现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
frisch's Custom Search JS - Custom Search Engines added to the custom context menu. Requires my Userscript Extender https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/24896-frisch-s-userscript-extender
frisch's Utilities JS - Combines several userscripts. Includes Shift-Copy, Image Transformation, Html Element Deletion, Mousegrab for Link selection
Snap Links Mod JS - 从网页中批量复制、打开链接,选择复选框
ShowPasswords JS - Shows passwords in form controls on the page
Stop Youtube Embedded Video Autoplay JS - Stop autoplaying YouTube Embedded Videos.
share button is always beside JS - Append share button in all pages.
Downloader for JS - copiapop downloader, diskokosmiko downloader, kumpulbagi downloader, kutucugum downloader, partagora downloader.
Chrome Object Spy JS - Object Spy for chrome browser
Fake Gelocation getCurrentPosition JS - prompt instead native geolocation
Invisible Typer JS - Type an invisible character when pressing CTRL + Space.
pwnyFilters JS - Load the pwnyBar settings in any page. https://github.com/webdev23/ponyFilters
Copy-Clip JS - A ridiculously simple way to copy links to the clipboard
input contrast JS - Force inputs colors on pages
Disable javascript alert boxs JS - A simple userscript that defeats and disable the javascript alert boxes
华文细黑字体 JS - 修改默认字体为 STHeiti
Fake News Warnings JS - Display a popup warning on fake news sites. See: http://www.infowars.com/the-ultimate-fake-news-list/
TextReFlower JS - click on text to reflow into visible area, Android FF USI
VideoLayerRemover JS - kill layer video ads, maybe you have to unpause manually 2 or 3 times, use carfully!
Steam Store - Removed App/Sub Redirect To SteamDB JS - If the Steam Store app/sub doesn't exist, is removed or is region-locked, redirect to steamdb.info instead of store.steampowered.com.
info JS - (不要安装,只是学习如何制作和发布脚本)提示用户当前的各种信息,包括:时间、网址、默认文本、浏览器信息、显示器信息
Disable Confirmation Dialog When Leaving A Web Page JS - Disable confirmation dialog when leaving a web page
Rehost image to... JS - Rehost images to a whitelisted site by ctrl+shift+clicking them
Coincidence Detector JS - Detects coincidences.
progress bar JS - to show the progress bar intuitively!
微软翻译组件 JS - 微软翻译组件 右下角点击翻译
Open Select url JS - 鼠标划选url,对选择内容做简单修改,点击图标新窗口打开链接。
Ugly journalists JS - Caught You.
Toggleable video and audio html5 elements JS - Little script to enable video and audio html5 elements play/pause toggle clicking on element itself.
敲起来 (dart) JS - 当你在敲击键盘的时候, 出现相应键位的动画特效
Unfix Fixed Position Element on Firefox Context Menu JS - Add new item to top of right-click context menu to override position:fixed on elements in a page.
点击激活url JS - 点击链接激活
The Darkening JS - Stylish theme to darken all sites that doesn't suck. All syntax highlighting is kept while being dead simple.
Enable Text Selection disabled by CSS JS - Enable Text Selection disabled by user-select css property.
Show QRCode JS - 显示网页二维码
网页字体美化 JS - 修改网页字体为微软雅黑
nfart JS - Turns all text on page to Fart
Noot Noot JS - Pingu is trying to take over the world!
Google +1 Remover JS - A script which removes the google plus +1 sign
XKCD Text Replacer JS - Replaces text (mostly) according to http://xkcd.com/1288/ , http://www.xkcd.com/1625/ , and http://www.xkcd.com/1679/ , as well as http://www.xkcd.com/821/ , http://www.xkcd.com/1004/ , http://www.xkcd.com/1025/ , http://www.xkcd.com/1031/ , and http://www.xkcd.com/1418/ . This script is just an update of https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/1322-xkcd-text-replacer
防止垃圾站将父窗口跳转脚本 JS - 在搜索引擎打开某些垃圾网站,会将搜索引擎跳转到其他页面,如果是跳转到一个高仿的登录界面呢?所以写这个脚本消除这种安全隐患(打开任意外站链接其实都有这隐患),此脚本用于解决 window.opener.location / window.opener.location.replace 存在的安全风险。
AnimalQuery JS - Tries to speedup browsing by disabling CSS content animations
Chinese Translation (Simplified to Traditional) JS - Replace simplified Chinese to traditional Chinese
Backspace goes back JS - Backspace key = "go back" as it was before Chrome 52. And Shift+Backspace goes forward.
“搞定”CJK! JS - 中文字体和标点设定及修正脚本
显示JS SDK调试信息 JS - try to take over the world!
Happy smile() JS - try to take over the world!
