this.hide(); }), this.player.template.subtitleSetting.addEventListener("click", () => { this.toggle(); }), (this.player.template.subtitleColorPicker = t.append( this.player.template.container, '<input type="color" id="colorPicker">' )), (this.player.template.subtitleColorCustom = t.query( ".color-custom", this.player.template.subtitleCommentSettingBox )), this.player.template.subtitleColorCustom.addEventListener( "click", () => {; } ), this.player.template.subtitleColorPicker.addEventListener( "input", (e) => { (this.color =, this.set("color", this.color),{ color: this.color }); } ), (this.player.template.subtitleSettingColor = t.query( ".dplayer-comment-setting-color", this.player.template.subtitleCommentSettingBox )), this.player.template.subtitleSettingColor.addEventListener( "click", (e) => { "INPUT" === && ((this.color =, this.set("color", this.color),{ color: this.color })); } ), (this.player.template.subtitleSettingItem = t.queryAll( ".dplayer-comment-setting-type", this.player.template.subtitleCommentSettingBox )), this.player.template.subtitleSettingItem[0].addEventListener( "click", (e) => { "INPUT" === && ("1" == ? (this.bottom = parseFloat(this.bottom) + 1 + this.bottom.replace(/[\d\.]+/, "")) : "2" == ? (this.bottom = parseFloat(this.bottom) - 1 + this.bottom.replace(/[\d\.]+/, "")) : (this.bottom = "20px"), this.set("bottom", this.bottom),{ bottom: this.bottom })); } ), this.player.template.subtitleSettingItem[1].addEventListener( "click", (e) => { "INPUT" === && ("1" == ? (this.fontSize = parseFloat(this.fontSize) + 1 + this.fontSize.replace(/[\d\.]+/, "")) : "2" == ? (this.fontSize = parseFloat(this.fontSize) - 1 + this.fontSize.replace(/[\d\.]+/, "")) : (this.fontSize = "40px"), this.set("fontSize", this.fontSize),{ fontSize: this.fontSize })); } ), (this.player.template.subtitleOffsetStep = t.query( ".subtitle-offset-step", this.player.template.subtitleSettingItem[2] )), this.player.template.subtitleOffsetStep.addEventListener( "input", (e) => { this.offsetStep = 1 *; } ), (this.player.template.subtitleOffset = t.query( ".subtitle-offset", this.player.template.subtitleSettingItem[2] )), this.player.template.subtitleOffset.addEventListener("input", (e) => { (this.offset = 1 *, this.subtitleOffset(); }), this.player.template.subtitleOffset.addEventListener( "dblclick", (e) => { 0 != this.offset && ((this.offset = 0), ( = 0), this.subtitleOffset()); } ), this.player.template.subtitleSettingItem[2].addEventListener( "click", (e) => { if ("INPUT" === && "radio" === { let t = (this.player.template.subtitleOffset.value *= 1); "1" == ? (t += this.offsetStep || 1) : "2" == ? (t -= this.offsetStep || 1) : (t = 0), (this.offset = t), (this.player.template.subtitleOffset.value = t), this.subtitleOffset(); } } ), (this.player.template.subtitleLocalFile = t.append( this.player.template.container, '<input class="subtitleLocalFile" type="file" accept="webvtt,.vtt,.srt,.ssa,.ass" style="display: none;">' )), this.player.template.subtitleSettingItem[3].addEventListener( "click", (e) => { "INPUT" === && "1" == && (, this.hide()); } ), this.player.template.subtitleLocalFile.addEventListener( "change", (e) => { if ( { const t =[0], s =".").pop().toLowerCase(); this.blobToText(t).then((e) => { let t = { url: "" }; (t.sarr = this.subParser(e, s)), (t.lang = this.getlangBySarr(t.sarr)), ( = || this.langToLabel(t.lang)), this.add([t]), this.switch(t); }); } = ""; } ); const s = this.player.template.subtitlesItem.length - 1; this.player.template.subtitlesItem[s].addEventListener("click", () => { (this.player.options.subtitle.index = s), (this.player.template.subtitle.innerHTML = "<p></p>"), this.player.subtitles.subContainerHide(); }),{ color: this.color, bottom: this.bottom, fontSize: this.fontSize, }); } add(e) { if (!Array.isArray(e) || !e.length) return; if ( !this.player.template.subtitlesBox || !this.player.template.subtitlesItem.length ) return; const t = this.player.template.subtitlesItem.length - 1; e.forEach((e, s) => { const i = t + s; this.player.options.subtitle.url.splice(i, 0, e); let a = document.createElement("div"); a.setAttribute("class", "dplayer-subtitles-item"), (a.innerHTML = '<span class="dplayer-label">' + + " " + (e.language || e.lang || "") + "</span>"), this.player.template.subtitlesBox.insertBefore( a, this.player.template.subtitlesBox.childNodes[i] ), a.addEventListener("click", (t) => { this.player.subtitles.hide(), this.player.options.subtitle.index !