Greasy Fork is available in English.
调整网页下方背景的透明度、颜色遮罩、模糊度,并支持上传本地图片作为背景。/n Adjust the transparency, color overlay, and blur of the webpage's lower background, and support uploading local images as the background.
脚本设置界面请从油猴脚本处打开。可用于ZEN浏览器来达成类似ZEN Internet的效果(当然没那么精致)。
可设置页面背景以及相应背景透明度、模糊程度。非强制模式下一些页面如知乎、greasy fork会有元素无法透明,打开强制模式则原有网页全部背景透明,因方法粗暴故会可能会有相应不足,请自行取舍。
he script settings menu should be opened from the Tampermonkey menu. It can be used with the ZEN browser to achieve an effect similar to ZEN Internet (though not as refined).
You can set the page background, its transparency, and blur level. In non-forced mode, some pages like Zhihu and Greasy Fork may have elements that cannot be made transparent. Enabling forced mode will make the entire background of the original webpage transparent. Due to the crude method, there may be some shortcomings. Please weigh the pros and cons yourself.
The effect is shown in the image below.