Greasy Fork is available in English.
Automatically clicks the like button and comments "W" on TikTok Live every 45 seconds.
TikTok Live Auto Like and Comment
This userscript automates interactions on TikTok Live by clicking the like button and posting comments. With this script, you can effortlessly engage with your favorite TikTok Live streams while keeping the chat lively.
Automatic Likes: Clicks the like button 500 times continuously, with a brief interval between each click to simulate natural behavior.
Cooldown Period: After reaching 500 likes, the script pauses for 15 seconds before resuming the liking process, preventing excessive interactions.
Regular Comments: Automatically comments "W" in the chat every 45 seconds to keep the conversation going.
Usage Instructions:
Install Tampermonkey or a similar userscript manager in your browser.
Create a new script and copy the provided code.
Save the script and navigate to a TikTok Live stream to see it in action.
Important Notes:
Ensure the class selectors in the script are valid; TikTok may update their website structure.
Use this script responsibly to avoid violating TikTok’s terms of service, as excessive automation can lead to account restrictions.
Designed for use on TikTok Live streams.