现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Duolingo KN Points Increment JS - A simple script to increment and display KN points in Duolingo style every second.
万能小说下载 JS - 保姆级教程!导出指定XPath的文本并以标题命名
Adblocker with URL-based Detection JS - Block ads using URL pattern matching
Medium Member Bypass JS - Modern Medium GUI with multiple bypass services.
视频神器-改变播放速度 JS - 无视限制,改变网页端视频播放速度
Video Volume/Playback Speed Controller JS - Adjust video playback speed and volume with HUD showing real-time values inside the video frame. Conditional scroll blocking applied. (Script assisted by ChatGPT)
alist beta版的用户开启全部权限 JS - Fetch and Update User information from API
简单易用一键保存当前网页,无需复杂操作。自动化离线保存,方便又高效 JS - 永久保存重要内容
WebMaster Pro JS - Ultimate web toolkit featuring multilingual captions, code fixing, Roblox server finder, YouTube song detection, and more
带预览和下载功能的 SVG 提取器(GlyphWiki 特别版) JS - 提取页面中的所有 SVG 和 <symbol> 标签,提供预览并选择下载 SVG 或 PNG(PNG 尺寸根据 SVG 长宽比例调整),增加预览区关闭功能,支持外部 SVG 文件,特别处理 GlyphWiki 的 SVG 移除网格和矩形边界
强制解除网页复制限制 JS - 去除网页的复制限制,解除右键和选择文本的限制。
Recarregar Páginas JS - Recarrega páginas assim que voltam para o foco
Bloqueio de Rastreadores JS - Bloquear rastreadores de dados pessoais em qualquer site, permitindo a pesquisa no Google
AdBlock New (⛔) JS - Ads block all websites
🚀继续教育刷课平台-自助下单【影刃】 JS - 继续教育刷课平台:支持华医网,安徽继续教育在线,深圳市教师教育网,成都职业培训网络学院,网络研修平台,浙江水利-浙水安澜-浙水学习,山财培训网,杭州专业技术人员学习新干线,内蒙古干部网络学院,59iedu甘肃专技-临夏州,国培网-融学APP,河北省专业技术人员继续教育,国家中小学智慧教育平台,安徽省建筑施工企业“安管人员”和特种作业人员继续教育,丽水市人社专技继续教育,河南干部网络学院,中国教育干部网络学院,学习公社,湖南师范大学专业技术人员继续教育,华医网专题专项培训,浙江水利水电学院安全生产培训网校平台,pep.com.cn人教,成都市中小学教师,内蒙古地矿,陕西省专业技术人员继续教育,昆明市教师远程培训,湛江市干部在线学习,广西西学中,中国人事人才服务网,四川省继教网,新疆兵团职业技能培训平台,知学云-林草网络学堂,陕西省建设类职业师继续教育
Magnet Link Handler for qBittorrent WebUI JS - Intercept magnet links and open qBittorrent download dialog in a popup.
Ads-Blocked! (⛔) JS - Ads block all websites
Deepseek Chat Assistant JS - 调用Deepseek API进行对话。
Floating PIP Button = Enable Picture in Picture for mobile JS - Adds a floating button to toggle Picture-in-Picture mode for videos on mobile devices.
全年暑假/寒假教师研修|国家智慧教育公共服务平台|国家中小学智慧教育平台|自动刷视频,可秒刷视频!适合中小学(基础教育) | 职业教育 详情咨询客服微信:wkds857 JS - 适用2025国家智慧教育平台寒假研修.中小学课程,可快速通过视频学习。即秒刷!| 职业教育/高等教育 可自动挂机。自动刷视频!!
自动转换 ed2k 和磁力链接并一键复制 JS - 自动检测网页中的所有 ed2k 和磁力链接并将其转换为可点击的超链接,同时提供一键复制所有链接的功能,并支持排除指定网址。
新标签页打开(YouTube、Twitter、Facebook、知乎、百度等动态加载网站) JS - 让所有链接都在新标签页打开,同时原页面不会变化
AI Grammar Checker (Grammarly Alternative) for Violentmonkey JS - Underlines grammar errors and shows corrections on click! (Like Grammarly Premium!)
