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Simple Form Saver

Provides a small red button at the top left, click it to save or to fill in forms on the web. Auto-fill, click replay and pasting raw info into forms also featured.


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Script Summary:
Please use openuserjs.org for latest version.

Provides a button icon at the top left, within the webpage, click it to first save the form values, later click it again to fill in the form with the saved info.
Also can record a mouse click on a page and have it replay any time you visit that page, any form on that page will get filled-in before the click is replayed.



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Newly Added: Address/Notebook & Export/Import form data, multi-click

Allows form values to be input from own created lists. Go to page with forms and hit Alt-a within a field of the form to see how to create address/notebook and how to use double click to fill in handy locally stored values.
Export/Import allows the entire stored form data to be easily copied to and from other browsers, upgrades and or for storage in backup text file
Can record more than one click, add by selecting record click more than once.

Now can be installed on Google's Chrome Browser

The above two images are blow-ups of the small button icons this script places at the top left corner of the window when activated. Move the mouse over these on a page that has form fields to see instructions.

General Description

Checkboxes, radio buttons, text inputs, drop down selections and text areas are all saved when the little red icon (a red dot or square) that this script places at the top left of relevant webpages is clicked. Each of the three mouse button clicks invokes a different action, see tool-tip when hovering over the icon for instructions. The icon stays within the window frame even when the page had been scrolled down. On the red dot, left click saves the form. On the red square: click, fills out form, right click saves, and middle click deletes stored data for that webpage and adds site to the ignore list; to re-enable the site see the GM "User Script" submenu option and choose "Save/Re-Save Form".

The top left icon is an unobtrusive red dot for webpages where there are sufficient form items to be useful for saving. The icon is a red square with a hole, on webpages on which you have already saved the form information on a previous occasion.

If no icon appears there are no form items on the page.

Enable writing to status bar by setting "dom.disable_window_status_change" to false in about:config (pseudo site name) so the script can inform you about its progress without using pop-up windows. Also see "config:about" and filter with "hostFormsList" to see script's data store or to reset and clear this scripts persistent data.
To turn off annoying autoscroll on middle-click, the target thingy which appears on middle click, untick it in firefox options->advance. Also, "middlemouse.contentLoadURL" in about:config can be set to false to prevent middle click from trying to open as a link whatever happens to be in your clipboard.

To ensure that when you right click on the red dot icon the context menu does not appear, set dom.event.contextmenu.enabled to true in about:config

When you have finished setting values in about:config make sure to restart your browser sometime so that the values will not be lost in a crash

Saving Data

The data is saved as usual, however, if firefox crashes or an old tab overwrites data later, the changes made since it previously started are lost. So to ensure important form data is saved, restart firefox. In firefox data is saved to the permanent store, the file system, when it exits.

Paste Data into Form from an Email or Text file

To paste form values into a webpage from an email or another source, eg, a text document; copy the name-values (eg, "name: John Smith")
from the email or text file and then in firefox select "Tools->Greasemonkey->User Script Command", from that submenu select "Paste Data Into Form",
(shortcut for this is "Alt-T, G, C, P"). An explanatory paragraph with a white translucent area will open upon the form webpage.
Paste the data into the translucent area and either hit Control-Enter or double click on it with the mouse. The form should now have all the values
you pasted filled-in on the webpage itself.

Paste Configuration

There are some config values that optionally affect the pasting of data into a form:

    The default value for this is "1, 2, 3, 4, etc.", it is used to change the order in which lines
    from the email are read, for example, to read line 3 as line 1, i.e., to have line 3 in the email placed into the first place in the
    form (& line 1 in the 3rd place) give it the value: "3, 2, 1, 4"

    To indicate that multiple fields will be filled in from only one line of the email/textfile use the asterisk, so for example, if
    line 3 of the email/textfile is "name:John Smith" which is two contiguous fields in the form eg, "first-name: , last-name: " then set the config value to "3*, 2, 1 4"

    To indicate that the date & time given is with the zone affixed (eg, UTC or EST) and so can be converted into a standard format of 4 fields,
    dd/mm/yyyy hour:minute am/pm zone, append "Ds" &/or "T" , so for exmaple: "3*, 1, 2DsT, 4", specifies that the third set of fields comes from
    the second (2) line of the email which is in standard date format (eg, "April 24, 2016 11:11 UTC") is to be converted to the "dd/mm/yyyy hour:minute am/pm zone"
    format and each of these 4 parts of the format are inserted into 4 fields of the form. The "s" following the "D" indicates that the date is to be in the U.S. "slash" format.


    This string indicates where values may be absent from the pasted text, so setting it to "line1word2of3" means that
    on line one, word 2 is optional and that there there can be up to 3 field values on this line.

    To set any of these values in Firefox go to the pseudo webpage, "about:config". In the large area open the popup menu with the mouse, and select
    "New->String", fill in "extensions.greasemonkey.scriptvals.userscripts.org/Simple Form Saver.line_order" for the name of the first config value and give it the desired value when requested.
    Use the name, "extensions.greasemonkey.scriptvals.userscripts.org/Simple Form Saver.optionals" for the second config value.

    Note: there is also a third configuration variable that may be relevant, see below "Pasting with the Input field Names".

    Control-v Shortcut

    To enable a shortcut key for pasting into a form create a Boolean config value called, "extensions.greasemonkey.scriptvals.userscripts.org/Simple Form Saver.paste_shortcut", set it to true; then the shortcut control-v will invoke the paste function. In order for control-v to work you must ensure that the page focus is not on an input field, if necessary just single-click on an empty part of the page or a paragraph before hitting control-v. Otherwise the browser will just do a paste as usual into the field in focus, instead of opening the text box and allowing you to paste into all fields at once.

    Pasting Values without Names

    To paste just the values without the names, choose instead the menu option "Edit stored Form data" (or short-cut "Alt-T, G C, E"),
    all the text in the input area should already be selected, if not, select it and then paste in the values without the names. The order of the values must be as on the form. Each value must be separated by a space, if however, there are to be spaces within the values then those values must be enclosed in double quotes(eg, "north america"). Now
    having edited the stored values, to enter them into the form click on the red icon at top left of the page or select from the GreaseMonkey menu "Fill-in Form"

    Pasting with the Input field names

    Each input on a form is usually, though not always, named. To see the name hover the mouse
    over the input (eg, a search box, selection box or text area) or check the HTML. The values can then be pasted by using this input name, followed by a colon, followed by the value. To use the input names to enter values instead of the order, create the "about:config" string value named, "extensions.greasemonkey.scriptvals.userscripts.org/Simple Form Saver.parse_method" and set it to "names". Then invoke GM submenu option "Paste Data into Form" as above.

Tick box Sizes

To make tick boxes visible for the elderly, for whom most are far too small, the script
enforces a minimum size. If this is not required then set in about:config the following
value "extensions.greasemonkey.scriptvals.userscripts.org/Simple Form Saver.fixed_sizes" to boolean true.

Many thanks to
a userscript.org participant, for his generous funding and specifications for this latest pasting feature.