== i + 1 && ((this.player.options.subtitle.index = i + 1), (this.player.template.subtitle.innerHTML = "<p></p>"), this.switch(e), this.player.template.subtitle.classList.contains( "dplayer-subtitle-hide" ) && this.player.subtitles.subContainerShow()); }); }), (this.player.template.subtitlesItem = this.player.template.subtitlesBox.querySelectorAll( ".dplayer-subtitles-item" )), ( &&[0]?.cues &&[0].cues.length) || ((this.player.options.subtitle.index = this.player.options.subtitles.findIndex((e) => ["cho", "chi"].includes(e.language) )), this.player.options.subtitle.index < 0 && (this.player.options.subtitle.index = 0), this.switch( this.player.options.subtitle.url[ this.player.options.subtitle.index ] )); } switch(e = {}) { return this.initCues(e).then((t) => {; }); } restart() { this.clear(), this.add(this.player.options.subtitles); } clear() { (this.player.template.subtitle.innerHTML = "<p></p>"), (this.player.options.subtitles = []), (this.player.options.subtitle.url = []); for (let e = this.player.template.subtitlesItem.length - 2; e >= 0; e--) this.player.template.subtitlesBoxPanel.removeChild( this.player.template.subtitlesItem[e] ); this.player.template.subtitlesItem = this.player.template.subtitlesBoxPanel.querySelectorAll( ".dplayer-subtitles-item" ); } initCues(e) { return this.urlToArray(e).then((e) => this.createTrack(e)); } urlToArray(e) { if (Array.isArray(e?.sarr) && e.sarr.length) return Promise.resolve(e); { const t = e?.url || e?.download_url || e?.uri || e?.surl, s = e.sext || e.file_extension; return t ? this.requestFile(t).then( (t) => ( (e.sarr = this.subParser(t, s, e.delay || 0)), (e.lang = e.lang || this.getlangBySarr(e.sarr)), ( = || this.langToLabel(e.lang)), e ) ) : Promise.reject(); } } createTrack(e) { const { video: t } = this.player, s = t.textTracks[0]; if ( ("hidden" === s.mode || (s.mode = "hidden"), s.cues && s.cues.length) ) for (let e = s.cues.length - 1; e >= 0; e--) s.removeCue(s.cues[e]); e.sarr.forEach(function (e, t) { const i = new VTTCue(e.startTime, e.endTime, e.text); ( = e.index), s.addCue(i); }); } requestFile(e) { return fetch(e, { referrer: "", referrerPolicy: "origin", body: null, method: "GET", mode: "cors", credentials: "omit", }) .then((e) => e.blob()) .then((e) => this.blobToText(e)); } blobToText(e) { return new Promise(function (t, s) { var i = new FileReader(); i.readAsText(e, "UTF-8"), (i.onload = function (s) { var a = i.result; return a.indexOf("�") > -1 && !i.markGBK ? ((i.markGBK = !0), i.readAsText(e, "GBK")) : a.indexOf("") > -1 && !i.markBIG5 ? ((i.markBIG5 = !0), i.readAsText(e, "BIG5")) : void t(a); }), (i.onerror = function (e) { s(e); }); }); } subParser(e, t, s = 0) { t || (t = /\d\s?-?->\s?\d/.test(e) ? "srt" : /^\s*\[Script Info\]\r?\n/.test(e) && /\s*\[Events\]\r?\n/.test(e) ? "ass" : ""); var i, a = [], l = []; switch (t) { case "webvtt": case "vtt": case "srt": (i = /(\d+)?\n?(\d{0,2}:?\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3})\s?-?->\s?(\d{0,2}:?\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3})/g), (a = (e = e.replace(/\r/g, "")).split(i)).shift(); for (let e = 0; e < a.length; e += 4) l.push({ index: l.length, startTime: r(a[e + 1]) + +s, endTime: r(a[e + 2]) + +s, text: a[e + 3] .trim() .replace(/(\\N|\\n)/g, "\n") .replace(/{.*?}/g, "") .replace(/[a-z]+\:.*\d+\.\d+\%\s/, ""), }); return l; case "ssa": case "ass": (i = /Dialogue: .*?\d+,(\d+:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{2}),(\d+:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{2}),.*?,\d+,\d+,\d+,.*?,/g), (a = (e = e.replace(/\r\n/g, "")).split(i)).shift(); for (let e = 0; e < a.length; e += 3) l.push({ index: l.length, startTime: r(a[e]) + +s, endTime: r(a[e + 1]) + +s, text: a[e + 2] .trim() .replace(/(\\N|\\n)/g, "\n") .replace(/{.*?}/g, ""), }); return l; default: return console.error("未知字幕格式,无法解析", e), l; } function r(e) { var t = e.split(":"), s = parseFloat( t.length > 0 ? t.pop().replace(/,/g, ".") : "00.000" ) || 0, i = parseFloat(t.length > 0 ? t.pop() : "00") || 0; return ( 3600 * (parseFloat(t.length > 0 ? t.pop() : "00") || 0) + 60 * i + s ); } } getlangBySarr(e) { var t = [ e[parseInt(e.length / 3)].text, e[parseInt(e.length / 2)].text, e[parseInt((e.length / 3) * 2)].text, ] .join("") .replace(/[<bi\/>\r?