Porn Blocker | 色情内容过滤器 JS - A powerful content blocker that helps protect you from inappropriate websites. Features: Auto-detection of adult content, Multi-language support, Smart scoring system, Safe browsing protection.
Convert Any Links to Clickable Links JS - すべてのリンクをクリックできるリンクにかえる。
Adblock 反广告检测 bypass JS - 结合通用广告检测绕过和针对性检测绕过,提供增强的绕过。
自用手机视频脚本(百分比滑动) JS - 原脚本为【俺的手机视频脚本】。方便自用新增了百分比滑动(根据视频总时长动态调节滑动距离与跳转时长的比例关系)。内置两种滑动模式:百分比滑动和固定灵敏度滑动,两者只能同时启用其中一种。
✌学习通,青书学堂|学起plus||国开|智慧职教|等各种成人教育网站|,均支持视频加速服务|指定倍速✌👈 JS - 使用前请务必打开浏览器开发者模式,按F2后即可执行,使用前一定要看脚本使用说明|脚本可完美运行
GitHub镜像加速 JS - 将页面中显示的和链接中的github.con替换为你的镜像github域名
网页模式切换器 JS - 通过浮动按钮切换网页白昼/黑夜模式
网页右键与复制限制解除(轻量版) JS - 轻量级的网页限制解除脚本,只解除右键和复制限制,提供更好的兼容性
繁体转简体(使用繁化姬API) JS - 使用繁化姬API自动将网页繁体中文转换为简体中文
网页限制解除(视频修复) JS - 通杀大部分网站,可以解除禁止复制、剪切、选择文本、右键菜单的限制。
Via Css隐藏规则日志 JS - 格式化CSS规则,检测哪些规则生效,并输出匹配日志。
Gemini AI Translator (Inline & Popup) JS - Dịch văn bản (bôi đen văn bản), hình ảnh, audio, video bằng Google Gemini API. Hỗ trợ popup phân tích từ vựng, popup dịch và dịch nhanh.
Web表格导出助手 JS - 从网页中提取表格并导出为Excel
Google Auto Translate JS - Uses Google Translate widget first, only loading iframe if necessary.
Mediaplay缓存优化 JS - Optimize media playback by caching video segments to minimize user waiting time and maximize cache efficiency.
12ft.io Button JS - Adds a button to load the page with 12ft.io/
个人待办事项清单 JS - 浏览器右下角的个人待办事项清单,支持多个清单管理,可双击编辑项目,右键菜单修改清单名称
DASH Video Player Optimizer(视频协议优化DASH篇) JS - Optimize DASH video playback on web pages with enhanced performance and ABR management
SmartFrame Downloader JS - Enables the download of high-resolution PNG images from a 'SmartFrame'
Website Usage Timer JS - Shows a timer on any website to track time spent
敬爱的特朗普总统🙌 JS - 特朗普的三代体验卡
ByeTrackers JS - Block most trackers
Google & YouTube - Universal Exact Search Hotkey JS - Surround selected text with quotation marks using NumpadAdd key
Limegreen external links JS - Highlight all external links in lime green, works on dynamically added content too.
FPS Counter JS - FPS Counter (On greasy fork)
Prevent middle-click hijacking JS - Allows you to open links in new tabs by middle or control clicking on buggy sites like Instagram
SVG favicon Mozilla fix JS - SVG favicon doesn't appear in Firefox prior to 41 version Motty Katan(c) 15-09-2015 last updated 15-09-2015
fix null byte links JS - don't get shot
Allow Copy and Context Menu Continued JS - Allow Copy (include hot keys and some css) & Context Menu. Disable (remove) copy text protection and allow copy for all sites. Thanks Lex1 for example http://lexi.ucoz.ru/buttons.html
autoSpurdo JS - Convert text on every page into spurdo
Spiegel Online Video Ad remover JS - Entfernt die Videowerbung vor einem Clip auf Spiegel-Online
Eclipse JS - Dark theme for EVERTHING
ResponsivePage JS - Web responsive. Through a given configuration from a desktop pc or notebook.
