现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
anti social locker JS - Anti Social Locker plugin required user like or share before viewing content. If script doesn't work, please refresh the page to rebuild the cache and try again.
ss-Google-Search JS - highlight keywords and double tap 's' key
Formatador de referências JS - Formata referências para serem usadas na Wikipédia. Para utilizar, basta apertar CTRL + Q em qualquer site que aparecerá um prompt com a referência já formatada.
oncopy=null JS - Literally add document.oncopy=null to pages.
Etarg ad remover JS - Removes etarg and traforet ad banners (use with Ublock Origin or Adblock Plus)
Homestuck Nepeta Leijon JS - Fully supports the landing page, watch page, channel page, and search page, among others.
grayBackgroundColor JS - 将网页背景色改为护眼灰
随缘旧域名重定向 JS - 重定向旧域名到 mtslash.org。
Extinct Dev - SCP - BWE - Multi-Ex Chat JS - Edited by WizdaniUnleashed - Use Target:Roblox.com
search-engine-stop JS - prevents sites to add their own line in the Chrome search engines list
Decreased Productivity Plus JS - Makes webpages more discreet
AddThis Plugin Remover JS - A script which removes the AddThis plugin.
Cyrillic To Latin ы-ŷ, й-y, ь-j (y[eoua] èöüä hžcčšś) JS - Транслитерация русской кириллицы в латиницу.
Scroll To Top JS - Scroll To Top.
ShowModalDialog Polyfill JS - https://github.com/niutech/showModalDialog
.M3U8 HLS support for HTML5 video JS - Lets you play fragmented Apple-style adaptive videos in browsers like Firefox, by making use of Media Source Extensions. No Flash needed.
Moonwalk&HDGo&Kodik FIX JS - Смотри фильмы и сериалы без ожидания!
Scrambler JS - scrambles all the text on a page
Keep Scrambling JS - scrambles all the text on a page on a 1 second interval
JWPlayer Force HTML5 JS - Makes JWPlayer think that you don't have the Flash plugin, thus forcing HTML5 mode
scrollWithMouseMove JS - 鼠标在滚动条上移动滚动网页
设置并替换宋体为微软雅黑(Microsoft YaHei UI) JS - 适用于edge浏览器默认使用微软雅黑字体(或替换宋体为微软雅黑)
Page Positioning Buttons JS - Add links to go to top, bottom or a user specified position of each page.
格线+背景绿完美版OK-05-10 JS - 格线+背景绿完美版
强制使用微软雅黑 - 单执行方式 JS - 由BackRunner制作的【强制使用微软雅黑】脚本的 单执行方式 版
强制使用思源黑体 JS - 我就是喜欢思源黑体!【解决显示方框问题】
Focus Search Field JS - Allows you to focus the search field on any website by using a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + ;)
KeepVid Helper JS - This userscript assists KeepVid in fetching download links. Mainly used as an alternative to the Java option currently provided.
Replace Missing Favicon JS - Add default favicon for any sites that don't have a favicon
网盘链接激活工具 JS - 激活百度和360网盘的链接,可以直接点击。
bv7_password_generator JS - ge.ge.ge.ge.generate...
Send Link to Papaly Inbox JS - Adds a link to the current webpage to your Papaly Inbox
点击返回顶部 JS - 点击向上的箭头按钮返回到页面顶部
ctrl + alt + E切换页面可编辑 JS - RT
Remove junk URL parameters JS - Hides UTM and other tracking parameters from URLs.
FontShadow JS - 给字体加上阴影
zfilm-hd Комментарии пользователей zFilm-HD JS - Специально для фанатов портала Zfilm-HD. Отображении ссылки на комментарии пользователя с целью просмотреть их увлечения.
Copy & Ignore textTransform property JS - Ignore the textTransform property while copying some text.
Change all pics on website to Rick Astley JS - Title
Pause/Mute HTML5 Audio/Video On Leaving Tab JS - Pause or mute HTML5 audio/video on leaving a tab and restore them back on returning.
Background Network Requests Indicator JS - Shows an indicator at bottom right/left when there is one or more background network requests in progress.
test JS - なんでも良いからテストでインストールしたい人へ
Highlight Word JS - Insructions
Custom element hider JS - To show how one can hide elements like an ad blocker using userscripts
Title notification remover JS - Removes the notification count from the title of all webpages
VimJ JS - Vimium Mock
Webpages slideshow JS - Loop display a serial of webpages. Display time for each page can be set.
Отключить все стили JS - Remove all styles!
MomentumScrolling JS - Add drag scrolling and momentum.
RememberKosovo JS - Make any stubborn form remember entries. Autocomplete, autofill, pre-fill, remember passwords and usernames and other form entries.
