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jQuery-viewport-checker see description link
此脚本不应直接安装,它是一个供其他脚本使用的外部库。如果您需要使用该库,请在脚本元属性加入:// @require
/* Version 1.7.4 The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Dirk Groenen Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ (function($){ $.fn.viewportChecker = function(useroptions){ // Define options and extend with user var options = { classToAdd: 'visible', classToRemove : 'invisible', offset: 100, repeat: false, invertBottomOffset: true, callbackFunction: function(elem, action){}, scrollHorizontal: false }; $.extend(options, useroptions); // Cache the given element and height of the browser var $elem = this, windowSize = {height: $(window).height(), width: $(window).width()}, scrollElem = ((navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('webkit') != -1) ? 'body' : 'html'); /* * Main method that checks the elements and adds or removes the class(es) */ this.checkElements = function(){ var viewportStart, viewportEnd; // Set some vars to check with if(!options.scrollHorizontal){ viewportStart = $(scrollElem).scrollTop(); viewportEnd = (viewportStart + windowSize.height); } else{ viewportStart = $(scrollElem).scrollLeft(); viewportEnd = (viewportStart + windowSize.width); } // Loop through all given dom elements $elem.each(function(){ var $obj = $(this), objOptions = {}, attrOptions = {}; // Get any individual attribution data if ($'vp-add-class')) attrOptions.classToAdd = $'vp-add-class'); if ($'vp-remove-class')) attrOptions.classToRemove = $'vp-remove-class'); if ($'vp-offset')) attrOptions.offset = $'vp-offset'); if ($'vp-repeat')) attrOptions.repeat = $'vp-repeat'); if ($'vp-scrollHorizontal')) attrOptions.scrollHorizontal = $'vp-scrollHorizontal'); if ($'vp-invertBottomOffset')) attrOptions.scrollHorizontal = $'vp-invertBottomOffset'); // Extend objOptions with data attributes and default options $.extend(objOptions, options); $.extend(objOptions, attrOptions); // If class already exists; quit if ($obj.hasClass(objOptions.classToAdd) && !objOptions.repeat){ return; } // define the top position of the element and include the offset which makes is appear earlier or later var elemStart = (!objOptions.scrollHorizontal) ? Math.round( $obj.offset().top ) + objOptions.offset : Math.round( $obj.offset().left ) + objOptions.offset, elemEnd = (!objOptions.scrollHorizontal) ? elemStart + $obj.height() : elemStart + $obj.width(); if(objOptions.invertBottomOffset) elemEnd -= (objOptions.offset * 2); // Add class if in viewport if ((elemStart < viewportEnd) && (elemEnd > viewportStart)){ // remove class $obj.removeClass(objOptions.classToRemove); $obj.addClass(objOptions.classToAdd); // Do the callback function. Callback wil send the jQuery object as parameter objOptions.callbackFunction($obj, "add"); // Remove class if not in viewport and repeat is true } else if ($obj.hasClass(objOptions.classToAdd) && (objOptions.repeat)){ $obj.removeClass(objOptions.classToAdd); // Do the callback function. objOptions.callbackFunction($obj, "remove"); } }); }; // Run checkelements on load and scroll $(window).bind("load scroll touchmove MSPointerMove", this.checkElements); // On resize change the height var $(window).resize(function(e){ windowSize = {height: $(window).height(), width: $(window).width()}, $elem.checkElements(); }); // trigger inital check if elements already visible this.checkElements(); // Default jquery plugin behaviour return this; }; })(jQuery);