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[docs.unity3d & local] Unity Black - a dark theme with JS/C# syntax highlighting css CSS - for use with [docs.unity3d & local] Unity Black - css style
Disable All CSS Animations CSS - Disable all CSS animations.
Ungay Global CSS - Ungay the web
Normalize.css 油猴魔改版 CSS - 魔改 Normalize.css 以修正样式表
移除灰阶滤镜样式 CSS - 仅仅只移除灰阶滤镜
中文字体优化 CSS - 优化中文字体的显示
Hide scrollbar CSS - Hides the main scrollbar
Spotify Side Mode CSS - Re-arrange elements in now playing bar to fit narrow window.
Fandom | Modern Full Width Theme CSS - Makes the wiki page full-width and adds a sidebar with a sticky header and fixed search bar.
Cool Button CSS - This is a cool button style I made! Enjoy!
atom styled stylus CSS - dark theme for stylus editing
center-content CSS - Center content through flexbox
弹出日历选择日期插件的css CSS - 弹出日历选择日期插件
FogbugzDarkMode CSS - Change most elements in FogBugz to a dark visual style
Don't Be A Hu CSS - Improve Zhihu UI
Boreal - Discord theme CSS - Enjoy Discord over a calm peaceful lake under the northern lights.
Just Dance Now Redrawn CSS - A redrawn from the original just dance now
Just Dance Now Custom Avatar CSS - Add custom avatars for just dance now!
按钮样式 CSS - 设置按钮样式
滚动条美化 CSS - 美化滚动条
ImageHider CSS - Hides any images in various ways.
Another One Universal Dark Theme(User Style) CSS - changes all web-site theme to dark
Element Outline CSS - creates outline for all elements.
Global Ads and Cookie Banner Remover CSS - removes ads and cookies banners.
tele5 video usercss 2023 CSS - hide everything but the video itself
Return Old Pastebin CSS - Delete Ukraine&Russia poster, back old logo
自定义代码字体 (自用) CSS - 自定义代码字体
Coolors.co Pallette Generator ad blocker CSS - Hides annoying ads shown on the coolors.co palette generator.
Archive Of Our Own - Scrolling Tag List CSS - Shortens the list of tags on /works lists and allows scrolling to see the overflow.
Google Photos without slide transition CSS - Disable the sliding transition between photos and videos in Google Photos
YouTube - Search Results Cleaner CSS - Hides most of the random, unrelated videos which YouTube injects into search results, but still allows you to access them. This script gathers videos from categories like "People also watched" and "For you" and collapses them into thin boxes on-screen so they won't distract from actual search results. Hover the mouse over these boxes to show their contents.
Mastodon custom CSS - Mastodon customizer; change colors, fonts, and more.
0.2 border CSS - 给所有元素添加边框
Datatables CSS CDN with Images CSS - Datatables CSS CDN with Images(reupload)
Better StackOverflow CSS - adds outline to code blocks, ad block, no cookie modal, various fixes.
Small Apple.com CSS - Shrinks apple home page to be readable for normal people
tele5 base usercss 2023 CSS - hide everything but the video itself
StackOverflow sticky votes CSS - Makes the upvote/downvote buttons and vote count on StackOverflow and StackExchange sticky, so you don't have to scroll up to upvote a long answer.
Lenna's Fet Tag Request Hider v2 CSS - Removes tag requests on a notice page that supports Fet.
Non-LGBT MDN CSS - color everything to default colors as it was back before. (basically removes lgbt s***)
網頁XY卷軸美化 CSS - XY卷軸美化+自定義scrollbar better customize
Slickdeals Cleaner NG CSS - Removes ADs, promotional junk, and any sponsored or featured sections.
Test encoding issue CSS - https://github.com/JasonBarnabe/greasyfork/issues/1174
YouTube Remove Ambient CSS - Removes ambient mode around video player on YouTube.
LightboxModern CSS CSS - Styling LightboxModern
微博优化 weibo.com CSS - 微博首页去除热搜榜,去除多余内容,调整宽度等。
PSXHAX Hide Annoying pop up CSS - Hiding annoying pop-up 'Please allow ads on our site' on PSXHAX
GNU Pascal Cringe Removal CSS - Removes ocular assault from the GNU Pascal website.
3DMM.com Noir CSS - Updated version of the 3DMM.com Dark Theme.
zattoo easily hide non-free channels CSS - easily hide non-free channels from the channel list
joyn easily hide non-free/vod channels CSS - easily hide non-free/vod channels from the channel list
Pluto.tv usable guide CSS - make the Pluto.tv guide usable again (in full viewport)
Pluto.tv hide splash animation CSS - Pluto.tv hide splash animation easily, duh
RTL+ hide non-free content CSS - RTL+ hide non-free (aka premium/paid-for) content, including "live" streams
Toonio Space Theme CSS - Поехали!
Safari Cleaner Gmail CSS - A simplified and minimalist look to Gmail desktop
2022 Roblox Avatar Editor CSS - Brings Back The 2022 Avatar Editor code is by Vue2016 https://userstyles.world/user/Vue2016
klimat.app - Dark Mode CSS - Klimat.app Dark Mode
klimat.app - Dark Mode CSS - Klimat.app Dark Mode
3DMM.COM Halloween theme CSS - Enables Space Goat's 3dmm.com BB Halloween theme.
kickでコメントの名前消すだけのCSS CSS - This is your new file, start writing code
智慧职教+ 课件下载 CSS - 智慧职教教师版课件下载
Slickdeals Cleaner NG CSS - Removes ADs, promotional junk, and any sponsored or featured sections.
Coveo AI Answer Removal CSS - Removes annoying AI crap.
Hacker News Comment Indentation Colours CSS - Adds an edge next to comments, in differing colours depending on the comment depth
Global light style - changes everything to LIGHT CSS - Converts all websites to a light theme.
Embiggen WhatsApp Web CSS - Gets rid of the margins and padding in the web.whatsapp.com interface.
Disable Writefull (Overleaf Debloat) CSS - Gets rid of the margins and padding in the web.whatsapp.com interface.
Hide Useless Fandom Stuff CSS - Gets rid of the non-wiki related stuff in all Fandom websites.
Remove Falabella Sponsored CSS - Gets rid of sponsored product placement in the falabella interface.
Dark Google Workplace CSS - Darken Google Spreadsheets and the others
Dark Redash CSS - Darken Redash
Misskey.io Deck Popup Expander CSS - Expand popup window on right of Misskey deck
Block the community 墙外弱智吧联盟 on the Twitter/X CSS - 屏蔽 Twitter/X 上的 墙外弱智吧联盟 社群