Greasy Fork is available in English.
lrc 歌词解析播放
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/** * lrc parser and player * @version 0.1.0 */ var Lrc = (function(){ = || (new Date).getTime; var timeExp = /\[(\d{2,})\:(\d{2})(?:\.(\d{2,3}))?\]/g , tagsRegMap = { title: 'ti' , artist: 'ar' , album: 'al' , offset: 'offset' , by: 'by' } ; /** * lrc parser * @param {string} lrc lrc 歌词字符串 * @param {function} [handler] * @constructor */ var Parser = function(lrc, handler){ lrc = Parser.trim(lrc); this.lrc = lrc;//lrc 歌词 this.handler = handler || function(){} this.tags = {};//ID tags. 标题, 歌手, 专辑 this.lines = [];//详细的歌词信息 this.txts = []; this.isLrc = Parser.isLrc(lrc); this.curLine = 0;// this.state = 0;// 0: stop, 1: playing var res, line, time, lines = lrc.split(/\n/) , _last; for(var tag in tagsRegMap){ res = lrc.match(new RegExp('\\[' + tagsRegMap[tag] + ':([^\\]]*)\\]', 'i')); this.tags[tag] = res && res[1] || ''; } timeExp.lastIndex = 0; for(var i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i++){ while(time = timeExp.exec(lines[i])){ _last = timeExp.lastIndex; line = Parser.trim(lines[i].replace(timeExp, '')); timeExp.lastIndex = _last; this.lines.push({ time: time[1] * 60 * 1000 + time[2] * 1000 + (time[3] || 0) * 10 , originLineNum: i , txt: line }); this.txts.push(line); } } this.lines.sort(function(a, b){ return a.time - b.time; }); }; //按照时间点确定歌词行数 function findCurLine(time){ for(var i = 0, l = this.lines.length; i < l; i++){ if(time <= this.lines[i].time){ break; } } return i; } function focusLine(i){, this.lines[i].txt, { originLineNum: this.lines[i].originLineNum , lineNum: i }) } //lrc stream control and output Parser.prototype = { //time: 播放起点, skipLast: 是否忽略即将播放歌词的前一条(可能是正在唱的) play: function(time, skipLast){ var that = this; time = time || 0; that._startStamp = - time;//相对开始时间戳 that.state = 1; if(that.isLrc){ that.curLine =, time); if(!skipLast){ that.curLine &&, that.curLine - 1); } if(that.curLine < that.lines.length){ clearTimeout(that._timer); that._timer = setTimeout(function loopy(){, that.curLine++); if(that.lines[that.curLine]){ that._timer = setTimeout(function(){ loopy(); }, that.lines[that.curLine].time - ( - that._startStamp)); //}, that.lines[that.curLine].time - that.lines[that.curLine--].time);//一些情况可能用得上 }else{ //end } }, that.lines[that.curLine].time - time) } } } , pauseToggle: function(){ var now =; if(this.state){ this.stop(); this._pauseStamp = now; }else{ || now) - (this._startStamp || now), true); delete this._pauseStamp; } } , seek: function(offset){ this._startStamp -= offset; this.state && - this._startStamp);//播放时让修改立即生效 } , stop: function(){ this.state = 0; clearTimeout(this._timer); } }; Parser.trim = function(lrc){ return lrc.replace(/(^\s*|\s*$)/m, '') }; Parser.isLrc = function(lrc){ return timeExp.test(lrc); }; return Parser; })(); //node.js module if(typeof module !== 'undefined' && this.module !== module){ module.exports.Lrc = Lrc; }