\n]*/g, ""), s = "eng", i = (t.match(/[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/g) || []).length / t.length; return ( ( t.match( /[\u3020-\u303F]|[\u3040-\u309F]|[\u30A0-\u30FF]|[\u31F0-\u31FF]/g ) || [] ).length / t.length > 0.03 ? (s = "jpn") : i > 0.1 && (s = "zho"), s ); } langToLabel(e) { return ( { chi: "中文字幕", zho: "中文字幕", eng: "英文字幕", en: "英文字幕", jpn: "日文字幕", "zh-CN": "简体中文", "zh-TW": "繁体中文", }[e] || "未知语言" ); } subtitleOffset() { const { video: e, subtitle: t, events: s } = this.player, i = e.textTracks[0]; if (i && i.cues) { const e = Array.from(i.cues), t = this.player.options.subtitle.url.find( (t) => t.sarr && t.sarr[parseInt(t.sarr.length / 2)].text === e[parseInt(e.length / 2)].text )?.sarr; if (!t) return; for (let s = 0; s < e.length; s++) { const i = e[s]; (i.startTime = t[s].startTime + this.offset), (i.endTime = t[s].endTime + this.offset); } s.trigger("subtitle_change"), this.player.notice(`字幕偏移: ${this.offset} 秒`); } else this.offset = 0; } toggle() { this.player.template.subtitleCommentSettingBox.classList.contains( "dplayer-comment-setting-open" ) ? this.hide() :; } show() { this.player.template.subtitleCommentSettingBox.classList.add( "dplayer-comment-setting-open" ), this.player.template.mask.classList.add("dplayer-mask-show"); } hide() { this.player.template.subtitleCommentSettingBox.classList.remove( "dplayer-comment-setting-open" ), this.player.template.settingBox.classList.remove( "dplayer-setting-box-open" ), this.player.template.mask.classList.remove("dplayer-mask-show"); } get(e) { return localStorage.getItem("dplayer-subtitle-" + e); } set(e, t) { e && t && localStorage.setItem("dplayer-subtitle-" + e, t); } style(e, t) { const { subtitle: s } = this.player.template; if ("object" == typeof e) { for (const t in e)[t] = e[t]; return s; } return ([e] = t), s; } }, class Libass { constructor(e, t) { (this.player = e), (this.loadJs = t.loadJs), (this.libass = null), (this.fontData = null), (this.hasSubtitleTrack = !1), (this.hasSubtitleDisplay = !1), (this.offset = 0), (this.offsetStep = 1), (this.color = -256), (this.fontSize = 20), (this.bottom = 10), Object.assign(this.player.user.storageName, { specialsubtitle: "dplayer-specialsubtitle", }), Object.assign(this.player.user.default, { specialsubtitle: 0 }), this.player.user.init(), (this.specialsubtitle = this.player.user.get("specialsubtitle")), this.specialsubtitle && ((this.player.template.subtitleSpecial = t.append( t.query( ".dplayer-setting-origin-panel", this.player.template.settingBox ), '<div class="dplayer-setting-item dplayer-setting-specialsubtitle"><span class="dplayer-label">特效字幕</span><div class="dplayer-toggle"><input class="dplayer-toggle-setting-input" type="checkbox" name="dplayer-toggle"><label for="dplayer-toggle"></label></div></div>' )), (this.player.template.subtitleSpecialToggle = t.query( "input", this.player.template.subtitleSpecial )), (this.player.template.subtitleSpecialToggle.checked = this.specialsubtitle), this.player.template.subtitleSpecial.addEventListener( "click", () => { (this.specialsubtitle = this.player.template.subtitleSpecialToggle.checked = !this.player.template.subtitleSpecialToggle.checked), this.player.user.set( "specialsubtitle", Number(this.specialsubtitle) ), this.player.notice( "特效字幕: " + (this.specialsubtitle ? "开启" : "关闭") ), this.specialsubtitle || location.reload(); } ),"subtitle_end") ||"subtitle_end"), this.player.on("subtitle_end", () => { this.add(this.player.options.subtitles); }), this.player.on("quality_end", () => { this.setVideo(), this.player.options.subtitle.url.length && this.player.options.subtitles.length ? this.switch( this.player.options.subtitles[ this.player.options.subtitle.index ] ) : this.hasSubtitleDisplay || ((this.hasSubtitleDisplay = !0),"subtitle_start")); }), this.player.on("episode_end", () => { (this.hasSubtitleTrack = !1), (this.hasSubtitleDisplay = !1), this.clear(); }), this.player.template.mask.addEventListener("click", () => { this.hide(); }), (this.player.template.subtitleSettingBox = t.append( this.player.template.controller, '<div class="dplayer-icons dplayer-comment-box subtitle-setting-box" style="bottom: 10px;left: auto;right: 400px !important;display: block;"><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-box"><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-color"><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-title">字幕颜色<button type="text" class="color-custom" style="line-height: 16px;font-size: 12px;top: 12px;right: 12px;color: #fff;background: rgba(28, 28, 28, 0.9);position: absolute;">自定义</button></div><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-color-1" value="#fff"><span style="background: #fff;"></span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-color-1" value="#e54256"><span style="background: #e54256"></span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-color-1" value="#ffe133"><span style="background: #ffe133"></span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-color-1" value="#64DD17"><span style="background: #64DD17"></span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-color-1" value="#39ccff"><span style="background: #39ccff"></span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-color-1" value="#D500F9"><span style="background: #D500F9"></span></label></div><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-type"><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-title">字幕位置</div><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="1"><span>上移</span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="0"><span>默认</span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="2"><span>下移</span></label></div><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-type"><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-title">字幕大小</div><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="1"><span>加大</span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="0"><span>默认</span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="2"><span>减小</span></label></div><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-type"><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-title">字幕偏移<div style="margin-top: -30px;right: 14px;position: absolute;">偏移量<input type="number" class="subtitle-offset-step" style="height: 14px;width: 50px;margin-left: 4px;border: 1px solid #fff;border-radius: 3px;color: #fff;background: rgba(28, 28, 28, 0.9);text-align: center;" value="1" step="1" min="1"></div></div><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="1"><span>前移</span></label><label><span><input type="text" class="subtitle-offset" style="width: 94%;height: 14px;background: rgba(28, 28, 28, 0.9);border: 0px solid #fff;text-align: center;" value="0" title="双击恢复默认"></span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="2"><span>后移</span></label></div><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-type"><div class="dplayer-comment-setting-title">更多字幕功能</div><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="1"><span>本地字幕</span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="0"><span>待定</span></label><label><input type="radio" name="dplayer-danmaku-type-1" value="2"><span>待定</span></label></div></div></div>' )), (this.player.template.subtitleCommentSettingBox = t.query( ".dplayer-comment-setting-box", this.player.template.subtitleSettingBox )), (this.player.template.subtitleSetting = t.append( t.query( ".dplayer-setting-origin-panel", this.player.template.settingBox ), '<div class="dplayer-setting-item dplayer-setting-subtitle"><span class="dplayer-label">字幕设置</span><div class="dplayer-toggle"><svg xmlns="" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M22 16l-10.105-10.6-1.895 1.987 8.211 8.613-8.211 8.612 1.895 1.988 8.211-8.613z"></path></svg></div></div>' )), this.player.template.subtitleSetting.addEventListener( "click", () => { this.toggle(); } ), (this.player.template.subtitleColorPicker = t.append( this.player.template.container, '<input type="color" id="colorPicker">' )), (this.player.template.subtitleColorCustom = t.query( ".color-custom", this.player.template.subtitleCommentSettingBox )), this.player.template.subtitleColorCustom.addEventListener( "click", () => { (this.player.template.subtitleColorPicker.value = this.color),; } ), this.player.template.subtitleColorPicker.addEventListener( "input", (e) => { const t =; (this.color = this.fromQColor(t)), this.player.notice(`设置字幕颜色: ${this.color}`), this.setStyle({ PrimaryColour: this.color }); } ), (this.player.template.subtitleSettingColor = t.query( ".dplayer-comment-setting-color", this.player.template.subtitleCommentSettingBox )), this.player.template.subtitleSettingColor.addEventListener( "click", (e) => { if ("INPUT" === { const t =; (this.color = this.fromQColor(t)), this.player.notice(`设置字幕颜色: ${this.color}`), this.setStyle({ PrimaryColour: this.color }); } } ), (this.player.template.subtitleSettingItem = t.queryAll( ".dplayer-comment-setting-type", this.player.template.subtitleCommentSettingBox )), this.player.template.subtitleSettingItem[0].addEventListener( "click", (e) => { "INPUT" === && ("1" == ? (this.bottom += 1) : "2" == ? (this.bottom -= 1) : (this.bottom = 10), this.player.notice(`设置字幕位置: ${this.bottom}`), this.setStyle({ MarginV: this.bottom })); } ), this.player.template.subtitleSettingItem[1].addEventListener( "click", (e) => { "INPUT" === && ("1" == ? (this.fontSize += 1) : "2" == ? (this.fontSize -= 1) : (this.fontSize = 20), this.player.notice(`设置字幕大小: ${this.fontSize}`), this.setStyle({ FontSize: this.fontSize })); } ), (this.player.template.subtitleOffsetStep = t.query( ".subtitle-offset-step", this.player.template.subtitleSettingItem[2] )), this.player.template.subtitleOffsetStep.addEventListener( "input", (e) => { this.offsetStep = 1 *; } ), (this.player.template.subtitleOffset = t.query( ".subtitle-offset", this.player.template.subtitleSettingItem[2] )), this.player.template.subtitleOffset.addEventListener( "input", (e) => { (this.offset = 1 *, this.subtitleOffset(); } ), this.player.template.subtitleOffset.addEventListener( "dblclick", (e) => { 0 != this.offset && ((this.offset = 0), ( = 0), this.player.notice(`设置字幕偏移: ${this.offset}`), this.timeOffset()); } ), this.player.template.subtitleSettingItem[2].addEventListener( "click", (e) => { if ( "INPUT" === && "radio" === ) { let t = (this.player.template.subtitleOffset.value *= 1); "1" == ? (t += this.offsetStep || 1) : "2" == ? (t -= this.offsetStep || 1) : (t = 0), (this.offset = t), (this.player.template.subtitleOffset.value = t), this.player.notice(`设置字幕偏移: ${this.offset}`), this.timeOffset(); } } ), (this.player.template.subtitleLocalFile = t.append( this.player.template.container, '<input class="subtitleLocalFile" type="file" accept="webvtt,.vtt,.srt,.ssa,.ass" style="display: none;">' )), this.player.template.subtitleSettingItem[3].addEventListener( "click", (e) => { "INPUT" === && "1" == && (, this.hide()); } ), this.player.template.subtitleLocalFile.addEventListener( "change", (e) => { if ( { const t =[0], s =".").pop().toLowerCase(); this.blobToText(t).then((e) => { let t = { stext: e, sext: s, name: "本地字幕" }; this.add([t]), this.switch(t); }); } = ""; } ),"subtitle_start"), this.player.on("destroy", () => { this.destroy(); })); } add(e) { if (!Array.isArray(e) || !e.length) return; if ( !this.player.template.subtitlesBox || !this.player.template.subtitlesItem.length ) return; this.player.template.subtitlesBoxPanel || (this.player.template.subtitlesBoxPanel = this.player.template.subtitlesBox.querySelector( ".dplayer-subtitles-panel" )); const t = this.player.template.subtitlesItem.length - 1; if ( (e.forEach((e, s) => { const i = t + s; this.player.options.subtitle.url.splice(i, 0, e); let a = document.createElement("div"); a.setAttribute("class", "dplayer-subtitles-item"), (a.innerHTML = '<span class="dplayer-label">' + + " " + (e.language || e.lang || "") + "</span>"), this.player.template.subtitlesBoxPanel.insertBefore( a, this.player.template.subtitlesBoxPanel.childNodes[i] ), a.addEventListener("click", (t) => { this.player.subtitles.hide(), this.player.options.subtitle.index !== i + 1 && ((this.player.options.subtitle.index = i + 1), this.switch(e)); }); }), (this.player.template.subtitlesItem = this.player.template.subtitlesBoxPanel.querySelectorAll( ".dplayer-subtitles-item" )), !this.hasSubtitleTrack) ) { (this.hasSubtitleTrack = !0), this.player.template.subtitlesItem[ this.player.template.subtitlesItem.length - 1 ].addEventListener("click", (e) => { this.subContainerHide(); }); let e = this.player.options.subtitles.findIndex((e) => ["cho", "zhi"].includes(e.language) ); e < 0 && (e = 0), this.init(this.player.options.subtitle.url[e]), (this.player.options.subtitle.index = e + 1); } } init(e) { return this.initLibass() .then(() => this.urlToText(e).then( (e) => ( ["ass", "ssa"].includes(e.sext) || Object.assign(e, { stext: this.toAss(e.stext, e.sext), sext: "ass", }), this.switchContent(e.stext), this.subContainerShow(), e ) ) ) .catch((e) => { console.error("加载特效字幕组件 错误!", e); }); } switch(e = {}) { return this.init(e).then(() => { && this.player.notice(`切换字幕: ${}`); }); } clear() { (this.player.options.subtitles = []), (this.player.options.subtitle.url = []); for (let e = this.player.template.subtitlesItem.length - 2; e >= 0; e--) this.player.template.subtitlesBoxPanel.removeChild( this.player.template.subtitlesItem[e] ); (this.player.template.subtitlesItem = this.player.template.subtitlesBoxPanel.querySelectorAll( ".dplayer-subtitles-item" )), this.destroy(); } toggle() { this.player.template.subtitleCommentSettingBox.classList.contains( "dplayer-comment-setting-open" ) ? this.hide() :; } show() { this.player.template.subtitleCommentSettingBox.classList.add( "dplayer-comment-setting-open" ), this.player.template.mask.classList.add("dplayer-mask-show"); } hide() { this.player.template.subtitleCommentSettingBox.classList.remove( "dplayer-comment-setting-open" ), this.player.template.settingBox.classList.remove( "dplayer-setting-box-open" ), this.player.template.mask.classList.remove("dplayer-mask-show"); } initLibass() { if (this.libass) return Promise.resolve(this.libass); const e = { video:, subContent: "[Script Info]\nScriptType: v4.00+", subUrl: "", availableFonts: { "思源黑体 cn bold": "", }, }; return this.getLocalFonts().then( (t) => { const s = t.filter((e) => e.fullName.match(/[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/)), i = s.find((e) => ["微软雅黑"].some((t) => e?.fullName === t)) ?.fullName || s.sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random())[0]?.fullName; return ( Object.assign(e, { useLocalFonts: !0, fallbackFont: i }), this.loadLibass(e) ); }, () => this.getDbFonts().then((t) => { (t || []).forEach(({ fullName: t, font: s }) => { e.availableFonts[t] = s; }); const s = Object.keys(e.availableFonts).find((e) => ["思源黑体 cn bold"].some((t) => t === e) ) || Object.keys(e.availableFonts) .filter((e) => e.match(/[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/)) .filter(Boolean) .sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random())[0]; return Object.assign(e, { fallbackFont: s }), this.loadLibass(e); }) ); } loadLibass(e) { let t = ""; return this.loadJs(t).then( () => ( Object.assign(e, { workerUrl: new URL("jassub-worker.js", t).href, wasmUrl: new URL("jassub-worker.wasm", t).href, legacyWorkerUrl: new URL("jassub-worker.wasm.js", t).href, modernWasmUrl: new URL("jassub-worker-modern.wasm", t).href, }), this.loadWorker(e).then( (t) => ( (e.workerUrl = t), (this.libass = new unsafeWindow.JASSUB(e)), this.libass ) ) ) ); } loadWorker({ workerUrl: e }) { return fetch(e) .then((e) => e.text()) .then((e) => { const t = new Blob([e], { type: "text/javascript" }), s = URL.createObjectURL(t); return ( setTimeout(() => { URL.revokeObjectURL(s); }), s ); }); } setVideo(e) { this.libass && this.libass.setVideo(e ||; } switchContent(e) { this.libass && e && (this.libass.freeTrack(), this.libass.setTrack(e)); } subContainerShow() { this.libass && ((( this.libass.canvasParent || this.libass._canvasParent ).style.display = "block"), this.libass.resize()); } subContainerHide() { this.libass && (( this.libass.canvasParent || this.libass._canvasParent ).style.display = "none"); } timeOffset(e) { this.libass && (this.libass.timeOffset = e || this.offset); } getStyles(e) { this.libass ? this.libass.getStyles((t, s) => { e && e(s || t); }) : e && e(""); } setStyle(e, t = 1) { this.libass && this.libass.setStyle(e, t); } destroy() { this.libass && (this.libass.destroy && this.libass.destroy(), this.libass.dispose && this.libass.dispose(), (this.libass = null)); } getLocalFonts(e) { if (unsafeWindow.queryLocalFonts) { const t = {}; return ( e && (t.postscriptNames = Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]), unsafeWindow .queryLocalFonts(t) .then((e) => (e && e.length ? e : Promise.reject())) ); } return console.warn("Not Local fonts API"), Promise.reject(); } getDbFonts(e) { const t = window.localforage || unsafeWindow.localforage; return t.getItem("local-fonts").then((s) => { if (Array.isArray(s) && s.length) return Array.isArray(e) ? s.filter(({ fullName: t }) => e.some((e) => e === t)) : s; let i = [ { fullName: "思源黑体 cn bold", url: "", }, ]; Array.isArray(e) && (i = i.filter(({ fullName: t }) => e.some((e) => e === t))); const a = []; return ( i.forEach(({ url: e }) => { e && a.push( fetch(e).then((e) => e.ok ? e.arrayBuffer() : Promise.reject() ) ); }), Promise.allSettled(a).then( (e) => ( e.forEach(({ status: e, value: t }, s) => { "fulfilled" == e && t?.byteLength && Object.assign(i[s], { font: new Uint8Array(t) }); }), t.setItem( "local-fonts", (s || []).concat(i.filter(({ font: e }) => e)) ) ) ) ); }); } toAss(e, t) { const s = "ass" === t || "ssa" === t ? e : ""; if (s) return s; const i = /(?:\d+\n)?(\d{0,2}:?\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3})\s?-?->\s?(\d{0,2}:?\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3})(.*)\n([\s\S]*)$/i, a = (e) => { const t = [], s = e.replace(/\r/g, ""), a = /(\d{0,2})?:?(\d{2}):(\d{2}.\d{3})/; for (const e of s.split("\n\n")) { const s = e.match(i); if (s) { (s[1] = s[1].replace( a, (e, t, s, i) => (t || "0") + ":" + s + ":" + i.match(/\d{2}.\d{2}/)[0].replace(",", ".") )), (s[2] = s[2].replace( a, (e, t, s, i) => (t || "0") + ":" + s + ":" + i.match(/\d{2}.