Scroll like Opera
A userscript to provide Opera(old) like scrolling behavior.
- Scroll horizontally when the cursor hover on horizontal scrollbar.
- Scroll horizontally if there is only one horizontal scrollbar.
- Smooth scrolling.
Test page
- Better behavior when scrolling to top/bottom?
- Currently, if the inner element scrolled to edge, it will check outer element whether is scrollable.
- How to guess which element we are going to scroll?
- What does it mean when user want to scroll and unscrollable element?
- Get wrong value if the page is zoomed.
Known bugs
- Chrome doesn't fire wheel event when cursor hover on window scrollbar.
2.1.1 (Dec 20, 2021)
- Fix: use non-passive wheel event.
2.1.0 (Feb 17, 2015):
- Add a small delay to change scrolled target when scrolling to bottom/top.
2.0.4 (Jan 16, 2015):
- Fix scrollable document.body bug.
2.0.3 (Dec 29, 2014):
- Reload config after configure.
2.0.2 (Dec 29, 2014):
- Update GM_config to 0.2.2.
2.0.1 (Dec 29, 2014):
- Use a different GM_config library.
2.0.0 (Dec 24, 2014):
- Stop detecting scrollbar and don't scroll
element anymore.
1.0.4 (Dec 23, 2014):
1.0.3 (Dec 23, 2014):
1.0.2 (Dec 23, 2014):
1.0.1 (Dec 23, 2014):
1.0.0 (Dec 23, 2014):
0.1.0 (Dec 19, 2014):