Auto Check Remember Login JS - The script will automatically check all remember login checkbox
Sanskrit Tools - Toolbar JS - Sanskrit Language Tools - Quick access to Sanskrit dictionary, thesarus, news and other tools, on Firefox and Chrome browsers.
Coppersmina JS - Enhances Coppermine galleries with direct links, color coded border and other tricks. See source code for more info.
Moritz Sudhof JS - Moritz Sudhof categorization script for Mturk
zapEmbedsRefer JS - replace all embeds for href option display
zapIframesProp JS - zap all iframes Properties
defPrefs JS - improvement of style; enhancement font style browser - css text-shadow;
USO to USMO JS - Redirect Userscripts.org to Userscripts-MIRROR.org
YouTube to YTPak JS - Changes all the YouTube links on a page to YTPak links
Disable Big Bird Instructions JS - disable instructions by default
PureLink JS - Removes any redirect links and use the destination url.
Collapse Disqus Thread JS - This script collapses disqus thread
Partial Sergey Instructions Hider JS - for sergey's relevant batch
Toggle Passwords JS - Places an eye-icon at the right side of every password field. Clicking this icon toggles the display of all passwords between •••• and text.(submitting a form will allways revert the fields to type=password, to make sure no auto-completion information is stored for these fields by your browser.)
Taste of The World Auto-Collapse Instructions /hotel hits JS - collapase instructions on the hotel hits for TOTW
Popup Video JS - Popup online video out of the webpage
MTurk: Google Search Ranking JS - Click on the circle task number indicators on the left to start working
Pass Phrase Encoder JS - Make your password indestructible
SFW JS - an anti-procrastination user script;拖延症矫正脚本
Autocomplete On JS - Searches for autocomplete attributes in the page and sets the value to on.
Hide Chris Hart Instructions JS - disable instructions by default
Autoforum (Forum Expander) JS - Автоматический разворот форума, для показа первых постов в списке раздач rutracker и ... т.д.
Drag to Resize Image JS - Click and Drag to resize images. Ctrl+Click to disable resizing. Right Click to restore image to original size. Based on code in Reddit Enhancement Suite.
Disable page close confirmation JS - Disable page close confirmation (onBeforeUnload)
stopGoogleRedirection JS - 禁止google的搜索结果重定向,加快访问速度,防止撞墙(support (opera,firefox(GreaseMonkey),chrome) Latest Stable,IE9+)
Version Testing JS - Could be any script that is still being tested.
AutoPagerize JS - loading next page and inserting into current page.
[TS] Linx Amender JS - Generic tracking/redirection/open-in-new-tab removal; Amend page title; URL redirector; and more power functionality. Has rules for Pixiv, deviantArt, twitter, youtube, blogger, Batota etc.
Open links in current tab JS - Open links in current tab regardless of _target or site's preferences. Ctrl-click: background tab, Ctrl-Shift-click: foreground tab, Shift-click: new window
SSL Accelerator JS - Speculatively performs SSL/TLS handshakes for hovered links to speed up browsing.
Auto Focus Username Field JS - Attempts to locate the username input box and change focus to it, will briefly change the background color of the field green when it activates.
Source Viewer JS - View the HTML source code of any online web page. (use the Tampermonkey Command Menu)
Remover JS - With this Script you can edit every Website.
Discuz隐藏贴自动回复+刷新 JS - http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/source/137984.user.js
XHR without barriers -- test JS - Scripting is fun
KrustyHack Hightlight Nofollow JS - simply highlight nofollow links on a page
KrustyHack jQuery Hightlight Nofollow JS - simply highlight nofollow links on a page with jQuery
BTDigg_Chart_Adder JS - adds BTDigg popularity chart for Bit-torrent magnet-links
WaniKanify JS - Firefox version of chedkid's excellent Chrome app
我的鼠标手势 JS - 一个简单的鼠标手势脚本
CHPMEGAC00KIEH4X JS - Trata de saltearse logins manipulando las cookies
a/base target blank to target self JS - changes a and base target="_blank" to target="_self"
Resizeable Text Fields JS - Based on Resizeable Textarea 0.1 (https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/3818), original coding by Raik Jürgens. Added support for select lists and horizontal resizing of input fields by Florian Höch. Should now work on all page types (XML/XHTML/you-name-it).
TargetKiller JS - remove '_blank' from links target
FastNav JS - Quickly navigate to the next page with your keyboard. Press n to go to the next page, press p to go to the previous page.
AntennaSkipper JS - アンテナサイトをGoogle 検索経由でスキップする
NightVision Mode (夜间模式) JS - Protect your EYE. (保护视力)
Image Map Fixer JS - Finds image maps where the image fails to load and add colored blocks to make them more visible.
Page Centering JS - ウェブページを中央配置