\d{2}/)[0].replace(",", ".") )); const e = s[4].match(/<[^>]+>/g); e && e.forEach((e) => { /<\//.test(e) ? (s[4] = s[4].replace( e, e.replace("</", "{\\").replace(">", "0}") )) : (s[4] = s[4].replace( e, e.replace("<", "{\\").replace(">", "1}") )); }), t.push( "Dialogue: 0," + s[1] + "," + s[2] + ",Default,,0,0,0,," + s[4].replace(/\n/g, "\\N") ); } } return t.join("\n"); }, l = { scriptInfo: { Title: "untitled", ScriptType: "v4.00+", Collisions: "Normal", PlayDepth: 0, Timer: "100,0000", PlayResX: "", PlayResY: "", WrapStyle: 0, ScaledBorderAndShadow: "no", }, v4Styles: [ { Name: "Default", Fontname: "Default", Fontsize: 20, PrimaryColour: "&H00FFFFFF", SecondaryColour: "&H00FFFFFF", OutlineColour: "&H00000000", BackColour: "&H00000000", Bold: -1, Italic: 0, Underline: 0, StrikeOut: 0, ScaleX: 100, ScaleY: 100, Spacing: 0, Angle: 0, BorderStyle: 1, Outline: 1, Shadow: 0, Alignment: 2, MarginL: 10, MarginR: 10, MarginV: 10, Encoding: 1, }, ], }, r = ["[Script Info]"]; for (let [e, t] of Object.entries(l.scriptInfo)) r.push(e + ": " + t); r.push(""), r.push("[V4+ Styles]"), r.push( "Format: Name,Fontname,Fontsize,PrimaryColour,SecondaryColour,OutlineColour,BackColour,Bold,Italic,Underline,StrikeOut,ScaleX,ScaleY,Spacing,Angle,BorderStyle,Outline,Shadow,Alignment,MarginL,MarginR,MarginV,Encoding" ), l.v4Styles.forEach((e) => { "object" == typeof e ? r.push("Style: " + Object.values(e).join(",")) : "string" == typeof e && r.push(e); }), r.push(""), r.push("[Events]"), r.push( "Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text" ), r.push(""); const n = r.join("\n"); switch (t) { case "vtt": case "srt": return n + a(e); case "ssa": case "ass": return s; default: return i.test(e) ? n + a(e) : ""; } } urlToText(e) { if (e.stext) return Promise.resolve(e); { e.sext || (e.sext = e.file_extension); const t = e.url || e.download_url || e.uri || e.surl; return this.requestFile(t).then((t) => ((e.stext = t), e)); } } requestFile(e) { return fetch(e, { referrer: location.protocol + "//" + + "/", referrerPolicy: "origin", body: null, method: "GET", mode: "cors", credentials: "omit", }) .then((e) => e.blob()) .then((e) => this.blobToText(e)); } blobToText(e) { return new Promise(function (t, s) { var i = new FileReader(); i.readAsText(e, "UTF-8"), (i.onload = function (s) { var a = i.result; return a.indexOf("�") > -1 && !i.markGBK ? ((i.markGBK = !0), i.readAsText(e, "GBK")) : a.indexOf("") > -1 && !i.markBIG5 ? ((i.markBIG5 = !0), i.readAsText(e, "BIG5")) : void t(a); }), (i.onerror = function (e) { s(e); }); }); } fromQColor(e, t = !1) { e = e.replace( /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i, (e, t, s, i) => t + t + s + s + i + i ); const [s, i, a, l] = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec( e ); return t ? (((-1 + i) & 255) << 24) | (((-1 + a) & 255) << 16) | (((-1 + l) & 255) << 8) | 0 : (("0x" + i) << 24) | (("0x" + a) << 16) | (("0x" + l) << 8) | 0; } }, class Appreciation { constructor(e, t) { (this.player = e), ( =, (this.localforage = window.localforage || unsafeWindow.localforage); const { contextmenu: s, container: { offsetWidth: i, offsetHeight: a }, } = this.player; this.player.template.menuItem[0].addEventListener("click", () => { this.showDialog(); }), this.player.on("timeupdate", () => { - 24e4 >= && (( =, this.isAppreciation() .then((e) => { = !!e; }) .catch((e) => { this.player.pause(), / 2.5, a / 3), (s.shown = !0), ! && confirm("请赞赏后继续观赏") && (( = !0), this.showDialog()), (this.player.plugins.hls.error = !!e); })); }), this.player.template.settingBox.addEventListener("click", (e) => { this.isAppreciation().catch((t) => { let s ="input") ||"input"); s && s.checked &&,, e.isTrusted && this.showDialog(); }); }); } isAppreciation() { return ( (this.player.template.menuItem = this.player.container.querySelectorAll(".dplayer-menu-item")), || 4 === this.player.template.menuItem.length || this.player.destroy(), this.localforage || this.player.destroy(), GM_getValue || GM_setValue || GM_deleteValue || this.player.destroy(), this.localforage .getItem("users") .then((e) => e?.expire_time ? this.localforage .getItem("users_sign") .then((t) => Math.max(Date.parse(e.expire_time) -, 0) && t === btoa(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(e))) && GM_getValue("users_sign") === btoa(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(e))) ? e : this.usersPost().then((e) => Math.max(Date.parse(e?.expire_time) -, 0) ? this.localforage .setItem("users", e) .then( (e) => ( this.localforage.setItem( "users_sign", btoa( encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(e)) ) ), GM_setValue( "users_sign", btoa( encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(e)) ) ), e ) ) : (this.localforage.removeItem("users"), this.localforage.removeItem("users_sign"), GM_deleteValue("users_sign"), Promise.reject()) ) ) : GM_getValue("users_sign") ? this.localforage .setItem("users", { expire_time: new Date().toISOString() }) .then(() => this.isAppreciation()) : (GM_setValue("users_sign", 0), Promise.reject()) ) ); } showDialog() { let e = document.createElement("div"); (e.innerHTML = '<div class="ant-modal-mask"></div><div tabindex="-1" class="ant-modal-wrap" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="rcDialogTitle1" style=""><div role="document" class="ant-modal modal-wrapper--5SA7y" style="width: 340px;"><div tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 0px; height: 0px; overflow: hidden; outline: none;"></div><div class="ant-modal-content"><div class="ant-modal-header"><div class="ant-modal-title" id="rcDialogTitle1">请少量赞助以支持我更好的创作</div></div><div class="ant-modal-body"><div class="content-wrapper--S6SNu"><div>爱发电订单号:</div><span class="ant-input-affix-wrapper ant-input-affix-wrapper-borderless ant-input-password input--TWZaN input--l14Mo"><input placeholder="" action="click" type="text" class="afdian-order ant-input ant-input-borderless" style="background-color: var(--divider_tertiary);"></span></div><div class="content-wrapper--S6SNu"><div>请输入爱发电订单号,确认即可</div><a href="" target="_blank"> 赞赏作者 </a><a href="" target="_blank"> 复制订单号 </a></div></div><div class="ant-modal-footer"><div class="footer--cytkB"><button class="button--WC7or secondary--vRtFJ small--e7LRt cancel-button--c-lzN">取消</button><button class="button--WC7or primary--NVxfK small--e7LRt">确定</button></div></div></div><div tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 0px; height: 0px; overflow: hidden; outline: none;"></div></div></div>'), document.body.insertBefore(e, null), e.querySelectorAll("button").forEach((t, s) => { t.addEventListener("click", () => { if (0 == s) document.body.removeChild(e); else { let t = e.querySelector("input").value; if (t) if (t.match(/^202[\d]{22,25}$/)) { if (t.match(/(\d)\1{8,}/g)) return; this.localforage .getItem("users") .then((e) => { (e && e.ON == t) || this.onPost(t).catch(() => { alert("网络错误,请稍后再次提交"); }); }) .catch(function (e) { alert(e); }); } else alert("订单号不合规范,请重试"); document.body.removeChild(e); } }); }); } onPost(e) { return this.usersPost().then( (t) => ( 0 === Date.parse(t.expire_time) || this.localforage .setItem( "users", Object.assign(t || {}, { expire_time: new Date( + 864e3).toISOString(), }) ) .then((e) => { this.localforage.setItem( "users_sign", btoa(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(e))) ), GM_setValue( "users_sign", btoa(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(e))) ); }), this.infoPost(t, e) ) ); } usersPost() { return this.users(this.getItem("token")); } users(e) { return this.ajax({ url: "", data: JSON.stringify({ authData: { aliyundrive: Object.assign(e, { uid: e?.user_id, scriptHandler: GM_info?.scriptHandler, version: GM_info?.script?.version, }), }, }), }); } infoPost(e, t) { return ( delete e.createdAt, delete e.updatedAt, delete e.objectId, this.ajax({ url: "", data: JSON.stringify(Object.assign(e, { ON: t })), }) ); } ajax(e) { return new Promise(function (t, s) { GM_xmlhttpRequest ? GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "post", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-LC-Id": "sXXf4FFOZn2nFIj7LOFsqpLa-gzGzoHsz", "X-LC-Key": "16s3qYecpVJXtVahasVxxq1V", }, responseType: "json", onload: function (e) { if (2 == parseInt(e.status / 100)) { var i = e.response || e.responseText; t(i); } else s(e); }, onerror: function (e) { s(e); }, ...e, }) : s(); }); } getItem(e) { if (!(e = localStorage.getItem(e))) return null; try { return JSON.parse(e); } catch (t) { return e; } } setItem(e, t) { e && null != t && localStorage.setItem(e, t instanceof Object ? JSON.stringify(t) : t); } removeItem(e) { null != e && localStorage.removeItem(e); } }, class DoHotKey { constructor(e) { (this.player = e), this.player.template.videoWrap.addEventListener("dblclick", (e) => { this.player.fullScreen.toggle(); }), document.addEventListener("wheel", (e) => { if (this.player.focus) { e = e || window.event; var t, s = this.player; e.deltaY < 0 ? ((t = s.volume() + 0.01), s.volume(t)) : e.deltaY > 0 && ((t = s.volume() - 0.01), s.volume(t)); } }); } }, ]);