Email filler JS - Fills your email on input and text fields
Smart scrolling JS - Prevent scrolling issues when page is resized by loading images
Block internal images hardcoded in IMG tag JS - Remove about: chrome: and resource: URIs from the src attribute of <img> tags.
Taboola Ads Remover JS - A script which removes the annoying Taboola ads.
ShadeRoot Prank JS - Install this script on a friend's computer, hide their Greasemonkey icon and look at their faces.
Edit All Website JS - You can edit all website like Word Office
New Userscript JS - try to take over the world!
获取页面内大图链接 tistory、imgur、naver blog JS - 自己编写,获取tistory、imgur、naver blog原大图、staticflickr。链接在textarea里。naver blog过滤了导航图,有过滤url。 网页必须有URL跳转(?)
Visible Password JS - Visible password on password field
Post Count for IPB JS - Adds post numbers back to any forums running IPBv4+
AutoScroll JS - AutoScroll - 双击切换自动滚屏
自定预加载JS库 JS - 尽可能地使依赖JS库的页面能正常呈现
Lazy Embedded Video JS - Lazy load embedded videos from Youtube/Dailymotion/Vimeo/Rutube/Twitch/Coub/Rumble
Remove Promoted Tweets JS - Block promoted tweets on Twitter
Linky Square JS - Grab links by dragging a square.
Bum Marks JS - Changes Cutie Marks into Bum Marks
AdBlock+ Press Alt+Shift+B JS - AdBlock+. Press Alt+Shift+B for blocking ads and Alt+Shift+U for unblocking. Press Alt+Shift+E for editing styles.
miterunau_bottom JS - looking this page
Japanese Furigana and Ruby Tag Hider JS - Automatically hide ruby tags (used for Japanese Furigana) on text (small text above sentences), and show them with the mouse.
Change words/phrases/advanced syntaxes in web pages JS - Change words/phrases/advanced syntaxes/regular expressions in web pages
pr0color for News-sites JS - Changes the color of news-sites according to the pr0gramm colors
Redirector JS - enter something useful
StrayKitty JS - A cat toy
[TS] Generic Image Viewer JS - A more Powerful Image Viewer with info panel support for Pixiv, deviantArt, imgur, Seiga Nico and nijie.info. Support numpad keys now.
按Alt复制链接上文字 JS - 按Alt复制链接上文字;select_link_text_with_AltKey
Rickblock (WORKING VERSION) JS - The (WORKING) Rickroll blocker
lazyFingers JS - Tính năng: hiện 1 số button khi bôi đen text
Relativize Fixed JS - Turns fixed elements (navbars and such) into relative positioned elements. Good for small screens.
Telegram tg:// to web+tg:// JS - Converts "tg://" links to "web+tg://". See https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/issues/594
AnIppo JS - Internet positif is fuckin annoying
Compucalitv Remove Links Counter JS - Elimina el contador para ver enlaces en CompucaliTV!
Inject2Download JS - Simple media download script
网盘提取工具 JS - 尽可能在支持的网盘自动输入提取码,省去下载的烦恼。
Imgur Mirror JS - Switches all imgur links to the mirror site http://kageurufu.net/imgur
115lixian JS - alt单击 添加115离线任务
Delay removal Moonwalk JS - отключение задержки перед воспроизведением
Add blank space below all pages JS - Allows you to scroll further down on all pages
AutoPagerize_Console_simple JS - AutoPagerizeをサポートするボタン(シンプルバージョン)
Convert Page to IPA Pronunciation JS - Replaces all English words on a webpage with their pronunciation in the international phonetic alphabet. American and British English flavors available!
URL as PAGE TITLE JS - Shows address bar url as page title everywhere.
[ALL] Block Are You Sure You Want To Leave This Page JS - Block "Are you sure you want to leave this page" popup.
[ALL] Block HTML5 Video JS - Block HTML5 video.
[ALL] Block OpenSearch Descriptions (OSD) JS - Block sites from adding search engines to Chrome.
[ALL] Block Right & Middle Mouse Button Click Hijacking JS - Block mouse button click hijacking.
[ALL] Links Open ALL in NEW BACKGROUND Tab JS - Open ALL links in NEW BACKGROUND tab.
[ALL] Links Open ALL in CURRENT Tab JS - Open ALL links in CURRENT tab.
[ALL] Links Open ALL in NEW FOREGROUND Tab JS - Open ALL links in NEW FOREGROUND tab.
Backspace navigation fix JS - Backspace navigation was removed from Chrome. Well let's fix it.
海詞翻譯 JS - 海詞Dict.cn劃詞翻譯
Red Read Line JS - shows you how far you scrolled
translator JS - 划词翻译