Cloud to Butt JS - Replaces all the occurrences of "The cloud" with "My Butt".
Show Password Pro. JS - Double click to switch password field: YELLOW (pop up tooltip with password); BULE (mouse over to show password); NORMAL (hide password);
新标签打开链接 JS - 链接强制在新建标签中打开 Open a URL in background new tab
ЧАС-коррект JS - Исправление наиболее частотных ошибок на просматриваемых страницах
有道取词 JS - 一个可以在浏览器中自由使用的屏幕取词脚本
Disable artificial selections JS - Tries to prevent script-initiated selection tweaks.
Dinesh's Intercepting Ajax JS - An example Greasemonkey script that intercepts every ajax call.
Dinesh's Hello World JS - A basic example of Greasemonkey that causes an alert at each page load.
Background changer JS - changes background on the web
字体样式美化 JS - 使得字体更加好看^_^
gofullscreen JS - fix missing button for full screen mode at html5 videos
cats webcomic tool JS - initial scrolling and a hotkey
URL Stripper JS - Takes offsite links that stick the original URL into an onsite link with extra parameters and changes the href to that original URL.
Convert units to Celcius JS - attempts to convert all Farenheit temperature measurments to Celcius. Not infallable, but decent for cooking measurements
covconv JS - いまアッシュヒョークいるんだけどっいけそうならいこうっ!
xkcd 1418 JS - Replaces the word "force" with "horse" everywhere. Is expandable with other replacements.
Show Password JS - Rollover any password field to see the password as tooltip pop up.
Replace old Flash Player-based YouTube embeds by their new HTML5 counterparts JS - Ideal if you don't have Flash Player installed in your device. I know I don't.
百度云输入法 JS - 在浏览器中自由使用百度在线输入法
IMDb Search JS - Search on imdb.com
Clear Input JS - Clear text of text inputs when middle clicked.
autonomnom - VisionTurk - See the Images and Answer Multiple Choice Questions JS - Select
zapIframesPropIde JS - zap all iframes Properties; 4 verification cycles; more efficient.
掌上书苑自动签到 JS - 早上8点后打开任意网页即可自动当日签到并兑换全部人气为书币
Prevent Slash Opening QuickFind JS - When the / key is received outside a text entry field, discard it
配合网盘密码自动提取,融合链接与提取码 JS - 自动处理网盘链接及其提取码变成支持自动填充密码的方式的链接(百度云、360pan等)
[.12 Project Endor (Zoltar)] Car Website Evaluation JS - Open window, hotkeys
Dancing Hatsune Miku JS - Have your waifu join you on every website
QR This Page JS - Generates QR code from URL
Archive.org Wayback Machine - First Archive Version JS - Adds menu button that returns the earliest capture record of the current webpage, preventing error 404, empty or false captures.
Auto Focus JS - Auto Focus on load.
Auto Readable JS - Auto readable on load.
Auto New Tab JS - Open new tab, when click specified link.
Dark Read The Docs JS - Dark theme for all "Read The Docs" websites.
Highlight OCH links JS - Link Checker. Hit escape to check whether one-click hoster links are online or offline. Press Esc + Shift to remove offline links
Multi-OCH Helper Highlight links JS - nopremium.pl and premiumize.me. Highlight one-click-hoster links and include Multi-OCH Helper button
Track Jammer for Firefox JS - Trusted by who tryed. Tryed by you. Made on Firefox this time!
HTML5 Video - Simple Loop JS - Loops every HTML5 pages
LocalStorage Checker JS - Checks your browser for Local Storage
[ js.hook.js ] JS - javascript钩子; 劫持方法/伪造参数/篡改结果/还原劫持
Rickblock JS - The Rickroll blocker
Ro-Editor JS - Ro-Editor111
remove func JS - remove_func